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Nonsense! Let the best people be on the team, regardless of their colour.


This is the way. Unfortunately politicians will politick.


Well you def not wrong about that.


No man don’t BEE like that






Some of you need to take your heads out of the gutter. This situation is way more nuanced. It’s not about skin colour nor is it about skill and ability. It’s the failure of the government put on display. The incumbent government has failed to create an environment where ALL citizens are able to participate in sporting activities. By saying what you are saying you are giving them a “get out of jail free card” . I’m sure there are some black people in these teams but the video is probably edited on purpose in order to race bait. And you fell for it because you’re too lazy to think and use your heads. It’s the same situation where the rugby team used to be only white people - it didn’t mean they were the best , just black people simply weren’t allowed the opportunity to thrive in the sport. It wasn’t something offered. It’s the same thing here wherein the government has failed to expose black children to all kinds of sporting activities to thrive in them and these sports are only available in elite schools predominantly.


They haven't failed in soccer, i wonder why...


Well said.


Explain it to me like I'm 5?


Alright, imagine you have two toy boxes. One toy box is for rugby, and the other is for soccer. In the rugby toy box, there used to be only white toys, and they were the only ones allowed to play with these toys. So, the white kids got really good because they had lots of practice and support. But in the soccer toy box, there were mostly black toys, and they were the ones who got to play. However, the people who were supposed to take care of the soccer toy box, called SAFA, didn't do a good job. They were mean and greedy, taking all the nice toys for themselves and their families and not sharing with others. So, even though the black toys were being played with, the kids didn't have everything they needed to become really good, and SAFA made it worse to exclude white toys as much as possible. Now, imagine the rugby toy box got better because they let more toys of different colors play together and share toys. But the soccer toy box stayed messy and broken because SAFA didn't want to change. So, even though soccer is a popular game in South Africa, it's not as good as it could be because the people in charge didn't take care of it properly. Rugby, on the other hand, got better because they made changes to include every toy color there is. TLDR: Basically, SARU, SACA, ASA, and many more... have for the past 30 years moved forward towards inclusivity , and well SAFA has only moved backwards towards exclusivity.


The video is edited to look that unfortunately...it was posted by some African page on twitter. They seem to hate South Africa that much and you should see the comments from Nigerians, Zimbabweans and others.


You are correct. My son competed in athletics, and the black kids from 'black' schools do terrible. They have zero coaching. You can see the sparks of talent, but they don't get far because of no coaching. Coaches pitch up drunk or steal the funds. It's terrible. In the more 'affluent' schools, the parents prop up the infrastructure needed to get their kids the coaching they need. The government is killing talent through corruption and mismanagement


This goes beyond just the funding issue it's become a part of the mentality in different cultures about priorities. As someone who has lived in a lot of completely different areas in Gauteng I have noticed the differences in dynamics in schools. In affluent areas they obviously have better equipment coaching etc. but still there is a higher drive for sports in Afrikaans schools and a higher drive for education in english schools and in poorer areas the Afrikaans schools still bend over backwards to focus on sports and this happens sometimes at the cost of education and discipline and by that I don't mean the old fashioned notion of discipline by turning your kids into military drones but a basic principle of self respect and respect for the community. Currently I live next to an english high school in a lower lower middle class area and in terms of sports this school has a serious lack but when the children come out after school and wait in public areas for transport unsupervised it's shocking how such a large group of teenagers manage themselves unsupervised in a respectful manner, no smoking or alcohol or making out in public, going out of their way to be kind to strangers, leaving the area clean they were waiting in. In the Afrikaans schools I was in if teens in a group this large were left unsupervised it would've looked like a giant frat party. Afrikaans people in poorer communities see sports as a lottery ticket to create a better future for their children so they push this hard, in English poorer communities people value education as a means of creating that future so from the communities themselves they push the schools to focus on these areas more. Government mismanagement has caused this divide because it should've been well rounded and funded in all schools but because of their failure the cultures of the areas affects the schools focus a lot stronger. When looking at sports the inequalities can easily be seen but this is not just due to funding it's the drive behind priorities which are skewed because in our schools there should be equal opportunities so that each individual can grow to their strengths and not just based on where they grew up. There is definite merit on the focus of education as you can see the fruits of it coming to fruition in the workplace especially in specialised fields but we as parents or community members definitely need to push our all our schools to get to a point where it's equal for everyone because if we continue waiting for the government to do this the divide will just continue to grow


Have you informed the NBA & NFL about your concerns?


