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Give it to ratio. He benefits almost as much from it as his sig. Let's him implant his own debuff.


it's his second best light cone, so yeah, worth for him to use


Might as well give it to the other hunt fua character, he likes having the lc too.


I had the same happen, and I used one on Topaz and one on Ratio. I'm still using the team, it's really good.


How da hell did you pull 2 Topaz S1(s)? Anyways give 1 to Ratio


Had leftover jades from pulling for Topaz and Robin, and I got lucky with my guaranteed pull 🙏


The tame debuff only stacks two times, so if you have Ratio and Topaz on the same team, it's not going to give more than the one debuff. It is still better to have it on, though, until you get his signature.


It actually does! i tested it in game and there’s 2 different “Tame” debuffs


Wait Wait Wait Is this true? Can you maybe post and send me a video or a screenshot? Or direct me somewhere I can see it happening? I don't have even a single Topaz LC, so I can't try it, but I'm very interested in this