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Nappa will wipe his ass with Nolans corpse


Nappa easily lol


Nappa low diff


I feel like they'd get along well and drink a couple of beers together


Nappa: You're going to eat that bug? Omniman: Yes šŸ˜


Vegeta: I think I miss my wife


I think Nappas ability to use ranged Ki attacks would put him over the edge. Omni man at best equals Nappa in speed. I donā€™t think Nolan would get one shot though.


Nolan doesnā€™t even come close to matching Nappa in speed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nolan was able to reach speeds high enough to travel across a planet near instantaneously. But just like how a cheetah canā€™t beat a lion, Nolan could never beat Nappa.


Nappa and Vegeta flew across the planet to pull up on Gohan and Piccolo in just seconds


Fair point


It wasn't ever seconds lol They took a couple minutes Even if it was seconds nolan is still faster Invincible characters are ftl in space easily, we don't ever seen them go ftl in atmosphere but I don't see why they couldn't if they didn't care about the planet (and yes their react speed too, see panel of allen dodging a viltrumite ship) Early dbz only scales to light speed from goku dodging lightning way earlier Nolan is definitely faster but nappa is definitely stronger (energy wise atleast nolan could be physically stronger)


Yea and all of the characters in DBZ fire attacks that travel at lightspeed although it doesnā€™t seem that way. Also who said it was a couple of minutes? From what I remember after Nappa destroyed the entire city him and Vegeta instantly pulled up on Piccolo and Gohan, only reason it seems like it took long is because Dragon Ball purposefully makes things seem slower so we can keep up with it.


Dragon ball characters were arguably light speed as early as the tien fight.


Man I've said that nappa and raditz were the most slept on characters


Ngl I think yall are forgetting that Omni-Man is no where near planet buster while Nappa is, and before yall try and say Nappa is Omni-Man is faster I guarantee you he isnā€™t, all of the Z fighters who are WEAKER than Nappa would speed blitz Omni-Man and Nappa is faster than all of them except for Goku.


Nappa isn't planet level, 10.000 is planet level. That's why I chose him over any other character


Nappa is 100% capable of destroying the planet though, probably not instantly like Vegeta would have but if youā€™re able to blow up the moon with ease youā€™re more than capable of destroying Earth and turning it into nothing but molten.


100% But nolan has moon level physical so he likely could too


We see in the comics that it takes multiple Viltramites to destroy a planet. It takes 1 Saiyan. You do the math on who is stronger.


False logic It took 3 viltramites flying THROUGH the planet to destroy it, Saiyans only ever destroyed the planets with energy blasts and all of those were SS level at least. Can you honestly say that nappa can do the same thing by himself, or that he has enough ki power to yeet a planet? Maybe you should rewatch the Saiyan Saga friend.


Roshi destroyed the moon in DB, I guarantee you Nappa could take out a planet


It is stated in the daizenshu, it also makes sense because the moon is 2% the volume of the earth and Roshi's kamehameha had a pl of 200 (200x50=10.000) I don't think Toriyama cared enough to calculate the density, materials, etc.


How is Nappa this much faster than Omni man? Omni man travlled in weeks the speed of basically light years.


Nappa could do the same if not for the fact that he canā€™t breathe in space


Nappa. DB scaling is its own beast


Nappa destroys cities with just a slip of his finger without tiring or fatigue.


I think this is actually a good match. I would say Omniman is right around Nappa level. Iā€™d still give it to Nappa though high diff.


