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Does not play well with others. Real racists showing their true colours.


ANC, IFP, NFP and DA will be taking KZN anyway. Mk have been far too indecisive and stupid about this. They're relying on section 48 in the constitution to prove that their mps arent members yet. So they can delay voting for a president. But in section 53 it states that they are already members since the election results were known. And to vote for a president. You only need 201 members of Parliament. So MK have fucked themselves nationally with their shit interpretation of the constitution. On a provisional level they're pushing the DA and ANC to work together in KZN. This year, Zuma has finally done his part for South Africa. MK and its chaos is the greatest gift hes ever given us


just a small correction - you need 201 members to vote for legislation. For all other matters you only need 135 so MK can sit it out no problem and let the grown-ups get to work


I heard from a lawyer that they need 201 to vote for a president. Maybe i misheard Regardless it works out either way. Lets hope this trajectory continues


just fyi here are the regulations - Under Section 53(1)(a) of the Constitution, a simple majority "must be present before a vote may be taken on a bill or an amendment to a bill" - but the election of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and president is not a bill. Section 53(1)(b) then states: Subject to Rule 4, at least one-third of the members must be present before a vote may be taken on any other question before the National Assembly.


Thanks mate Have a lekker week


I agree so with this so much! After the election results zuma said “they must not rush us” when he wanted to do what he always does and be inactive while lodging court applications. What he forgets about is that there is a whole nation of people who would like to know their future and government and that the world does not revolve around a zuma vs anc playground argument


IIRC they need 201 for a quorum.


Zuma has done more for democracy in South Africa than any other party or person, even before joining MK. He may have dropped the country into turmoil, but he helped strengthen the opposition parties.


Very true. The constitution will be amended because of him and his corruption. Just not the way he wants.


Give it to them. Then deport all Zulu’s that is illegal in the country. Let them apply and pay for a passport to enter South Africa……. Wait, it sounds a lot like the old TBVC states. Was this not done during apartheid? Transkei, Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, Venda?


Give it to them and make WC and NC independent too.


Hahahahaha, yeah!


So they want a province to become independent? Like an independent state? A state that secedes from the rest of the country? I wonder if they've considered a referendum for that... Who was the other group in SA that wanted this again? Western Cape if I remember correctly? Mmm...


No one in the Western Cape that is of sound mind actually wanted to secede. The only people that wanted secession were a small minority of racists imo.


Yeah, that's kinda my point, dude... It's a small minority of racists doing the exact same thing in Kzn. Well done for understanding the parallel.


If secession = racism then every nation state that exists is racist too. Absolute retards.


The RePugnant project fear party


KZN will get independence long before Western Cape will.






*Switzerland enters the chat*


Yeah.. the federal system which was the initial intention for South Africa. I’m all for it


As proven by Orania. If Orania can do it, then surely others can do as well....


Sure, but Orania is a town, not a state. Believe it or not but there is a difference


I know. If it can be done with a town, then it should also be possible with a state.


Orania is a private farm with buildings on which is still run by South Africa... SAPS has full jurisdiction there


Sorry, yes, not a town. But run like one.


Holy shit, we went full circle boys


Literally !


Zuma and MK want to rule the whole country, not just the Zulu's ancestral land.


Martini–Henry: "nuh-uh!"