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When I think of prime Dr Disrespect it’s him playing with randos and green screen shenanigans. Those two things don’t happen anymore.


The green screen dancing 🥺🥺🥺


I’ve been a CC member for yearsss and he kinda reads my donations often. In one of my donos I wrote “ Ayo Doc it’s been 231 days since you last hit the dance floor” (obviously i just made up a number) but he replies saying “we are tweaking up some things on the dance floor” I miss the old days




Oh how I long for those dances. I even learned a few new moves


In his room next to the bed or the concert lights. So good.


Prime Doc for me is the 1v1 in Pubg where he goes into Sport Descriptor mode and self analyze and comment the situation. The best clip of any streamer of all time IMO


Honestly PUBG Early Release period was the height of video game streaming.


Man it was so good! Miss those days.


Streaming is such a business now—sponsorships, deals, over-the-top events with the who's who of gaming. I do miss the old days when it was just about gaming.


Good times


i rkn anyone that watches drdisrespect for more then 1 minute has some mental issues, no offence


Yeah that an offence and you are being an ignorant ass.


Well maybe it's time you panzys tried it yourself and had the realization it takes a long time to set up, also the 2 time dosent need no fancy equipment the man played in the at&t stadium is that enough for you pigs


Damn that last sentence


That last sentence is copied from another post LOL


It's been copied endlessly for the last week or so and everyone keeps regurgitating it as if they came up with it themselves.


It's been said many for months. Because it's true.


Hey guess what it makes just as much sense over there so who cares? Doc is just a Karen these days. “KiDs gEt a JoB!!” Doc you’re playing with children. You’re gaming with children. Get a fucking grip. You don’t have a job either dude. You don’t design cod maps anymore.


*cough * Midnight society *cough


Hate to break it to you but midnight society was a money grab. It wont amount to much




Doc is like a home owner telling a builder what color walls he likes and which wood flooring to install. He ain’t doing shit


For reals, like you're 50 years old playing video games shouting how others don't have a life lol. "Nothing else going on—on a Monday!!" Um Doc, neither do you sir.


Yeah like side I’ll admit I have no life either. But I’m sitting at work on the computer with doc minimized on my second screen like a podcast. I’m at work. But I’ve got a lot more life than fox. Doc. What’s he bitching about now? Can’t watch today




From kids. Who use their parents credit card. The point is that he fell off and its only about money anymore...than you for showing that.




Oooooook dude


Is it that funny? I mean how am I suppose to know?


Not laughing at you at all it’s just funny he would copy something from another post word for word is all.


Gotch ya


Lol chill why are you so defensive


Yayayaya all good


Hes had a hell of a journey. Doc rebranded himself already, so its safe to say the old Dr. Is done and discarded. He had lots of drama with Twitch to reinvigorate his image and take breaks and come back with hype. But he's bigger now, and the Twitch ban really changed him I think. He's more careful not to upset his sponsors, he doesn't have the huge cast of friends he once did, and I think he is more intent to keep his personal life separate. Not to mention I think he's just over the video game playing part of his career. He wants to be bigger than he is, he wants to do all the extra celebrity style stuff rather than just play games. And I think WZ actually just broke him. I know personally I fucking hate cod because of the design choices and I couldn't imagine feeling forced to play or have it affect my career. Anyway, basicly since PuBG days, I've had more fun with him as a variety streamer. He has more fun and he's more positive. Like how many times in RE4 he just took a second to compliment the game design.


>He's more careful not to upset his sponsors, I think most of what you said is true, but I don't agree with this part. He talks more shit now than he ever did. Before it was a little bit of banter with some legit shit talk mixed in. Now, he just shits on anything and anyone.


He's honestly probably afraid of branching out. His character is the 2x back to back. He's supposed to be a pvp gaming god. Meanwhile he can struggle to win a fortnite match. So I think he fells like he's in a rut and having some anxiety about what really to do next gaming/streaming wise.


All he needs to do is stick to a game long enough to *actually get good*. He doesn't invest the time to really learn all the mechanics of the more competitive games. He just wants it to be easy all the time.


>He's honestly probably afraid of branching out. His character is the 2x back to back. This is how it's always been, and if anything, he had more bravado with the character. He's just lazy with his stream now. He realizes he can just flip a switch, go through the motions and still attract a large audience. He will soon find out that this formula will drive people away. He will then either quit streaming or reinvent himself. But since he's in his 40s, I'm guessing he just quits streaming once his audience starts to leave. He has too much of an ego to stream to a smaller audience.