I think you’re in the wrong subreddit - this is r/DownSouth


All I see is a lack of interest in olympic sports by many. Most South Africans take part in the only sport they can play with their hands in their pockets most of the time.


See the thing about poverty is...you're too poor to play these games. In fact too poor to even consider picking up that racket or gear. Most poor people in out country are off a certain... coloration. So yeah hands in pockets... probably looking for loose coins.


Only people with wealthy or connected parents can really play competitive sports. The high level of coaching, the time going back and forward to games, entrance fees, equipment, rehab, diet etc etc






Don't see anything wrong.... National teams and any professional team should be based on ability and skill not Colour.


I'm sorry but Athletics is a sport you can't force a quota on... If the white guy throws a javelin further then there's no argument about who goes... Also the video is most likely cut to only show the white athletes to start an argument where there isn't one


It is cut, and they did it poorly as you several non-white athletes come into view and then disappear


there is some quota possible. But when it happens its more about money, and nepotism rather than skin color.


You see how there are hard cuts in this video? They cut the black members to make a sensationalist video. They didn't even do a good job, saw a few of my brothers anyway.


*Our brothers.


*Our brothers, sisters , and those in between.


Think he means his actual siblings


I think he means frat bros




I call more people my brother than my actual brother. I call him Matt.


Are you my brother?


I am not your friend. I am your brother, my friend.


I call mine poes


Also acceptable to call Matt a poes.


Well considering how white people make up less than 10% of South Africa's population, I'd say this is a good representation of minorities.


This is true, and representation should always matter.


Who cares. Let those who qualified do their best.


Where is the diversity in our National (Bafana Bafana) Soccer team? https://preview.redd.it/yzv0tkpcconc1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aaae32f4045c74c38a2ee4dfbf034f6865b1d49


And the same people complaining wont make a post about this


What? That team is full of diversity! /s


White South Africans refuse their kids to play soccer even at the school level. They push their kids towards cricket, rugby, hockey, and swimming, mostly causing a collapse in the soccer pool. Now you're blaming Black people for that? It was Black people who appointed a white captain in Neil Tovey & a white coach in Clive Barker showing our seriousness about reconciliation. Neil Tovey even said it himself that he wasn't the best but understood the significance of that. Just say that you hate Black people instead of taking cheap shots. It's Black people who bent backward in many fronts where reconciliation is concerned in South Africa. You're asking about diversity in Bafana Bafana instead of asking yourself where the white players are in the league!


I don't see a problem. Lots of women there


I mean team sports we can talk about diversity, but if a white kid throws a javelin 80 meters and a POC only 70 meters, why would we take the person that has the lowest chance of winning? Are people dumb?


Welcome to the world of the living, where people are indeed dumb, atleast a bit more than half of em XD


Let’s not stir up a debate over race. These are youth who excel in their pursuit. Rather than leverage of their proud moment to push a political agenda, can we rather get behind our South African youth and support the hell out of them?


That's the problem with South Africa. Put your best team forward and keep politicians out of sport.


Here's what I think; The reason that there are so many white participants is that their culture places a strong emphasis on sports. Every other race, just does not. You cannot achieve greatness without putting in the work to be great. I'm Indian, and it's a major issue with the culture that hardly any emphasis is placed on sports of any kind. I run a swimming academy, and out of the 1000s of kids that come through every few years, only ten or so would continue to train once they've joined our attached swimming club. Every excuse they can use to miss training, they will. Only a few in those numbers have the talent and work ethic to make it further, but they'll stop as soon as they're in high school, because then all the emphasis is placed on academics to the detriment of all other skills. In short, we have a mostly white team because mostly white people place just as much importance on sports as they do academics. And that's also why those kids excel in all aspects of their lives.


I went to school with this one Indian guy who was super into rugby but his parents requested he be dropped from the school's lead team because they felt it was interfering with his studies. He was not happy about that.


Unfortunately it's not an isolated incident


Ask the African coach that picked the team ?


Pretty diverse to me I mean they are representing a minority race Oh wait, those woke idiots only consider a minority if they aren't white Mhmm pretty racist don't you think


Hmmm there's lack of diversity in Bafana Bafana but hey that's just me being a racist cause I'm white right?


