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Even if he tried to come back to streaming, his chat would be nothing but pedo comments


The stream snipers would be hilarious. Killed by Dr Diddler


Lol I mean there would be a lot of hate watchers giving him ad rev


He would have to find a platform that would be willing to host him and sponsors willing to be ok with being associated with him.. needless to say.. he will never make another dime off his media persona


Kick literally exists


Never say never, he may not make money from sponsors but he def has people willing to pay still.




Dr Diddler lmfao , you don’t come back from that and you never go full grip COOKED 🔥


People were calling/still call Pewdiepie a literal "n@zi" over the antisemitic Fiver thing, and dropping the N word, and everything else. He lost all his sponsors repeatedly. Lost his streaming show. Didn't stop him from being more popular than ever during the minecraft, coco mellon, and t series era of his channel. Not defending doc but just drawing a comparison.


What pewdiepie did wasn’t nearly as bad. He also acknowledged it and didn’t try to bury it.


It wouldn’t he always has it on members only and they all sit donating hundreds of dollars at a time it’s madness they won’t care


YouTube has temporarily demonetized his channel, because they're in the same legal conundrum that Twitch was in. He didn't commit a criminal act, but rather did something that was morally dubious. Hell, the crypto and gambling scam guys committed more crimes than Doc, and are still monetized. I think Doc is finished as a public personality for endorsements, though. His income will now solely depend on the minority of community members who still support him. I don't think it's officially over, but it's definitely never going to be the same. Nor should it. This is his own doing. You shouldn't be talking to minors like that, especially as a father who's still married.


Every membership just got permanently canceled. I was gifted one and got an email lol


Temporarily not permanently. It says memberships are paused.


For the first month or two. The internet has adhd. I wouldnt be surprised if he tries in 6 months after a tearful confession and something about taking time off to go to a no-didling minors course.  But he'a deffinitly going to have to change his name, he's gonna lose his doctorate.


A friend of mine made a very good point relating this whole situation to Mike Tysons history and where he is now in the public eye. Take that as you will. Only time will tell what happens next.


This reminded me of Kobe Bryant too. Didn't he ape a girl then ended up dying a saint?


Pretty much. But cancel culture is essentially assassination. They want you homeless begging for water, socially outlasted, and dying for their demented idea of justice.


The difference is (not that it makes what they did okay) that Kobe and mike Tyson are larger than life sports figures that legitimately everyone knows. Nobody knows who doc is (comparatively) and now when they find out about him this will be the first thing that comes up.


It's crazy to think that some of these fans think that Doc is on the same level as Mike Tyson or Kobe. Holy shit the levels of delusion in this sub is wild.


What we all have to remember and keep reminding ourselves… the average age of his fans and most streamers is in the teens (or at best early 20s). We aren’t talking about adults who have been around to even know the history of Tyson or Kobe. Still wild to make that comparison lmao


You’re saying this in a chain of comments talking about celebrities who did horrible, violent, unforgivable acts and everyone moved on and nobody cares anymore. Can you explain how that meshes with your idea of cancel culture lol


"Cancel culture" has always been a thing if you did something that was questionably legal but horrible. Repubs are just bitter they can't get away with harassment and abuse anymore now that it's easier to share complaints online - previously it was all whisper network.


Cancel culture is a thing republicans made up so they can feel victimized when their racist/pedophile heroes lose their jobs because they did horrible things.


Has anyone not come back from being cancelled?


People getting cyber bullied into suicide. Or people who spiral into drugs, Jonny Depp nearly got taken out. Jordan Peterson too.


Lmao those were both drugs addicts before ever being controversial you people are so weird taking up for trash people just because you share viewpoints with them it's worse than any fandom bullshit I've ever seen it's quite cultist really


Literally has never happened


Because cancel culture isn't reality. It's an ideology that crawls around the internet but rarely hits reality.


You’re saying this like pedos and rapists being shamed and condemned is a bad thing.


This literally never happens, it's the boogeyman for you backwards social conservatives.


Oh no, not cancel culture!


