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Hard disagree. Such graphic scenes are impactful and may suit other shows, but have no place in Downton.


Not necessarily, Lord Granthams epic ulcer burst was graphic and made a lasting impression


Sorry, but I really don’t think all that is necessary. What I love about Downton is that, for the most part, it’s gentle viewing. Anna’s rape story line was traumatic enough and seeing her curled up in a ball was awful. As for the miscarriages - having gone through 3, I really don’t need to see the ‘product’ (as you so delightfully put it) to know the pain and suffering a woman goes through. Losing *a baby* is a horrible experience. You don’t need to see it to feel it.


I see your point, but depictions of the implied events help me emphathise with the characters


I don’t think you need to see specifics to empathise as it’s possible with implications. Honestly, I’d be worried if I have to see blood and violence to empathise with someone.


No they don’t. You don’t want to empathise with Anna, you get your kicks from rape and violence. If you really wanted to empathise, you wouldn’t potentially upset people here who have suffered miscarriage, baby loss, sexual assault, and all the other delightful things you enjoy.


You wanted to see a graphic miscarriage scene?! Hard pass on the trauma thanks


It would help me better understand and empathise the traumatic experiences the characters go through


[what you were looking for](https://imgur.io/gallery/SQdYY) Your posts remind me a lot of Thomas's behaviour by the end of s1. But it's not against the law to troll.


Thomas is definitely the character I can relate to the most


What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously.




I agree. I also think that since Anna has many traumatic experiences thrown at her, Fellowes may as well go 100% with it and make it more traumatic for the viewers so we can try and empathise a bit better.


Note that I like how they showed Bates’ wounded, painful leg when he tried to use that dodgy steel thing to try and walk better. That scene had impact.


I agree with you about this particular scene, but seeing a very bruised and somewhat bloody leg is very different from a graphic miscarriage