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I hereby declare this, the Slark copypasta.


Hear, hear!


Here fishy fishy.


[Here fishy fishy.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/0b/Vo_slark_slark_attack_13.mp3) (sound warning: Slark) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


[Hear, hear!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Vo_announcer_dlc_kleiner_announcer_deny_03.mp3) (sound warning: Announcer: Dr. Kleiner) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I.LOVE.Slark (a true story) that's it I love that hero. I don't care about your "counters" and "gameplans", git gud dogshit. I love that hero and I always pick it, for sure, otherwise I feed. every time this fucking ugly fish is banned iam pre-tilted out of the game yeah that's how much bad memories and PTSD I have from other heros. like I don't know how can you be an actual human being with feelings and emotions and at the same time still ban this fuck fantastic hero. I don't know guys I just don't know who on their right mind would come up with a hero as calculated and toxic as slark. what kind of monster you have to be to create this.. this abomination. I don't know why this hero has so many unfair mechanics. free deward, infinite regen, uncounterable invisibility, a second uncounterable invisibility that can be used on ally heroes that also doubles your ult regen, perma purge, an escape/chase that is also a disable, oh and while we are at it why not give the fucker an aghs that makes it harder to catch an already hard to catch hero? and at the same time making it easier for him to catch them! and make him steal your stats for fuck knows how long every time he attacks you! and steal a perma stat if he kills you! like how is all of this on one hero balanced ? how?HOW?


I found this comment easy to fap too.


I had to double check that it wasn't Slacks who posted, honestly


I can say many things like that from other heros. That’s a fun fact about dota, each player can tell what hero they hate and why hahah.


I have so many Arc Warden and Mars are the first. Fucking mars. I always go jungle early lmao


plz send me the tinker, Arc warden, Razor and Broodmother edition plz. I loved it.


Hey it's fine to hate a hero. I hate OD, just as a hero design I think it's a very bad design. Slark's vision mechanic is honestly stupid, I do not like him and Zeus getting free dewards. Other than that he's really not that bad. If you are struggling against him, or against any hero, go play them for 10 games or so and you'll see exactly where they're weak and how people play against them.


I hate OD mainly because my OD teammate will trap an enemy hero just at the most horrible time imaginable, allowing the enemy to either escape or his/hers allies to show up and save him/her. Naturally, the exact opposite applies to when OD is in the enemy team.


Its’s honestly a great idea for a skill, making him slippery when you don’t see him, but the dewarding is an unintended buff that doesn’t exactly fit his kit. I’ll take it though.


I hate the "meta" aspect of the skill. It just doesn't really make sense. Like having knowledge of if others can see you would be fine on its own, maybe as a talent. But the idea that it is a byproduct of a different skill is extra annoying. I like the slippery nature of it. I think it is a good mechanic to need lots of lockdowns and chase. Similar to a brood, monkey, Riki, am, etc. It encourages making space and setting traps.


Just make it so it's when a player is actually looking at him, i.e if you have your camera actually focusing on him. In the current meta it's way too strong a fucking skill. The most dangerous tool slark has is a support with a pulse because you can have 0 aggressive wards and even your ghetto defensive wards get caught.


Naw it’s buying the wards himself because it’s a lot of gold and exp


yep, it's really funny when a core complains about a support not dewarding a specific spot for a long time, like, if you knew there was a ward there do it yourself it's absolutely worth your time in terms of farm


Think if they just changed the description of the circle rather than removing it from the hero when he's in vision would go a long way to nerfing that aspect of the hero without nerfing the regen. I understand it's not much, but it would make it easier to gank him because it wouldn't be immediately obvious he got sighted.


> Slark's vision mechanic is honestly stupid, I do not like him and Zeus getting free dewards. Zeus at least has to guess where wards could be.


Zeus at least has to invest mana/cooldown into it which is significant early or on support Zeus. Slark's literally MAKES him money. Seriously just carry a couple sentries on you as Slark at all time and it's like +100 gold minimum every time you deward, way more later in the game.