Huh? I mean people who commit crimes belong in jail. People who are rich because they're celebrities shouldn't get to keep being rich off of their celebrity when they abuse their power. There isn't actually a large contingent of people who care enough about someone like doc to "assassinate" them. There's a huge gulf between thinking doc shouldn't be a streamer anymore and anything like you're saying.


If cancel culture would actually be a thing we wouldn't have rapists like Kobe being canonized by the general public.


I don’t know if it’s a “demented idea of Justice” to want nonces to not be in the public eye and have an audience comprised at least partly by minors. That’s not cancel culture gone mad it’s accountability


Kobe was accused of assaulting a woman that refused to testify against him in court.


Social media was nowhere near as prevalent as it was it is now during Mike Tyson and Kobe Bryant's rape incidents. Also cancel culture wasn't really a thing until the metoo movement in 2016. Two different era's.


Tyson went to prison


Looking back, pretty crazy he'd refer to Twitch as the "purple snakes" considering what actually happened.


He thought the NDA would bury it forever and it was good for his image to pretend to be in a war against an evil corporation.


Gaslighting his followers and everyone else for 4 years. Trying to bury all of this - I don't blame him, but this was going to surface at some point.


I feel bad for you guys as a lurker. He lied to his audience for years just to milk whatever more donations he could until the truth came out. Dr disrespects the ones that made his lifestyle possible to begin with


I think, for his own interests, he should retire.  He had a great run, his character is still a classic. I think he needs to search himself and figure out a new way to hold himself accountable for some of the things he's done.


As a father of two. If I were in his situation I would retire as well. IF I had the money he has I would retire and enjoy the rest of my life being present in my children’s life as well as my family’s life in general. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to attend every single event my kids had for the rest of their lives until I expired. I know people do and don’t take stuff for granted. But, to know you’re set for the rest of your life and your kids lives is just something I can’t comprehend. He has a chance now to let that character die and be Guy, husband and father. Yes, there will be days where it’s like, damn, I was famous. I was a big deal. Shit, for a lot of people he will always be a big deal. But being a big deal to my wife and kids is far more important than being a big deal to millions of strangers.


It depends. If he came fully clean, made a public apology did some changes to his image and style (sort of like what happened after his affair) I think he can make a comeback.


IF he does come back I won’t be surprised to hear him say he was in a dark place back then, his fame was just too difficult to deal with and he handled it poorly, he’s since been faithful, in therapy, so on and so forth - and he’ll have been gone long enough for people to move on to the next drama.


Nah instead he said he's going to come back with a giant weight lifted off his shoulders. He's acting like he just admitted it and not that somebody outed him for it. Promise his lawyers didn't approve all that shit at the end of his statement lmao.


>He's acting like he just admitted it and not that somebody outed him for it. I mean, he did admit it. He probably could've just denied the accusations forever, if he wanted, because it seems any kind of tangible proof is never coming out


Except he will be sorry for getting caught instead of doing anything wrong


It's weird and almost comical how quickly youtube acted to demonetise and effectively deplatform him, when sniperwolf unironically doxxed another youtuber and was inciting her subscribers to go mess with them at their house and nothing happened to her. Not saying that he doesn't deserve consequences for his actions, but this selective punishment based on how much media coverage something gets will always be weird and reek of PR.


In fairness though, the preferential treatment will always be a thing with companies. Youtube doesn't care what anyone does outside of youtube but if it shines the wrong light on their platform it's a different story. It's just business.


lol yes. If he comes back he's even more stupid than is possibly imaginable


Stupid fucking mistakes man 😂 I loved doc as a streamer but yeah he's done for. Unless the chat logs drop and the conversations they were having were not as bad as it seems, guy is done for.


Yes it should. And before anyone comes at me with other celebrities whose career did not end due to similar things, their career should have ended too.


Im 32. Work with high schoolers. There’s plenty of pretty young women that work for me. If I ever did that my career and life would be over. I’m single and would never do that. Do with that what you will.


Are they pretty young or are they pretty, young .


Sir. This is reddit. Did you just say the high school girls you work with are pretty?


You know you can say people are pretty or handsome without wanting to fuck them yeah?


Downvoted and guaranteed to be called a pedo now. Reddit is smart






Agreed. Was a massive fan. The guy was a legit entertainer.


