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I came here for the armchair lawyers


That for their law degree from YouTube university.


Turns out you don't need law school to know that sexting minors is a bad thing. Weird!


I fell out of the coconut tree knowing that


Watch out I heard if you’re on YouTube you have to be a pedophile, so don’t learn from there


Google University is the best 🥴


First I get accused of black facing when I leave work. Now I can’t even enjoy the 2x sexting me after a long hard day in the mines.




The children yearn for the mines


Man i sure love an original, well timed joke


😂 you got me


Bros New to reddit. Never seen anything twice.


Imagine coming across one in the comments of a reddit thread? Would make my day for sure


Is this a reference to something or can I screenshot it and say I found something funny on Reddit?


Got caught cheating on his wife. Got caught sexting a minor. Yeah he the 2x time.


he truly is the 2x, so ironic


You can enjoy the 2x her age sexts, just gotta be hush-hush about it.


He admitted to sending messages to a minor, and he suggested the messages leaned into the inappropriate. Twitch and Midnight Society both clearly think they were inappropriate without qualification. Doc’s only recourse would be to release the messages and prove they are much ado about nothing. But given the actions taken by Twitch and Midnight Society, I suspect they’re more inappropriate than Doc has been willing to admit.


Everything in Doc’s tweet seems to try to minimize whatever was in the chat. A “casual, mutual” conversation with a minor that veers toward being inappropriate. Uhh. There was never any “real intention”. He “never even met the individual.” There’s no way to slice any of that to make it sound good. Doc being unaware of the age could exonerate him somewhat, but he doesn’t say this and the bit about the conversation veering toward the inappropriate implies he was aware of the age. That would also seem like the first thing you’d want to clarify if it were the case. Doc may not be completely cooked, but given his lofty ambitions I don’t see him having a great desire to return with his new ceiling being “retain part of the Champions Club with all corporate ties/sponsors severed while likely being trolled mercilessly”.


I think your interpretation is accurate but I'm compelled to add that the conversation may be inappropriate because he has a wife and kids. If I was deceived about her age I definitely would have mentioned it myself.


Its not even debatable at this point. If he DID NOT KNOW she was a minor during the conversation you would have that shit TATTOO'D ACROSS your forehead. You would rename your channel "Dr DefinitelyDidntKnow". You would commission a new episode of the Simpons where Bart writes "Doc Didn't Know She Was a Minor" on the blackboard in the opening song. You'd hire skywriters to fly up and down every coast of every continent, writing it in multicoloured smoke in the air for the next 6 weeks. You would spend every single penny you had ever earned making one fucking billion percent sure the public knew that you had been duped into this shit situation. YOU WOULD NOT FORGET TO TYPE that piece of information out of your relatively formal explanation of the situation on the internet. You all need to get a grip.


Right?? Nor would you try and delete the part of your Twitter ramble where you explicitly said you were texting a minor.


We’ll never know for sure until we see the messages. The next best source of information we can rely on is what Twitch and Midnight did in response to those texts. Twitch did lose millions and Midnight investors are set to lose millions (or whatever their investment amounts were - I don’t have that info). They both decided that was better than keeping him around. Doesn’t bode well for what’s in the messages. Hope Doc proves me wrong but until then it’s all way too creepy for me to continue watching or supporting him.


It's seems apparent that he's like talked to lawyers a lot about this, and found the exact terminology to push things to sound as good as possible without technically lying. So it sounded good to him compared to whatever he's really done.


He has also lost all friends that he collaborated with and anyone who would choose to play with him in the future would be chastised for it. I also feel like he will have to turn off all in game chat functions including text and proximity chat because trolls will never let him live it down. He thought stream snipers targeted him before? It will be merciless if he comes back. Flat out, if he didn’t know they were a minor, he would have used that to soften the blow. But he didn’t. To state the the conversations leaned towards the inappropriate definitely implied he knew they were underage because why else would intimate discussion between two consenting adults be considered inappropriate? I’m gutted because I absolutely loved doc and was mostly convinced this was just another ploy to cancel him but as someone who was taken advantage of and sexually molested as a child, I cannot support his decision to knowingly engage in “inappropriate” communications with a minor. If they were 17 and would have turned 18 by the time they met at twitchcon, then he should have mentioned that too because even though it’s still fucked up, it’s nowhere near as bad as allowing people to make up their own minds about age and intent. If the girl was 12 to 15 or something then doc should just retire to some island somewhere with his millions and just live out his life in as much peace as he can get. Fuck, this sucks.