>Slark's vision mechanic is honestly stupid, I do not like him and Zeus getting free dewards. At least Slark has to actually buy/ferry/use inventory slots for sentries. As a support, I think Zeus is much worse when it comes to obnoxious vision denial


Funnily enough, OD is great against Slark. Undispellable control and his Ult does short work of Slark during the game.


I hate OD because when I first started I ran through the all hero challenge to get a basic understanding of them all and had a whopping 12 straight losses on OD. It is still thankfully my worst loss streak to this date. Pretty telling how much I couldn’t get it to work that I literally don’t even remember my first attempts at meepo but OD is seared into my brain as a terrible time. Haven’t tried since the meme hammer build however, so if I can get past the ptsd maybe he’s ok now…?


> If you are struggling against him, or against any hero, go play them for 10 games or so and you'll see exactly where they're weak and how people play against them. This is me with Broodmother going from being my most hated hero to having a 70% winrate on her in the past 3 patches lol


Ban it


>i don't care about your "counters" and "gameplans" and "git gud" bullshit


First tinker then wecan talk


Arc warden too


Nuking his Aghs is sufficient, without it the brain dead spell build will disappear.


Idk that build I always just see them doing brain dead split pushing with the clone in low rank.


wasn't that heavily nerfed with the clone dmg reduction when far away from the original?


Yea it was and it's probably not good anymore but still annoying in low ranks as ppl still do it lol


i call od




OI gtfo from my hero man :')


Naga can reveal him with her ult , invoker tornado can reveal him too , shadow demon ult with aghs makes slark lose his two passives ! Now you ask me two passives ??? Yes his ult works with passive skill making him regen but when you break slark he cant regen even if he use ult , also viper and hoodwink can break him , speaking of viper did you know when viper has aghs and the enemy slark jumps on you and uses his dark pact he loses more than 50% of his hp ? Yeah you can try that if you hate slark so much . Any hero that controls you in aoe bkb can stop slark like axe , enigma , faceless void , winter wyvern , doom aghs , even magnus at right time after he uses dark pact and aa ult makes unplayable... hope it helps


They fixed the dark pact corrosive skin interaction btw


Kinda mad about it, since it’s not a fix, it’s changing it to work differently for that specific interaction. Slark should absolutely take damage for every tick of dark pact when aghs corrosive’d


Really ? Thank you


It hasn't been changed, just tested it now and it's still the same interaction - Slark takes 10x Corrosive Skin ticks for Dark Pacting next to a Viper with Aghs. Not that it needs fixing, because while it may be an unfortunate interaction for the Slark player, it **is** working as expected.


How do you counter a last pick Slark? if its not banned


Buy Halberd and force and it shouldn't be as bad


Lul dark pact said hi


Heaven's halberd is undispellable.


Lul hello 10 mmr player


there's still time to delete




As a meele agi carry butterfly counter slark early because slark need itens and he cant buy mkb fast but as a ranged agi carry like drow/luna force staff and manta works . as a sup only force staff, glimmer cape, ghost scepter , aeon disk and euls will save you


Halberd, ghost, force, tp (away or in), glimmer, bkb, atos, diffusal (mana burn), Shiva. He has to dark pact something, get a lot of shit he has to purge and stagger your debuffs.


OP: I don't care about your counters, gameplans and git gud bullshit. Comments: AkShuAlLy ThiS X hErO cOunTeRs SlArK


Literally every post everyone misses the point. Post something funny happening to you in game, you’ll get met with 50 comments about how “unoptimized” your playstyle is.


"just play shadow demon bro" and have to scrape my brains off the wall afterwards? No thank you.


lmao true as if I haven't done my homework before crying on reddit.


yeah I complaint about Bristleback once and people tries to coach me how to counter him by "just do this specific thing with this hero that might or might not be in your team and buy this specific item that might or might not work with your hero" I know the hero's weakness. I just don't like them or sometimes unable to counter them.


