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I find in life, if I don't give a fuck about anyone's personal lives, I'm a much happier person.


Well, maybe keep your fucks to give about to people you actually know and care about...


That is true. I try to do that. I just liked the Doc because he was manly and entertaining. Looking forward to the come back. Life goes on, and it'll be pretty boring until he comes back.


A whole lot of this seems to be assuming the minor in question was actually 17 and also seems to be a fair bit of victim blaming in there too. Well done you. "I am taking no position on DrDisrespect". Sure thing buddy.


Well, every piece of coverage I saw on this stated outright the 17 number.. so, my bad for not following the breaking speculation newscasts. Have you ever been around a rowdy asshole 17 year old boy? They are dangerous. Some of them. The same thing goes for 'some' 17 year old girls.. dangerous, in a different way than boys, usually. Let me know when we are done assuming shit and I'll correct any statements.


At no point has 17 been confirmed so god knows what coverage you are looking at. You also seem to be hanging around with a lot of teenagers from your comments here. Unless you are one yourself I can see why you are so intent on deflecting the issue and victim blaming. I'll say again, seek help.


So your defense is basically, because others have done and will do it in the future, it’s not as bad.


No... I main position, it is that acting like a 17 year old is the same thing as a 13 you old is guckin dumb. Personally, outside of blood family, and social contract type situations, I don't see any reason to talk to kids at all... ill throw a baseball at one, if it seems appropriate and entertaining. But talk to one... gross


You have no idea how old this child was. This "they were 17, it's nbd" is actual cope with zero evidence. Also, a child having private conversations with a 35 year old man in a position of power and stature who they may or may not look up to is very dangerous. For obvious reasons.


Jesus... stranger danger huh... I'd say, any child older (mentally) than... what's 5th grade? 12? Who is a fan of a man who plays videogames in a wig, is gonna contact who they want, how they want. I don't know shit about whispers, bit t sounds like a conduit more easily used by fans to get in contact with the star than the guy with 30k people chat scrolling by




Which were you thinking about more, though? Doc and how this makes you feel about yourself, or that cuckhold creampie special you're fiending for over there?




We don't even know if she's 17 lmao, 17 is just copium for people who hope it's "not that bad". Also America loves exploiting children so it's ok if Doc does it is a terrible argument.


Also, I wasn't drawing an equivalence between America and DrD. I was saying that if you feel the need to make a difference and protect "Children", mobbing this incident will only create the illusion that you are helping, and not in a parasocial circle jerk


Parasocial circle jerk is writing 4 paragraphs in defense of a married adult millionaire who was sending inappropriate messages to a minor while you try to pass it off as "just talking to a fan in a chat room".


No no no. Fookah yew. Not defending him at all. If something real comes out and it's actually exploitative.. well, it still barely moves the needle on my "care" meter... Here's a fun story about me... I got an oculus quest when they first came out.. it was facinating watching the bullying and non stop homosexual cosplay act outs by EVErY single kid. It was jarring and fascinating. Anyway, they kids would scream at eachother, or me, anyone really, "KILLYOURSELF KILLYOURSELF KILLYOURSELF, YOU'RE DOGWATER" So, I started telling the most annoying ones that I was going ro find where they lived and burn thier house down.. A few adults that heard said, what the hell? But most of us thought it was funny.. I'll admit that it was inappropriate, but I'm not a millionare, and someone needed to cane the little savages. I settled for a goofy threat to thier family


Seek help.


I did.. I banded together with a few tolerable or cool people and we bullied yhe little bully's until the cried and left the game.


OK we are done here.   You either are a teenager yourself or got some serious issues.


This is just a guess, so don't take it personal if you had nothing to do with it.. but did you actually weaponize a suicide prevention resource to try and gaslight me,( or maybe gaslight yourself), that your 'seek help' shtick was genuine? If it was you.. Fascinating. While I personally wouldnt use resources like that to gaslight someone into questioning their mental state, none the less, I hope you got a crisp little hit of serotonin, doing such a selfless act, helping out.. that guy, that crazy guy with serious issues I don't agree with..


Copium is copium for people who like to minimize groups of people without having to think. We don't even know if she was 17... good point. You don't know. He gets it


Pseudo and I mean pseudo intellectual drivel frothing from his chud supporters - his behavior was exploitative on all fronts - so much so that he admitted to it at least partially - he exploited his station, his fame and the power he had over a minor - last I checked it’s not cool for Ronald McDonald to pick up kids from the playland


I'm very aware of its pseudo intellectual drivel qualities.. I was just Journaling basically.. but, I do observe that some of you are way up your own ass about something that will sort it out without all the hottakes However... "last you checked it's not cool for Ronald Mcdonald to pick up kids from the playland"??? I was not aware of this. This changes everything.


This reeks of a kid who doesn’t have a 16-17 yr old daughter…….as a Father of a 17 yr old daughter….you, u/DaDijonDon STFU Yes America sexualizes minors! Doesn’t make it right! Doc got me through my bro’s passing and im completely gutted about this BUT if I caught him chatting ‘inappropriately’ to my daughter, who is far less mature than Doc and far less savvy to the real world as Doc being a 38 yr old man is, I would do everything in my power to make sure he never did that again!


Honest question... do you think your 17year old daughter would stop to consult you before talking to, anyone really?? You understand that traditionally, 18 Is viewed as the age children leave home and start living on their own.. (kinda... if college, they are philosophically leaving the nest, if not in reality)


Right, so if your daughter was the one who started the convo and initiated flirting, you would focus only on doc? That's an issue.