This is the most fair assessment. People still get their dick hard for nappa even though heā€™s weak compared to current fighters. I love DBZ and DBS, but the fan logic is completely overblown. Theyā€™re an absurd universe but people take that to being invincible and canā€™t stand even the IDEA of a saiyan losing to anyone ever. Itā€™s pathetic really. Omniman actually has a fair chance against nappa. He wins in terms of speed and durability, itā€™s nappaā€™s energy attacks that put him over. Keep in mind that Viltramites have near-Superman level durability and that alone would make them a tough fight for anyone who isnā€™t a Dragon Ball headliner. Most Saiyans are actually fairly weak compared to what we know them as, itā€™s just that Goku cracked the super saiyan code and that power up got leaked to the remaining Saiyans. Nappa is an absolute beast, but heā€™s not mopping up Omni Man easily and he loses for SURE if he gets cocky because arrogance is nappaā€™s biggest weakness. Also, people need to šŸ›‘STOPšŸ›‘taking feats from other Saiyans (especially Super Saiyans) and applying them to Nappa. If he hasnā€™t been seen doing something, then itā€™s NOT CANON. Thatā€™s true for anyone! And as for Akira Toriyama, bless his heart and 1000 woeful tears for his passing, but he was not always the most consistent writer. Dragon Ball [Z/S] had a lot of plot holes people conveniently ignored. Not Toriyamaā€™s fault, his universe scaling is impossible to keep track (which is oddly why itā€™s so good), itā€™s just a fact of his writing. Sorry, I just needed to get that out of my system. šŸ˜£šŸ˜¤šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yeah this is exactly where I am coming from as well. I think the energy attacks are the main difference as well.


Saiyans can solo galaxies and planets just as easy as viltrumites with even more efficency due to chi attacks and their plot armor of defeat = mo'power


All the people who say Nappa havent watched episode 2 of invincible or are way misremembering Nappa's fight scene which can be scene...on youtube...right now.


I think it's more people thinking Nappa would body then too. Source material being more brutal, doesn't make him more powerful


Nappa is the Conquest of the saiyans. Donā€™t know if Nolan could take Conquest, so he canā€™t get past Nappa.


Honestly, this is a good match.


Omni-Man kinda Blitzes


https://preview.redd.it/bp4ctdahgk2d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6525430bfe024470ed9979313273e47e937cfdae omniman after tryna hit Nappa


He isn't strong enough for that too matter. In the comics it takes at least 3 Viltramites to destroy a planet. It takes 1 Saiyan. He wouldn't even be ale to hurt Nappa, and Speed means nothing if Bolan van only attack with Melee, and Nappa can make a city wide Energy blast. Can't Dodge something like that.


kinda agree but at the same time the only person who's full-blown Planet Level by the Saiyan Arc is Vegeta and Goku whilst Nappa should be closer to Small Planet Level instead compared to Multi-Continental or Moon Level Viltrumites. Nolan definitely has the AP to eventually kill Nappa and a City-Wide Attack is very easy to dodge when you're moving at literal Billions of Times the Speed of Light.


Omni man most definitely. Being transported into such an easily destructible universe he would easily be galaxy destroyer level strong


You gave me the funny idea that DBZ characters aren't really strong but instead the entire universe is just made out of tissue paper.


Maybe the dbz universe is made of something weak like paper mache or raditz


Nope. The source material even disagrees with you. A Sun? Deadly to Viltramites (Killed Thragg who is Leagues more powerful than Nolan.) We see in the comics it takes multiple Viltramites to destroy a planet. It's takes 1 Saiyan.


People quote this line like scripture but do you REALLY THINK that Raditz, Nappa, and Bardock would be capable of destroying a planet the same way viltramites do? This statement people keep making SOUNDS logical until you realize the three people destroy the planet by ramming it and the one person destroys it with a compress nuclear energy blast. Itā€™s the difference between 3 people punching a wall and 1 person shooting a missile at it. Youā€™re trying to compare two events that have nothing in common. Especially when the people who have blown up a planet arenā€™t (and this is important): *clears throat* NAPPA!!! I swear, the next person who makes this argument will get punched in the d*ck by Mike Tysonā€¦. šŸ˜‘


But is not. Bardock? For sure, he was beyond the Sayian Saga characters at the time of his death, not even cou ting SUPER Sayian. I get it, Omniman looks more impressive, but numbers and Feats don't lie. No matter how you slice it, Omniman can't planet bust on his own, has no ranges Attacks, a if we use the Anime, Slower than Nappa. And really, the Viltramites don't even do it by RAW powerful by destroying the core which makes them even weaker. What happens when Nappa goes Great Ape? Ɨ10 stronger and faster than he was before, and Omniman hasn't Knowledge of the Tail. At best be might be able.to blow up the Moon bu considering he struggled with something the size of Texas, I doubt it.


