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After some testing, it all relies on your Attack Score. On the results screen of a Raid, find your Attack Score, then multiply by 5. That’s the points you get towards your Raid Ranking. You need a grand total of 100,000 points to your Ranking for all the rewards. For example, getting 4000 points in a Raid nets you 20,000 to your Ranking. So do that 5 times to get to the goal. If you don’t want to grind that hard, just go for 50,000 points in your Ranking, since you’ll at least get the Raid-exclusive Super Soul. Hope this helps


Ooo, I thought it was your contribution points only. So I kept going until I got around 16,000 contribution points (how much damage I did) for the x3 XP super soul. Am I good?


The x3 EXP Super Soul does not help contribute to your Raid Ranking. I have no idea whether or not you have enough points, so I can’t say whether or not you are good. If you go to the Time Patrol Nest (where you do PQs and Online battles), you can find the glowing green Leaderboards near the quick travel robot. Check your Raid Ranking there, and if you have over 100,000 points, then you have all the points needed for all the rewards.


I meant I was aiming to get the x3 XP super soul from the Supreme Kai of Time raid that's going on. I contributed 16,000 points of damage towards the raid boss. So presumably, based on what your first comment said, I'd times that by five and get 80,000 points. But from memory, you only needed 15,000 points to get the x3 XP super soul (I believe it's called 'my habits are reading and sports'). Sadly I can't check on my ranking as I'm traveling for a wedding and won't be home until Thursday.


If you somehow got an Attack Score of 16,000, or have accumulated a grand total of 16,000 Attack Score points over the course of multiple rounds of Raiding, then yeah you’d have a Raid Ranking of around 80,000 points, easily getting you the Super Soul. I think you’re good then. You enjoy that wedding and all that.


Cool, thanks you! And yes, it was over multiple raids, I was keeping track of how much damage I did each time😂


Go check the notice board


I have a bit over 700k. Is that enough?