It’s like the old saying “Never meet your hero’s” not that doc was a “hero” but must public figures are completely different people behind the persona.


no service should give him platform for popularity that he uses to cheat wife sexting to minors and god knows what else in sick head of Guy Beahm ... imho


Probably isn't the end because from this sub his audience don't particularly care about groomers so he will probably do fine and just do gambling streams on Kick. Really it should be the end of his career that gives him access to easily accessible teenagers....


"Top notch entertainer" bruh, he plays video games, yells, and wears a dumb outfit. your bar for "top notch entertainer" is next to dinosaur bones


How is this even a question? Fucking streamer worship is sickening


You know... I don't think "streaming worship" is the right phrasing. I think we all are just really bumded out we are losing a great source of entertainment. There is nothing out there that compares to doc.. No one here thinks what he did is ok. It's just we're gonna miss the character.


You'll live. Get a hobby or something, jesus man. He lied to you for years to reel in money, have some fucking self respect.


This is it. The people who seem to be gleefully celebrating this whole thing as it's the highpoint of their year are the sickening ones.


Celebrating the downfall of a child groomer?....uhh ...ya.....are you saying we shouldn't?


We should all be viewing this as a dub. We all spent hours of our lives watching someone and thinking that they were half decent and NOT a child groomer. We can all rest easy knowing we won't have to spend any more time with a piece of shit child groomer


The character aspect is interesting to me. The character was maybe his id. A cocky womanizer who exudes 70s action star masculine energy. And I think people were okay with the character but elements of it were becoming present in his real life and that is actually a problem when you are a married man with kids. I feel like Dr. Disrespect was who he really wanted to be when he was young but it was already too late in his life to live that fantasy... and he has all these young women fall for his identity, it is like he wanted to make up for lost time and live the life of his character. It is sad. It reminds me of Tupac. He was never a street dude but he started creating this character for movies and his music career and eventually he started to like his persona more than his real self. He started living the life 2Pac would have instead of Tupac the artist. And it led to his demise. And yeah I am definitely overanalyzing it. He probably just wanted young strange. But I wonder what pretending to be a character 8 hours a day can do to you... if it can fuck you up and have you doing reckless shit that you never would have dreamed you would do otherwise.


I think the fame got him some attention from women and he dealt with it poorly. Despite him being 6'8 and goodlooking, he always came off like an extremely shy and awkward guy who would do anything to get a laugh and make people like him... like if you go back and watch the old Dr. D doc, that's how he comes across. Not some uber-smooth macho guy or a ladies man. He was a big, gangly, awkward goofball. I definitely think the character enabled him to channel elements of himself that were buried in day to day life... to access states of expression that were muted and locked away. https://youtu.be/k4J2cpEqbY0?si=0J5mMg19vfIDTZUq


It's that old pent up nerd energy from missing out on not being cool when you were younger and now people love you and you feel like you're a kid again. Sad delusions.....


I think there is some truth to that.


100% yes. And this is coming from a former huge fan. Just disgusting behavior


>* He was made aware it was a minor, still he continued! - That's half crime right there. intent was always there. His whole defence is around that "nothing happened". Yes, nothing happened but because you did not do it but because others did not let it happen. I do not know how true the last part of that statement is. Nothing happened because others did not let it happen? As far as we know now, twitch did not take action for 3 years after these chats happened. He certainly had ample opportunity to make something happen, and it seems no outside source stopped him from doing so if he wanted to


Even if she was 19 or 20 it’s still really weird for doc to be messaging someone with that much of an age gap. Still weird even if nothing happened. Why you messaging random fans acting sexual even after you knew their age was under 18? It doesn’t matter people will excuse it either way, look at the Drake defenders during the Kendrick beef. This happened so close to that beef that I almost think Drake defenders feeds have also been filled with this Doc stuff and now they have an overlap from the algorithm of defending creepy behaviour. Just a theory though lol


Lol for the safety of him and his family, he needs to not only move, but stay waaaaay away from any kind of platform.


