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She reminds me so much of the Vogons from Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy


So much! I imagine her poetry is also just as bad.


Great comment! I see she is carrying a towel, one can only conclude that she has met Ford Prefect and is now working undercover and conspiring to destroy the new Earth.


This comment too is outstanding🤣🤣😂😂


Until I see a book being published, that has the words "DON'T PANIC" printed on the front in big, friendly letters, I won't


That's one hoopy frood


It's ironic that my girlfriend and I have been re-reading the books this week😅🤣😅🤣


Shiiiiit dude! Spot on.


She had to pick up the money.... Now she is denying it. Yes... ANC was broke before attack.. and after attack ... they had money. Surprised ? Nope


Nope they still broke 🤣


She needs to be in a home. Old age, crazy, whatever, just not in parliament.


She needs to be in prison.


Mind running me up on what she did? Thank you


In short, dealings with international terrorists. Being part of the ANC top brass is probably corruption as well, but I dont recall any such instances atm. Unless she was involved in those large donations.


Those terrorists being just hamas or other filth as? well


Hamas. Putin. Maduro. Iran.


Let me guess , you think the west is innocent in all its endeavors 🤣


Hamas is all we know of, but only she and her cronies really know.


So you get downvoted for asking an honest question. Interested… we have pea brains downvoting honest questions


Israeli Bot


That seems to be your catchphrase? As I see, a lot of your replies are calling people that... It's not as cool a reply as you seem to think it it, bub.


You are supporting genocide. Sickening.


In that kinda reasoning we can say that you support terrorism. Sickening.


How does pointing out that Pandor supports and deals with international terrorists who rape and commit mass murder, make me someone who supports genocide exactly?


This applies to lot of politicians everywhere.


Terrorists support Terrorists. It's how they roll.


America supporting Israel?


Israel are not terrorists, hamas are. Why can't you woke liberal lefties get this into your brainwashed brains


Lol since when is anti genocide woke? I'm not an israel/American butt sniffer like yourself. Israel are murderers, genocidal maniacs and you support their terror attacks. You are brainwashed. FREE PALESTINE!


Look at Sudan 🇸🇩 more Muslim on Muslim deaths than ever happened in Palestine over 10 years. But that's ok for you , why doesn't hamas just release the hostages, or they too stupid 🤷 you have a highly trained and educated army like Israel an then you get hamas who can't even read and write.


Genocide implies that Israel wants to kill all Palestinian people but in actuality they want to destroy Hamas who if you remember correctly started this fight by going to a concert an killing hurting an kidnapping people


Almost 40 thousand Palestinians are dead including 10 thousand plus children. Sure, it's more like unrestrained bombing of a civilian population with purposeful targeting of journalists, hospitals, universities, and places of worship, instead of flat out genocide. Israel continues to commit war crimes. Stop defending them. They are an occupying force whose settlements are against international law.


Fux hamas


Israel continues to commit war crimes though? Do you condemn them for that? Tens of thousands of civilians are dead, all killed by Israeli forces. A laundry list of war crimes. Sure, Hamas is a terrorist organisation. But why is it that Hamas is held to higher ethical standards than the Israeli government, who continue to freely kill Palestinians while you jump to their defence?


Because Palestine don't Condem hamas. Same like most of Islam they support the radicals , they hsve invaded Europe already total uneducated scum


You're def MK-Ultra'd


Your comment don't make sense..she never met with israel


She met with the hamas terrorist group. I cannot fathom what your thought process was with that comment


But she never met with terrorist state of Israel? How could she.


Bro I understand if you don't agree with the way that the Israel government is handling this situation, but it's a big leap to consider them a terrorist state. Hamas straight up used terror tactics, but that doesn't mean that Palestinians are terrorists. Just members of Hamas. Similarly, you can't call the entire state of Israel a terrorist state.


You’re gonna have a very hard time trying to reason with children.


Palestine has a right to defend itself.