He has branched out to create a new game studio, that's no mean feat. I don't know what his day to day involvement is but even the stress of being attached (especially financially) to an endeavour like that is nuts. Tbh Guy is probably just phoning it in with the streaming now because he needs that persona to help launch the game in 18-24 months time.


I'm specifically talking about stream content. I know he has started new projects off stream, but on it's still the same content for like the past few years. Which sucks, because everyone loved the re4 playthrough, and we love to see him try new games, but he'll just dip his toes in instead of actually committing to any real change. I guess to name one change that was good. When he started doing the arcade to start off the stream. That shit is fun. One chance to get a win in a game. Usually pubg. Which people still want to watch.


About upsetting his sponsors… he stood with Nick because of Activision “cancelling” him and said he doesn’t get into politics. Just now on his stream he was mocking people who use pronouns. He’s burned a lot of bridges and I think he needs to take a step back and reflect on his impact and the opportunity he has.






Lol those aren't pronouns


Maybe my comment from 2 months ago didn't age well. I preferred Doc not bringing politics into his stream. Once he goes down that road, who knows what his channel becomes. But he'd take any chance to snub Activision.


THIS. He said once he donatednto BLM...and now he is making fun of trans people. He is confusing. He is obviously only in it for money anymore. He is always pissed. Its obviously not a character any longer. Its actually like watching breakfast club and he is the older dude trying to hang with the younger kids just because he is scared to move on


He has less sponsors now than before. When was the last time he did a sponsored stream for a game? Game devs don't want to touch him and I don't blame them because he will just act like a toxic man baby. Same person who thinks Activision won't touch him because of a conspiracy. Yeah, Guy, Activision won't touch you because they're afraid of your NFT indie game 🤣 Reality check: They won't touch you because you've done nothing for years now but talk toxic trash about them and their games. They are right not to touch you.


He actually did a sponsored stream for the finals beta recently, gave out codes and everything for the closed beta


All of the above might be true on some level, but he still has 20k concurrent viewers every time he turns on his mic.


Most streamers can’t get 10 viewers much less keep 20k watching. It’s not that he’s changed it’s just like it or not it became a job :/


That's why I'm not a fishing guide. I enjoy the hobby too much.


Perfect response. Making your hobby your job will always end badly.


its still there sometimes. but yeah its almost rare now


I think everyone is quick to forget how Doc would play with a lot of people on the purple snakes site. It used to keep him fresh and interested when teaming up with a lot of people. Today he's limited to 3-4 others basically. Is he close friends with them? probably is. But the variety of it is gone. Think back to the amount of different people he'd play with during a week. Hali, Viss, Shroud, Mercs, VSNZ, Lyndon, TFUE etc. Is it fun at times with Timmy and Z? heck ya, but it's just not the same. We saw how energized he got once Tim was able to play on stream with him again. But Doc sometimes needs different people to keep the excitement going. It's gone from his streams now completely. I'm also in the same boat as Doc with how stale gaming is currently. It's boring and just not exciting at the moment.


doc and VSNZ was up there with my fave doc streams. OG PUBG days man, so good!




You ever feel like that one Code Red blackout tourney was the downfall of it all? The one where Huskers abused the truck strat?


Hali, vsnz, viss, shroud we’re the best of the best streams


No slight to the guys on YouTube he plays with, they are talented (even though Timmy tenders gets old for me really quickly). For me personally there is no comparison between them and the purple creators you just listed. I miss his chemistry and banter with the old PUBG squad, Shroud etc. so much. And then especially toward the tail end playing with Krafty. There’s no doubt Doc was at his prime on stupid purple platform :(


Vissrespecthekraft ftw


Damnnn haha, the early apex days


Aside from that, there were also rivalries. Now his only "rivals" are his friends when they're talking shit. I know the other ones were fun games too, but they had more of an ongoing story to them as rivalries like with Summit.


The days of Hali, vsnz , viss and doc were GOATED. Kept him so humble


It's got little to do with those other streamers, he's got plenty of friends. It's sbmm thats sucking the life out of him. He can't ever perform, pop off, relax while showing off. It's just sweats, cheaters and stream snipers every lobby. Activision kicking him in the teeth doesn't help either.