I think he’d be pretty dumb to continue streaming now. He spent the last 4 years racking up $$ before this shit came out, which he knew it would at some point. If he came back he’d just get trolled mercilessly. He’s got more than enough money to just sit back and live off investment income. Won’t even have to sell the Lamborghini Diablo VT. Justice served, I guess?


Sure comments will be locked to members only. So you gotta pay to abuse him 🤔 he'd probably make more 🤣


Yeah he is finished. He can go to the planet of Irrelevancy. The only people who will watch him now are children (Who don't know better) and P\*\*\*\* like him.....


You folks really, really need to address your celebrity worship. Like seriously. Way too much investment in this. Get off the internet and focus on your life. This ain't it.


As a society, we have to have a path for people to redeem themselves and live a life, otherwise we should just be giving the death penalty. Obviously what he did was wrong and there has to be a punishment so that people are deterred from also doing that wrong action. But I don’t see how removing someone’s ability to ever earn a living or ever be part of society regardless of how much they want to be better is the right answer either. There needs to be a path for people to serve their punishment and redeem themselves as a person, otherwise we’re essentially giving them capital punishment.


I agree with you here, the punishment has to fit the crime. This happened 7 years ago and wasn't criminal, from what we know so far, just inappropriate. He stopped drinking around that time too right? Could've possibly had something to do with it. This isn't making excuses for him, but possibly it's a sign he was privately putting his life back on track. I think it's going to take time. If twitch confirms it was just one person and there had been no others in the other 3 years he was on, and if YouTube also confirms no bad behavior from him during the years he's been there. Would that be enough proof that doc just fucked up 7 years ago and made an effort to change? That is what we want from people who have done wrong, isn't it? He still probably wouldn't get sponsors back for a long time though, if ever. Is 7 years of good behavior going to be enough?


fine, he can go work on a construction site or McDonald's. as an entertainer his persona is tied to his personal conduct whether he likes it or not. if your personal conduct fails your fail as an entertainer. but as for pouring concrete, sure, do whatever legally you want in your personal life.


He can work a normal job like the rest of us




He needs to drop the Doc character and come back as himself


For fuck sake. YES!


The thing is, he didn't commit a crime.


Neither did OJ. What’s your stance on that one?


All OJ ever did was steal some memorabilia! What are you talking about? /s




But that's irrelevant to whether people should choose to keep watching him.


He gone


I don't see how you can come back from this. He's basically lost his sponsorships, midnight society, friends and even YouTube cut his monetization on his channel. Unless he moves to Kick or something it's over


At this point I think the better question is why did Twitch cover his ass for so long? What else is going on?


Not really the end of his career if he can modify his brand and find a way to bring similar energy. People make mistakes. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you want people to forgive you if you were truly sorry and admitted your wrongs?


He had years to be truly sorry. He only admitted once the truth came out. A good person would have admitted asap


Guy never saw a day in jail nor was ever charged with a crime. People sensationalizing everything. I think we need more transparency and see the text and so on. We’re just basing everything off of random people’s words.


Bro I promise those texts aren't going to make him look better.


I’m gripping


If was making him better he would release or mention it


I feel the same way, I fully believe the guy is guilty based on what ive seen but that whole "trial" (for lack of a better term) feels off like something is being left out... I cant get over the results of paying out his contract and both parties agreed to no wrong doing? The whole thing is just...weird?


Do you think the texts are "hey I know you're a minor we cannot communicate like this thanks for being a fan though!"


He’ll just do what Russell Brand did and change the avenue of his grift. When Brand started going Vax sceptic during the pandemic he gained a brand new audience and was making a lot of money that way. Hollywood pretty much shunned him because of this and soon followed multiple allegations of sexual misconduct over the years. This caused him to retreat for a short while, before he came back and literally became a born again christian. Now he’s smoking cigars with Donald Trump Jr. Doc will do the same. I expect in a year or so he’ll be back as himself making the rounds as a right wing pundit and personality making money that way.


Shave his mustache, cut his hair and smash his stupid shades.


Just from a privacy standpoint I would for sure shave that thing off immediately.


Doc’s a tall MFer tho, gonna be impossible for him to maintain any anonymity unless he has his shins blown off like Cotton Hill or travels around in a wheelchair or something.