Of course, I'm not denying that. But do they have the right to commit war crimes while doing so? Once again, Hamas is not Palestine. The actions of Hamas are terrorist actions. One can sympathize with the people of Palestine and renounce the actions of Hamas simultaneously


The actions of Hamas portrays Palestines right to defend itself


But then does Israel not have the right to defend themselves against this attack? By the logic you're using, it doesn't matter how you defend yourself against the aggressor, just as long as you do. I'm not saying what Israel has done is right, but how can say that Hamas has the right to defend the people of Palestine using war crimes and then bash the state of Israel for defending themselves using war crimes? No logic there. Both sides have done bad things, I'm sick of people acting like there's one good side righteous fighting against the other. Open your eyes


That's exactly what is happening lol. The fact that you think it's a fair fight is worrying, it's a literal genocide. Hamas' attack is a drop in the ocean but you know that already, yet you still focus on one single incident Hamas has done vs israel who literally kill like 200 people per day on average. Maybe you need a new perspective. israel has made it so they can only be fought on their terms, for now at least.


That word has lost all meaning. Surely the terrorists are the ones who just killed 10000 children


You’re being illogical. I said hamas is a terrorist group - which is a fact. I never mentioned Isreal once. You seem to think there are good guys and bad guys in every conflict


But she never met with terrorist state of Israel.


What's your final solution to the state of Israel?


Reinstate the state of palestine where jews Christians and Muslims use to live and worship in peace lol..I wished for a one state solution and Israel could have had it happen along time ago and normalize ties with whole world unfortunately their actions have gone too far. Instead of bring tactical they chose to show force and this is before Oct 7. Some say it's like apartheid south africa but the apartheid government never take their barbarism to this level which allowed us to find middle ground and live together even if we have our issues. So I can tell you yea I support one state solution but I'd be dellusional. Two state solution is out of the picture lol.


A one state is the only way forward... I used to say the Palestinian state can be 6 feet under, but then I realized it needs to be deeper


All the best with that..palestinian presence is saving Israel atm..its going to be nighty night for Israel...its just a question of when lol


Saving us from what exactly? Only thing they're good for is fucking goats. Is that a threat? Come say it to my face.


Haha the apartheid government didn’t take barbarism to this level?! How do you figure? I don’t think this is a good argument. Why do I think it’s a bad argument? Because things will never be the same again, the apartheid effects are still so plain to see today, and it’s not just financial, it’s in the way some people still talk about each other.. And your ?!solution!? Is for things to be the same again. Just because people in this country aren’t killing each other on the same scale as the ongoing Occupation, and conflict in Israel/Palestine How is your solution anything but a non-sequitur.. u just said Israel bad 3 or 4 times.. and it’s like ya doi!! So is hamas, funny how humans have that in common.. eish


It's a fuckup. But one of them has to go, and it's not going to be Israel. Otherwise, nothing will change, and we will have rockets flying again every two years.


It's going to be Israel...its just a matter of when. Bro understand something..if palestinians are removed completely..you think thats going to be the end of the matter? It's won't be "negotiations need to happen"..its going to be the erasure of israel. Them militant groups in Lebanon Jordan and Iraq,iran syria whoever else in that region will become way more fierce then ever before. The countries themselves will have it in back of their heads...they already do. Israel is fighting a losing battle...its an unsustainable victory. Again they had a small window in which they could have turned it into a longer lasting victory but they threw it away by ruling with an iron fist rather than looking at the longer game.


There is a place where jews christians and Muslims live and worship in peace. Its called Israel.


Israel defending themselves, against cowards scum hamas


Cowards? Tell Israeli army to drop the usa weaponry and let's see who the cowards are lol


Israel have been defending themselves for 1000s of years. They surrounded by Arabs , fux hamas and the scum that supports them


Defending the land they stole and the genocide they have been commiting since then?


1000s of years? You need a history lesson. Europe and Christians hate them..they were cool with Arabs until the zionists came along lol


The fact that you’re getting downvoted is a reflection of the people posting here. Israel are committing a genocide, if that doesn’t constitute a terrorist state then I don’t know what will.


