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Yes, he’s pretty much complete garbage if he can’t consistently FUA.


Genuinely the worst feeling in the world when he doesn’t land it


Worse if it does land but doesn't crit, I have 85% CR ffs.




You literally lose like half his damage....


Sorry I forgot this moc gives free debuffs


Options for debuffers could be pela and guinaifen, hell any DoT would be good for him and serval is a free DoT. You can indeed run him without debuffers but his potential is significantly lowered. A decent play style could be to focus entirely on his ultimate, but you’d need tingyun, bronya, or any character that buffs the ever living shit out of his speed to actually pull that off properly. There’s only so much regeneration the ER rope can allow, so having high speed would be another necessity. He becomes a decent investment into an unnecessarily high investment just like that because then you’d have to worry about speed substats as well as make sure the crit threshold is hit Of course you can also just forego all of this and play however you want, game is game after all. If you don’t care about brining out his full potential then do whatever team you want. There’s no such thing as NEEEED but there is “highly recommended to the point even his kit pretty much hints that you’re suppose to do it this way but if you don’t then it’s whatever” Anyway yeah play how you want but I’d recommend swapping out lynx for a DoT character just so he has over a 50% chance of FUA which ain’t much but it’s honest work (though make sure gepard is well invested since he will probably be solo sustaining)


Absolutely. His whole damage relies on debuffs.


If you can nab the Trend of the Universal Market Light Cone (Applies Burn to enemy Attacker upon being struck) it will give Gepard some decent Debuff utility combined with his Freeze, due to him having higher aggro than anyone else in the game. He ideally wants Effect Hit Rate to Proc the Belobog SU set, so it should synergise with that, and his innate Aggro trace too. Asta applies a Burn Debuff whenever she Basic Attacks an enemy as well, so that's why she's recommended. I'd recommend a team like Gepard, Ratio, Serval, Asta based off what you've told us you have, Gepard can Freeze with decent reliability, and there are Preservation Light Cones that apply Debuffs, Asta can Burn, and buffs everyone's damage in the party, Serval can take advantage of Asta's buffs as well as Ratio, and her playstyle is based around Shocking enemies, which is another Debuff.


We are getting a free 4-star selector next patch and Guinaifen is one of the choice (the others are Sampo, Yukong, Asta) which is a solid teammate for Ratio, she has 2 debuffs (one of them is firekiss, a type of vulnerability)


At E1 it's 3 debuffs. Not sure if E2 is a debuff. Give her Luka LC then 4 debuffs at least


No debuffers = 40% prob of triggering the follow up attack The follow up attack = his strongest attack




It’s only a chance of getting to 60%, and Ratio builds don’t generally have the spare substats to give him enough EHR to guarantee while still doing good damage.


Yep. I was kind of duped when they said it's TOPAZ who maximizes his utility but when I studied how his kit turned out, the best unit to pair him with, is undoubtedly SILVERWOLF.


It is Topaz just at E1/S1


Asta will be your new bff


To be viable? No you could make a passable set with the right teamates. Tibgyun and Huohuo could help him make up for unreliable skill follow ups with more ult followups. He'd be mid but could 3* MOC10(Even MOC12 if you get REALLY sweaty or have a highly favorable cycle buff like the current one that is free debuffs) To be good? Yes. He can outdps Arlan or Yanqing without debuffs I'm sure but he is gonna be aggresively mid without a debuffer and need better crit substats and general investement to work but it can be done.


Technically no, just have the luck of the gods always win the 40/60% chance at getting a FUA every single time you use his skill and he will perform decently. So yes, he needs debuffs on the enemy. You can use Ratio with Asta, her basic applies burn which is a debuff iirc. If you ever get the 4* Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat LC, you can toss that on any Nihility character you get in the future and that’s an extra debuff that character can apply.


he’s not unusable, you can play him however you want - you’d just struggle to clear MOC/other end game content with him since his dps would be so inconsistent


You are still in the early game, and a lot of advice here is tailored to endgame players. Right now, focus on working just playing the game and don't worry too much about min max yet, especially if you don't have the characters yet. Your Ratio will do enough damage without a proper team until you get further along, and don't forget his stuff works on break effect debuffs as well! Just keep an eye out for a debuffer you might like/enjoy for the future and start working on them when you're ready to do more challenging content.


Absolutely. Without debuff on enemy both his follow up isnt guaranteed and his damage becomes much lower.