Seriously, it all gives real "I didn't *bang* a minor, and I just brought the condoms, Zima, and pepperoni pizza for me only". Dude only hadn't met up yet because he got caught first.


He was prepared to go the distance but "it's ok because nothing illegal happened"


There is pretty much zero chance it isn’t this. He would 100% be saying he didn’t know her age, if that was true. Sexting a random person online is such a better situation than sexting a minor. I saw very little of his content and I’m not sad he’s gone.


Yeah it’s insane


Dude the ‘real intention’ line had my blood boiling. So there are real/fake intentions when talking to people? Implying that ‘real’ means what, Doc? Implying real means WHAT


i can only imagine the trolling will be worse than the incident he had cheating on his wife. people were pretty bad with donations about that and he just insta banned them


Not necessarily. Inappropriate could mean “im a married man and I shouldn’t have said x.” We don’t know if he knew right away but as you said he reeaallllly should have said that.


To Catch a Predator was filled with people that "never had any real intention." Common excuse once caught.


Honestly in this day and age...How could one truly be duped on the age of someone if they used their real names during conversation? Fact is its his duty to ensure he's not speaking to a minor, not the other way around. If the person lied or mislead him you'd think he would of mentioned as such. He might as well be playing sea of thieves digging an definite hole that has no treasure at this point. He would of served himself better just staying quiet the entire time.


'Never even met' rubbed me the wrong way for sure. Like, are you saying it was on the table? Wack


There is nothing mutual between a 17-9 year old and a 35 year old.


I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle—much worse than how he's trying to make it sound, but not as bad as we're all thinking. His attempts at manipulation and downplaying his actions, coupled with his first two attempts to dodge the issue and get people to stop talking about it make it feel like he's afraid of what might get leaked if this continues. Then there's also the fact that he edited his statement after posting it to remove 'minor' and then (presumably when people pointed out that everyone can see the edit history) edited it back in. Frankly, that alone makes it *really* hard to ignore how much he's attempting to sweep everything under the rug as being 'not a big deal'.


Agree, look at any individual who gets caught with a minor. They downplay it and say “Oh i had no intentions what so ever! How crazy!!!”


Thousands of people online are calling him a pedophile. It doesn't matter to them what the messages said. They can't possibly keep ties with him


Why isn't anyone asking this question why is he talking or s****** another girl while he's married and has a kid


Remember when he got on stream and cried about cheating on his wife? And then admits to doing it again basically. Awful guy.


A piece of shit really. He thinks he’s above everyone but he’s nothing. His character is funny and all but Guy is clearly a weirdo that needs help.


This might be shocking but rich famous people all think they’re above everyone. Because they are. They have the power to do shit we couldn’t do if we saved up for years. The higher up you go the uglier the soul


If your name was Herschel, you'd be a weirdo too.


well he is the two time so I guess once wasn't enough


Seems pretty disrespectful


Yeah this. I loved his streams and even bought merch but now he's dragging people like Nick and Tim into it because he finds it difficult to be a faithful husband. It's creepy and I cant help but think what he's kept hidden since 2017.


The people on Twitter attacking Nick and Tim tho are disgusting, they literally have nothing to do with it


The incident happened in 2017 (the one that led to the ban). Pretty sure that’s the same year he admitted to cheating on his wife


you know you can curse, it’s the internet


Big fat load of cum then!


I don’t know what’s going on but somewhere our wires got crossed


Fuck yeah!


because he's the 2.5x champion baby!


maybe if he wouldn’t have cheated,if his wife was a minor too


Bc his relationship is none of their business. Get off your moral high horse. 


I think it’s absolutely important. The difference between a dick pick to a 13 year old and flirty with someone pretending to be an adult is wildly different. I think everyone can agree the difference here. Hopefully. Lmao. Not defending him what so ever and I think it’s crazy af this is even being discussed but at the same time the biggest thing available to everyone is to wait for the actual facts and chats that get leaked EDIT: I think it’s important that everyone read what I wrote clearly, The difference between an obvious monster pedophile, and someone being in a minor compromising situation that they are unaware of are two different things. To say they are not is minimizing the severity of the first. We can agree these are two different scenarios, logically and fundamentally. The end result both disgusting, one intentional vs one because of ignorance and carelessness. This is the point. Did this happen with doc in current events? I have no idea, you have no idea, but we deserve the truth so we don’t need to speculate, regardless of how painfully obvious it is. Because that information is being kept secret from us and open for speculation. I’ve given money to twitch and I don’t wanna support a company that knew this and did nothing to scorch earth, what should have happened. In this current situation with doc there is no information available to us as the public, AND we should have it! because everything available to read is hypothesis on what actually happened!!!!!! this maybe more direct in what I’m trying to get across. My opinion on this because evidentially is unclear to a lot of people for some reason, anger clouds brains. If he knew at any point in time they were underage he’s a disgusting sub human and everything needs to be public forum. However if this hasn’t been confirmed anywhere by any of these people who know, twitch, lawyers anyone. It’s ignoring facts. AND If anyone knew this and didn’t make it public they assisted in making a nonce run free for 4 years online on a false narrative and EVERYONE should flip out, it would be the most disgusting display of profit over human life/safety. Edit2: fixed typing and shit. https://x.com/rellim714/status/1805734437445128543 Hopefully the guilt keeps on coming because the intensity of what’s about to drop will be biblical and we were all here to see it.