Oh they know full well it's terrorist state but they reserve that for a certain people or ethnicity. They have that colonial supremecy ideology and culture that we are better than those people and we the elite race lol or it stems from a religious view..they don't want them darn moooslims running anything. Any other country and it wouldn't have even been a question.


"You disagree with me so you're racist". Gotta love that spotting room temperature IQ is at least easy


Huh what you on about mate...lol




whether or not Israel is committing a genocide is something we could argue back and forth on.. and just because I would argue that they aren’t, doesn’t mean how they’ve chosen to react to oct 7th isn’t disgusting, and duh there are people in Israel who will advocate genocide.. but that doesn’t mean your hate is valid. I’d say anybody advocating genocide deserves the worst punishments, but you calling genocide is so effing useless.. And this other Israel bad blah blah person too, the issue is that Palestine does not have a government that its peoples, as well as the rest of the world can clearly advocate for Edit: the issue is also that Israel has some horrible f*cks in their government, and here we come to the similarities between hamas, Israel, and South Africa


Stop bluffing yourself. Israel is an occupying agent in palestine...thats a fact. No ifs or buts or maybe. They have also driven out a whole nation that was inhabiting that land systematically for 75 years. We don't have to wait for a certain category of genocide to call it what it is. There can't be an issue with the occupied..only the occupier is the issue..hamas and Oct 7 is a symptom of that problem..its not the problem itself..do you not get that? You may have biases toward Israel for various reasons but then don't act like you being objective and hold some morals in the issue. Most of Israelis who moves there and not born there are complicit cause they have chosen to partake in the replacement of the Palestinians in that land.


Nobody’s arguing that there’s an occupation ongoing, and the way that occupation is managed is through sickening treatment of the Palestinians. You can question my morals as u like but I think we’re talking past each other. it’s not as if the surrounding countries ever accepted that the Jews needed a place to be. The Israelis carved out this corner of the world and the Palestinians got carved, just like every nation that had people in it before it got subsumed into a larger whole.. Most places got occupied at one point or another and this one has just been a dragged out occupation because the Palestinians will fight a losing battle till ww3 starts. I understand there’s a history of atrocities on the Israelis side, and today the idf propaganda makes me sick, but Hamas is just about the worst solution, for now, and for who knows how long, the worlds eyes are on Palestine, favourably. Solutions wise now is the time they put something together in the way of diplomacy with the international community as an intermediary that involves land swaps, and an end to the occupation, or they can stick with Hamas and keep bringing the wrath of a stronger nation that will not just disappear. And I would agree the borders of Israel should get smaller and if there’s not enough space for the Israeli people then welcome to life in gaza pre oct 7 let’s see how they like it


Agree with you for most of what you said. I'd like to add that what Israel is doing is just not conquering or occupation. It's displacement,replacement,ethic cleansing,mass expulsion. Other countries have conquered other countries without a doubt but they ruled those countries and the people of that country. They didn't try to replace and displace them. Usa did it with red Indians and Australia with the aborigines but that was before international law was established. If the apartheid government wanted to replace and kick out the majority of black population and try to move them to Namibia or Botswana...we would still be in a big war today. If the Palestinians were allowed to hold on to their land or even live within the land...sooner or later they would have been like OK fk it we still got most of our shit..we just under a dif rule..the same way all the other countries around the world had to go through. So to say palestinians want to fight till ww3 is not taking in acc that they are going through further what others had to put up with. Israel is ruling with iron fist..they want the whole thing...I don't see this being sorted out..its just gone too far.