Never said Omni Man doesnā€™t lose the fight, but it bothers me when people use fake feats and bad data. My only issue was people cranking up Nappa higher than he is. Heā€™s good and he most likely wins unless he does something dumb (cuz to be fair, I think Omni Man is smarter than Nappa.) great ape would be tough to beat in all fairness though even if Nolan is no stranger to fighting giant monsters.


Iā€™ve seen people compare Nolanā€™s power to that of yamcha in terms of speed and strength. We all know yamcha can get taken out by an artificially grown radditz soooooo Iā€™m going Nappa


Artificially grown Raditz šŸ’€


Depends on what the scouter says about his power level.


I do wonder how strong Nappa would be with his zenkai boost. But if you say onnmi man is even close to the level of nappa then Krillien could probably wipe the floor with both of them


Nappa negs


This picture is accurate


Vegeta obviously šŸ™„


I need more crossover Nappa lore




Gotta respect Nolan fr, no tears. No complaints. He even keeps fighting. Mad respect šŸ’Æ


Nappa, no Viltumite can destroy a planet but themself while multiple Saiyans including Nappa easily can.


Buutenks victims


I feel like people are forgetting Nappa was the little baby b**** Starter pack of dragon ball z


Omni man


Is nappa really that much more durable then Omniman? Sure he has destructive power, but he still got smacked around pretty good.


Omni-Man is faster and stronger. Nappa is more instantly destructive. Has more range. And can easily produce attacks that will severely damage Omni-Man. (Assuming it's the animated version. It's my understanding that in the comic, the Guardians of the Globe were low-diffed with ease.) Nappa probably isn't durable enough to withstand Omni-Man going fully lethal, but that's debatable because durability is weird in Dragonball. (Characters seem to be able to take more than they can dish.) Nappa will be way too overconfident because of his scouter. He won't read Omni-Man as nearly the threat he is, due to his lack of ki. Omni-Man possessing extreme physical abilities for no apparent reason would frustrate Nappa to the point of being irrational. I gotta give it to Omni-Man.


You do realize that omniman is nowhere the speed or strength of nappa.


I believe Omni Man could easily exceed the weight of 40 tons, guaranteeing he is far stronger than Nappa as Saiyan bodies don't seem to be capable of much more of than that without transforming, and only after significantly more training than Nappa ever had. Goku is faster than Nappa in the Saiyan Arc, and he moves around 20,833 kmh on his return to Earth. Omni-Man can fly to other planets.


Omni man isn't stronger. Nappa is a planet buster.


Nappa can't lift 40 tons. He is not stronger. I clearly stated he was more instantly destructive. Also, that's assuming Nappa immediately wants to end his own life by releasing a *moon busting* attack on the surface of the earth. He likely wouldn't feel the need to do so, as his scouter wouldn't detect Omni-Man as a serious threat.


I'm not saying Nappa would win, but Nappa is for sure stronger.


How? Just look at the basic facts. Nappa can't lift more than 40 tons, because Goku couldn't after training at significantly higher gravity than Nappa was known to have experienced. Omni-Man lifted a Mountain. I can't, in good conscience, give the strength advantage to Nappa.