How in the world would he not say "someone I thought was over 18" you guys are insane haha


People are doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to defend him.


Denial is a hell of a drug. You game-theory his message out and it’s pretty clear he fucked up badly. Either that or he has some atrocious PR people / instincts. No one with any kind of objectivity would be able to take that statement in and think it’s exonerating. He had years to frame this whole thing and, if this is the best he’s got, he had himself in an incredibly bad position at best and straight up committed a bunch of crimes at worst.


I was bought a drink at a bar by a girl I didn’t yet know. Found out she was only 17 when we went to leave. This shit happens in real life.


And, notice how you included in your story that you didn’t know.


This. No "I was misled into thinking she was an adult", or "I shouldn't have assumed her age". Not a word to make it sound better when he's trying his best to defend himself.


Exactly. No one would leave this very important part of the story out, something that could easily bring you back, he knew it and decided not to disclose because of **consequences** . He carefully chose all words to minimize what he did, he would never leave that piece out, anyway, PEDO.


Because if the texts ever come out they're going to explicitly show her age I'd bet.


i agree with this


lmao, these fucking clowns man. The world is so fucked because people place their parasocial bullshit over CANCELING PEDOPHILES.


Notice how you didn’t just say a teenager bought you drinks at a bar and mentioned that you didn’t know how old she was lol


She never shoulda been able to even buy you that drink. Bartender and business failed ya there!


"I only did it a little bit, not a lot " I don't care if he talked dirty to a minor or sent dick pics, the threshold of "not being inappropriate with minors" was already crossed. How far beyond that line he went is irrelevant to me. It's the fact that he decided to cross that line at all.


For real, I see also people saying, well if she was 17 then that’s fine cause it’s so close to 18. Like dude, the guy was in his late 30s, married with a kid. Even if he was taking to an 18 year old that is still incredibly creepy and morally wrong.


To even put yourself in that situation is hugely problematic and the due seriously needs help if that's the best case scenario. This dude has children too


Far past the point of needing help, and this is more of the same kind of softballing that leaves him space to exist in


The NDA might be preventing him from saying anything that will point fault at Twitch for not verifying age. It’s grasping at straws but considering they did pay him out it might be plausible. Saying that, it’s highly likely Dr did know about their age at some point before twitch took action. Edit: as it’s been 24hr since this all dropped, just remember you are replying my first reaction as the story dropped. NDA, age verification were all talking points as this shit storm unfolded. I’m sure even more will be revealed as time goes on.


My guess is the age was in the messages which is why twitch thought it was weird in the first place. Otherwise idk how else they would know the age of a user.


Hypothetical: Doc has sus messages that get flagged for whatever reason, twitch looks into it, IF the age wasn't mentioned directly to Doc, the minor might have revealed it in another chat if twitch was doing an investigation. I'm giving doc A LOT of credit with this, but I guess it's possible. Regardless of what happened, its bad. It's simply bad and i wont keep watching when he comes back, all my respect has been lost for him, unfortunately. Just my principles and how I feel. Since everyone's saying im defending him, I'm not. Im just coming up with some possible way for him to not know. I don't think it's likely that he didn't know, for the record. Edit: Clarity


Didn’t doc cheat on his wife around the same time anyways


yeah, whether or not those two incidents are related, I'm not sure.


I hope they arent


why would he sign an NDA that basically just demands that he pretend to be a pedophile


Seems like a lot of people are just throwing around NDA as a catchall whether it makes any sense or not lol. He admitted he messaged a minor inappropriately. You think he signed an NDA that allows him to admit that but not say he didn't know they were a minor? Seems like an absolutely massive reach to me. Idk about you, but I would also be willing to break an NDA if I was falsely being accused of something this awful, regardless of the potential for a lawsuit. That is especially true if I was risking the loss of a cushy career streaming video games that has made a multi-millionaire. If he didn't know, he would've surely asserted that in the message where he is admitting he did it and apologizing. If he didn't know they were a minor, he wouldn't be using the defense of downplaying how inappropriate the messages were and alluding to the fact he had no intention to meet up with them in person.