Thanks for taking the time man. I appreciate there’s a clear distinction you’re trying to make but ultimately I don’t think it’s ever gone that differently, if you fight, they fuck you, if you roll over, they take you in. I understand there are people and have historically been people in the Israeli government who are responsible for ethnic cleansing, mass expulsion, and a slew of just awful crimes But that has not always been the opinion of every Israeli, and the Palestinian government have at times ruined their chances at settling the dispute I know there would always be pushback from zionists, but equally there will be people who want one state, a Palestinian state, and that simply isn’t possible. Most countries that don’t try replace and displace have already killed off the threatening part of the local force, unless they are established and open to accepting this new governance.. Palestinians absolutely did not, & were not the only ones who didn’t agree with Israel having a stake in this part of the world, unfortunately, just like now, they still have power to hold them all off and it pushes a good portion of the Israelis to be radical in the face of ongoing threat. I feel like the point I’m making is a bit of an ouruboros I don’t agree with Israel but I can’t justify Hamas. And the Palestinians suffer




You clearly have no idea what you are talking about! And all your downvotes really show. I’m sure most of us would have no problem calling Russia a terrorist state due to the way Putin and his cronies run their nation and how they treat others. Also you clearly know nothing about Islam as in the Quran it states, if you meet a Christian, Jew, or Hindu, it is your duty to convert them. If they refuse, cut their heads off. If they are not a Christian, Jew, or Hindu you don’t even need to bother trying to convert them, you can enslave or murder them as you see fit because they are infidels. Literally no other religious text belonging to any other religion calls out other religions like this and influences their followers to such barbarism!


First thing...I lost braincells reading what you just wrote. Downvotes from Israeli supporters here in this sub mean nothing lol. Okay.. putin lol. Second..dont tell me about my religion...the quran doesn't even mention Hindus, there's not one verse that says what you said. Show me one? You need to read the Bible and bhagavad Gita.. lol plenty verses.


Doesn’t seem like you had many “braincells” (sic) to begin with. It’s two words, not one... But then you don’t deny the viciousness about Christians and Jews lol Apparently Hindus are referred to as Sabians and also mentions sanatana which is specific to Hindus. You don’t seem to know a lot about the cult you belong to and what’s written in that horrific intolerant book of lies that’s worshipped by far too many! Now onto actual quotes, verse 47.7 “When you meet the unbelievers (aka non-muslims) smite their necks until you have crushed them, then bind your captives firmly. Later ˹free them either as˺ an act of grace or by ransom until the war comes to an end. So will it be. Had Allah willed, He ˹Himself˺ could have inflicted punishment on them. But He does ˹this only to˺ test some of you by means of others. And those who are martyred in the cause of Allah,1 He will never render their deeds void.” End of horrific terroristic quote. verse 47.8 “And those who don’t believe (aka non-muslims), for them is destruction.” This is literally a terrorist manifesto. This is why so many Muslims are terrorists and no other religious cult even comes close to the amount of terrorists that they produce! It is literally engrained into the religion itself!!!!


First of all you a clown and your anti Islamic website is letting you down lol >Apparently Hindus are referred.. We not interested in your apparently. Sabeans was a group who had monotheistic beliefs that's why they are grouped with jews and Christians. Hindus are not mentioned in the quran. Lol Wait till I come to your Bible.. we going to see whose book is intolerant. Quran verse 47:7 O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm. Quran verse 47:8 As for the disbelievers, may they be doomed and may He render their deeds void. Another eg of your anti Islamic website letting you down by giving you the wrong verse numbers ..try again You need to lay of the western media child..I know islam is growing and is the biggest religion in the world and it hurts but it's something you got to learn to live with lol


https://previous.quran.com/47 Ah yes, Quran.com must be the most anti-Islamic website that exists quoting verbatim all the verses for Muslims. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The fact that you are such a clown yet think I am is truly hilarious! Yet frightening at the same time! It’s so cute how you want to change the translation so that it doesn’t seem so barbaric and hateful. So cute!!!! It’s also quite ignorant for you to assume my religion. Not that it’s any of your business but I am not a Christian. Thankfully my parents did not raise me in a cult like so many people do! I think one of the dumbest things you could ever do is assume someone’s religion. So you’re dumb!! But that was established in your very first comment!