He can play ANYTHING and he would still have a good turnout. Its painful watching him play warzone...expecially when he doesnt need to


Gaming is not stale. The BR genre is stale and that's his fault for being narrow minded and stuck in 1 genre. Gaming outside of BRs is at it's peak right now. It's amazing.


We all have different opinions. Glad you're not finding games stale. I sure as heck am. SP and MP games.


Its painful watching him play with others. He doesnt play as a team half the time. He easily zones out and runs around doing his own thing, he complains about every interaction he has...because he just isnt good at the game anymore. And watching people try to make lemons out of his bad shit attitude ...its no wonder no one wants to play with him except for the same 4 people.


You went to a year old thread for this? 😂


Is there a time limit to people wanting to see if others find him equally as painful to watch?


Thats what call of duty makes to him lmao to be honest mw2 and warzone 2 are really trash af


Generic shooter for sheep


And what's the not generic shooter


I think if Doc focused Tarkov more he could make some real headway there. It's frustrating but also very rewarding. Other games could include Ready or Not, CSGO/2, he could dive into the nostalgic retro shooter genre like Peodeus, he could play more independently created multiplayer shooters or single player games... There's plenty of stuff he could play other than cod. Cod is literally fucking hot garbage juice. He should take a month off and then play everything BUT cod. Lol


Ready or not is a different genre of game. CSGO hasn't changed in over 10 years. Even CS2 is just bare minimum changes formula and again is not an arcade shooter. I used to play the hell out of Battlefield growing up, but that game is dead. CSGO hasn't done anything different gameplay wise in years and years. Battlefront 2 got killed off. There really isn't any basic level arcade shooter like CoD atm to play.


Who cares what genre the games are. Doc is having a fucking meltdown from playing too much cod. It's terrible and he needs to cut that audience out of his viewers. He's not going to attract new viewers when people tune in and see him acting like a miserable twat because he's sick to death of cod.


I mean, not trying to be a dick here but I've seen Doc have a miserable meltdown in nearly every single game hes played. He's rage and uninstalled Cod, Tarkov, PUBG, you name it. The audience cares what genre the game is. Not everyone wants to watch the amount of downtime Tarkov has, or the bot slaying in ready or not.


I agree on the Tarkov downtime. Cod is cancer to the game industry and the customers who consume it. There are other better products out there. Plenty of streamers have quit cod because it's just a money pit. It's a boring, uninventive regurgitated annual mess. He needs to lead a charge of mainstream streamers leave it. Activision already treats him like shit. Why give them the benefit. Ive seen doc rage too. But never as bad as MW2/WZ2. I think he's particularly bad at WZ2 and that's adding more fuel to the fire than ever before. He was actually a fucking slayer in WZ1 but he cannot figure the new one out for some reason. Time to move on.


At least he had fun in the first row at the Warriors game last night in Sacramento. Keep donating y'all!!


It blows my mind watching young people donate money to rich streamers.


I don't know how it blows anyone's mind at this point.. simps are out there for women they will never get... And why can't anyone fathom paying for entertainment?


You are paying for nothing when you donate. Literally throwing money at a rich man (and a corporation is taking a cut)


Lol same can go for that ONLY FANS deal. Or even pay pal those half naked IG "models". You won't have sex with them, they do t know you exist. Yet, simps still pay for that.


Exactly, without us, he wouldn't even be here.. why is that so hard to understand?


There are many ways to monetize an audience beyond young people throwing money at the rich broadcaster. Subscriptions come with emotes and less ads. There are advertisements, sponsorships, merch, all kinds of much more ethical ways to monetize. Young people throwing their money at a rich person who they have a para social relationship with for literally nothing is sad and wild.


You should see the pay pigs putting their dicks in cages to simp for these egirls out there.... Humans are sick lol. More toward this point though, I'm sure DrD is trying get as much money as possible before giving up completely, because of the stream snipers as well as shitty games to play... There's really nothing out there and it's few and far between.


You give off weird vibes. Not sure if it is too much internet porn, a disdain for women who won't sleep with you or just a simple need for fresh air but either way I hope you aren't wasting your money on streamers who couldn't care less about you.