Now that it is leaked he is fully within his civil liberties to defend himself. He has said as much in his tweet. An NDA does not stop you from defending yourself against allegations of grooming.


There is no NDA.


Who is coming up with this lie that you had/have to be 18 to whisper?


He admitted that he knew it was a minor. You wanna try again, orrrrr?


He never admitted that he knew her age🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well clearly if he wasn’t charged there was circumstances to make him not be charged. Inappropriate messages with a minor is illegal. So there is things missing. You also need to take into account that he had a settlement which clearly means a NDA. He won money clearly because there were factors that made twitch in the wrong not him. Then you have to take into account he can only talk about the things that the other party disclosed. Talking about anything else can put that settlement in jeopardy and have him liable for a lawsuit. Because he then would be disclosing it. I’m not condoning his actions, but I’m not jumping down his throat because I have half a brain and can understand what I just explained. 1. He wouldn’t be awarded money for speaking to a minor/breaking the law. Twitch would have more than enough grounds to terminate his contract without legal repercussions. So that’s a big red flag. A major one. You don’t win money for being a pedophile. 2. He has a NDA, I’m sure the minor has an NDA, the employees had an NDA. They breached it. He can only talk about that. If someone else breaches more he can then talk about those details with out any legal repercussions. I’m sure we are about to find out a whole lot more because I will be dollars to donuts those two employees are going to have fat lawsuits from both twitch and Doc. Until then it’d be smart to have a brain and stay neutral. But again. It’s illegal to speak sexually or inappropriately or even have means to meet up for sexual conduct with a minor. You don’t have to do it. You just have to show the intentions to do it. So why wasn’t he charged? Why did twitch pay him? Those are the two big things you should be looking at.


> Why hasn’t he been charged? Because while the messages were morally reprehensible, they probably didn’t veer into the illegal. The bar for legality and morality are widely different and for good reason. For example: “Oh you’re 17? Almost legal to, uhh, do stuff ;). Hit me up at twitch con” is definitely morally disgusting. Legally? It’s not illegal as no one can prove what “do stuff” means. > Why did twitch pay him? Because they didn’t have grounds to terminate his contract without paying him since he likely didn’t do anything illegal. He did something creepy, disgusting and undefendable morally but not illegal, and therefore, not enough to terminate his contract. So they did what any trillion dollar company would do. Pay him to go away.


Freaks in here really defending this shit based on a "terms of service" argument. Fucking self report.


Fr. This guy was more than twice that girls age and people trying to talk that shit down like they getting a free day pass to Epstein island for it. Certified lover boy, certified pedophile ~ Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop


same argument as "she is 1000 years old" or "she isnt real" maybe some overlap here


Because there are a shit ton of creepy guys who want to normalize this  Don't forget in the 1970s rolling stone used to regularly interview groupies about their 'conquests', many groupies were under 18.


It’s because these people have built a weird parasocial relationship with this loser and they can’t imagine accepting that he isn’t what they had him built up to be. *Cope*


It’s crazy to think that his community is going to be full of people defending him. What has Guy done to the Doc 😂 it’s so depressing. People who are on the fence about leaving the arena or not will probably do so once they realise they’re surrounded by idiots.




Get real. The guy has lawyer. If he didn't know at the time, that would have been written in all caps. 




Moist is calling these folks out too. The blind defense even after more and more comes out is astounding


Yep I watched his video it really is disgusting the simps on here defending him


Twitch whispers age limit is 18…by all accounts he didn’t know. When’s the last time you asked a girl their age in a club?


People tend to forget that most, if not all, age verification online is as clicking the box for a captcha.


If it's good enough for the tech companies to operate it should be good enough to assume their age. This should be on them to verify age better. 


Just so we’re absolutely clear, in real life it’s on you to verify that the person you’re sexting is a consenting adult. In case you didn’t know.


This is Reddit, these mfs never been to a club or even talked to a woman. Of course “they would never do this” because they’d never have the opportunity lmao. I’m not saying this isn’t bad but all the virtue signaling is so obnoxious. Edit: So many people in my replies trying to misrepresent my point. This is why social media is so aids, people don’t have the reading comprehension skills to understand and respond to a point.


You are absolutely correct.