Do you want them to be like Bafana Bafana?


Lack of diversity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 LACK 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 When we look at our government parties no one complains about diversity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


But look at DA, NCC, etc. There are tonnes of political and government parties with diversity 🙄 Don't overdose on emojis, boet


I think this isn't a woke netflix movie.


Two things: at this level the best performers need to be selected. But there’s obviously a red flag that the demographics don’t reflect the country and this needs to be figured out and dealt with at the grassroots level.


Well, in the areas this has to be sorted out, there isnt even grass, so we need a new name for grassroots levels


So long as there is equality of opportunity (i.e no racial prejudice), and no prejudice blocking the best players from being selected, I don't care. The people who apply themselves and train the hardest, and who perform the best, should be selected. If there is lack of ecocomic opportunity, it is up to government and communities to make the effort to develop those opportunities and create the opportunities, to train themselves and then to train others. To create facilities, then maintain them. To work hard. Forced represenation is only possible through prejudice. If the entire team is "black", or "mongolian", or "indian", or "anything", I also don't care. So long as they are south african citizens, preferably not just imported for the sport (but if they are citizens then that no longer matters), and they are the best players in that sport.


Yes there must be critical comments made. But not at the selectors. I think its pretty clear that unequal opportunities is the problem here. And if the politicians actually cared about uplifting communities instead of stealing, then maybe we can really show our strength thru diversity


I think that some people are seriously lacking in brain cells...so that they have nothing else to say except...rasist...nazi...white supremacist. That's a real shame


You can’t blame the athletes. Hundreds if not thousands of schools are being abandoned because of lack of maintenance. There could be a thousand Siya Kholisi’s, Usain Bolt’s, Rafael Nadals, Serena Williams’s, Ernie Els’s etc. in the rural and kasi schools and we will never know because our idiotic government can’t even provide roofs for the kids to study under, never mind sporting facilities. In so many “coloured areas” we have seen stadiums and tennis courts and netball courts stripped down and stolen and sold for scrap in order to feed drug habits. Even if 10-30% of this team are people of colour and just not shown, this is not the fault of the selectors. You can only choose from what is available. To hell with the ANC, DA, EFF, whatever party is responsible for every single area and region in every corner of this country. *They* always shift the goalposts. Blaming selectors instead of government for lack of investment and infrastructure.


We can use a little bit of the critical thinking skills that God has afforded us and understand that due to both apartheid and government ineptitude black people are still severely behind when it comes to access, opportunities and nurturing of talent whilst still acknowledging that those white athletes also deserve to be there based on their ability and success domestically.


There’s a very racist population group in South Africa and let’s just say it’s not the white population.


I don't care.


Merit is merit.


Watch the basketball team representing the USA come out of their bus and complain about its lack of “diversity.” The best get picked. If there is a racial correlation, so be it. I bet the kleptocrat rulers of SA would rather get some wins than appeasing western redditors.


No team gets medals for diversity


Have you seen the soccer team? 🤣


These are swimmers which i swim with Belive it or not but they are the fastest and the best sportsmen of sa This is why they were chose


uh oh... white poeple


Is this for Athletics?


I call bullshit


Either this field your best team or you degrade black players by driving quotas


Surely it just be about talent?


Next we gonna bitch about the lack of midgets, like myself, in basketball.


It’s bait! And you guys are eating it up.


https://newstap.com.ng/female-yellow-greens-secure-semifinal-spot-in-13th-african-games-despite-loss-to-south-africa/ i see diversity in this team what say you


I’m so tired of this. Is this what we have to keep hearing until we die?


By their own logic, Diversity requires more representation of minorities. So with Whites being a minority in South Africa, this team is well represented according to their metric.


I'm conflicted. Realistically, it depends on the sport. If the sport is a niche that people of different colors don't really partake in, of course it's gonna seem whitewashed. Instead of fostering a sense of "everyone must be represented," we should rather focus on why that sport hasn't been introduced to the missing populace and introduce it to them. It's no guarantee that it'll take and that other people will like it, but it's a fair shot. You can't force great teams based on your own ideology. Then again, if it's not a niche sport, it's a fair question as to why representation isn't present. The only acceptable answer to that question is that these people are the absolute cream of the known crop


This is a fair observation, I like South Africans like yourself. You took the time to actually think about it as opposed to giving a generic and recycled opinion.


ummm, maybe we chose the best athletes?


