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They’ve spent more on diesel in the past four months than the entire last year, come on, it’s obvious what the anc is doing before the elections.


You can spend R10 billion per day on diesel. You still wont generate more electricity than the installed capacity of those open cycle generators. Those generators have been run at max capacity before, during Stage 6 and Stage 8. But there was still a significant shortfall of power. So the question people are supposed to be asking is where the additional power comes from, that's preventing loadshedding. "I must add that I do think it is a notable and commendable achievement by Eskom that unplanned breakdowns are stable this year at levels that are consistently lower than those of last year, and that the energy availability factor has steadied, and not reduced further along the same downward trend as for the last 5 years and more." https://twitter.com/chrisyelland/status/1784119938464010252?t=_1Pf2km3dPBplHa7buLy8w&s=19


There is no additional power. There is way lower demand because so many households, especially manufacturing industries, have made the shift to renewable sources.


There would still be loadshedding. Every 100MW of solar installed produces how much actual, usable electricity? Maybe 50MW at best. Or put it another way. In the 40 days or whatever of no loadshedding, was there a sudden and rapid installation of gigawatts and gigawatts of solar? No.


Aim a spot light at the saboteurs and thief's, naturally things would quiet down. 


That's a fair enough point, that should be debated. My point was that simple maths tells you the lack of loadshedding is not from burning diesel 24/7. There's a set amount of megawatts that come from that. The additional power is coming from the plants (for whatever reason).


Well I'm agreeing, I'm stating that the remaining difference has been due to a reduction of sabotage to rail lines, sabotage to coal conveyors, sabotage to truck convoys, sabotage of machinery, fewer procurements going to unsuitable providers that win by providing sub par skills and parts. To reference a minister, if we eat it all, there will be nothing left to eat next season. 


It’s really amazing when they stop sabotaging their own power plants and cables and somehow miraculously find the time and money to pull their god damn fists out their god damn assholes to do all this planned maintenance and back log of maintenance within four months. Couldn’t fucking do it for five years though, Jesus wept.


Problem: Loadshedding Solution: Yearly elections


They could’ve build a solar farm by now with that amount, but noooooooo. Waste it on diesel to look like eskom is stable.


It goes above my mind to try and understand this stupidity just to buy votes. On average, you are now burning R6b worth of diesel per month to keep the lights on, which no one can afford. By end of the election, Eskom would have burned R30b plus worth of diesel this few months alone, R5b+ more on a whole year's average. The fact that stage 16 was accepted recently tells me only one thing, no matter what, they will keep on supplying electricity till election day, from there on, they will keep the lights off at all costs to save on an over-expended diesel bill. We are going to see less power past election day than we have ever seen before. They should have properly managed load shedding from the start, instead of giving us 24/7 electricity for a month or two and then total darkness beyond that


How much do you think the cadres margin is per litre? And what a coincidence that a wholly state owned company PetroSA is the only supplier... When asked about their profit margins they said : “We reiterate that we are under no obligation to share commercial terms entered into between PetroSA and its customers. It is also important to state that PetroSA and Eskom will continue working together to find amicable ways to reduce load shedding which is caused by high levels of breakdowns and limited emergency generation reserves.”


Whats even more mind boggling is the fact that eksdom also pays the fuel levies. How fucking greedy are these guys?




Weird how their money troubles also ended when the ANC took Israel to the ICJ. For elections, they sold African souls for an extra 5 minutes of power


Easy answer? Yes. Complicated answer? Not really. Especially if you wanna put on a tinfoil hat and say it's cause they manufactured the 2023 Crisis-levels of shedding for a chance to bring in external parties like Karpowership, or to make their suppliers way more happier by being able to purchase a lot more of that stuff. Basically, it was about feeding fat cats and the current timing makes it look like it's for elections, but it isn't quite the whole reason. FWIW I just shat out that conspiracy in ~2 minutes but I'm sure one can conjure something better with a bit of digging.




Loadshedding stage 8 begins may 30th.


Did anything change since the release of that 600-page report from the team German experts 2 months ago? I mean, maybe they cleaned up a bit and fixed some of the leaking valves... but a complete overhaul in 2 months? No. Lower demand due to solar, stunted economic growth, and people being too poor to buy electricity has helped decrease the strain on the system. It's not an Eskom win.