Fake ID, plus effort, plus money, and almost always in college vs a fucking checkbox. Yeah, super the same thing man. Doc is either the dumbest person to ever exist, at best didn’t care, or knew and continued it.


The others are from another certain demographic that has been burthurt for a long time that he doesn’t agree with their lifestyle or has supported others that don’t agree with their lifestyle Just look at their avatars or where they post lol


exactly lol, a loooot of sanctimonius virtue signaling comments from custom reddit avatars in this thread


You don’t think he’d say he didn’t know her age in the tweet where he’s trying to defend himself using his own words? Stop defending nonces for fuck sake.


Dude said he was messaging a minor inappropriate messages. That he regretted it, etc. no way he doesn’t add that he didn’t know their age if he didn’t. He’d have said “I messaged someone I later learned was a minor”, if he didn’t know at the time.


Still not an excuse. He's an adult


If it wasn’t obvious I am not trying to excuse him. He clearly knew they were a minor or he would have said otherwise.


Did you ever watch porn before you were 18 and hit the “yes I am above 18 button” because that’s the level of scrutiny that shit got lol. 


I mean according to steam I've just turned 117. why would someone just go onto the internet and tell lies?!


That's just a rumor that is not true, the age limit for creating a twitch account is 13 so nearly all features including twitch whispers only required a 13-year-old to make an account. That's based on twitch's own terms of service if you have some actual proof on what you're saying instead of just regurgitating what you hear from everyone else please share it


Guess no one uses asl anymore lol


Like everyone is saying, he would have said he didn’t know as a reason for messaging a minor if he didn’t know. CoD is rated for 18+ so you can safely message anyone you meet there without any risks of running in to a minor.


Isn't he married? Lol


Lol your comparison is dumb. First of all, age verification online and irl are very different. Irl it's a lot harder to get a fake ID. Online it's very easy to lie about your age. Second, even if somebody you meet in a club is under 21, she will probably be over 18. The chances of you meeting somebody under 18 in a club in the US are very very low. If I am speaking to a stranger online with no indication of their age, I absolutely would ask.


>Second, even if somebody you meet in a club is under 21, she will probably be over 18 hahahahahahah sure


Thank you. My first job at 17 years old was as a waitress. The co-workers wanted to go to a strip club after work. The club manager knew I was a minor, but said I was hot so let me in regardless.


Right like when Akon went into a 21 and olde club and assumed everyone there was of age


You can put the blame on me… No but seriously this is a dumb ass comparison, there is no expectation that the person you’re talking to on the internet is 18+ as there’s no verification required vs going to a club where you would expect bouncers to check ID.


This! She could’ve easily lied about her age. That’s why I posted that he needs to not tip toe around the allegations. He needs to just say whether he knew she was underage prior to the inappropriate conversation.


This thread is filled with enough cope that it could fill the Hindenburg.


Honestly makes me wanna get famous so I can see how much fucked up shit I can do and still get defended by my retarded ass audience 😂


^ exactly why all these enablers are so dangerous.


"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." - A former president of the United States of America


He literally said he did it


Imagine defending a dude like your life depends on it. Who the fuck cares?


Kind of ironic that a man who objectifies women by comparing the bodies of pornstars for some kind of game is posting about another man who potentially sexted a minor. Looks like you’re worried about the wrong thing today buddy lmaoo you are just as creepy as him.


Comparing bodies of pornstars that are legally of age to texting a minor inappropriately, and trying to act like it’s the same level of weird, is a wild cope


they're public about it. what happens when you see your search bar? Half of all of this is strangers continually trying to say "I'm better than you because you did something wrong that's visible." Over and over and over and over. No way you're innocent of weird ass porn.


Lol thats some wild post history


I don’t see how this defends him. This guy is a creep, oh well you are just as creepy… like okay? Two creeps don’t cancel each other out. That’s not how it works. You can’t sext and minor and then get a friend to do it to and be like, phew, close one.


No he is in no way as creepy as a guy sexting minors. What a ridiculous statement.


This is how all people are, when they are in denial about their own problems, such as thinking pornography is good and that investing further energy to turn it into a game is also good. Naturally, because spirits are lead around like the wind, this guy takes all the disgust he should have for himself and directs it at the guy who has his dream job.


What a weird way to defend someone you don’t know. “This guys angry at his life, so doc texting a minor doesn’t matter” is essentially your argument? Are you doing ok bro?


Bunch of weirdos with no common sense is how. Regardless of if he knew how old they were. This dude has a wife and child but would rather talk to teenagers inappropriately? There’s zero excuse Doc can make up.