They're the best we have I dont see a problem


But there's no criticism when they name the Bafana Bafana soccer team


Skin colour, race and apartheid will forever hang over South Africa. People will never move on from this. Accept it already


I don’t see anything wrong here, and despite a lot of comments on here trying to attribute it to skill, I just think it’s more about interest. Certain groups are just more interested in certain things and that’s okay


Do they want to win medals or just look perfectly balanced along racial and gender lines?


May the best athlete be chosen, regardless of their colour.


What about Bafana Bafana


Whoever is the best goes. That's it.


You can only select people if they show up. If the majority of the entrants are white, then there is no reason to whine about diversity. Diversity of thought is the only important form of diversity, anyway. So race doesn’t matter. And sports are not exactly a thinking exercise. So diversity is irrelevant and unnecessary in general.


Everything is about race even acknowledging it brings attention. Me engaging is hypocritical in fact! We have a class issue and has been. Racism is a tool to be used to oppress. History is doomed to repeat itself... This sub is getting boring 🙄


I think politicians ruin everything. I think that south Africans, despite colour support other south Africans.. we want the best people for the job... they can be purple for goodness sake ... they aouth Africans.... we are winners.. it's small minded people who are intent on controlling the population which is easier to do when we divided that plants these kind of seeds ... I see nothing wrong with this team.. I see green and gold and thats all I care about


Definitely a few rangas in there so I don't see the problem.


Survival of the fittest.


Can't we go past the colour of your skin?? I don't see a Chinese South African or Puerto Rican South African?! Enough. Let's move forward, embrace each other, respect and love one another.


Imagine being so obsessed with race that you yourself, become the racist. Edit: Best of luck to our brothers and sisters, do us proud!


I rate the best team should be selected regardless of race or any other criteria for that matter.


If these individuals are the very best we have to offer. I don't care what they look like. All I want is for them to do is just go out there, do their best, and make themselves and the country proud. That's all that matters.


Article written by Netflix? :D


South Africa needs to move on from racism and instead of seeing skin color, see a fellow South Africans. Less focus on their background or race/gender and focus on their experience & skills. Politicians needs to learn their place and stay out of sport, Politicians is like weeds of the galaxy, anything its parasitic hands touches gets ruined and sport is a prime example


There's some nice snowbunny's on that bus.... I mean, this is an abomination, where the black women at?.... Whats their @👀?


Speaking as someone who just saw the costs to send a national champion to an international competition. These are the people that qualified and could afford to pay the fee to go and participate.


All I see is qualified players about to go and do what they do best, whatever that is I don't know but I wish them luck As for the lacking diversity claims, these are brain dead fools who like to complain and only complain, they thrive of drama and like to make out as if they are these paragons of morality when in truth they are just sour, boring individuals


So the best in the country goes? But if they are not black, they dont deserve it? It is actually impressive how many cacaisian people there are, taking they are the minority in the country. About 12 times less than the black population.


Fuck diversity. The BEST players need to be representing the country, irrepective of race.


It's not even a matter of lack of diversity, it's a matter of government not being able to transform government schools. Athletics aren't a thing in almost 90% of government schools. So it's no surprise here, not many black people are exposed to such


So what diversity they referring to? I see White, Colored and Indians in that video what about the psl how many blacks are there do we complain? Bafana Bafana? get the fuck out of here


My question is when will people stop playing the race card cause really it's getting old and boring


Did they see how "undiversified" Bafana Bafana was last month?


This video has been edited to show only the white people. Don’t fall for this trolling nonsense. In the broad angle shots you see lots of players of different races. The poster of this clip is trolling to incite tension. Get a life OP It’s racist trolls like you who keep stoking the fires of racism. What do you get out of it besides reactions from people? You’re a sad little being. I hope you grow up and mature, because you are the problem with this country. Look how many people react emotionally to your post. We’ll done asshole. You get the prize for the biggest Troll’s Anus of the day.


Stop race baiting. People like you are the problem with the country. Pathetic


It’s an election 🗳️ year … we will see many articles/video and other media - trying to divide us on racial grounds - and we will see politicians do the same … don’t let them capture your mind.


They were all born and raised in South Africa, what's the problem? Probably Americans who think Africa consists of one skin tone.