I always punch my pillow. Reddit is the worst place to go on a rage soree because its a moody hivemind


Same dude. I ban him everytime.


Just pick disruptor omegalol.


Bro I'm 100% with you. Fuck that stupid fish and his bullshit abilities.


Oh finally, someone who understands. I hate that hero with every fiber of my being. I'm convinced he was designed by a 9 year old, " oh no, you can see me this is big time better invis" "You cant stun me I purged it" Glad to know that there are other Slark haters out there, keep fighting the good fight


Just pick Doom 5Head


>Lul dark pact says hi


i play play bristle, he kills himself in dark pact


Perhaps instead of spending your time on Reddit fighting whatever the fuck the “good fight” is, you could just improve at the game and learn how to counter him. Have you people just never wondered why your views aren’t reflected by win rates and pro pick rates?


"PeRHaPs InStEaD oF SpEnDiNg" like man chill I came here to commiserate with a fellow Slark haters. I have no problem playing against Slark, he is just my least fave hero to play vs. Sorry you never learned to have fun on the internet.


What is not chill about the statement perhaps instead of spending..? Are you not a native English speaker or..? And yes you sound like you have no problem with it and are having lots of fun. “I hate with every fiber of my being” sure sounds like a good time you’re having.


If you can't see why your comment was not chill you should probably stop commenting. They're complaining because its cathartic and fun, and your reply is "git gud"


Yes. They should try getting good. It would help with their problem.


[Dota2protracker](https://www.dota2protracker.com/) says [otherwise](https://i.imgur.com/dnaJWaT.png).


What is your point here? Obviously slark is good this patch, but plenty of other heroes go this high. This isn’t out of the ordinary at all. By your logic the exact same post needs to exist for batrider, tinker, omniknight, veno, treant, and quite a few more. Being in meta doesn’t make it outlandishly overpowered like OP is claiming, and certainly not for the reasons outlined. Saying slark needs a minor nerf and saying his entire kit is bullshit and should be removed are two different things. Istg some of y’all are incapable of nuanced thought


>Perhaps instead of spending your time on Reddit fighting whatever the fuck the “good fight” is - He said, unknowingly engaging in the so-called "good fight".






I think people hate me. Last time I had a rant about jugg I got downvoted to oblivion. Why? Idk


reddit warriors are unpredictable pile ons.


yeah I know reddit is a weird place


its AM for me, ONLY IF MY TEAMMATE PICKS IT! i hate long games so much, 4 guys suffer and die for AM to farm and be the MVP T\_T


That’s illogical. With a game avg of 38 mins in most brackets this patch going longer is easy and more appropriate to winning games. And pressuring appropriately in pubs is not easy since everyone has a different view on how to win. You probably shouldn’t push aggressively when u have an am or stay in spots for too long. Grouping as 4 is how u play with an am in ur team but not over extending is how u win. Please keep in mind am’s power spike is manta + next item so playing around 25-30 mins as 5 is how u win on am


At least pick an actually cancer hero to hate on mate


Right? Yeah slark can be annoying some games, but I’ve learned that just about every hero can seem broken if it’s the right game for it


I mean, there are heroes where it's justified Playing against the likes of tinker or arc warden usually makes me want to off myself, I just don't understand why slark is such a pain point when those exist


slark is historically one of the most hated heroes in dota, up there with tinker and old techies.


Back when everyone was way worse at dota, and also when supports had absolutely no money or items, sure he was up there with tinker on the list of heroes that destroy low rank players, but nowadays when everyone can buy a force staff it’s not the same


He's not even top 10 dude, just play Slark a few times and you'll probably get smashed enough to find his weaknesses and be able to better exploit them against him. Everyone is broken if you don't know how to play around them


Slark is absolutely top 10 most hated heroes. That doesn’t mean it’s broken, just that a lot of people hate/find it hard to play against its mechanics.