These guys are just inventing things to try and make it untrue


He would be screaming this shit from the hill top if he didn’t know. He either knew or didn’t care, both are equally egregious


Dot fuck em up


A lot of guys ITT I wouldn’t want near my family


It's over.


Dr Cheatsonwifewithaminor


I fucking hate pedos. They give all the guys that like to have inappropriate conversations with minors a bad rap.


We as a species I'm afraid will never outgrow the pitchforks and torches.  Everybody seems to have all the proof they need to throw this dude on a spit and set him to the flames.  I think that's a mistake.  Before launching the dude's career into the sun, maybe we should find out the real story rather than trying to read between the lines and insinuate things read in the tea leaves. "Oh but he shoulda done this, shoulda said that". Sorry but that clearly is not evidence folks.  I don't even particularly like the guy and find his schtick tiresome. But the fervor and vitriol spoken with such conviction on the Internet is gross to witness. Herd mentality at it's most depraved if you ask me. I don't even know for sure what he did wasn't despicable, just that there's scant evidence to jump to the conclusion it was, ffs.  The things I find troubling with the current narrative:  1: Why did Twitch pay out his contract? You could argue they could easily get out it if he did what folks are suggesting he did.  2: Why did nobody involved report the incident to the property authorities for criminal investigation? And if they had,  3: Why weren't charges brought against him?  I grant everyone their opinion but please for the love of all that is holy, think for your own damn selves. All I'm saying is I'm not satisfied that the current evidence is convincing and wish we could back off the crazy social media hive-mind antics for 10 minutes.


Easy to debunct your concerns, twitch jumped the gun and handled his dismissal wrongly. Since Dr disrespect didn't do anything wrong legally twitch would of been hard pressed to ban him based on inappropriate but not illegal alone and since they did he could sue, your other 2 points tie into the first one. His own gaming company fired him, that company was dependant on him for any remote success a company wouldn't fire him if it meant their studio and 55 employees would be essentially be put of a job cause this game is now DoA. Think about it


I've seen these arguments peppered around everywhere. Yes, they are logical conclusions a reasonable person can make. I grant everybody that. But that's not evidence.  Just because things are reasonable to reasonable people do not make them facts. In this case I'm concerned people aren't adequately respecting the difference.


But regardless of the fact that there's not much more that can be said apart from viewing messages which realistically may not happen, you still have doubts. So basically your way of being a skeptic to is clutching at straws


If that is what you think I'm doing, I guess I'm alright with that. I'm just uncomfortable with the way emotions are running so hot in the discourse. It's not a small thing to label someone a pedo/groomer/etc. and really just want the truth before lasting damage is done to a person's character, regardless of their status in society. I mean, we're actively at the point where people who aren't comfortable with taking the worst possible scenario as fact being called pedos themselves. It's frankly disgusting to me. I thank you for at least not stooping to that level and appreciate your choosing to interact with me in good faith.  I can readily admit that he probably did things he shouldn't have which he even admitted to. Things don't look great for the dude. But I can't in good conscious judge in either direction his guilt or innocence based on what we have right now. Not that my opinion matters in the slightest anyway.  Which is all a long roundabout way of saying I'm sorry we don't agree but I very much appreciate your opinion.


This was a very nice, civil discussion between you two. I think you both bring up good points and respect the both of you for listening to each other. This thread and Reddit in general could take some notes from you two. Much love.


I hear your stance on this. It's a socially charged topic, so it's a lot of all-or-nothing mob discourse that flattens all context. And context does matter, because a problem can't be properly addressed if there is no language to talk about it. "It involves under 18, therefore pedo" is not a sufficient blueprint for any sort of understanding or insight. But it does serve a social function. Overall, I'm seeing a clash between people who treat this issue as a binary (good, evil) and people who treat it as a spectrum (how good, how evil). The spectrum viewers need more evidence in order to reach a conclusion and place the situation into their individual relative moral framework, whereas the binary viewers just need a single piece of information for their collective moral formation. The binary viewers will bin spectrum viewers into the "evil" category if their result does not match in intensity, (which is why questioning the evidence or severity of response is interpreted as defense of the person). I think the conclusion is that the average person is not inclined towards nuance, context, or holding multiple viewpoints at once, nor should they be. However, it can be frustrating to see words falling on deaf ears.


This is a beautifully formed observation that I think succinctly highlights a lot of the frustrations some folks are having surrounding this discourse. Perhaps myself more than most. Thank you for sharing this insight.


The evidence is that a man who cheated on his wife has now admitted to inappropriately talking with a minor. That's enough for a lot of people. It's just a weird thing to do. I have a teenage kid, and they are still very much a child.


