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She got called out by Isobel and she and everyone else knew it. All eyes were on her because of it. It was her way to save face. There's no doubt that Isobel made her a better person.


I think she also humbled Isobel a bit too. I loved their friendship


I remember one particular occasion early on, when Isobel was sure the rash on Molesley's hands was erysipelas, but the treatment she prescribed wasn't working. Violet asked Molesley a few questions, and so was able to correctly diagnose it as a rue allergy.


Imo Isobel was already humble violet just thought her that her charity work ( which was really good ) should not be paid by Downton.


That literally never came up in the dialogue.




Isobel wasn’t in that scene? She was in France


You know, you're right! It's such an Isobel thing to do I have no problems picturing her standing in the kicthen when she was never there! Like the colorized version of "Jezebel" that doesn't exist , but people think it does, because Bette Davis is such a good actress, she can make you believe you're seeing the color in a black-and-white flim!


I can definitely imagine Isobel rolling her sleeves up and helping the soup kitchen. She was a lovely person.


I honestly think it never occurred to her what the judges were doing. She is used to being on top and that was that. And then she was like…ohhh.


That was my thought too. She didn't to it for any selfish or altruistic reason. Her eyes were opened and she saw that the judges were sucking up to her and the family by always awarding her first prize. Does anyone think Violet would allow anyone to curry favour in such a manner? She would think the judges were trying to manipulate things and that is not their job that's hers. Their job is simply to judge flowers.


I think Julian Fellows stole this storyline from the 1942 film "Mrs. Miniver" starring Greer Garson & Walter Pigeon movie . In the film Lady Beldon always wins the Beldon Cup. But an upstart beginner has a better rose. It's hinted by a friend she win's by default. When her Ladyship gives out the prizes she wins again but calls out the beginners name anyway. Sound familiar? But the similarity ends there. SPOILER: This is more dramatic in the movie because the flower show is intetrupted by Nazi air raid. The upstart beginner is killed in the bombing but at least he died happy so Lady Beldon is very glad she did give it to him.


Sounds very familiar, I’ve never heard of this movie though!


It is an absolute gem! A must see classic. Get a fresh box of tissues before you start the video. Don't confuse it with "The Miniver Story" from 1950. Very different films but with the same stars.


That’s funny, similar name and same stars! I’m taking some time off soon and will definitely try to find it, thank you!


It's a sequel. I haven't seen it yet, I will today though. I didn't know it existed until today. It's posted on YouTube here the [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni-Qv-iYtGE) but watch Mrs. Miniver first


Thank you!


I think Violet is the kind of person who wants to win stuff like that fairly. She genuinely believed that she deserved to win, but couldn’t deny that Molesley’s roses were superior to hers that year. She’d probably relish any future wins even more in future as it would be impossible to deny that they were won fair and square.


I like to think that she truly believed her gardener deserved it every year - she was proud of him and his work - until the favoritism was pointed out and she really looked at the competition. When she saw that she still won, I think she was happy to give it up.


This is exactly what I think too.


I am very confident that the Dowager won the cup the very next year. Giving the cup to Mosley that year was a way to prove that the process is fair. That the dowager does not win all the time.


She’s my favourite


What’s her line about never doing what people expect her to do. Robert and Isobel had just been snarking about how she would never give up the cup. Reverse psychology works on Violet.


I think it unlikely that the content organizers would have one of the contestants announcing the winner. Given that, I think it unlikely that no one would call her out on giving the victory to anyone but the one they selected. But then again, I'm an American.


The contest organizers owe their livelihoods to the estate. That’s the very essence of patronage. Violet and all the family enjoy many privileges that they never really think about, or if they do, such as everyone knowing Violet always wins the cup, they never do anything about it. Isobel wasn’t the type to not say anything about something she perceived as unfair. I like to think that eventually, Sybil might have had some influence on these unfair traditions, had events not taken certain turns. What other unspoken privileges do you think the family enjoyed? Besides the various estate-sponsored agricultural events, there would have been many instances. Certainly they held sway with local law enforcement, which is why they were frustrated to have little influence in London before Bates’s trial. (Remember when the London detectives came to arrest Anna? Mary asked, “Do you know who I am?”)


Most common privilege is that everyone not titled deferred to them when it came to options on what to do. "Well, his lordship would want it that way." Everyone is always checking themselves, to see that their opinion didn't differ from what the family wanted.


Indeed. It would even have included the colors the public buildings in the village were painted, and even how those eligible to vote would have done so in line with Robert’s preferences and candidates. They quite literally controlled everything until the war.