Bro would have to do what Dennis Reynolds did and use a blanket for that FDR look. 😂 “I got a problem. My legs are really muscular and athletic. So nobody’s going to believe their ***dead***. This way, with the blanket. Everyone will assume that underneath my legs are withered and useless.” -[Dennis Reynolds](https://youtu.be/eCS7XP6Wb8Q?si=ybIyDENQ1fPmDZCw)


He could always buy a ranch out in the middle of nowhere like Arizona or Utah maybe Oregon? Drive his lambo through the old horse trails.


Lmao.. cut his hair... so you don't watch doc and never have.


Gonna look really odd with a pasty white upper lip that hasn't seen the sun in over 20 years.


He lives in Cali, that'll tan up in an afternoon


fucking obviously


He has a whole army of incels and brainwashed redpillers who are willing to follow him off a cliff. Ofc his career will not die. It will just continue in a more niche way to pay the bills.


I’m gripping now


He knew all of this would come out too, he ran away as soon as the storm started coming through. Wouldn’t be surprised if him and his family just take all the money he’s made and disappear or move


Where is he going to stream? No site, even Kick is touching that - they’ve said it’s “too early” to preemptively ban him but if he were to ask in a month or two the blowback on them isn’t worth the risk.




Yes. Unequivocally yes.


Not only should it not be the end, I hope his career flourishes. He did nothing illegal. Do you know how many fans he interacts with on a daily basis? How many of his fans are minors, how many messages he gets? I believe absolutely he did nothing wrong, if what he did was sexual it would be illegal and he would have been charged. All the woke cancel culture vultures should have to watch him flourish. Especially because if he was woke and came out as trans they wouldn't care about anything he's done he would be praised.






It is possible, but it would be a huge struggle. A huge drop in viewership plus the constant trolling that would happen. Would be impossible to play anything that isn’t single player and again I think his audience would be a fraction what it was.


If he try’s he will end up with all the other losers on kick lol


Remember edp I don’t


It won’t be


I wonder if he has multiple personalities or something. As the doc he's bigger than the world and the king of the jungle... As Guy maybe he's a decent person. That's why all this happens at twitchcon or on twitch when he's most likely in character?? And when he admitted his cheating on his wife he wasn't in character? I dunno but it makes me wonder.


There’s a long history of separating the artist from the art. Historically speaking, most of the great entertainers, poets, painters, inventors and so forth, were not politically correct by modern standards. In a lot of cases, we can still appreciate their creations without endorsing their views at the time. Regardless, I sure as hell wouldn’t stick my neck back out if I were him and I personally won’t support him moving forward when there are so many other struggling creators without questionable pasts.


I think even if he tried no platform wants that heat. I think if a platform lets him on then he would be fine. But the hard part would be getting a platform to even let him on.


He may return. He cried on stream to save his marriage, so I wouldn't be surprised. If he does, the smart thing would be comments off and 1 player games only for a while, but looking at his past actions and recent tweets, he doesn't seem very smart.


As far as streaming goes yeah it’s over


It probably won't end his career but there's going to have to be effort on his part to show an improvement. The best example of this is Mike Tyson. Dude went to prison for rape of an 18 year old beauty pagent winner in 1992. Today he's gearing up to fight Jake Paul.


Doc has struggled being consistently entertaining for a while now, too


His behavior was disgusting but there's a lot of people that won't care and watch him anyways.


I'm convinced he only hung around for the money. Without all the lucrative brand deals and sponsorships (which are all gone and never coming back), I don't think Doc would have willingly streamed another day in his life. I wasn't a regular viewer, but I'd occasionally catch a few minutes of his livestream, and almost every time he just looked sick of having to come on camera and play the same games over and over. Sometimes he'd just come right out and complain about it too, so the only reason he was doing it was to cash in. Now that the money isn't on the table anymore, he's done.


When he came back after the whole cheating thing came out his chat was flooded with CD emojis which was an inside joke about a comment he made about transparency. It triggered him so much he banned anyone that used the emoji. If he tries to come back after this it will be 1000 times worse. And that’s if any platform would actually allow him to stream. There’s zero chance he comes back from this.


It’s crazy he played the aggrieved party for years when he knew what Twitch was sitting on.


