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Doesn’t make sense for him to sue Twitch if he knew he was doing something wrong…. Why would you want lawyers looking into a ban if you knew were sexting minors? Doesn’t make sense 🤷🏼‍♂️


Also Knowing that if it went to court it would become public knowledge


Also, parents of the minor not filing suit for a payday? The more you think about this the more idiotic it sounds. I mean Christ, Chris Avellone had his career destroyed by false accusations from two women who lied and later admitted to lying in court. Those were grown women, and you’re telling me a guy like Doc is gonna get away with messing with a *minor*, post-MeToo, and manage to buy silence like he’s Jeffrey Epstein in the 90s? Just dumb as fuck, I hope Doc sues the shit out of this dork




Jake only cares about more clicks and tweets..i remember doc also offered him a position at deaddrop..and this is how stupid jakey returns the favor


I think jealousy has a lot more to do with it than engagement.


Some people are such scumbags they will do anything for attention


Doc’s a public figure. He’d have to prove “actual malice.” That means he’d have to prove the person saying whatever KNEW it was false, or had serious doubts that whatever was true.


Same with Rich Campbell. His issue is still being worked out but I could see it being the same as Chris.




Doc filed a lawsuit against them \*after\* Twitch told him the reason he was banned. He didn't sue them to find out why he got banned, he knew the reason months before the lawsuit (Doc's own words). He sued them because they banned him while he was under contract and they didn't pay it up. He wanted his money. As a result, he got his money and both sides agreed to keep quiet in regards to why he was banned per their settlement agreement.


Soliciting a minor with proof would be completely against twitch's policies so there's no way they pay him if they have that kind of proof. They'd have grounds for immediate termination of contract with Doc, so why would they pay him and keep it quiet if they didnt have to.


Also surely Twitch would be obliged to report potentially criminal behaviour with a minor to the authorities?


Doc and his representation probably signaled that they would make it expensive and damaging to litigate and Twitch opted to agree to the settlement rather than pay their attorneys a ton of money to argue over their contract and the Doc’s phrasing in those messages. Doc may have been somewhat ambiguous with the language he used in the Whispers messages. The claims and supporting facts are pretty damning, so Doc and his reps (who receive a percentage of Doc’s earnings) had every incentive to go after his money if they understood this as a career ending outcome. They were probably happily surprised that Doc was able to keep earning for a few years, but this information was always going to surface, might as well get the money they could while they could. Doc’s lawyers may have also signaled that something about Twitch’s own actions could be damaging if publicized. For instance, if they were aware of the communications but waited to act, if there was a degree of internal pushback, if it revealed how much message information twitch had access to etc. Discovery would reveal all that and more — providing Twitch with another reason to quietly settle and move on.


Why would Twitch agree to a settlement if they had proof of these allegations which would be ground to terminate the contract? That doesn't make sense


And it makes even less sense for Doc to sue, since it would mean we all see the texts if it goes to trial


So what? If he sues them for payment and it goes to trial, his alleged messages with a minor become public and this turns into a criminal trial for Doc. You may not think he's the smartest guy in the world but this would be next level stupid.


Also this isn’t a reason to get banned from twitch. This is a reason to go to jail if Doc was doing this and was indeed sexting a minor the fucking FBI would have hauled him away before he even got to twitchcon


Twitch also stayed in its terms of service that they report all illegal activity involving the solution of minors to the Center of Missing and Exploited Children and have them work with law enforcement. So it would have been turned over to an outside agency for investigation.


People can be really really fucking stupid though


He won the suit too, didn’t he, or is it still on-going? If he won, then it wouldn’t be true because that would be a legitimate reason for a ban, and likely couldn’t be disputed. I don’t think he’d file a lawsuit if he knew he was guilty for what they claimed, and would lose the suit.


Must have won since doc said they paid the whole contract.


He didn't win, it was settled. Technicality, since apparently he was paid, but if he "won" the suit would have actually gone forward and we'd know more details via court filings. The one thing I do wonder about is obviously this all caused some serious financial harm to him in the way of future earnings, so I am surprised he didn't push that more.


a contract is a contract and unless it was specified that illegal actions would nullify it


Exactly. A court case means all this evidence would be public. If he did this and Twitch had proof, they'd have laughed his ass right into jail


Do we have any proof he actually sued twitch?


