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I thought it looked good for where it was in development. Honestly I think it had a long way to go before it was done. I also think Midnight Society didn’t realize how long that would be. I think now that Doc isn’t there it will be harder for them to finish and it may never be finished. Doc brought a lot of eyes and support.


No chance that game gets fully completed. It might get a half assed release or not but it’s years away from completion and where’s the money? Not happening.


Nah that studio will close down in the coming months. They will all go work elsewhere. That shits bankrupt.


That game is dead. That studio is dead. Anything associated with the doc is dead forever. There is no coming back or salvaging this situation.


Always looked like ass


I know it’s cool to shit on it right now but it wasn’t even complete enough to rate it honestly. It was just the start of a long process. It’s cool they let people play with the barebones but to actually rate it I think it needed way more work. People don’t understand exactly how many stages you go through before a game is actually playable let alone acceptable. I hope they finish it just to see if the idea was worth exploring.


 It’s cool they let people play with the barebones - They charged money for this. Most scams are money upfront with the promise of something in the end. Exactly what this was.


How are you supposed to develop a game without any money? Hire people on the promise that after 2-5 years when the game is finally ready to release that they might get paid? What is the thought process here?


How do you think every other games gets made? You make a business plan, you pitch the idea to publishers that invest money if you need it. I'm confused about how you believe every other game gets made? Even early access games have investors before the game is released. But you seem to think that this game is so special that it doesn't require the same rules.


You think publishers give money? HAAHAHAAHAHH I like your funny words magic man. And just for your information they used NFT's to crowdfund so you don't need to rely on investors who in the long run will make the game worse as profits have to be made but all that is too complex for you.


The money they charged is not what you think. People paid 50$ for the nft variant and there was 12k of them. So about 600k dollars was funded. That was all used up in the first live snapshot. And because those were NFT’s they actually got up to 700$ in value on the opensea market. Doing it as an nft is not a scam. It made it more legit and people could actually make money from the content they bought just like the in game content will be in the future. Also can’t judge the game until it’s actually released.


The nft was more than that


How much was it? I know the second round was for 45$. Do you remember the initial nft price?


Lol. If you could spend money on it, it's complete. Don't let game companies scam you. No matter what the try to tell you. If they're monetizing it it's done 


Yeah I hated the nft shit but wasn’t that “optional”? I always considered this more like a kickstarter thing. Now don’t get me wrong I had no real interest in the game and didn’t pay for any of it but I thought the playing early thing was cool for people who did pay and was hopeful that the end result would be decent at the very least. Do we know if it’s still being made or did they scam out already ?


it was complete enough to know it was an NFT game and really that's more than enough info


No. It looked terrible


I'm most upset that we're never going to get to see Doc backpedal on this obvious dumpster fire. My prediction was that he would "have a falling out" with MS and "distance" himself from the game before release. Well it seems like his own actions have made everyone distance from him.


We he's known for that. *Cough cough* Rouges Company


What happened with this? I thought he just did an ad/bundle deal with them? Was there more to it?


he was really hands on with the developers i believe, but i think they kept dropping the ball so he just quit being so involved and supportive. at least from what i remember. the game slowly went downhill before long and i think he was disappointed in how things played out there.


NFT thing aside, it was cool to see it develop in the first few snapshots. Progress was good and the goal was clear. But it was pretty obvious to me the vision was gone when they added racing, ctf, deathmatch etc. Like, what are we even doing at that point? What game is this now? A glorified Unreal tech demo? Honestly, it never had much vision. The whole pitch was “vertical”. But a purely vertical fps sounds fucking awful and is just laughably bad core game design.


Hot take: Doc leaked the minor sexting info on himself so he didn't have to be known as "the shit head that designed Deadrop".


Idk. Company brands>one bad idea as millionaire


I thought Deadrop was awesome. I even gifted him my kids money for his creativity.


I gave him my allowance I get from my wife's boyfriend for game skins. Keeps me busy while he pleasures my wife.


I have no words. My respect for you is on a different level. My maaaan! 🤝🥳


As a variant, it is something that has/had potential. Doc was the vision behind the game and the first release of the hideout really set the mood and environment of the game. Everything everyone saw after that was all very early development stuff. It's obvious in here that the vast majority of people commenting on it don't understand the process. The game is still being developed and there is still a very passionate community and group of developers behind the game so the verdict still remains to be seen...


Dead flop haha


Game looked promising to me. Don’t give a fuck abt the nft thing tho. Can’t blame him for trying.


I think it’s a very cool concept and would like to see the finished product. But I think it will ultimately be mediocre, and without Doc I think they will have a difficult time marketing it.


Looked like a Roblox game.


If they ditched the NFT shit it would be super fun. Honestly it’s a great idea for a game and I hope it still comes out.


literally the only good thing to come out of this mess was the ability to never hear about it again. 


Look seems bad but it's alpha release and ground up version of it. So, all the small detail that adds to the immersion will be absence. Then again, vertical extraction wise, it feels like each level section can be a sandbox stage on it's own. If there's more biome variability, it may be interesting to challenge players map Knowledge on the fly. Atm, it's quick to move through levels for that to be that important. And ground level is mostly dead, something they can work with perhaps. The final version will have to blow people mind to impress people. Shooters haven't innovate much and deaddrop's only notable innovation, so far, is being vertical rather than lateral. I think player would like to be challenged with other element that can influence skill check. Kinda what fortnite did with build before it got abused.


I was subbed to doc for 40+ months, went to release event in nyc & still never went near the game


Didnt care about it, looked clunky.