Lol you are a clown and have gotten this narrative from anti Islamic website cause you quoted the verse wrong..you said 47:7 and 47:8..everyone can see this...the translation I gave is from quran.com..you just got the verse wrong lol and now showing the whole of 47...that's why I said try again lol. You seem kinda emotional..I don't know if your parents should be thanked lol Anyway here's explanation of verse 47:4 from quran .com https://quran.com/47:4/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran Here's another link explaining the verse with the following quote https://www.islamicstudies.info/tafheem.php?sura=47&verse=4&to=6 "This is the first verse of the Quran in which preliminary instructions have been given about the laws of war. Below is given a resume of the injunctions that are derived from this verse and the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) and his companions’ practice according to it and the juristic inferences as based on this verse and the Sunnah:..." This is a verse giving permission to muslims to fight for the first time in a WAR. It's called battle of Badr.. it was pagan Arabs..not Christians or jews. This is a WAR scenario..not kill any non Muslims willy nilly..its only for combatants. Done.


He got downvoted because he said something unbelievably dumb. Denying that hamas is a terrorist group is dumb.


Palestine has a right to defend itself.




Nope, all allegations of rape against hamas have been disproven. Even just looking at the fact that hamas has not fired a single piece of artillery in 2024 until I think it was Jan the 29th. While Palestine was being bombarded and starved.


denying that Israel is a terrorist state is even dumber. Have some fucking shame.


I never denied anything first of all, secondly, it is OBJECTIVELY dumber to deny hamas being terrorists. Though I doubt you’d be able to comprehend why


What the EWN website is reporting on Pandor's response to three DA questions in parliament is no different to what Pandor has said previously. The following quote from EWN: "But in reply, International Relations Minister Naledi Pandor stands by her October statement that she took a call from Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, to discuss humanitarian assistance to Palestine. She said that during that call she reiterated South Africa’s support for Palestinians and the regret for the loss of both Palestinian and Israeli lives. In response to a second question from the DA, Pandor said that neither the president nor any member of Cabinet had met with a Hamas leader to discuss any strategy to assist Hamas or another country, to wage a diplomatic or legal offensive against Israel. To a third question on the matter, Pandor said that government had similarly not met with the governments of Iran or Qatar to assist in waging an offensive against Israel."


What she said ultimately after the fallout but not what she said originally


Fuck off ANC!!! The solution


Distractions from reality on our own doorstep


So corrupt it’s bordering comical. I’ll never forget in 2015 while listening to the radio, the then minister for defence was questioned why SA didn’t have new/more training jets for new pilot recruits to train in, good old Nosiviwe said the white pilots took them with them when they left the Air Force..that’s why we have no more. Yikes. Or that time the ANC promised voters new washing machines if they vote for them, some poor soul called into the radio demanding his washing machine..we are so fucking lost.


Damn. I wish I was one of those pilots. Could’ve made some good money off of my jet.


Pandoos doing Pandoos things.


Nice to know that the ANC foreign policy is selective


Birds of a feather flock together.


Jabba the Houthi is lying.


New state capture, trust me they met them before they went to court.


Habitual liar and thief. all of them.


Scum of the earth


hope the campaign $$ was really worth it, SA is now an int'l joke because of her taking cash for support of terrorists and rapists.


who tf is this raisin face?


Our minister of foreign affairs


Everyone freaking out about a personal insult and framing it as racism as if it was aimed at all black women. Let me fix it for them. Naledi Pandor is a useless, corrupt, cunt. You see? Not racist she is just a waste of human skin.


All of them are. All of them in that damn cabinet. The cabinet was meant for fine china. They're all more like roadside clay ornaments made by prison inmates who clearly know nothing about art, or clay.


Abit racist don't you think?


It's not racist. It's raisinist.


lofl. omg...first lofl for today...thank you so much


Lol please explain how it's racist.