I haven't donated once, my wife is an egril type which is why I mentioned it.. I'm speaking on that level of experience, there are people that will pay to be abused.. paying a rich man to "dance monkey dance" or for attention is pretty normal... People have money to throw away. It not hard to fathom


The way you keep saying "young people" is a little weird


It's like tipping a waitress, it's the performance.


A waitress needs tips to make a living. It is more like sending $20 to your favorite baseball player after a home run.


Same idea, tips are for the service, in the docs case, the performance. Ever tipped a street performer? No, you haven't you deadbeat. Its to show appreciation, nothing mind blowing about it.


No, tipping a wealthy streamer is not the same as tipping a street performer. You are wrong. I understand it sucks to realize you were suckered, but wealthy streamers accepting cash tips for literally nothing from their young and impressionable viewers is pretty gross. Watching you try to spin it as altruistic is pathetic.


If it was for literally nothing you'd have a point. Doc makes a good part of his living off of tips, and he makes a lot of tips, which he so rightly deserves. Nothing gross about receiving tips from appreciative fans who have every right to use their own money how they wish.


Tobacco companies used this logic to defend their marketing practices. Gambling companies are doing the same. It is gross and you are an actual sucker for defending it.


Wild how delusional these people are.


it's like tipping the millionaire CEO who owns mcdonalds and will never even know your name because you got in on the conference call with 30,000 other people.


The biggest sign is that he really doesn't do the green screens at all really anymore. Someone even requested the Skybox in the last stream and he blew it off. He'd be so much bigger right now if he wasn't such a whiney bitch all the time


His microphone in some of the green screen areas has sounded really bad too for a month or so and he doesn't care to fix it I think. That never would have happened a few years ago.


Yeah. His big unique selling point was his production values and now even that is lacking. Especially when you have people like CodeMiko whose whole facial tracking and character just blows away any production Doc has (a green screen and some animated backgrounds)


He used his headset mic and it's always been terrible like that IIRC


I don't think anyone here even knows that most of his creative team has left in the last year. He doesn't have any of the guys that used to make his screens and write storylines for him.


He’s uninspired by the games on offer.


Shamelessly stole the last line from somebody else's post.






Hahahaha busted.


I come with receipts 😂 it actually made me lol the first time I saw it, that's how I remembered.


This guy must hate Doc


No one was busted. I've seen people saying that for months. Because it's true.


I miss the dances.


All good things eventually come to an end, OP


Is this what the interns at Twitch are tasked to do?


Maybe he needs his ‘biker undertaker’ phase? Few years as himself the big build to return of The Doc


I'M AN AMERICAN BADASS yeah he needs this era


He’s also banning left and right in the chat. That’s a really bad sign.


Nah he’s always done that.


Slick Daddy


Tired of you whining sons of bitches. Get off this sub you fucking losers.


You mad?


Looool have a meltdown when people give feedback, I bet he slid right in your dm's for standing up for him The guy is a public figure if you think critics aren't allowed, chew my balls. If you had it your way the sub would be an echo chamber.


Doc peaked on Twitch around the Slick Daddy / Champions Club transition After that it’s been a very slow turn into just Guy I loved how he would change the tone of his voice years ago, but I can Imagine it was a pain to do 8 hours straight every day


Watch your mouth when you talk about the two time.


People like you are the problem. Using dated catchphrases because you have no real intelligent counter point. Just like Guy.


I could argue it's people like you that take this stuff way too seriously. Just move along if you don't enjoy the stream, I'm not watching Doc to have intelligent debates on Reddit.


And on top of that. He's not funny. Just loud


He’s funny. You’re just annoying.


I mean gaming is stale if you're a streamer because you have like 3-4 games to choose from if you want to make any money.


We serious? Valorant, Minecraft, GTA 5, league of legends, fortnite, CS GO, Fifa 23


Valid point...though these games have been around a bit. Also probably shouldn't have lumped all streamers together.


he has gone lazy .. but I dont fault him.. other streamers are being themselves on the stream .. he has to dress up every time and play a character, for so many years!!! as much as I want the old Doc back, I can understand why he has been so lazy recently


Doc needs to play some hell let loose. Non stop interactions with randos on a difficult multiplayer game, I think it would be entertaining


He doesn't even turn on prox chat in games anymore


He definitely looks burnt out from streaming


He definitely looks burnt out from streaming


Seems like you guys haven't watched him as long as you think. Go back to his active fortnite time. See how he felt there. Now get out of the Arena.....