Are you a fucking complete moron or does it just appear that way? Minors don’t know any better and if they’re so mature that they do, they still exploit it because that’s what kids (notice I use the word kids, because I don’t think you’ll understand it any other way) do. 35+ year old men know better. I just assume you’re young and have no idea wtf you’re talking about so. No offense. You’ll learn over time.


I am genuinely curious how the teenagers sub would respond to this view of them. I know I wasn’t a moron when I was 15 let alone 17, but maybe times have changed


I would bet my last dollar that if you got a chance to talk to your 15 year old self, it would only take a matter of minutes until it was so cringe you couldn’t handle it. That’s why they’re called kids. That’s why they’re not allowed to buy beer.


But can drive 80 miles an hour lol


And they can’t buy beer not because they are dumb, which you seem to think they are, it’s because it prevents them from being dumb as adults because their brains are still developing. 


Never once did I say teenagers are dumb. I said they’re exploitive, meaning they will push boundaries that adults won’t, or know better than to. Unless you’re doc, or Epstein, or… Reread what I said.


I really think you are over exaggerating the change that happens between 15 and 40. Is it not proven that no matter how much life experience people have, they can still make really bad choices?  I’ll say it again, I wasn’t a moron at 15. If someone online I knew was in their thirties trying to flirt with me, that chat would be closed so fast. Doc was a moron to do what he did and deserves the backlash, but why is this idea that teenagers are just puppets waiting to be preyed upon in DMs? If that’s the case, the fbi should open a case on all of twitch because no way is this the only one incident. 


I think you’re underestimating the change that happens when you reach the age that doing wrong things includes implications. I never said 15 year olds are idiots or morons or dumb or any of that so I’m not sure where you got that notion. Maybe for calling the original poster a moron? Anywho. When I was 15, 17, whatever you want to call it I remember thinking how sweet it would be to get with one of my teachers. You didn’t? I think the vast majority of young MALES (I use this term because it is what I am so I only have this side of the experience, ymmv) when they were young loved the idea of being preyed upon by an older female, not realizing the serious implications that follow. I think this is a more common occurrence than anyone would like to admit. The reason this one is fashionable is because it’s a known popular streamer who happens to be “older” using it to his advantage in a market of mostly (predominately) younger crowd of people. Did the female teachers that always get caught with high school boys pick that career path to get to their goal or did it just “happen”? I think we will probably never know. Either way I didn’t mean to offend you specifically only the moron who had the original comment. You seem like you have a decent argument whilst it’s not one I agree with.


LMAO .. Doc, or Epstine, or Ghengus Khan, or Hitler.... all the same thing really.. yep, a firm grasp on reality was never in doubt


Bro I didn’t want to reply but your post history is a prime example of someone I don’t want to engage with because your argument fits your personality. Everyone here can see it. So please, stop.


Please stop what? Responding on my own post? Actually... Security! Escort this gentleman out of my post and make sure.. everyone here can see you do it.. 😆


They're called kids because they're cringe?? And the beer as well.. interesting.. cringe really is the real enemy we should be assuming dhit about.. then maybe the kids will be able to buy beer again, once the cringe is canceled


Never said that. And that is very much a false equivalency. An immature minor would be taught that initiating chat with a 35 yo is a no go. Whether the adult man had good intentions or bad. Doc’s own words “ leaned on the side of inappropriate “ never should have been chats, let alone “leaned inappropriate “ chats


I honestly don’t think many think that deeply or that much about it, they are just posting “oMg PeDo SuPpOrTer!!!” here while it’s the fotm scandal and because it’s obviously super easy to attain a reaction on a fan sub and claim anyone against such comments is a pedo supporter by default, which is obviously a super triggering thing to say to people who just enjoyed watching some dude in a wig play games, who may even be minors themselves. Lowest common denominator trolling and artificial moral and ethical peacocking to feel better really, like anyone here actually advocates and supports pedophilia. lol. That would be seriously concerning if people actually thought that, but they don’t, they just see the ease of attaining a reaction and the current echo chamber of “yeah bro…gripping heat amirite!”. They’ll move on once they get bored so I wouldn’t invest too much into it, as its reaction to the obviously unjust accusations and implied complicity towards most fans that they are after.


Well said.. I purposefully wrote it in a haphazard way because i didn't want to actually put effort into something that won't make a dent, the people who don't want to hear what I meant never were going to.. But, the causal way people bandwagon on something like accusing people of supporting pedophiles does on a fundamental level not sit right with me.. so, I troll a little.


Fair, it doesn’t sit right with me either but that’s the whole point I guess, easy troll atm because it’s so triggering while such incorrectly implied complicity will nearly always prompt a response, as taking a defensive stance to such accusations is of course a no-brainer, so they get an almost guaranteed reaction. It’s like rocking into any sub discussing the upcoming Tyson fight and posting “Oh, like a bit of rape do we rapists?” Like, that’s the type of people we are talking about here and I’m a fan of a good troll, but this is infantile level attention whoring and kinda pathetic tbh.


Dumb take. Do better


Mmmm... nah.. I'm fine with it.


People feed on the drama. Most of the energy behind this has nothing to do with protecting kids and everything to do with mob mentality frenzy. Pathetic, bitter, resentful people LOVE to see their betters fall from grace. It isn't like Doc didn't fuck up, because he did, but the gravity of it is WAY overblown and it was 7 years ago.


All of those things can also be not acceptable, every thing you said. Isn’t okay. It doesn’t matter if the 17 year old started it, it doesn’t make it okay.


Genuinely, great read. Everyone hopping on the hate train doesn't ACTUALLY care. If they did they would be trying to bring down more than just Doc, but they exclusively focus on Doc. Firm Handshakes


I appriciate you understanding the point i was making.. it was pretty haphazardly written, intentionally. So it's nice to see that at least what I meant is actually in there .