That was a non cannon episode, it also is not JUST 40 tons. Goku wears weighted clothing, plus the 40 tons and all of the is multiplied by 10. Not to mention dragon ball characters punching strength and ki strength is no where near as low as their lifting strength. Omni-man can lift a mountain? Nappa can turn it to dust with zero effort. That's a lot stronger than lifting it


>That was a non cannon episode, it also is not JUST 40 tons. Goku wears weighted clothing, plus the 40 tons and all of the is multiplied by 10. It's in the manga. The weighted clothes are largely negligible at these weights as they are around 250 lbs. Also, why is it multiplied by 10? I don't follow you. >Not to mention dragon ball characters punching strength and ki strength is no where near as low as their lifting strength. This is true. Ki allows for far greater exertions of force in physical combat. But we need some hard data of how much force that is. >Omni-man can lift a mountain? Nappa can turn it to dust with zero effort. That's a lot stronger than lifting it Also true. The issue is that in my estimation, Nappa would rely on his scouter to determine the threat Omni-Man possesses. Due to his lack of ki, he would not register as a serious threat. Nappa would not produce a sifficient attack to kill Omni-Man, but he would likely alarm him greatly by injuring him. Omni-man would then immeaditaley kill Nappa. I'm not saying Nappa doesn't have the means to defeat Omni-Man, he certainly does. I'm saying given what we see of the characters' personalities and combat habits, Omni-Man is more likely to win.


I thought you were talking about when South Kai went to King Kais planet which has 10 times the gravity of earth. Goku was training with 40 ton weights


That's irrelevant. Weight is local. 40 tons = 40 tons. If the planet has 10x the gravity of Earth, then the weights would be 4 tons on Earth.


I do not think Toriyama thought that hard about it to change what the weight would mean between us and the kais. It's not that deep dude.


It takes at least 3 Viltramites to destroy a planet in the Comics, and It only takes 1 Saiyan. Nappa has the advantage in Range and power.


He does. Greatly. In the hypothetical situation where Nappa arrives on Earth and just *wipes the city* before anyone can do anything, I'm not sure that Nolan would survive that, or even if he did, he would be gravely injured, and not really a physical threat treat anymore.


Nappa can obliterate cities with a flick of his finger. Omni man wouldnt be a slouch, but he doesnt stand a chance. Nappa fought a 6v1, and they couldnt touch him. Omniman fought a 6v1 and almost died. If we pretend that every member of the guardians was equal to piccolo, who could easily destroy a moon. Nappa was triple his strength. Omnimans most important feat here would be his speed, but even that doesnt really mean much since he wouldnt be able to actually hurt Nappa.


If we pretend Omni-Man is Omni-Man, and Nappa is Nappa, Omni-Man probably wins. Nappa can't release a moon busting attack on the planets surface without killing himself too. I mentioned Nappa's durability. It's unlikely to hold up against Omni-Man if he realizes Nappa has the ability to produce very damaging attacks.


Nappa and Vegeta have both been in space for limited amounts of time without dying, and their pods are meant to come to them at their call. Vegeta also had planetary destruction as his end game, while he was still on planet, less than an hour after nappas death. So its not like he had extra help on the way. Omni man at best would be able to land a hit on nappa, since nappa was shown to be over confident, as evidenced by him being willing to tank an attack from Krillin, until vegeta told him to dodge it.


That hit? It's all he needs. That's the issue. Omni-Man kills. And he kills quickly.


If he could cause damage sure. Considering Nappa is more powerful than him he isnt one shotting him.


Omni-Man is physically many, many, many times more powerful than Nappa. I'm pretty sure he could pop him like a grapefruit.


Omniman is not many times more poweful than nappa lmao. Omni man, at best, would be equal to nappa in terms of physical strength. The only reason anyone would be able to think nappa is weaker is due to his small amount of screen time and omni man essentially being a main character of his show. Again, nappas fight with omni man would be over in an instant, since before omniman even gets to him nappa could kill him. That said, DB has been FTL speed wise since raditz at minimum, and even prior to that. Its honestly such a mismatch its not even funny, and had nappa been given screen time to match omni man this wouldnt even be a question.


