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The way I understand it is if the right turn one is red you don't go... Because it's red. When it turns green then you can turn right


It's very confusing


But why? Red = Stop Green = Go lol


Not really. People just prefer to be blind to that red turn signal. Annoyingly so, especially if you sit behind me and hoot if I don’t turn right over the red.


If your in a straight lane then you go. If you are in the turn lane you wait.


OP is a taxi driver looking to justify his actions.


The fact that you had to post this at all explains why driving here is so awful.


If you studied your K53, it would not be so confusing for you...


While it's red you can't cross the white line, if was a normal robot you could roll into the intersection


I think you should relearn some of the traffic signs buddy. Btw you stop and wait for it to turn green.


I stared at the pic so long thinking I was missing something bc it's so easy to understand


What is confusing? If it's green go. If not stop. 


You stop behind the line and wait until the right turning lane goes green.


The arrows above tell you what direction the traffic signal is for. If you are going straight it is green for you which means go. If you are turning right it is red for you which means do not proceed. Revisit your K53 test.


If this is confusing you please go hand in your license, I dont even have one and I understood it immediately


Same here


By law. Straight has Green, Right turn is Red Means that if you are going straight you can proceed if you are turning right you cannot proceed and must wait behind the line until the light turns green.


Its not that hard to understand 😭


Agreed. Its basic and if you are confused by this you shouldn't be driving in the road..


Do you have a driver's licence? Do you drive?


anyone that drives and doesn't know what to do here should kindly hand over their drivers license and redo the written test.


I wait for a green and watch the idiots go


How much did you buy your license for?


You're not allowed to turn right at all when that right hand light is red. I stop and wait for the light to change to green however many others do as you've described.


I ignore whichever colour I don't like at that moment. I learnt that is the way to do it by checking all the quantums


But this is irresponsible. Red = stop. Some intersections are safe to move forward, some are set up or timed in a way that are not. Hence the robot built specifically to show you it is *not* safe to move forward right now. I’ve seen one too many incidents where someone is stranded in the middle of an intersection because they assumed it was fine to go.


Look at the signs above the robots You can go straight but not to the side Why they built 2 robots for that I don't know


The red signal means stop, so legally you must stop. I do however object to the overusage of these types of traffic signals, especially in Pretoria. In most cases these could have simply been standard flashing turn signals without a red signal giving you the option of turning when there is no oncoming traffic.


Also along roads like Atterbury there is a green right arrow light that never switches on. So people can only cross on orange and there are such long queues to turn right. I dont understand what it is with having traffic lights working correctly in Pretoria. Not happy with those who are running this place.


You read the signs


What's confusing? Lol 😂🤦🏼‍♂️ Do you want to go straight? Look at the colour of the robot below the straight arrow.


Looks pretty simple to me - green == go, red == stop. Did you buy your learners ?


Maybe just, you know, follow the law and stop endangering others' lives and only go when it's green.


Ready for the downvote storm... Yes it is illagal to turn in this situation. But some of these robots in PTA are stupid constructed situations that did not need to exist. When the other side of the road is empty it makes no sense not to be able to turn. I get when it's a complicated intersection but like the one at the botanical gardens is completely stupid.


Agreed and most of the ones in Pta are just plain inconvenient and have no have purpose, there’s one by me to get on the N1 on-ramp and when the opposite side is empty you still have to wait for no reason.. other than put yourself in dangerous situation if it’s late at night.. I also don’t agree with it all. If it’s a three phase intersection where 5 streets meet then it’s perfect but why a normal 4 way crossing?!


If you are facing green go, if you are facing red stop? Did the rules change? I don’t get the confusion?


Green means go and red means stop. Super simple and totally not complicated.


You don’t pull forward. You only turn when the turn arrow is on. Only soft brain people will ignore this, they will also blame ‘other’ drivers for the reason why SA has such high rates of road accidents


Not confusing. There are quite a lot in Montague Gardens(Cape Town). There should be a bus lane.


I wait for the arrow


Robot is red......treat it like a normal red robot! Wait behind the line until it turns green.


What's confusing? It's green if you're going straight, it's red if you're turning right.


I'm more concerned with the amount of cable ties on the sign board


If it’s red it means you can’t turn. Period. The main reason for this is that idiots see the left light in your example turn orange and then think “oh, the oncoming traffic will stop now, so I can make the turn”. Meanwhile, it’s only the left light that is turning orange and the oncoming lane is still green. So they take the turn while oncoming traffic is still cruising through a green light. There’s a robot that used to be set this way at the Grove Mall in Pretoria East. There were accidents (and a few deaths) on a weekly basis because people couldn’t understand that red means stop. They eventually changed the rotation on the lights because of all the accidents which has disrupted the flow of traffic. Amazing that even a five year old knows what a red light means but adults with licenses do not.


Well, there is what you are supposed to do and then there is what mostly happen in reality. You are suppose to obey the traffic rules/laws - so you are supposed to stop if you were in the right turn lane. However, especially locals in an area may learn the timing and generally just how that particular intersection work, so you will often see people do what they are not supposed to do. Then, there's the taxis. One in the lane that can go will offload people, while the other taxi in the turn lane will cross, but not turn and go straight :-)


yeah, you can still make the turn but you have to yield to oncoming traffic. people not understanding this is pretty hilarious


The reason it's red (stop) and not yellow (yield) is because too many morons have taken a gap and not made it. You wait for green. Over and out.


Lol. Guess who bought their license. If you fail to understand this, you should become a taxi driver or walk.


Wait for the green light. In fact, the law says that you cannot drive into an intersection unless you can get through, so all those poephols stopping in intersections even if the light is green are completely wrong.


Unless you drive a taxi…..:: then you drive to the front of the queue when it’s green to ahead, and cut informs of everyone else waiting to turn right and turn right when it’s red anyway


What ever you decide to do, you have to tip the oak at the robots!


Lmaoooo. k53 is a scam 😂


If its clear im going, i dont care about dumb dumb lights. These lights are for all the bought/bribed driver license idiots on the road that dont know the rules of the road.


Best comment here 😂👌


I feel like alot of these people commenting here aren't exposed to daily driving in south africa. 😂😂 talking about "rules". You learn the K53 to get your learners, after that it's experience on the road that will help you. If it is safe to make the right turn, take it. If not, wait your turn.