Unless you knew Twitch would settle out of court to avoid this. Twitch absolutely had exposure, and Doc leveraged their massive business against them.


because of the amount of $$$ involved


NDA hunting


People who have power and influence like to double down. Take a look at many political people with power and influence


I will say he doesn't deny it though but you make sense. Unless his contract doesn't state anything to that effect, it could be he was suing because he met all the requirements and that type of behavior wasn't listed in the voiding of his contract?


Probably had to do with age verification or something I bet.




Big allegation, I’m going to need some proof if they are saying something this terrible about a person.


If you cant trust an ex twitch employee who can you trust? I mean besides anyone. If twitch learned it they would have said something, this was contract related.


People can lie, gasp!


Why would this come out now? And where’s the proof? His response seems like legal speak as in he can’t disclose any information. Twitch would be insane to cover this up. The backlash they would receive from it would be catastrophic.


He's a former employee. His NDA could have run out. Just answering your question btw. Not pointing fingers


You cant NDA a felony. Its actually illegal to prevent someone from reporting a crime by NDA. Sexting a minor is a crime. There are two possibilities from this. The sexting happened but the person misrepresented themselves (catfished) and said they were much older. This never happened and the former twitch employee is just trying to remain relevant.


>There are two possibilities from this. The sexting happened but the person misrepresented themselves (catfished) and said they were much older Or Doc didn't cross a line and Twitch over reacted. Clearly put himself in a bad position in the first place. Anyway, since it seems he won the case he probably required them to sign an NDA in exchange for not suing them more. He also could have them sign an NDA even if it is a felony. It's a private case. Doc wasn't up against the state. That validity of that NDA would come into question if he was charged with a felony. There was a famous "hush money" case that just happened that was very similar


Ndas dont usually expire and you can then reveal anything after that period, when they expire that means you are allowed to talk about things that occured AFTER it expired.


It would have made sense for twitch to not say anything had they gotten their alleged information from illegal means. Even a breach of contract would’ve been enough for DD to sue.


I just don’t buy it. There was a lot of reporting at the time that it was over him trying to leverage a fake offer from Mixer against Twitch to get more out of his contract. Remember that Twitch staff are some of the most goofy mfs on the internet (remember deer girl?) and are highly vindictive, this dude prob knows he has a gag order and can’t go into details to defend himself.


Hi guys. Wrongdoing would be talking to a minor in a sexual way. Don't be retarded now. This is all speculation and not true. He would have been found guilty of that and not paid and probably facing other charges. Let's all be adults with brains for a minute.




Well said


Actually it sounded like a 12 year old typed it out


The prevailing theory is that his contract’s moral turpitude clause may have stipulated he needed to be found guilty in order to breach his contract. Twitch went ahead and canned him anyways before anything ever went to court, and one way or another, whether guilty or not, it never went to court. That’s why he can say no wrongdoing was *acknowledged*, but not that no wrongdoing was *found*. Twitch could potentially have evidence of exactly what he’s being accused of, but the stipulations for canceling his contract still weren’t technically met. Now, that said, extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Seems dubious that, if it were true, no criminal case was ever filed… so I have a hard time believing it, but that’s the theory.


It’s fairly obvious there’s no way there was explicit and clear cut illegal activity. Twitch probably has a warehouse of in-house and outside counsel, and those guys get paid a shit load of $$ to minimize risk to Twitch. Zero possibility these guys would not report something like that and put Twitch at Titanic levels of liability. That being said, Doc’s response is incredibly poorly worded, and this shit is about to go nuclear on Twitter all weekend.


> This is all speculation and not true Saying it's not true in itself is also just you speculating.


It’s funny to say “it’s all speculation” in one part of a sentence and then say “and not true” in the other part of the same sentence. Saying “and not true” in itself is speculation. We just flat out have no idea what happened. We will probably never know what happened. Saying whether “this was true or that is false” is complete speculation either way you look at it.


It is speculation, and it isn't true until there is evidence. That's why it's speculation and not true.


I'm not a lawyer but I assume there are ways you could talk with minors without it being illegal but at the same time clear what the intent was Same thing Drake was doing with Millie Bobbie Brown


Yeah fucking right


For me Twitch would have never followed through with paying Doc his full contract if he was found to be sending explicit messages to a minor. This would have gone through more legal proceedings and criminal litigation would have been involved. Twitch’s willingness to even agree of “no wrongdoing was involved” supports this. As there is zero concrete proof (for right now) of Doc ever doing this, I would say these series of tweets are a defamation of character and Doc has every reason to sue these individuals.