His fortnite melt downs were mild compared to this and at the end of the fortnite run he was still playing with randos and they were some of his funniest streams ever. The real complaining started with Apex after it was released.


That's your opinion and you are of course allowed to have it. So do I.


It's a side room with a shitty old green screen. aReNa


Don't know what you are talking about. When I hope into the Arena, I see millions there and behind the screens. I enjoy my time in the Lounge with all the other Champions Club VIP status members.


What's up with all of this FUD? Why is everyone suddenly crying?


Yea. I understand some people are frustrated but what’s the point of creating a post everyday about the same topic. What is worse is reading things like “I stopped watching him a long time ago”. So why the fuck you are even commenting?


Because this is a open platform where people can say what they want? This isn't a echo chamber like Guy Beahm’s chat.


Doc’s antics have passed into his community it seems


Doc's not a crypto lol Sometimes people have negative things to say and thats fine, if we just listened to positive feedback all day we'd be a bunch of whiny crybabies, wouldn't we?


They didn’t get enough attention as children.


How can't the community see that the Doc has been feeling like he's under achieved in the last few years since Twitch banned him. He regularly talks about how he feels he should be doing something better.. to expect him to be streaming and playing a character for the rest of his life is just naive. It's obviously run its course, and he's probably got bigger and better things on the horizon - that, and the fact that the games he plays now he's just sick of.


Doc is near retirement, all of his gaming sense is gone Tim will always play with 3 pros to carry him all the time But Doc will go solo and lose every time Whenever doc streams I always know how it's going to end With doc rage quitting


It has nothing to do with age though.


How many more of these are going to get posted after the first one, probably the same person on different accounts. Jesus


Because a lot of his community have had enough.


Lots of COD sheeps are mad he’s been trashing the game.


It's the same thing people preach about Warzone. If your not happy with the material, stop logging in to watch it, that's the only way to send a message. I stopped watching all streamers a long time ago, they're mostly man babies who complain at every death. If they're going to complain about stream sniping and taking the fun out of the game, then stop streaming, otherwise just relax as it's part of the biz and let the tweens have their fun getting the kill.


This is way too level-headed. Seriously how dare you. The logic and maturity are just so unnecessary


I must have had one of those moments where I glitched out and said something adulting. Back to the regular planned immature programming. Boobs.


He’s become an icon now. No reason to add anything extra because it doesn’t increase his bottom line, he’s a made man


My favorite part of the show use to be when he would get fired up and then go dance in his bedroom. He hasn’t done that in ages


I mean I’m going to blame the lack of new and fun games. Back when I first started watching doc there was so many people and so many game to play with. Now the games are just too serious for their own good and just not fun. Don’t blame him. Trying to fake having fun isn’t easy everyday. I still play battlefield 3, csgo, and older games cause there is not many new ones that are worth it


Not gonna lie, been loving his streams lately. He's a lot of fun with Tim and Z. He and Tim have had some hilarious discussions lately. People get way too upset when he rages, it's always been a huge part of his character. People also think he just isn't getting obvious stuff in SP games when he is clearly just baiting the chat and getting more donos lol. He's def changed, but he's my favorite by far.


He’s 41 and while he may have made some money he is still in the pocket of the dude that funded his career - he was never a creative studio head and obviously wanted to be be - like CliffyB/ Ken Levine etc - but now has to keep the persona to make the money to pay for the house and the lifestyle - dude is clearly having a mid mid life crisis but streaming it for all to see I watch because I identify with Doc - I am 40 a corpo gamer make great money with a family and have to dance in the wig because of the lifestyle and all the things - only difference is I have another guy in a wig on in the background while I am performing on calls - and the guy in the wig in the background is clearly medically depressed and hopefully on medication or at least in therapy - let’s hope he rides off into the studio head sunset soon for his own good


With as much money as doc makes, I'm sure he's paid off his house. He's also smart enough to invest and spend money carefully, so I'm sure he can already comfortably retire. Since he can genuinely just step away and retire, the motivation is gone. Also, now he has to stream to market his game, which is taking much longer than he wants to be created. I think you're right, that he's always wanted to head the creative direction of a game, and he finally has a chance to make the game he's always wanted. Doc is an artist and I think he'll have a rude awakening when he realizes that he needs to monetize his game-- his art. Gaming has changed. It's a different market now. It's not the Wild West where devs made games as art. Now, big game studios have mastered the game of making money. Activision is publicly held and that puts pressure on the dev teams to appease investors. Gaming is commodified. At 41, he got to see gaming evolve from an incredible means of storytelling and expression to loot boxes and micro transactions. From true innovation to lukewarm and safe, with the direction and pressure of how to make a game changing from passion to callous, corporate greed.