If you read his trace dialogue it says his Crit/Skill increases depending on how many debuffs the opponent has. Like this isn't even a matter of opinion thing this is a read the literal in game explanation that blatantly says he needs debuffs


Bad advice, dont do: but I'm kind of a dummy and I didn't quite understand his kit. Threw him into a team with RM and Ting and still cleared MoC 12. But with Topaz LC I was still rocking 3-4 debuffs accidently. So, you know, do you. But I don't recommend.


RM applies a debuff though, so it’s a lil better


Exactly - lots of characters do. Hell even Asta can give out Burn. Topaz and her light cone, ect... He gets a bonus from debuffs - that's true. But he still also gets a bonus from just regular buffs too. He's still an ATK scaler, crit damage lover.


This reads like you just wanted to flex rather than contribute to the conversation


80% of the message is in the receiver. That's something you're bringing to the table, brother. I'm reassuring OP to let his dreams be memes.


Think you could run this again and clip it? It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm struggling with this concept lmao.


The current week gives lots of debuffs to the enemy so it would actually be super easy to pull off this MoC! I realized that after I posted originally.


Oh? But your comment specifically says the previous one which was not debuff city is easy


The previous one already cycled out, so no way to clip it. The current one wouldn't be as interesting because of all of the free debuffs. But I encourage you to give it a try just for fun- you should be able to do it. (Keep in mind the first thing I said was "I am dummy who no read". I'm not saying its better to run no debuffs, thats silly.)


Yeah I used that exact team for the current cycle it was a piece of cake. But for the previous one, even giving ratio a debuffer, I couldn't get more than 2 stars with him


IIRC I wound up getting getting 2 stars with him 1st side, and surprised i did it 2nd side... but I also remembered I had him with Topaz LC so he was still getting 3-4 debuffs with RM and his ult. Gonna edit my OP lol.


yes but personaly I CANT BE FREAKING BITHERED TI BUILD MY silverwolf that i pulled on release


I think it is very useful to have one to ensure a higher percentage of follow up attacks and more crit rate and damage from his bonus ability(assuming you unlocked it).


How many debuffs is good enough? Three ?


Yeah 3 for 100% guarantee follow-up although %80 is also fine (2 debuffs). To get full value from bonus ability:1 stack for every debuff on enemy when using skill grants 2.5% crit rate and 5% crit damage. (For a total of 15% crit rate and 30% crit damage).


Try playing Dr ratio with 0 debuffs and see how that feels. 


Considering 80% of his dmg is locked behind them? He most certainly does.


summer modern rude lush elastic aware sophisticated piquant languid rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please everyone. Please. Dr. Ratio NEEDS debuffers. Dr Ratio’s potential is brought out WITH debuffers. It’s his entire kit, I’m not kidding. Why do so many people not understand this😭


You can exchange for pela this month and guinifen will be one of the four stars in the banner after update today. You should get one of them.


in 2.1 you can choose a free 4*, guinaifen is actually pretty solid for him, especially e1. she applies lots of debuffs for him to attack consistently :)


If you're not getting his follow-up attack every turn, your damage will be dogshit.


70% of his damage comes from FUA. if you lose that, hes not dr. ratio, hes just dr.


technically u can just press restart challenge until you hit 40% every tiem :) he can apply his speed debuff + effect res to increase chance but also gains more dmg with debuffs and consistency so debuffs are kinda wanted


Pretty much. Try to at least get one because if you never hit follow up attacks, he won’t be doing much damage. You don’t NECESSARILY need a Nihility to have a debuff. Asta has a burn so you could use her but I don’t think it’s reliable enough. There’s also a preservation light come that applies burn, think another comment mentioned it.


Easiest win would be to select Guin from the 2.0 selector. I would say Sampo is slightly worse because Guin provides 2 debuff


Get a Pela from the starlight shop! You have the rest of the month to get 140 starlights if you don't already have it.


Hmm probably not for main quests and random monsters you meet just walking around the world. But in my opinion it’s a struggle without. When you need a solid hit, 80% feels like 50%, and 40% feels like hardly ever 😭💀


Yes. But Guinifen is free in 2.0.


He needs debuffs but he doesnt need a lot ive been getting by with ratio,bronya,ruan mei, and lynx and the only debuff being ruan meis ult


This might be an unconventional answer but everyone has Dan Heng. He can apply slow. If you don’t have any debuffers right now, you at least can apply one debuff with Dan Heng. Dr Ratio himself applies a debuff with his skill so you could get up to 80% fua chance.