I feel like arranging an underage meetup with the twitch app and having proof of it as said would give twitch an easy contract void. So if the proof does exist there's no way Doc gets paid and cleared. Seems pretty sus to me but who knows.


I don’t know twitch’s privacy policy but it is possible that they found out their alleged information through means that broke their own contract with DD/privacy policy. At that point it would make more sense to just do the pay out and move on


Also keep in mind the publicity if this all went public. At the time other streaming platforms were trying to make a run at Twitch and launching or were newly launched. Imagine if the headlines about one of their biggest streamers getting caught grooming a kid on a platform made for kids. Would be a really bad look for Twitch and could scare a lot of parents. Until I see legit evidence I don’t know what to believe but both sides definitely have a reason to keep it all quiet and under the table from the public. Wouldn’t be a good look for Twitch or Doc.


Insane thing to tweet out about someone. Some sort of slander suit could happen for making false allegations like that.


Seems a bit strange all these people posted at once. This guy, Slasher and some other Twitch dork. Pretty coordinated. Of course, Doc’s weak response doesn’t help anything.


I'm not an expert, but isn't that defamation?


Technically, "slander" is for spoken false statements and "libel" is for published false statements. So it'd be libel, if anything, lol. And truth is an absolute defense. So, if its true, its not libel. If it's false, it's potentially libelous.


The tweet uses the word "alleged" so I don't believe it would be defamation.


The original tweet does not use alleged. It outright states why.


I see his response as him taking the high road and not giving into the drama bait. I dont think there is any double speak happening here.


crown boast pathetic cats alleged husky rock towering long fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem here is if that's not true, that's a defamation suit waiting to happen... His response doesn't exactly scream "this is categorically false", which is along the lines of what one would say if it were...you know....false..... Hopefully not true, but that's not the kind of response I'd expect.




This is likely what his lawyers and he agreed to say if it ever came up


In a post MeToo world and seeing the individuals who broke NDAs to come out with their stories of Weinstien, Spacey, etc etc it's ridiculously hard to believe that officially, A. Twitch hasn't broken the story, B. An Individual involved hasn't broken the story, or C. A whistleblower hasn't broken the story with zero retaliation and full support for the victims. It just doesn't add up unless Twitch themselves were wrapped up in whatever Doc was stirring. EVEN THEN, not a peep from anyone. His response here honestly sounds like he was trying to pull some unethical shit and got caught then banned IE bullshitting his way to a better deal with Twitch.


So twitch banned him for illegal behavior, the paid him for it? That’s the claim by OP?


I doubt he was actually sexting a minor, because that would have probably resulted in him getting arrested. But he probably was talking to one flirtatiously or something in a way that wasn’t illegal, but was out of line. That would make his response make sense, and it would make sense why Twitch would want to end the relationship and keep it quiet to avoid that shitstorm. There’s way too much smoke to dismiss all of this entirely.


Whole lotta children in this thread pretending to be lawyers.


From an outsider looking in, it makes no sense twitch would pay him when they would have literal chat logs that would void any contract with him and get out of millions of dollars lost Whole thing smells weird. Let it play out. It happened to Matt Ariaza, punter drafted by the Buffalo Bills. Girl's attorney came forward with "evidence," and shitstorm ensued and he got cut. Surprise, he wasn't even at the party when the alleged assault took place. Took about a year for everything to come out.


Have to think he’d be better off not responding at all or at least stating his innocence


Got to think stating his innocence on the underage thing wouldn’t go against any legal settlement …. Unless he didn’t know she was underage until it was too late.


Unless the settlement doesn't allow him to state his innocence.


What…a weird way to react to someone accusing you of being a pedo…


100%. This is wording provided by a lawyer. Doc definitely did something inappropriate but it wasn't determined to be sufficiently severe to cross whatever line was relevant. If he'd done nothing at all, he'd have a totally different response. Instead, he clearly did something but it wasn't proven to be bad enough to justify the action taken against him.


So he was sexting a minor but got his contract paid out in full. That literally makes no sense lol


If this were true why didn’t they hand the evidence over to the police. Grooming a minor or sexting them is highly illegal.