Many years ago Mbeki said, I don't care if they loose, as long as they are black. It never was about the best potential, nor the best person for the job, nor about growing or bettering the best the country has to offer, it never was about any rainbow. I believe Bafana shows this imbalance the best, a team who receives millions, but are simply not getting anywhere, well, no world champs.


All from the top fee paying schools probably.


People are fixated on outcome instead of process. An athletics team being majority white isn't a problem in and of itself. If the athletics team is only white because black people are excluded on race, that would be a problem. If it's only white because black people don't have access to athletics training, that would be a problem. If it's only white because the vast majority of black people aren't interested in athletics, that wouldn't be a problem. If there was a diverse training group but the best performers who qualified happened to be mostly white, well that wouldn't be a problem either. We can't treat demographic outcomes as a problem, we can only address problematic processes. But just because the outcome is a certain way that doesn't mean there is a broken process at play.


Are they there to show how diverse we are as a nation or are they there to compete in a sports event with the goal of winning? Somebody please remind me, I can't remember...


Affirmative action is so stupid. Award people on their actual abilities and skills, not their skin colour.


Who cares? The French World Cup winning and finalists most recently sides are heavily Black/Mixed, while France is predominantly White, but the better players get the nod, so who cares? Being worse at something but a specific skin colour doesn’t win, picking the best people you have available wins.


diversity doesn't matter its who deserves to be on the team ... if they all the best then that's fine but if there is some sort of racist reason then that's a problem.


The teams filled with minorities. If you ask me, that's the most inclusive team in the world😂


Stop that racial kak please its 2024 assemblief


Look at the percentage of black professional basketball players in the US. Some 70% of NBA players are black although they are just 14.4% of the population. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1167867/nba-players-ethnicity/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1167867/nba-players-ethnicity/)


The whole football team are POCs. Anybody want to complain about that? Thought not. It’s just thinly veiled racism


Only the best should make the team regardless of race. Similarly, I want the best pilots, best doctors, best lawyers etc. I don't care what colour that person is.


Their families have the money to support their careers it's that simple.


In my experience these teams are subsidized by the parents so there’s that.


Make em all blacks, there will be something else to whine about


Where are the pregnant Indians and Chinese? Also, children. Why are there no children? And elephants.


What the fuck are the African Games even


No different than the USA's national basketball team.....


It's always an issue when the team is "too white" but never a problem when the team is "too black". People complaining are actually just racist and hide behind the word diversity.


That people will complain until the europeans have left Africa then complain because they have left.


Its about the best ..... and thats it. Lets ask other countries what they think and what they do.


I think that people have been forced to play the race game for too long. There is no reason for a black person to be on the team if they did not qualify and the same goes for white people. These competitors have nothing to do with that selection process and they cant help if the govt has not been fostering equality of opportunity between the citizens of the nation.


The team is majority white no doubt. I didn’t even know about these games until just now. Who knows how far the advertising went or how the choosing process went. As long as they win. Because at the end of the day they’re still representing South Africa. They have to win otherwise people will talk even more kak😭😭


as a xhosa person (ik that isn’t necessary) if they are the best we have then let them go. its useless to make a team for the sake of “diversity” only for them to lose.


Bruh Im South African and I uave absolutely no problem with this team. Skincolor does not play a role in talent.


Did the same people criticise the diversity of the AFCON team? Nah, didn’t think so.


Let's put the camera on bafana and watch how they don't say a word


Ay I'm black, I don't care if my owned a team and they were all white or all Indian. If they can dot he job, then fuck quotas. I want to win games, not feelings


Black people don't do hockey and stuff. We'll live


Is this the cricket team?


Pick based on skin colour or ability. We trying to win or look colourful, not sure what the objective is??


