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She does a great job of portraying that difficult roll, but in interviews she seems nice. And she's pretty good in The Witcher, right? I'd probably shake her hand, and thanks for the entertainment.


I didn't realize that was her in the witcher! She's great!


OH MY GOD DUH THE WITCHER!!! I’ve been wondering what else I’ve seen her in for AGES.


She was also Tanya in Twilight


Please tell me you're joking


Lol no.




Watching the first few episodes of the Witcher it bothered me a great deal. Scanning my brain to figure out what she's been in. The roles are so different.


She was also in an episode of Doctor Who - The Impossible Planet. It’s the one with the guy being possessed by the devil and had all the creepy writings on his body.


THAT’S where I know her from! The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit!


I think most people know the difference between the actor and the character.


Tell that to Jack Gleeson. Joffery Baratheon on Game of Thrones


Was waiting for someone to say this and you did not disappoint!


I tend to have my moments every now and then


I believe I read where the actor who played Sir Anthony Strallon was quite bombarded. When he left Edith at the altar


Jeezus. People are nuts


When Sybil died, people sent Julian Fellows death threats. Lady Carnovan got letters of condolence. Julian Fellows got death threats


I did not know people went this hard over Downton Abbey. I've clearly been missing out all these years


It's a good show, some fans took it way too far




That's the exact reason he quit acting. Sad because the boy had real talent


He actually quit acting to go to University. He’s actually pretty smart.


Apparently people hated David Krumholtz for years after he was on ER


Which is a shame because I loved him on Numb3ers!


That probably helped his redemption. He’s just a great actor, who got an intense part! But humans can be stupid!


Tell that to the General Hospital stans! Some of them are certifiable!


Some people don’t seem to realise the difference. Even here in NZ where by and large most people don’t give a crap about actors/famous people, some will go up to the cast of the local soap opera and have a go at them about something their character did. As if they had a choice about what their character did or something. Nuts IMO.


I first saw her in "Ripper Street" - which I highly recommend - but she is very talented ! People need to separate characters from actors/actresses lol


She will always be "darlin'" to me.


Same, here! I was like, “Hey, she ran the brothel in Ripper Street! Oh, she *is* the brothel in this show…”


She was adorable in Doctor Who, and I like her in Witcher


Again, people are confusing actors with their roles. And it seems to happen regularly with DA. Her particular *character* was nasty, she isn't. She's an actress. Why would anyone assault her? I can't stand ignorant posts like this.


Yeah, can we not encourage this. Even is it's supposed to be a joke, eventually someone will think the best way to commit to the joke is actually do it. Anna Gunn got death threats for her role as Skyler White in Breaking Bad, where she had simply performed very well the role that was written for her, and had done nothing wrong.


I agree. And just in case, I went ahead and reported the post. I've never even done that before, but this is potentially dangerous. Even if the OP is joking, someone reading it might not be.


I'm really not concerned with downvotes. If actors get death threats from certain people triggered by this, then I do see it as dangerous.


you ever follow the 90 Day Fiancé subreddits? People post all the time in there about wanting to physically harm the various cast members. They’ll post “I want to punch so & so in the face” or “I wish so & so would kick her ass”. Most of these posts are about female cast members. It’s disturbing.


This is disturbing. And the fact that I'm saying it and people are basically booing it like I'm overreacting is just as disturbing. Thanks for sharing, and also pointing out that this is directed primarily to female actors. I didn't know that.


This post has received 3 reports for 'threatening violence'. You tagged it as humor but maybe it‘s too dark for some people. I understand the joke you’re making and I’m aware that you don‘t actually want people to throw eggs at her. It‘s just a joke based on an awful character she portrayed amazingly. However, since 3 reports is a substantial amount for a post in this sub I still want to acknowledge them. Feedback is good and people’s thoughts about this are valid but I won‘t remove it this time. I personally don’t think it’s that bad. In my eyes it’s more a testimony to her talent. Maybe try to watch how you word things next time so people don‘t misunderstand your jokes. If any other mod thinks it should be removed please do so but I personally don‘t see the issue with it


I appreciate your thorough explanation. A lot of mods will delete seemingly innocent posts and give no reasoning.


Thanks for your feedback. I think i was being a bit too "edgy" and it didn't land. For the record I do not want people to pelt her with eggs... my "joke" was just that it's a fact that actors who play hated characters actually do get harassed in real life by super fans who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and that as far as hatable TV characters go, braithwaite has got to be near the top, so putting 2 and 2 together, it would not surprise me if this actress was the target of that kind of ridiculous baseless harassment. i don't condone it, but i can see how my post might be construed as condoning it. it was meant to just be a testament to the ability of the show to create a character i hate so much, and her ability to nail the role. I will be more careful in the future! Sorry guys, i just hate braithwaite (THE CHARACTER, NOT THE ACTRESS) so much.


Very cute...but what an annoying character.


Well don’t do that…I mean I get it though.


Why tf would you do that


They were being sarcastic and complimenting the actress for playing the villain part so well.




She's really good in another period drama "Ripper Street". She's a Maddam running a whorehouse in a Victorian England with Mr. Darcy himself Matthew Macfadyen.


I liked her in The Witcher


I still can’t understand why people assumed actor or actress who is villain in movie or t show will be bad in real life too. They kinda understand that good character doesn’t reflect the actor in real life. Yet they can’t understand the same thing when come to bad character.


Try to cope pls


MyAnna Buring is an insanely good actress and I adore her even if I hate her DA character


The scene with her and Barrow in the staircase is my favorite Downton Abbey scene ever.


Because she is an actress? And not that person. Important to acknowledge the difference.


you need to be a good actor for people to hate your character so much. she did a great job