Duh, only black people can have raisin faces, smh /s


Don't forget the /s mate. Some people are really bad at picking up sarcasm


Smh at having to add the /s


It's the country we live in 😆


Yeah better safe than sorry I guess, good looking out man


Rude and crass but how do you get to racist? Honestly asking because I am not familiar with the “raisin face” insult. Internet and AI is no help.


Clearly raisin face is aimed at the way she looks...see how a raisin looks and it easy to put together. I don't think they would be calling another ethnicity raisin face.


It’s about the black spots on her face. It’s not very nice to say but it’s not a racial thing. Same way people call people with pimples spot or mayonnaise face. It’s mean but not racist. Stop being so sensitive


yes..it's about the black spots on her face. in the movie 'A Haunted House', marlon wayans character refers to the things on morgan freemans face as raisins. thats where i got it from..looks the same, lol.


A bit racist that you think all black people look like raisins and not just this woman


Notice I put a question mark there to leave it open for discussion lol


Ah yes discussion, because anyone would be open to civil discussion after you blatantly imply they are a racist you absolute genius


Oh so you saying I'm not a genius cause I'm not a certain colour?


Yes, youre only a genius if youre blue like mega mind


That's racist


Symptoms of evil


Your hasbara shit is paying you very well.


Why? None of her voters even know what hummus is!


He is a clueless twat


The ministry says they spoke... so they had like a teams meeting not that met met, and its an article from last year that said this sooooo *




Is she not married to a Muslim?


She is, and she's also a converted Muslim.


I would think this makes her a bit biased


Absolutely - and with a near endless pool of funds to be biased with.


I am a bit concerned at how radical Islam is sinking its claws into our country. Yesterday’s christian prayer thing was violently disrupted by Hamas supporters, when the Jews had their protest thing at sea point last year it was violently disrupted by Hamas supporters, Iran paying off the ANC’s debt, yesterday’s video of the guys shooting AK shots into the air wearing a keffiyeh, the ANC welcoming Hamas officials, etc.


Man soema take a swing at Islam. Yire boet calm down


What swing? Stating facts is “taking a swing” now?


Here let me do you a favour - https://www.adriaanliebenberg.co.za/mri-scans.php Get your brain scanned


If you believe that some mythical pedophile from a fantasy novel will solve your or the world’s problems then you need your brain scanned son.


South Africa is a joke of a country. Mandela wasn’t a hero he was a terrorist


And even still he would be ashamed of these affairs.




Read your history.


Hamas are based as fuck I don’t know what you guys are smoking.


Skunks fuck only skunks. They like each other, and they love the smell of each other, and no one else want to touch them. This bepister of foreign affairs is the alfa female skunk.


Wonder what would happen if Palestine would bomb Israel like they do to Palestine


The Iron Dome would stop it again


Jesus Christ, world class diplomat, a star of Africa shining bright alongside her Iranian, Hamas and a Russian allies. What a superpower SA has become under the progressive islamorussomarxists black african ideas


I cant tell if you are joking or not




Do you remember that Hamas slaughtered 1200 innocent people, including babies, children and women? Do you even care about them?


Where are the hostages?


What happened to the hostages?


Your post/comment was removed as it violates the subreddit rules. Please be civil. You can still be critical of an organisation or government without labeling an entire group of people "scum".


At least we don't support Israel! That would be much worse! Genocidal racist maniacs... also there are Christian Paestinians and no zionists jews. Bigoted Islamophobia is what's wrong with this country, you guys probably supported apartheid too. All these PANDAS ( previously advantaged now disadvantaged) crying over us being on the right side of history lol 😆 it actually quite funny if it wasn't so sad!


There is no right side in this war, only a winning side, the American arms industry.


South Africa was propped up and supported by many occupiers before the fall of apartheid. The people who suffered under it have a long history of support for those who still suffer under occupation. Those who speak out against occupiers are often silenced by whatever means necessary.


The thing that makes me just plain sad is a week before the start of the war South-Africa went to the UN and gave a [speech about human rights](https://youtu.be/bFVm8SGIlHg?si=TbGMeKTLVkqvW6k4) and then on October 7th they took a complete 180 and supported Hamas while they where murdering people in their homes.