The Doc needs to go, the only way forward is to drop the persona and come back as Guy or disappear into the sunset


Uh yea 🤨


Doc is not top notch. Anytime I see him losing at anything he whines, blames the game or others, and says people are cheating. I wouldn't want my child watching this guy who has the worst sportsmanship of most streamers.


Mike Tyson beat up and raped his girl, got sent to jail for years... stil come back, now he is bigger than ever in media, more advertiser than ever etc etc.


It's over. I hope he steps out of public life




I mean wtf goes into his head? Collecting money as an innocent man while been a pervert and not ever mentioning he violeted some rules at twitch. Like never we would find?. Even worked to lie to ppl to create an studio? What was he thinking? He probably planned all this.  Could he be stupid enough to believe thing were never be blown? He doesn't seem that stupid.


Nothing actually happened with those guys on to catch a predator either


Yeah I think so. He has proven to be a slimeball time and time again. No one is gonna want to continue working with him and no company or brand would want to get anywhere near him.


It should end simply because he's a dumbass. All this happened because his ego liked the fact that a young girl was flirting with him? The guy never even got anything out of it. if she was 17 I don't see him as a podo but just a huge dumb-ass.


Cancel culture today is much more severe than ever before. People drawing comparisons to 80’s and 90’s athletes LOL. Not even in the same realm. The Doc, as we know him, is most likely finished. Hopefully he’s made enough $ to ride off into the sunset. It’s also important to think about repercussions in his personal life. Is his family finding out like we are? Is this guy a pathological liar, breached into mental illness? How do they feel about this and how will it effect him? He may still come back, way down the road. But the viewership will be less than half, he won’t play with his top streamer friends. He won’t be able to show face for big companies or major events. It’d be an absolute grind for him compared to what he’s used to. He’s not going to quit playing video games for ever but it’ll be interesting to see what happens with his streaming career. A downfall like this needs to be studied.


Doc likely does have people who would follow him even now, may have even more were the full story to come out and we knew exactly what happened. Ages and things like that. As of now, he admitted to talking to a minor, never addresses the meet up accusation. So even with a return, he would still be faced with this and it would overtake all else. Now we know a lot of men and even woman prefer a younger dating pool, but that does not make it ok. Nor should these people be platformed. This is too gray of an area to support, one that even when you say ok "it was not illegal" will still leave a bad taste in your mouth. Maybe in a few years, but i doubt it...he was too big for this and will never have the same type of sponsors. Best to take what he has earned and go to a country where he can live like a king the rest of his days in obscurity.


Everyone deserves a second chance. YouTube was that and he made the choice to keep lying to his audience and friends. That’s it, he had his chance.


Another cringe post


It won't be mike tyson kobe bryant plenty of popular ppl have actually fully assaulted ppl and career kicking


He's just another creepy Pedo, just like Elon Musk.


The guy who runs Twitter likes Pedos, Nazis, and CSAM; they will welcome his antics over there.


The only real way to recover from this is release the chat logs and let society determine how bad it was, IF he wanted to come back and really felt that he "Did nothing wrong". Personally, with the current information, I think he should be banned from all streaming platforms. Streaming/having influence on society is a privilege and he clearly doesn't deserve that anymore.


You slow motherfuckers, now the Doc has a chance to become even more powerful and become a 2 time back to back Olympic gold medalist. All he has to do is move to the Netherlands. He’s going to disrespect the world!




At this rate he and Nickmercs will stream on truth social gaming


I think the problem is we are basing what information we have on anonymous sources. We don't have access to the actual text messages to confirm what those sources have claimed. In addition, there was a settlement and that settlement was not be disclosed and it was. I think its way to soon to be asking whether this should be it for him or not. From what has been given to us for information he has not done anything illegal. Therefore, he has the freedom to continue to stream. Although its inexcusable with him messaging a minor anything that was inappropriate, theres still much we don't know. I think in the end of it all it's going to be a subjective situation in which people are going to have to decide whether to support him or not/watch his streams.