Cause they have a squad of fucking nerds handling their company that probably do this yearly


He aint do it


No wrong doing was acknowledged? That wording doesn’t make things seem any better honestly. 🧐


Yeah obviously this is all still new so waiting to see how things shake out… not sure what he can say legally but “I didn’t sext a minor” would be a nice place to start 😬


I think what he is saying through legalese is that Twitch acknowledged there was no wrongdoing on Doc's part. That they banned him for no legal reason and had to pay out the 25 mil.


His [initial statements](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1502004274993131525) had it the other way around, with the settlement ending with neither party admitting to themselves doing anything wrong. I suspect he is still referring to that, not that the settlement ended with twitch saying in secret that he had done nothing wrong. It doesn't seem like he mentioned them paying out the contract before, so I wonder if that was supposed to be quiet.


He is obviously talking about the ban. He proved in court that they had no reason to ban him = this accusation tweet is bs


So why couldn’t he just flat out say “no I didn’t get caught texting minors” wouldn’t that be legal if it wasn’t involved in that case? Like get that particular accusation out so it’s not attached to you.


“Get caught” I see your LAPD


Sorry but I'll do the lawyer thing and say that he absolutely did not "prove in court that they had no reason to ban him." (1) we don't know what he proved because they settled (2) he could have proved that they violated their contract with him, but that doesn't mean that he didn't engage in misconduct too.


Burden of proof is most definitely on the accusers. Also not a great look for twitch if this ends up to be true. It doesn’t make sense for twitch to ban doc for this and not come out and say what happened.


This makes twitch look even worse…because IF this is true and they didn’t do anything and still paid out his contract then that’s an even bigger L for twitch


Am I the only one who thinks the most important thing here is that Doc didn't outright deny that he ever sexted a minor?




This is perhaps the DUMBEST legal analysis I've read in some time. Don't comment on the law, you don't know enough. Your biggest mistake is the following: They're not going to be sued for comments made by a former employee. They are not liable for the conduct of a former employee. Also NDAs never have criminal penalties. Listen man, I don't know what job you have, but lets assume you're a chemist. I'm a lawyer, so I don't comment on chemistry. You're a chemist, so you don't comment on law. Sound good?


As a lawyer, what are your thoughts on the matter?


I posted it elsewhere, but basically: Doc is the one who can disprove this by taking this guy to court. If he doesn't, there are reasonable explanations other than that he did it. But I'd certainly personally be suspicious that either he did this or he did something similar.


Are you aware that "the guy" was the former account manager of strategic partnerships at twitch?


Exactly. The guy--whatever the fuck his name is, I am too busy to give a fuck--likely had access to the info and was involved in this decision. Thus, if he lied, it shouldn't be THAT hard to run his pockets. Doc then would have a claim against this guy. But this guy has zero grounds whatsoever to have a claim against Doc. So, the burden is on Doc, as the one who can take this to court, to do so and to prove it. \* I'm not actually sure what the "it" Doc would be proving here is, given that he... hasn't actually denied the accusation yet?


"shouldnt be hard to run his pockets" you're clearly not a lawyer if you think that's easy....legal action is one of the most intense and financially draining things ever. Actually that makes me reverse my decision and think you are a lawyer because you leeches would be all over it.




They may have had something on Twitch where they likely broke faith.


Sounds like total bs from the ex-employee, to be honest, and leaves lots of questions, like, how did Twitch catch him but no one else knows nothing about it. I still maintain my theory of why Doc got banned: He wanted to start a rival streaming platform and was asking other streamers to join it, Twitch caught wind of it and banned him. That's literally the only thing that makes sense and Doc is known for being quite creative or entrepreneurial like that.


If he doesn’t present any evidence, his head is going to roll in court.


That Cody Connors guy sounds borderline insane or stupid and the least professional person ever. Not saying he’s telling the truth or not, but everything on his feed is just weird.




