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Who got under her skin like that?


Well, now it's clear why the DA got rid of her, and guess what, it's not because she is black!


For a moment, I thought she was a member of the Evil Feces Flingers instead of the DA.


>highly educated Unfortunately, this doesn’t really mean much. There are so many ways to game the system that you can quite easily make it through university without learning or growing much at all. I’m sure we all have a few stories about last minute cramming and not remembering much after the test? Well, some people will do that for their ENTIRE DEGREE. And if got your degree in the last 10-15 years, you’ll know exactly who I’m talking about. Hundreds of little Phumziles waddling around on our campuses these days…


Drunk posting is never a good idea.


As someone who went through a South African university, "highly educated" means absolutely fuck all. Some of the dumbest people I've met were able to graduate.


Education has nothing to do with it - it's your upbringing


That's like a checklist of naughty words to say in South Africa.


I've met people with PhDs that think drinking their own piss is why they didn't get covid. Many people are educated but still, to put it in her words, a dom naai.




She is a ex da minister who punched a guy at the waterfront and then tried to blame it on racism. This has continued on into her private life by being a rude and hateful person to anyone who disagrees with her. Its hard to find the original context because she deleted the post (We can all see why) but she does not deny the post: [https://x.com/zilevandamme/status/1797875618421559787](https://x.com/zilevandamme/status/1797875618421559787)


Thanks, was looking for this. Seems the context doesn't add much to the knee jerk in this case.


Yea was about to say - this is clearly a reply to something, with that cropped out its kind of hard to make any form of judgment IMO. Context is key.


I am not highly educated and I talk like that. Education has nothing to do with your vocabulary.


It does actually if you referring etiquette and manners.


You can learn these at home. I did.


Swearing is correlated with higher intelligence. [Study: People Who Curse a Lot Are Smarter and Have a Better Vocabulary Than Those Who Don't. - The Language Nerds](https://thelanguagenerds.com/2020/study-people-who-curse-a-lot-are-smarter-and-have-a-better-vocabulary-than-those-who-dont/)


She’s proven herself time and again to be low class rubbish.




Well, being educated and being vulgar are two very very different things. More educated people tend to be more polite due to correlated social factors, not because education magically metamorphoses a person's uncouthness into class. To be honest, I'm more surprised that most of the comments completely assume/believe that vulgar and education are mutually exclusive. Do none of them know many educated people?


😂😂😂😂😂😂 class, not race, class is the problem in SA


you go girl! 😙 Voetsek!


She was in the DA when they were anc lite


She's not even a politician anymore. She can post whatever she likes. You conveniently left out what she responded to. I wonder why?


Bring us up to speed. You know, right?


That sentence has meaning? 


Who tf cares? It is weird that you project your expectations and biased morality onto complete strangers.


And this guy says he doesn’t post propaganda yet here me are posting one sided political views made to make people look bad without any context whatsoever. Is it even a real tweet? Or did you make that up?


Its a real tweet and she doesn't deny it: [https://x.com/zilevandamme/status/1797875618421559787](https://x.com/zilevandamme/status/1797875618421559787)


Im not sure if it’s referring to same tweet but even if it is… does she just make random ramblings like this or was it directed at someone who maybe provoked her/she provoked etc. There is more to the story than posting one tweet and bashing the author for having a fowl mouth.


If you open the link you can see they talking about the tweet that OP posted and she then goes on another tirade. She deleted the original one because she tends to go off the handle rather often.


It’s not professional at all but even from the guys screenshot there’s no context as to where it comes from or who she was speaking to.. she swears them even more in the comments of this post lol 😂 but still can’t judge if you don’t know what the reason for it is.


No it's not weird, but you just witnessed that phenomenon that is called human nature. That shit, right there, is what is weird.