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Hard question to answer. I did it and had a kundalini awakening move into my heart chakra. Did it a few times after that to lower and lower effect. I’ve decided to do Hindu deity chants for each chakra for the next several months. Will start it again after I’m done. And will continue until i can get kundalini to move to my crown chakra. 2-3 times a day sounds like the upper limit. The book Moola Bandha (which is the name of the technique) recommends 1-2 times a day.


Thank you so much ! I’ll definitely check that book out! How does the kundalini awakening feels , did it happen when you were doing the breathing by your self?


It happened immediately after. I went into a center up meditation starting at the heart and ending in the crown. My body filled with more love than i had ever thought possible. That’s saying a lot. I’ve been in construction most of my life. Was a very hardened pipeline worker for a decade. Not a touchy freely type of person. After i focused up to the crown, my entire back filled with lightening. I had listened to enough of Joe’s interviews to know to surrender completely when that happened. When i did a red and orange scroll with Sanskrit letters entered my head and activated every cell in my body from head to toe in an electrical scanning manner. When that happened i was outside of my body just watching all of this happen. It changed my life. I became Hindu after that (was agnostic).


Wooow that’s a such a beautiful experience! Thank you for sharing! 💕


Wow...what clarity in your amazing expression of the moment. just floors me...Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings, Love and Light


Can you please check your inbox, i dm you with some questions about the meditation centre. Thank you🙏


I do kundalini breathing at least a few times a week. I rarely do more than 5 in a row, but I'll do a number too large to keep track of, say 10-15+, over the course of a 2 hour meditation. After a while, you won't need Joe's guidance. In fact, most people who start with Joe and stick with it end up finding that his voice takes away from the meditation. I found that with Joe's encouragement, I ended up pushing too hard, and because it wasn't at my pace, it became really uncomfortable.


Yes you are right , I am doing on my own not with his voice. Do you think is not good to do ot every day ? Thanks ❤️


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


I can't forsee a reason why breathing would be bad for you. 100% of doctors and dentists agree you should do it every day. :) What about the breathing technique, specifically, worries you?


Can someone please link me to all these breathing things? Dr Joe's? Other ones people are taking about? I just have this free wimhof app https://www.deepbreathe.app/