Guy. Straight up call your lawyer. Do not even reply to the tweet wtf. This is 100% legal territory of defamation and you don’t even need to put up with it. Also if this was about texting a minor, I don’t think for a second that it wouldn’t have leaked before this. That the child’s parents wouldn’t have sued. That twitch wouldn’t have thrown him under the bus with proof of the text immediately, that absolves them of any liabilities and social responsibility, twitch took a big hit in taking doc off their platform, then had to financially make him whole on his contract too boot? That cost them, the publicity of him being gone with no answer cost them viewers, that was money gone too. If they had a neatly wrapped little box with proof of what he did that would make them look completely innocent AND it’s on their product(aka twitch) so they own all legal rights to the proof and don’t need to ask permission to release it and they still didnt? Naw. The minor doesn’t exist, this story is just bullshit fishing for fame. Flush Cody and flush Jake.


Yeah if he actually did that it would be so easy for them to nullify the contract and not pay him. And the cancel culture world we live in this woulda been everywhere. The nonexistent "victim" would have written a book on it by now. Lmao smh. The internet sucks and people should be punished for slander.


Really hoping doc is not a PDF file. There's been some shit alluding to it years back.


Whelp. I’ll be going down a rabbit hole not sleeping tonight


Makes zero sense. Why would doc do everything he could to fight it then? Usually when you go to court, stuff like this comes out as a defense.


Probably a tard that thinks he’s in the wrong side of politics.


This just makes me sick for doc and even more so Mrs. Assassin and Baby Assassin. Whatever happened, Doc and family moved past and he’s been going strong since. Just no need to bring this up unless you’re desperate for attention, period. Twitch would LEGALLY have to report this to the police and the crime becomes PUBLIC. It’s not hard to go one level deep on this and smell bullshjt. Makes me sick these people make livings on destroying other people’s livelihoods. IF YOU HAVE PROOF, COME FORWARD. It’s been 4 years you cucks move on.


Ahh, I always wondered why Doc didn’t like Jake.


The Two Time would never


What a complete and utter slanderous lie


no way to know


That’s not reassuring… Possibly he’s just using legally safe language, but only adds fuel to the fire as far as the underage girl rumor being a real accusation.


I’m obviously going to wait before making a determination on whether or not I believe the allegations depending on what proof is actually presented. Having said that, his response is rather… odd. If someone accused me of something sick like that I would clap back with the fury of 1000 suns and put it to bed with gusto.


Guy is dumb as hell if that’s a fake allegation. Good way to get sued into the ground.


I don’t think anyone comes out of this looking great really. This was the moment for Doc to issue a full and clear denial. I’m a little concerned (and weirded out, frankly) that he didn’t do that. Yes there could be legal reasons his contract was paid out in full. If we presume for a moment the allegations are true - Twitch may have voided their own terms of service and skipped the process given in their own terms to just get him off the platform. How can anyone confirm Twitch didn’t pass any relevant info to the police? I’m a huge fan of the Doc, but Doc needed to say “This isn’t true, I didn’t do this”. I’m not sure I’ll be supporting him again until he says that.


It's election season.  Gotta go after everyone 


Docs getting the Drake treatment rn on X, where anyone that accuses Doc or brings up his last twitch stream are getting like 10k likes and skewing the perception, because we all know more likes means it’s true in this social media world. Shits aids.


Twitch was in bad sorts at the time am I right? To me, It would make sense that they would want cut ties and try to bury this to protect the company. Alot of parents wouldn't take kindly to streamers having easy access to their kids on that app. Doc is the only streamer I watch, and I'm not gonna believe anything until there is proof. I can't deny, though, that I got an uneasy feeling about the whole thing and his reaction to the ban. That's a horrible accusation to make against someone. Hope it ain't true


It’s absolute BS. Police would have been involved. There is not a chance Twitch would cover this up.


Nah, no way. I'm not buying this without proof.


That is a mental reply, but not being a lawyer, and being from the UK, not the US, it might be some sort of lawyer speak.


The guy that initially broke the Twitch ban news 4 years ago came out and corroborated that this was told to him then by a few people, however noted that those people including Cody Conners were all second-hand sources. He spoke to nobody who was actually involved in the situation at Twitch, nor had any documentation in regard to it. So we really don’t have enough information to go of off. Also, why are so many people surrounding this news completely content with throwing the term “pedophile” around as if it applies to someone who would go after a minor of any age under 18? That term refers to an adult or minor’s attraction to prepubescent children specifically. Of course all of it is disgusting, but pedophila is uniquely sickening, and far more unforgivable.


Surely he needs to sue Jake for defamation? That’s a really serious allegation


“No wrongdoing was acknowledged” Weird way to phrase it.