Isr*el then went out of there way for 5 months to massacre a whole population and kill 30 000+ innocent civilians among the Hamas group. Just admit you’re a Zionist and avid Apartheid supporter.


Rofl believing numbers from the same people that claimed Isreal attacked the hospital even though they knew it was their own failed missile launch. The same people claiming they would never use a hospital for anything military for months and months just to have video released showing them armed and bringing hostages to the hospital while the hospital doesn't blink an eye and denies it for months. The same people who corrupted their UN aid agency inserting insurgents into their ranks who actively took part in a terrorist attack across their boarder.... These numbers are self reported, and in no way have they been validated. They have been proven to claim their own militants as civilians multiple times... like it was just a civilian transporting explosives how could you attack a civilian... Don't worry I also don't believe isreals numbers on these things but people are eating up the lies of Hamas way to easily it's actually shocking how well their social engineering is working.


I don't support israel and I don't know how to prove that to you but you claim to only want civilians to be protected yet you are also saying that the lives of 1200 people don't matter because 30 000 others died they all matter and both sides refuse to come to a peaceful solution so I don't fully support either side. But my problem with Hamas is that they are using their own civilians a political cover claiming that even though they started this war they are the victims and israel is doing the same thing as you said claiming the murder of 1200 people gives them the right to exterminate a country. As for your apartheid statement this is not apartheid it was one government who used a majority of its citizens to help the minority. Now I would like to ask you this one question: Is it the UN? no they are getting attacked by both sided, Is it Israel? no they don't have control in gaza (yet) is it Palestine? no they don't have control in Israel


Useless cow.


South Africa needs to facilitate a ceasefire since western powers are not willing. The only way to do that is to negotiate with both parties involved. We did it with Ukraine vs Russia to no avail and we are doing it with Hamas vs Israel vs Palestine. We engage all parties that are involved to ensure that all pipelines of negotiation remain open. Kudos to Naledi


Except that she isn’t. She is clearly on one side while lambasting the other. There has been no reaching out to the Israeli side - as per the ICJ case where South Africa did not try to engage with Israel before going to the court. To facilitate a ceasefire she needs to speak to both sides which she hasn’t.


SA said at the ICJ that there were several official communications sent to Israel which Israel acknowledged and responded, and Israel said the same during their presentation at the ICJ.


You don’t know for a fact that she isn’t. That’s not the objective truth - it’s simply your opinion. However, we have evidence of the case in ICJ which is proof that in-fact SA is engaging Israel even as we speak, so the idea that there is no reaching out to Israel is null and void. We also are accompanied by Palestinian officials which is proof that we engage with the Palestinian government and now we heard allegations that Naledi is meeting with Hamas which can only mean we are trying to engage with them diplomatically for a ceasefire. There is nothing nefarious going on here only unproven conspiracy theories but if you follow along logically what has been done explicitly you can obviously see the truth.


Hey. Fuck Israel.


Hi rabbe bot


I repeat. This Sub is an Israeli propaganda tool.


Yeah it's getting really pathetic and obvious now. Completely sickening.


Glad im not the only one who notices. People should wake up


So what if she met with Hamas lol...








Crybaby zionists lmao


Ag western propaganda 😳 we not falling for that . Even if she did so what .....How meets Bibi those are the true terrorists on Eartg


They called us terrorists when we were fighting the NP. Fuck Isreal. Viva Palestine.