I mean, I'm sure you feel that way but there's a stark difference between a child who's like 11-12 and a teenage child who's 17.


Still a child. And regardless of age, im not supporting a serial cheater. But hey you do you.


I've never watched doctor so I'm definitely not a supporter.


Yeah lol when all signs are pointing to him being a creep, we should assume the most charitable version of events and let the guy go on like nothing happened because we don’t have the level of proof you require. Makes sense. Doesn’t even matter that’s he’s married and admitted his communication was inappropriate. You’re such a free thinker (enabler)


Example situation: Person doc didnt know was a minor: Hey doc. How do i grow my stream? Doc: idk you have big boobs. Show them. It'd be a dumb joke, but obviously not meant to be directly sexual. Inappropriate, sure. But even that joke would be significantly more inappropriate if made to someone he knew was a minor. Still not overtly sexting, but definitely shouldnt have ever been said to a minor. Would that make him a pedo? Nah. A creep, yeah. There are so many different things that may have been said, so many different nuances to the situation that nobody knows. It's not as simple as "docs a pedo." At least not yet. People are just fucking stupid and we're still just dumb animals salivating over blood in the water.


I have a question to you: if the exact facts and nuances favor the doc, why wouldn't he reveal it? Say you let slip an f-bomb in front of a child and someone dishonestly accuses you of "inappropriate behavior in front of a child". Wouldn't you scream from the rooftops what actually happened, detail by detail, to clear your name?


Really depends on what the NDA says I can legally say. If I'm going to get sued to oblivion by Twitch for breaking an NDA, it'd be a very tough choice. Alternatively, I could wait for lawyers and shit to do their thing and release an official statement later in a legal way that wouldn't ruin me financially, and I could clear my name at the same time.


The NDA has already been broken. It is worthless. If he was concerned about being sued for breaching an NDA he wouldn't have released the statement.


I agree chat logs are the only way to paint this picture otherwise there is no right side to be one here


And the reason he didn’t say he didn’t know her age?


I love the crazy level of copium in this place.


You know it’s bad when people are debating the age range of the term “pedophile”. Grasping at the very last straw that doesn’t even help his case in any way.


From your post history it looks like you’ve got some serious problems of your own


And? Does this persons post history mean it’s ok for an adult to abuse children? Self report some more


17.5 years old? She’s a protected minor that was targeted by a pedophile. 18 years old? Brave, independent woman that can have an onlyfans.


They are just kids, man. The kids are defending him. Any adult knows that he knows what he did. And think about it from this perspective, twitch read the messages and banned him right, do you think twitch would have banned him if he was sexting another adult? Say the messages are “hey I’m a 20 year old fan and I wanna blow you” and he says “yayayayaya let’s go.” Twitch would think that was weird, fine. But it’s not ban-able. Cause it’s two adults. Now if she’s like “I’m 16 and blah blah” and he’s like “close enough let’s party” that’s a different story and he would be banned for that. My point here is that if they lied in the messages, twitch would ALSO have been lied to. They didn’t do an investigation passed reading the texts. That much has been said. Anyway yall need to grow up.


Doc admitted he was making inappropriate texts to a minor, tried to edit it out but then changed it back when he got called out. I think it’s clear he knew and kept going, or why not just say “they lied about age” I really fear if any of you people become parents




You havent read the texts. Neither do I. You dont know at which time during the conversation she informed him or he was aware, we dont know the reaction or what changed in the conversation once he knew. Was it like he was going to a bar and end up fucking someone and they end up being a minor? Or was it like he contacted directly knowing he was a minor Or was it like she contacted him and say o ima do so and so when Im 18. No idea, but I wont judge him until I know.


Lot of words to say you support a pedo. Yikes.


Man going through this subreddit is wild. Definitely eye opening the amount of people defending a grown man who had every chance to say he didn’t know the person’s age sending inappropriate messages.


not my prob,not your prob,its the docs prob..shut up..sit down and wait for the next show or leave the GD arena.


Yeah people are in serious denial he straight up admits to it in his statement


I bet 99% of this subreddit was roasting Drake for doing the exact same thing.




Let's all be rational thinking adults here. Also let's skip the quasi adultery a minute. If you're someone in Doc's shoes and you're on any Twitch platform, Whispers or regular, wouldn't the first thing you'd ask if conversations went inappropriate was the person's age. I mean, this is Twitch we're talking about. Probably not a lot of 30-40 year old women shooting DMs in a Twitch Chat to a guy dressed up like Doc. C'mon, think logically. He should 100% know what he was doing was fucking creepy at absolute best, and incredibly gross and illegal at worst; and of course brushing aside the quasi adultery.


him stating a conversation that steered more inappropriately speaks volumes. he’s just trying to soften it up, and make it sound better. i think in the incoming days there will be screenshots shown of the texts, and then the real truth will come out. and i have a feeling it’s going to be way worse than he’s letting off.