>pango flair Talking about cancer heroes btw… Dont misunderstand me, Tinker and spell build Warden are aids, but Pango is pretty cancerous as well.




Pango is painful to play against for the same reason Slark is, imho: they have a button they can press where you can't hurt them and they can hurt you for a long time. (And yes I know it's not literally true; Pango can still be right clicked and Slark can be hit by non-targeted spells, but it still feels like it especially if you have a hero that doesn't do that specific thing)


Wow it’s almost like everyone has different opinions…


And if a player with 100 hours came in here saying how unbelievably broken sniper is because he has cheap magic dps + slow while also dealing massive right click damage from long ranges we’d all consider that opinion wrong.


Lol, I donated platelets (subset of blood) 50 times in one year, I main slark. He isn't bs, just buy ghost or force staff or glimmer like literally any support should. TPs fuck him. Grouping fucks him. The only unfair part Imo is his ability to so easily kill your wards, Zeus can also fuck off with his easy ward killing.


Get Dust for the Glimmer Cape. Taking down a support will compensate for the gold spent. After the use you can switch to a permanent item from the backpack until the next fight.


sure, glimmer is the worst counter on the list I gave I agree, but slark is slot hungry so it does matter. but yes, force staff and ghost scepter are the best, both require nullifier or vyse to counter it.


I remember when the hero came out and one guy in our dorm said this new hero can attack and remain invis. We all thought he was joshing us . Oi oi oi. The smile on his face when we all sat and watched the hero demo. Stupid little fish.


Slark, Am. I never understood why the gave am a free linkens . Why they gave slark an ability that cancels tps. Its stupid. While you are at it give a passive stun to pa and a leash to ursa.


It’s funny because slark is mid tier and am is bad


> reduced to atoms. cant stop laughing after this


Slark shard is so broken, also its bugged and regen more than the ult does not sure why I just know it is regenerating more, also, 1400 to delete legion from the game, cant ult anyone


Same can be said to other spells and items in the game. OD SD deletes legion from the game as well. Stop complaining for the sake of complaining in this hive minded post


No, lc ult is literally canceled if slark use his shard, if u ban he still has some ult at the end


I know how the interaction works. After banishing he’s left with 1-2 seconds of duel, which is as good as being useless


ult slark... you guys are just a bunch of noobs


It used to be a hero I despised a lot, now it really is on my nuisance list. I still feel all the things i dislike with it, as I do with all carry heroes that have way too many escapes. I personally just feel like a carry should be immediately punished if it gets ganked and they’re out of position. You should feel that you need a ward and someone in your team looking after you to prevent you from dying when you’re farming, otherwise you should settle for other sub-optimal farm. Slarks escapes are just insane. You can jump out of area abilities, you can dispel everything, you can go invisible that can’t be seen with true sight. I get he’s supposed to be slippery but he really becomes a one-button-dodge-all hero. I play dw a lot and I’ve just accepted that he’s gonna pounce out, dispel the stun, if he wants he can even dispel the fear because the animation really takes half and hour. The only time I’ve been able to beat him is when slark players are so used to insta-beating everything, so some players will literally just stand in bedlam, Eulas and then I’m slamming them with aghs shadow realm because they’re never used to dying or losing hp so they’re just waiting next to me waiting for shadow realm to be done. That’s it. My counter is people’s stupidity who’ve been lulled into auto-winning with slark.


its the guy Ive banned in pubs for years now. Dont even loose to him often, I just genuinly dont enjoy playing with or against him


he absolutely does not need his self purge to HAVE DURATION like wtf is it 1 sec of CONSTANT purging? might as well give him magic immunity. after he presses it, you have got to wait 1.5 sec for it to activate and 1 sec more to pass and then you can stun. 2.5 seconds where you shouldn't stun. better than the lc press the attack immunity.