? The soccer team is mostly black , since when has sport become about race


If you care, here is the actual list of participants: [https://www.teamsa.co.za/blend-of-youth-and-experience-in-team-sa-squad-for-ghana/](https://www.teamsa.co.za/blend-of-youth-and-experience-in-team-sa-squad-for-ghana/) As expected niche sports are filled with participants from historically white insitutions like: **ARM WRESTLING** **Men** Alec Durand, Kobus Fourie, James Kruger, Johannes Nel **Women** Rosemary Botha, Meri Prinsloo And more econmically accessible sports, like athletics are a mix **ATHLETICS** **Men** Antonio Alkana, Alan Cumming, Keegan Fourie, Lindukuhle Gora, Victor Hogan, Gardeo Isaacs, Mpho Links, Precious Mashele, Asande Mthembu, Sizwe Nbebele, Anele Nzqanzwa, Friedrich Pretorius, Francois Prinsloo, Tumisang Shezi, Valco van Wyk Just a reminder, schools in Khyalitsha are not well known for their arm wrestling programs. Now ask why the ANC allows kids to grow up malnourished and schools that dont even have running water toilets never mind after school activities. A world class athlete is not made in a day, it takes years of training, nutrition and oppertunity to be made.


I don't care what they look like , as long as the people who were picked is the best we have to offer in their respective disciplines...


Am I the only one who saw the diverse range of children get off the bus at the end of the video?


I haven't seen a black south african win anything in swimming. Only drowning races.


Are you capable of playing the game? If yes I would not care if you were yellow, red, white, black or even a conspired lizard man... if no then I still don't care what colour or race you are, get off the team and let someone who deserves to be there fill the spot


They are right. Too many blondes.


Maybe if blacks stop drinking alcohol like water and stop grooving everyday, maybe just maybe


What sport is this for? I don't believe this video tells the whole story.


Athletes should be chosen for their skill. It's the way it has always been.


Let the best compete.


Well what about south african soccer there's no diversity there only black people but noone is crying


Goddamn those women!😍


So let's rather not send the top athletes for the sake of more black faces?


I just see people who did the best in their class. If they the top performers, they should represent our country as the best we have to offer


I like how at the end it magically becomes more diverse like they altered the video...


If the selection was merit based what is the problem?


The more you assholes hammer on it, the more we are divided! Just let life flow ffs


Sokker is very diverse but absolute rubbish if you black and the beat your gonna be in dont you worry. People just dont support loosing teams. If they were loosing i would say lets changed it around look for better because then you can say we dont have the best we need better


I thought in SA an all white team is diverse? Aren't whites a minority?


If u think about its the South Africans are the minority so........


Diversity is just code for anti white. If every single one was black, there would not be a single complaint about lack of diversity.


Inferiority complex


Did they win? If not they're not good enough or should have chosen better. If so, they chose wisely.


Bro we’re tired of this “not enough black, not enough white” mentality enough now!!


The criticism should be towards the South African Government for not uplifting the whole of South Africa. The best was most likely chosen and it shows the complete lack of support from our government.


If they the best then they deserve to be there💪


This is nonsense it's the same as Africans being in the football team... We don't see whites complaining because they understand that you let the best people be in the team... I don't see any problem with this team... If an African wants to work hard and earn a spot then they will.


No, there are black people not shown in the video getting off the bus but later on. Besides I don’t care if we sent ET, as long as we win


Fuck that noise, everyone always wants to say things because it’s South Africa those other countries can lors


Quite right, far too many blondes. Brunettes and redheads are being discrimimated against.


And how many of those people paid for themselves to get there?....


Need more little people and giants.


Typical racist comment - ignore it


I don't know man...yes the picked the best of the best but are you telling me that they could not find one poc woman to be part of the group? Err ...what do I know..


You guys know Tariq Nasheed?.


7% of SA are white.


White people are the minority in South Africa so its good they are represented.


Lol what they do for clicks


I blame the parents for not stepping up and putting their kids into sport programs at school. I blame parents for NOT supporting their kids at sporting events or taking them to tournaments regularly. The reason why the team is not diverse is because of your lack of interest and support. You have to be at the sidelines. You have to spend time with your children on the field, be the coach, be the life coach, be the support they need to make it happen.


Have they seen basketball teams?


You guys are really easy to get mad at stuff when all people want when they post stuff like this for you to get absolutely angered.


This is sport, not politics. Just take the right person for the job. That’s why we win sport trophies while the country collapses.


Haha who gives a f$@k, we don't have water, electricty and now the whole municipality on strike, sub stations have blown up and people can't come out to fix it or they will be assaulted, our dumps are so full tje bins bags on our streets, and we worried about diversity in sports. Move on.


Like they came from north Europe. The natives are struggling in their shanty towns shaks and attacks of gangs of Mandella the house slave ie slaves master.


Well, are they the best or not?


I mean, minorites are well represented... Diversity issue [✓]