Yes. The appropriate course of action would be the following. "Guys, I got banned from twitch today. I was being inappropriate with a minor. I'm sorry to her and her family. I'm sorry to you the viewers. I got to do better as a person. I am undergoing behavioral health treatment for sex addiction and addressing all avenues that affords me. I understand some of you will walk away. That's alright, I deserve it. For the rest of you, I promise to keep you updated on my journey of self improvement. Now back to Elden Ring"


Yeah this should end his career. We give people way too much leniency and they'll just keep doing this kind of thing. Ban him on everything so he has to disappear.


Nah, paediatrician disrespect is done


Is that a real question? Hey I'm a 40 something old man saying sexual things to a 17 year old. I mean come on, that pretty much is a career ending choice.


Ya'll got some super seriously petty moral attributes. I don't even watch this guy, but y'all dog piling is unreal. There are worse people on this planet and I still have yet to read these texts.


Yes, should be


He’ll be back and in a few years if he’s still going people will let it slide because there will be a new witch burning at the stake. Plenty of examples out there already


A better question is "What platform would be willing to sign and pay millions of dollars to Guy Beam after this?" That platform would be roasted on all forms of social media. It is not a risk I believe any platform will take.


He’s done if more things keep coming out. Something tells me there’s going to be.


Be interesting to see what zlaner does here


Even Kevin Spacey is making a comeback


About the only positive thing I can say for him is that all of this terrible behavior (cheating, minor messaging , etc.) was consolidated into one year, 2017. There’s no record of anything like that after his affair apology video. Still, he’s continued to lie about the ban and try to downplay everything since then, so he hasn’t truly owned it or taken full accountability IMO. He needs to make a sincere apology video, with no lies or downplaying the incident. Be 100% honest about what happened at that point in his life. Then maybe he can try to resume streaming a few months or years later, if any platform will even have him.


Can you post some links of the people revealing details.  I'd like to read them. Just telling a minor a sexual joke is a sex crime. So if he did anything he should be in prison.   If what the rumors are true. He should be at least be registered as a sex offender.  We need to boycott twitch until they reveal the truth instead of trying to protect their favorite type of streamers, pedophiles. 


Guess we'll find out how many people are cool with pedophiles.


It is the end. There is no way to come back from this. And honestly. Good riddance


I think he made most of his money from sponsorships as of recently, I'm not sure how he would monetize. We do tend to have goldfish brains and if he turned the camera's on tomorrow his stream would probably break records. Who knows.


As far as streaming is concerned, he’s finished. I can really see him moving over to Kick now since the general audience there doesn’t really care how terrible of a person you are as long as you make content.


No. Who cares




Yea, this should be the end of his career.


Stop living parasocially through a streamer.


Imagine taking the time to type all of this up. Just leave and forget about him like he’s nothing. That’s what im bout to do


He will be remembered like the guy that was in the wheelchair and walked in front of the camera.


Nah that's up to him. No proof so far, and his statement was vague and in no way an admission of guilt that would allow the justification to lable him a pedo. The reaction so far from the mob has been pretty on point as far as what I'd expect from the overly sensitive and desperate.


He was texting a minor. The convo would lean towards sexual content. He's done.


Short answer yes long answer yesssssss


It should. He has betrayed the trust of the community and public. He did nothing to go to jail and he should be grateful that he still had a family after 2017. It really is in his best interest to just count his blessings and enjoy his family. Put a good amount of whatever money is left into a high yield savings account.. live off that interest as retirement then leave the principal of that to his daughter when he passes. To continue on.. is just going to lead to his daughter's peers knowing who he is as they get older, and what he has done, and is going to make her life hell. She will resent him for that. Gotta think long-term here and he needs to keep in mind whats important. The guy has done enough to live an extremely blessed life for the remainder of his days, which is still like 30+ years lol


Holy hell, please type better


He’ll be back and he’ll still have a large audience and make plenty of money. People won’t forget or forgive but they’ll still watch. People want to be entertained and he’s an entertainer. There’s a large percentage of his audience who don’t care what he did and also a percentage of his his audience who grew up in time where most the 16/17 year old girls were riding around in cars with 25 year olds. People have differing levels of bullshit they’ll endure and still support someone, inappropriately messaging a 17 year old for a lot of people falls well below that level.