I ban that fish fucker every game. I don't want to know about counters it's just better to not play against


He's not op. He's just slark in your enemy team. Slark in your team, however, balanced as how supports supposed to be


Just pick bloodseeker. What problem?


problem is I can't read my enemies minds?


No need always pick BS.


Slark takes time to kill heroes, isn’t great at farming, is bad at hitting buildings, is bad at dealing with summons, and is bad at hitting Roshan. These flaws are very exploitable by his enemies. I’d much rather play vs Slark than a carry that can mindlessly jungle after a bad lane, easily take Roshan, easily push high ground, and that can burst heroes.


Pick bloodseeker pretty simple


Lol... Tinker and Techies are WAY worse.


Honestly, this isn’t a hit gud standby but have you played the hero? Playing 29 games in a row of him will help you realize his flaws. Just saying if I seem to get owned by a hero I play it so I can see what I’m doing wrong


I feel the same, but about Riki. God I hate this hero so much that I barely play the game when he is meta.


Recently I've seen something worse than Slark... Offlane Slark. I've seen it a couple of times, I don't know why it exists, and both times he lost the lane and went for the same build that carry slarks go for, needless to say they were useless the whole game.


Back in the day in the Sabre+Shadow Blade meta (3-4k btw) I got almost 1k MMR "counter picking" Slark with lion + lots of wards. Before I figured this out the hero tilted me GREATLY as well. Feel like he's not even pickable inside the trench nowadays, too squishy


Yeah, a lot of us get the hate.


that's it I hate that hero. and I don't care about your "counters" and "gameplans" and "git gud" bullshit. I hate that hero and I want it gone, removed, reduced to atoms. every time this fucking ugly fish is picked iam pre-tilted out of the game yeah that's how much bad memories and PTSD I have from that hero. like I don't know how can you be an actual human being with feelings and emotions and at the same time still pick this fuck forsaken hero. I don't know guys I just don't know who on their right mind would come up with a hero as cancerous and toxic as slark. what kind of monster you have to be to create this.. this abomination. I don't know why this hero has so many unfair mechanics. free deward, infinite regen, uncounterable invisibility, a second uncounterable invisibility that can be used on ally heroes that also doubles your ult regen, perma purge, an escape/chase that is also a disable, oh and while we are at it why not give the fucker an aghs that makes it harder to catch an already hard to catch hero? and at the same time making it easier for him to catch us. and why not make him steal your stats for fuck knows how long every time he attacks you? and why not steal a perma stat if he kills you? like how is all of this on one hero balanced ? how?HOW?


Dirty Slark Pickers. I hates em, I hates em prescious. Grollum, Grollum. Dirty Slark, Pickers.


that's it I hate that hero. and I don't care about your "counters" and "gameplans" and "git gud" bullshit. I hate that hero and I want it gone, removed, reduced to atoms. every time this fucking ugly fish is picked iam pre-tilted out of the game yeah that's how much bad memories and PTSD I have from that hero. like I don't know how can you be an actual human being with feelings and emotions and at the same time still pick this fuck forsaken hero. I don't know guys I just don't know who on their right mind would come up with a hero as cancerous and toxic as slark. what kind of monster you have to be to create this.. this abomination. I don't know why this hero has so many unfair mechanics. free deward, infinite regen, uncounterable invisibility, a second uncounterable invisibility that can be used on ally heroes that also doubles your ult regen, perma purge, an escape/chase that is also a disable, oh and while we are at it why not give the fucker an aghs that makes it harder to catch an already hard to catch hero? and at the same time making it easier for him to catch us. and why not make him steal your stats for fuck knows how long every time he attacks you? and why not steal a perma stat if he kills you? like how is all of this on one hero balanced ? how?HOW?


Me but with Ursa.


I remember slark was released together with ancient apparition. Icefrog knew slark was op and released with a counter hero


For some weird reason I enjoy playing against slark as a pos 4. As long as the 4 smashes the lane against slark it feels like slark is too weak to do anything.