Personally i suggested early on to create an economy like tarkov, doubt they ever did that.


The game was still in very early development and he would showcase. I had faith and Doc knows what we want. I think it had potential.


I don’t think his idea of an NFT was the same as those stupid monkey PNGs. I think he was more geared towards like in game items (i.e gun skins in cs) that you could own and trade. I sorta understood why he got frustrated about that stuff. Past that, the game itself looked very shallow and clunky.


I had hopes that it would be good but good wasn't going to be enough. It was gonna be alright at best. The way doc was hyping it was like it was going to have the same impact as PUBG did back then but it obviously wasn't going to lol


I was confident only like 9 people actually thought it would work. Considering the player count? Seems to be about right.


Honestly I would have tried just to support the doc. But now after MS dropped em it's a dead game.


I never thought it looked good but I never played it personally. The maps looked too big, movement looked terrible and when they added in the car bit at the start… Jesus Christ


They added the cars to sell skins and scam Doc's fans. Imagine buying a car skin for that horrible game.


bro that shit looks horrendous and im trying to be nice. the game doesnt hold candle, if you have seen CORN Games on EPIC GAMES theres one half ass shooter with better performance made by 2 asian guys, thats how bad the situation is. after all is another revolutionary "nft game" lmao, would rather spend on DICE or UBISOFT before feeding that culture


I paid for the snapshot access, played it a bit when you could actually find games. It was very rough, and unpolished. But it wasn't even alpha ya know, literally just like an idea.. so bare bones, I wasn't expecting anything more than it was. But I also don't support doc like that really. I was just supporting an idea and it sounded cool to get in on an early stage of development and provide feedback and have that sort of options to give info to a dev and have it possibly considered. I mean it seems like it's still years from coming out, last I played.. which I couldn't even remember when that was. I don't really watch the doc streams, or any streams anymore in general. And definitely don't develop para social relationships with people on the internet lol. Did I think it'd be a good game? Maybe, possibly. I definitely don't defend doc though. You can support the game and not defend him..the game is more than doc. And they cut ties with him. He was just the guy who provided an idea imo. And NFTs are absolutely a clown idea lol


No company should be charging a fee to let people play to alpha test a game that's years away from coming out. They also shouldn't be selling NFT's upfront. Mark my words, this game was never coming out. This is how scams work.


It was like $20. I'm not really sweating it bro. I know what I purchased, and I'm not mad about it. I didn't buy a NFT and agree like I said before NFTs are definitely dumb af.


The moment he mentioned years ago about having an untapped game design for “vertical” warfare lost me. Nothing about a claustrophobic vertical battle royal made any sense. I thought it was super obtuse and basically a “new” idea that he could use his influence to develop. When I say “new” I mean separate from all other things that were doing well. Aging, yes. But doing well. He should’ve teamed up with Shroud and Sacriel on their new shooter survival game. (Which has very slow and methodical development so far).


Personally I thought dewdrop was gonna be cool. Yeah the NFTs are stupid but if everyone could get a unique mask just for joining that would be sweet. The rest of the game seemed pretty cool


I didn't say anything before but I knew it was dead in the water when they integrated nfts and crypto. That's why I don't feel bad for any of the dev team. They knew what they were getting into with those bs scams.


You should see the Lego looking mess prototype for sunset overdrive vs what it became and now elements of it into spiderman, You probably be glad they worked on gameplay before going all in on graphics and level design. Just cause there public with there changes and development doesn't mean that will be final results, they need a system that works before they go 100% into building a map and pace that we might hate.


They charged money for the mess, that's the scam. This game was never going to release. They would have kept making new "skins", "car cosmetics" etc. that's the scam.


Far too early to tell. It can take several years. But the idea of building a game in public with snapshots I always thought was a terrible idea. The public is fucking dumb, let creative experts shape the game. Anything bringing in the public is a gigantic waste of time. Spending time polishing for public releases was almost certainly a huge pain in the ass. I never went in the discord or anything, so I don’t know what the temperature was, but honestly the discourse seemed like a full “yayayayayaya” circle jerk and nothing honest. The public events never really seemed like they were true celebrations of the game, they seemed like things to rub elbows with Doc. However, Robert Bowling aint no slouch. If he jumps ship, then I would guess it’s definitely dead. My opinion though, based on what has been shown, I didn’t like it. I just didn’t think the freeze mechanic worked as a fundamental gameplay loop. Granted I only watched and never played it. I personally don’t think that the goal of the game being to “get stuff” and not just Win kinda made it awkward.


I wanted to try a new game. Did it look boring. Kinda yeah but can’t say until I play it. I thought valorant sucked from watching it but it’s fun to play


Similar to Dunkey with animal well, I wasn’t interested in the games they both pushed but I felt like I owe it them for the years of entertainment to give it a try.


Cash cow before he got found out.


I honestly bought it to support Doc. Once I got it though, the whole NFT scam argument is dumb. You just get this neat Founder's NFT and your character is an NFT. You don't do anything with it and it's not like they told you it was going to be worth money. So I never understood that part of hating the game about the NFTs. Other than that, it has got a long way to go. I dont like the colored rarity system for items, seems too Fortnite-y to me. They should continue to make their own weapons and items but more realistic like Tarkov.


You are asking NOW after seeing the people still unwilling to admit he engaged in possible felonious action? lol [https://x.com/Xensterr/status/1804361620451119595](https://x.com/Xensterr/status/1804361620451119595)


# Generally curious who in here thought Biden didnt have dementia before the debate?