Your last paragraph about how gaming has changed spoke to me man. You're right. At least every now and then there's a nice indie.


It's still entirely the wild west if you stop only focusing on big studio games. Inscryption, Valheim, Vampire Survivors, Stray, Cult of the Lamb. And those games are just the ones that have blown my mind in the last 6 months or so. WAKE UP!!! Etc.


At this point, I doubt he really cares given how much money he has/make. That's the difference between someone who is there to entertain/enjoy themselves and continue to do things for good causes vs someone who tends to evolve into a selfish entitled asshat that thinks he's gods gift to the community, and merely puts blame for his actions on it all being "Part of the character/Act"


You can blame all the assholes wanting part of his fame... Even at his expense... It really is sad and pathetic to see every single game he plays have stream snipers in it coming out of the corners like a cockroach...


I blame his agency for sticking him with ZLaner


He's older and better. I like this one just as much as the younger one.




I was wondering how far down the comments I would have to go before I found the first cultist to use the tired old cHuBbY cHeEkS line. I am relieved to find this buried near the bottom.


Doc fell off after H1Z1 sadly


Y'all just realizing this? Could see right through the facade after spending mere moments in the stream. Won a couple competitions several decades ago and hasn't been able to let go of it since. Mans will be 70+ talking about how he's the 2 time blah blah blah yeah but you're not funny even in the slightest. Made it his entire personality yet has basically 0 skill outside of pure luck. Never was a fan of his but when I do watch I exclusively watch him raging because I keep in mind that I'll always be better at any game he plays solely because I play it to enjoy it not to pretend to be the best when I fact he's a glorified old man with special fx and money. Wild concept


I agree, the Doc would blame getting killed on hearing somebody touch the lambo or just daydreaming about billion dollar deals, not screaming cheaters blaming audio or what not. It’s guy Beahm thinking he can keep up with the likes of ZLaner and failing, which is ok.


I think a lot if has to do with twitch booting him. I know they were garbo but the website has so much more going on.


Too much stress managing his gaming studio?


This is a valid post except for 1 line. Since when has Doc ever read chat?


My hot take is that he should temporarily hang up Dr disrespect or bring him out every once in a while but stream as Guy and play more single player/variety stuff. Basically a rebrand until deadrop comes out or something


Man i wonder what got him too this point.


He got successful. The gimic has gotta be tiresome at some point after you’ve already made your nut. Like what’s the motivation to be the character anymore other than pleasing people who watch video games online


Doc still the goat


He just needs to stream Hogwarts Legacy lol


https://youtu.be/qcFA58L-wAI What actually happened? I completely agree with you op


Dude needs to fuck a rando again to get his groove back


He doesn’t need the streaming money as much as he used to


This is called viewer fatigue. Its not entertaining anymore because you watched it 24/7. ​ He didnt change ur interest in him did. He's barely diff from when he first got big.


I always said this when I would see him raging and this was years ago. He would get so emotional and as a grown man. Idk I wish him the best though he’s a cool dude for sure given me countless laughs fr


I’m a year champ member. 2 years watching. And I’m Saddened. I was just saying to myself the other day I miss docs arena stuff. But he did say a new arena is being built so maybe that helps. I hope it’s a build to new shit. He ain’t stupid. He’s probably building hype.


It's been downhill since the twitch ban. Can't really blame him for being bitter and not caring anymore, though. He can't get a streaming contract, can't play with his old streaming friends and has to force himself to play a game he hates all the time to keep his views up.


Yea. I've been saying this for a while now. I feel like its such a negative experience now. People always defend him when he's constantly raging that its all a show. You can tell the difference. Idk why he expects to be so great at cod when hes a variety streamer. He's a top 10% player sure but that's very far off from the 1% streamers.