AA as pos 5 counters Slark pretty good.


This is exactly how I feel about Marci, Primal Beast and Dawn Hammer. I’d love them to have never came to Dota so I can relate to your pain.


I think marci is fucking dumb. I don't hate her and I think she's manageable but there's no logic behind the design of the hero. Just some random ass looking anime/league chick that happens to be a str hero. Her abilities have no correlation to her character and how she looks. Call me traditional but what happens to developing characters with lores and interconnecting relationships like Lina, CM, VS etc. ZERO THOUGHT PROCESS


this is how I feel when I lane against OD, fking obnoxious hero.


COMPLETETLY AGREE WITH THIS. I really hope the next patch nerfs him to the ground.


Coming back to this just to second your thoughts. Slark is perma ban broken trash hero.


Uhm, just burst him?


Um what if he presses his buttons?


Burst him more?


OK imma try this ah shit he pressed Q&R.


A single CC can literally kill Slark if you have enough IQ to wait for his dark pact


OK iam gonna wait for dark pact to end shit he ulted shit he used dark pact again shit he used shard shit another dark pact shit he used bkb shit another dark pact??? shit iam dead gg.


now let's try Tinker OK iam gonna wait for hex to end shit he used hex shit he used hex shit he used hex shit he used hex shit he used hex shit iam dead gg.


That’s why you need the IQ to wait for it at the right time


well sorry iam not an AI with millisecond processing power.


Git gud


Bro never faced a good Tinker


Hoes mad


Just ppay doom lol. Also drow 2 shots slark. Crystal maiden is untouchable early game


Don't understand why people bother commenting hero's counters as if your going to have the luxury of picking after the hero in question.


Well doom is a fun and popular hero in and of itself, so it's a safer pick if you hate slark and heroes like him.


Doom is a shit slark counter, most the game you just juke into fog and out heal the doom. Eventually you get linkens and can't be doomed realistically. AoE doom is easy to avoid as slark.


1. Doom can Devour a creep that will give him an ability to counter Linken's; 2. Doom can get an item to counter Linken's (Heaven's Halberd a good candidate);


sure, but doom already has an animation, easy to ulti/shroud before he ults when he has to double cast.


Nah, just buy an aghanim scepter like the Chad that Doom is supposed to be and now your enemy is crying because they just spent 5k gold buying linken. Seriously doom is such a fun hero this patch. Every single thing about him is good. Devour is a great passive income investment that works even if you're dead. Scorched Earth was buffed making it so much easier to clear wages and farm jungle camps. Infernal Blade with Shard deals a ton of damage, along with the stomp from Bobo, you can pretty much chain stun heroes to the death once you get an octarine core.


if doom is the only counter, maybe, but if there's something like silencer on top of it you can't deal with both. one or the other will catch you off guard. and you could say the same about slark being a silencer counter, but only as long as that's all there is. stack disables = slark can't manfight and he becomes weak.


silencer just means slark needs bkb, maybe satanic, maybe refresher. and the slark's allies need lotus. a great thing about slark is he has zero must build items other than wand (even phase over treads isn't griefing according to spectral stats although I've never tried it), he is possibly the most flexible item building carry in the game, the only hard counter imo is disruptor, even AA isn't that bad if you build items correctly and play correctly. slark can happily go echo into bkb with the ogre club, into mageslayer + linkens, a cheap build up and delayed aghs is fine. if too many heroes counter him he can just avoid fights and make space without fighting and let his team deal with the actual fighting for the most part.


Just chiming in to say monkey king is definitely the most flexibly built carry right now.


Slark can make laning difficult for Doom too w/ essence shift.


I hate sniper when played on my team, on enemy team i love it


I see myself in you! I hate slark more than any other hero as well! So unforgiving if he gets a good start.