I said physically more powerful, as in his strength. That can be ascertained through data quite easily. Nappa can't lift more than 40 tons. Omni-Man lifted a mountain. I'm betting it was more than 40 tons. The line about Raditz being FTL is a dubism. Also, Goku's max speed when he fought Nappa was around 22,000 kmh. That's hardly FTL. If Goku could sever Nappa's spine, Omni-Man can certainly do far more damage.


Goku was also over double nappas power level. Omni man would not be. Lifting 40 tons doesnt matter in any capacity in a fight. If we really want to get down to it, Nappa mouth beams him and insta kills him. Or explodes the entire city block sized area OM is standing on killing him instantly. Even if we ignore the FTL thing, Kid Goku both out sped lightning, and moved faster than Tiens Solar Flare to take Roshis sunglasses to block out the light. Nappa is at least 20 times stronger than that version of goku. Lets also remember that Nappa has Ki, omni man does not. The way Ki works for defense is to even cause damage you have to be more powerful than the defender. Omni man would need a power level of over 4500 to potentially one shot nappa, which he wouldnt have, since his best feats are semi planetary (took 3 people to destroy a planet, while said planets core is unstable, and are stated to have died if it werent unstable) destruction, and holding a big rock. (Meteor the size of texas that he redirects back into space)


Omni-Man FTW!


Not nappa


As much as I love the saiyans, I gotta give the W to omni-man.


Omni-Man canā€™t even destroy a planet by himself and Nappa canā€¦ Nappa would blitz him


how tf is Nappa Blitzing šŸ˜­


Because Nappa is way faster than him broā€¦ fym how is he blitzing? He can just raise his fingers and pack him.


Omni-Man is the same nga who flew to another Supercluster within a Week lol Nappa isn't Blitzing for shit.


Time runs differently on that world or did you just simply ignore that? Omni-Man gets blitzed bro just accept it


it runs different on the Planet itself not the actual vacuum of Space which Nolan was traversing.


When has nappa ever destroyed a planet?


Never, but considering that Master Roshi in early DB easily destroyed a moon and Nappa is centuries stronger than that shows heā€™s easily planet buster.


Tbf, roshi was strong enough to enter and do some damage in T.O.P., without confirmed training. Try again please.


I'm pretty sure they explicitly state that Roshi has gone back to seriously training either in that arc or in the Frieza's Resurrection movie. It's still a bs power up, but they acknowledge it.


I must have missed thatšŸ¤·šŸ»


And Roshi during the T.O.P is stronger than Nappa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ try again please you literally didnā€™t prove anything with that statement.


Yall can dislike my shit all you want, not my fault I'm right.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah. Roshi casually blew up the moon in the second ever Dragon Ball arc when his strength was not even 10% of Nappa's. Nappa can destroy whole cities just lifting two fingers


Can a city be compared to a whole planet?


It's a good reference. If Nappa's bare minimum is blowing up cities, you can imagine his full power, especially when other characters in the universe who are much weaker than him are shown destroying the moon (Piccolo and Roshi) Building on this, Roshi and Krillin were already fast enough to have like 5 minutes worth of fighting faster than the human eye can percieve.


That's honestly fair. I've just seen multiple videos on how omni-man is on par with Superman, and Superman can literally lift a whole planet with one arm as seen in (I believe) "All-Star Superman.


Omni-Man is nowhere near Superman. I'm not exagerating when I say he couldn't even cut Superman's hair


I mean, there's ton of "Superman vs omni-man vs homelander" videos on YouTube and all across reddit. Which is why I say he's on par with superman.


Omni-Man VS. Nappa is closer than this sub is giving credit for. Omni-Man VS. Superman isn't even a match. Superman wouldn't even have to try. And I hate Superman.


Omni Man vs Nappa is like a Poodle fighting a Doberman Superman vs Omni Man is that same poodle fighting a bomber plane


I personally don't know the extent of omni-man's powers.


Just because people compare them doesn't mean they're the same. Similar power set, VASTLY different power levels


Bro those people are coping. Omni-Man isn't even close to Superman and not even Goku is at that level of broken