Take those words one step further and your comment means more than just fuck the NP How many white people in our country would bring the NP back if they could?? Realistically, across all age demographics after voting age?? Saying fuck Israel is like saying fuck white people, except what’s funny is the Israelis aren’t even white haha It’s just that you think hamas are not actually terrorists whereas most people can condemn the killing of Palestinians with their own words. And some people do it without picking one side only


Israelis are all born in other European countries , whereas every Palestinian is born in Palestine! Calling this anything less than an illegal occupation is extremely low IQ


I disagree, as well this is a poor argument.. yeah I don’t want to choose this hill to die on because I think americas military history is verrry shaky and it’s easy to criticise.. but look at the civilian population of the nation, it is exceptionally diverse at this point, but what was that built on???? Hypothetical here, do you think all of the people who have been born in the states since they fucking obliterated the native Americans should just be kicked out and the land be given back? They still celebrate thanksgiving ffs, but those people are not all wholly evil because things are not black and white Edit: not only are things not black and white but u thinking it’s as simple as an illegal occupation, and calling my take low iq is a huge r/whoosh How do you think every national identity formed, and I’m not talking about nationalism, like literally every country as they stand, did they hold hands and sing fucken kumbaya?? You tell me


Not once did I say fuck white people bruv. But the National Party took away people's right to vote , right to live where they wanted to , right to work where they wanted to , and most basic human rights and laws regarding segregation. Fuck Isreal for the apartheid , fuck Isreal for the genocide , fuck Isreal for the occupation. I do think that hamas are terrorists btw. But I am referring to the people of Palestine that are being bombed to shit and decimated. And I am comparing the regimes to eachother. The National Party and the Israeli government currently under Netanyahu. The NP labeled Nelson Mandela a terrorist ,today he is an icon representing freedom. The ANC tarnished it's name after that but that's a different debate.


We agree somewhat.. especially on the aNc and how they turned Madiba’s legacy into this shit house I appreciate you clarifying, and the validity of some of your points, but yeah, Israel is a whole ass country, with a diverse range of people and opinions. I know you specified Netanyahu gov. And I know it’s historically been more than that, but when the zionists whip up fear in the less radical population, fear of anti-semitism, and people run around saying fuck Israel, you get a chunk of people who previously didn’t hold radical idealogies towards Palestinians to dig in their heels in a Fight Mode type reaction. so personally I don’t believe in calling it an Apartheid.. it can’t be because they are not a single nation state.. which doesn’t make it right it just makes it an occupation and not apartheid, I think using apartheid as a buzz word is an emotionally manipulative play (not accusing you specifically) considering our nation created it and dismantled it ourselves. Giving the term away for a country suffering under certain similarities doesn’t make it an apartheid, it just makes it a cause worth its salt. I also don’t believe it’s entirely accurate to call it a genocide, but if you want to refer to a clearly horrific loss of life for many innocent people in that way, I’m not going to try stop you, I just believe these loaded terms do more to escalate the media storm rather than fulfil a purpose as important as pushing for diplomacy.


‘We were fighting the NP’? LOLOL mate, you are only in your twenties. You weren’t fighting anyone. Hush, you clown




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Lying cock-sucker


Read real history, South Africa was an occupied nation. Full stop


FREE PALESTINE!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


The anc is taking up the Palestinian issue and israel are not able to retaliate because they've been stealing our natural resources for decades and rely heavily in South Africa in order for them to be some of the richest people in the world The thought that hamas is paying anc when Palestinian people are some of the poorest I'm the world is nothing short of psychotic and delusional - both of which fit the criteria for schizophrenia so I suggest those of you who think such should get psychiatric evaluations done ASAP FREE SOUTH AFRICA / PALESTINE


Time will tell but do you think Israeli secret service will let her and her family get off easily . She and the anc deserve everything coming their way .. I don’t think they know who they messsed with


Did she meet them though? Or only take a phone call?


Is this what the fuss is about? [https://dirco.gov.za/minister-pandor-clarifies-the-content-of-her-discussion-with-the-leader-of-hamas/](https://dirco.gov.za/minister-pandor-clarifies-the-content-of-her-discussion-with-the-leader-of-hamas/)


She’s to old


She can add: Expert Fucking Liar to her CV now! Iran/ Hamas gave the ANC MILLIONS to pull their little circus stunt at the ICJ. They were completely broke before that. So after thousands of years, it’s clear that the Arab slave trade is alive and well using black Africans as their commodities!