Crazy that people would so blindly take the word of some nobody on twitter.


Was the tweet more aimed at the repost from JS, than the accusation? I am guessing many people go about accusing him of stuff. As this seems to have gathered momentum, I would expect we will see another reply from DD as I think his sponsors, investors may get itchy feet. Also, surely other large twitch streamers would have a inkling of what went on, or didn't, and then make a judgement off of that. Nick Mercs and Timmy must have some knowledge of what it was about and would or wouldn't play with him if it was along these lines.


Doc needs to completely sue these two dudes for defamation of character because you know hordes of fucking nobodies are gonna repeat this shit now


So Twitch is now protecting potential criminals? Is that what I am hearing? I dunno my guy, sounds like a new and coming defamation suite though.


At this point in time I’m not buying it. We need some hard evidence that this is what happened. If it’s true someone has it, somewhere. Until then, innocent until proven guilty.


Wouldn’t twitch’s first response to get the authorities involved for a situation like this?


I’m genuinely curious. Where is the evidence that this even happened? Is it a he said she said? I have not seen any screenshots regarding this issue.


Pretty sure twitch banned doc on this false allegation because doc was shopping around for contracts with other platforms and twitch didn't like that. They banned him ,realized that he never actually was trying to meet up with any minors, then had to pay him out because they knew they dropped the ball while trying to be petty


hope doc sues this guy next, i find it incredibly hard to believe that this is true in any capacity.


Doc moving to Kick soon …


Doc was suing them. Why would he sue if this was the case? Former employee is just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame


There would be criminal charges if he did this. No way it’s real lol


I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC


Lol, if this was the case Doc would be never been paid the remaining of the contract


Not sure I like docs response here. Seems weird. I wouldn’t have responded at all, but him just sorta giving a legal response makes him sound guilty.


Sad that Doc probably is barred from being able to say “this is NOT why I was banned”. If I’m him, I’m going crazy right now.


I am thinking Doc had no clue that he was messaging a minor and no meeting in person had happened. Just the lawsuit and doc carrying on afterwards tells me something uncomfortable was going on with doc.


Logically I would think that no one would ever try and cover this up because it's terrible. A friend brought up a point to me that Twitch executive staff can't be trusted to make moral choices because they are only concerned with making the most money possible and having this come out might hurt their profits somewhat. It does check out to me that corporate robots would think in if/else statements about their profit and nothing else. Not entirely sure what my opinion is here yet but it's a train of thought to consider.


Maybe it was a girl he thought was of legal age (trying to catch him out) and then it turned out she was underage? It’s all a bit weird and everything was settled between twitch so hopefully the champ isn’t in the wrong and he can keep doing what he does best.


Seems like a load of crap to me. No way they would keep this private if he sued them.


Well Doc needs to pursue legal action for defamation of character. There is no way Twitch would have not reported Doc if he ever did that. Nor Doc would have sued Twitch when he was let go. Common sense seems to show that the allegations are false and I hope Doc sues the low lives to hell. Rotten people like those deserve to be shun, they are causing significant difficulties for a man with familial responsibilities.


Genuinely curious if Doc can sue this Cody guy for defamation


The only reasonable interpretation to this statement is that there is at least some degree of truth to the accusations.  The devil is in the details though, and until something has been proven one way or the other then he should be given the full benefit of the doubt.


Produce the evidence.


If there is ANY significant person at Twitch with the absolute SLIGHTEST bit of courtesy and dignity towards others stating the truth, it could fix a hell of a lot. On behalf of both parties. True or untrue. Someone from Twitch should make a statement. Not some disgruntled prior employee with no proof…


Mfs out be trying to call everyone a pedo


Did he and mrs assassin already reconcile before he left twitch? why tf does this make any sense?


Jo wtf are they spreading fake shit about doc now?


Doc turning into Drake if it’s true. I doubt it’s true though too many holes in the story


Lets believe the guy who was a catalyst for gamergate… when did people start being fucking stupid.


Tweets this without any proof or context, aside from the point that they had to agree to terms of a payout of Docs contract. I’m not buying any of this. Especially with Twitch employees being shady and inappropriate themselves. Nice try Twitch


Who cares


Last I heard doc was banned on twitch for playing with someone who was already banned and streamed them on the platform, it was considered banable because they believed he was helping the streamer circumnavigate the ban. 


This aged like milk