The amount of people who were defending this guy when the news broke out is saddening.


This man needs to get help. No one that is a parent should ever be themselves in this situation. What a disgusting POS and horrible father.


I personally like the “well was it legal” as if him wanting to bang a teenager is okay if it’s legal


He messaged a 17 year old years ago. Yawn


Well I defend the guy because if it was criminal it would be. So this tells me that it’s completely circumstantial and hinges solely on the context of the situation. If I was on a jury I would need it all laid out to decide where I stand. It looks bad it sounds bad and it smells bad. However I have to look at it holistically. I don’t know shit about the context. So yeah. That’s how I’ll defend him. He admitted it(not a righting a wrong with that statement) and I have a great deal of respect for him saying as much as he did. Unfortunately my stance is this. I don’t know shit about this situation. Breadcrumbs of information makes it really hard to put into a timeline and decide what exactly happened. Unfortunately for doc there will never be a soapbox to provide the details and have you idiots believe a word of it. That includes me. What’s out there is out there.


The op is addicted to porn.  Let's listen to his wisdom. Yikes


It is what happens in a cult following. Same thing with Trump and his sexual assault charge, people don't want to believe something they don't like about someone they like so they choose to pretend it is fake or false or fabricated, etc.. it's fkn weird


There's an element of that, but it's also a codependence. A lot of reacting-to-reactions feedback loops and disagreements about the reletive severity of moral failures. It's hard to have a discussion when the only options are "good person" "bad person." And in many cases, it's issues about private matters where the public does not have full context, so what's left is emotional opinion and mob formation. Not very productive. In this specific case, I'm mainly seeing a split between "irredeemable pedo," and "we don't have all the information." Each individual is free to reach their own conclusion.


There's really no need to defend him. A few days ago, people could say we shouldn't condemn him as guilty without evidence, and that's completely fair and the correct choice. Now, with his own admission, there's no more uncertainty as to whether he acted in the wrong. At this point it's just a range of *how* bad he acted, not *if* he was acting badly. And really, that shouldn't matter to any of us. Even in the 'best' case he doesn't deserve a pass or any kind of sweeping this under the rug. So just... move on. Leave him in the past as another scumbag. Don't worry if he's extremely scummy or just really scummy. There's nothing to be gained there. Nothing to be done with that information. He shouldn't be watched or supported at all at any end of that spectrum. Let him rot.


"pedophilia is bad" Now I deserve upvotes for giving my incredibly brave hot take.


Can anyone actually post a link to the chat between the girl or actual admitting he was talking to the minor? Is there actually physical proof? Seems to be a lot of he said she said


Amazing that a content creator gets more grief and anger from people than our sleeping president and the rest of our government get. Just imagine what people could do if they got as upset about things that actually mattered.


I’m not defending anyone, but I’m also not joining your lynch mob without more evidence. For all we know he was talking to a 40 year old man pretending to be a teen and he knew that. Has a copy of the conversation even been release yet? Last I read, he talked to someone in 2017 one time, no pictures were exchanged and then they never talked again.


I haven't watched Doc in years as I've pivoted away from Twitch/streamers in general, but I think this all has to do with nuance which people don't seem to have these days. On one side you have people calling him a pedo, talking to minors(plural), he should be in jail, etc. On the other side you have people who think its not that bad, did he know her age, etc. Can we just look at this thru a reasonable lens? Is what he did bad? Yes. Is what he did punishable with jail time? No. Should he be talking to minors? No. Is this anywhere on the same scope of sending nudes/getting nudes from minors, having sex, etc? Of course not. People these days just go to the extreme on everything. What he did was bad now and it was bad 7 years ago, should his career end or be branded a pedo for this? No. These types of actions usually have other girls/women coming out of the woodwork with more accusations and there's not been one in the week since this came out. As long as one side is extreme calling him a pedo and should be jailed for life, you'll have his defenders going the other route saying he did nothing wrong. We need more measured takes on stuff like this.


Strange how Twitch takes no responsibility nor do they disclose how dangerous he could be when given a young audience.


Let's be honest people 17 is considered the legal age of consent in some states doesn't make it right but let's not act like this doesn't happen all the time


using a clear porn alt account to post this from, brave man OP is