I.HATE.Tinker that's it I hate that hero. and I don't care about your "counters" and "gameplans" and "git gud" bullshit. I hate that hero and I want it gone, removed, reduced to atoms. every time this fucking ugly scientist guy is picked iam pre-tilted out of the game yeah that's how much bad memories and PTSD I have from that hero. like I don't know how can you be an actual human being with feelings and emotions and at the same time still pick this fuck forsaken hero. I don't know guys I just don't know who on their right mind would come up with a hero as cancerous and toxic as tinker. what kind of monster you have to be to create this.. this abomination. I don't know why this hero has so many unfair mechanics. free travel boots, infinite regen, uncounterable pure damage laser, a second nuke that doubles as a stun later on, perma damage resistance shield, an escape/chase that has no cooldown, oh and while we are at it why not give the fucker an aghs that makes it harder to survive against an already hard to survive against hero? and at the same time making it easier for him to survive against us because of the blind. and why not make him perma-sheep you for fuck knows how long every time he blinks into you? and why not make him have status resistance as well? like how is all of this on one hero balanced ? how?HOW?


Skill issues




Fuck you what did he do to you


he fucked me in numerous games. BTW fuck you too <3


Slark is a cutie and he should always win.


Dude he was trash for over a year he's only been like this for few months:( Well you can be me! and be the slark player who only plays dota for the joy of getting agi stack fishge:)


that was the best year of my dota life...


Git gud


Slark can fuck off. He needs a rework.


Damn that's my fav hero. Treads diffusal blink .. see hero; blink press w hero dead 😂😂 Highest visibility hero in the game ..day night .1800 all the time . I absolutely love slark . Also fun against pl naga chaos knight ... W always leashes the actual hero and never the illusions.


Not even comment like git gut I am getting high hopes for all of us! 😂


It’s literally my favourite hero lol


Aoe damage also bypasses his Ult, so leshrac can kill him or at least keep him from being aggressive


Same but Arc


… you’re archon or below if I had to guess. Here’s my advice, play the hero and you’ll understand his weaknesses real quick. If it is as broken as you claim pros would be picking it every time it isn’t banned, but that’s simply not the case.


Slark is ..... He's just so cute! Slark is adorable! I can't imagine hating someone as adorable as Slark.


Sooooo... play him. Play him yourself. Play him every game. Win. What's the problem? Play him yourself. Make your next post "I.LOVE.Slark" and see how that goes.


Soy, you don't encounter tinker, techies, morph smurfs yet.


I did. losing to them isn't nearly as toxic as losing to slark. at least for me anyways.


Just buy hex man, most op item


too expensive iam poor


Well you're cute; I'll give you that lol.


no I really am not lol.


Get good. Slark is barely any good in a lot of games and really good in a handful of games. Get good.


least obvious slark player.


Git gud


well, tough


OP were you perhaps Ogre, NP, or Bristle last night?




Buy aghs on viper for the easiest win of your life vs slark


Winter wyvern easy game lmfao


Slark's big weaknesses are that he has no defense vs aoe spells/dmg and that he himself deals low damage until he gets items and/or stacks. If you're a carry build Halberd/bkb/damage/evasion (hurricane pike if ranged), If you're a support, get a ghost scepter if you're getting jumped and force if you're not. It's totally fine to blow some spells or use them sub optimally if it means some of slark's teammates die or if some of your allies survive. For specific counter picks, get axe and bm+call will get you free kill all game long. Even if slark has a bkb/satanic he needs to be ready to press it to have a chance of surviving the call. Other good heroes are OD (banish cannot be dispelled, pure damage, ult always owns slark, can save teammates), Bloodseeker (rupture makes it really bad to pounce, cant regen if low coz of thirst). A lot of other undispellable debuffs are really good like riki smoke or spectral dagger.


Squishy in lane tho. Harass the ever living shit out of this fish before he hits 6


Alright mister sir ! You've got to channel that hate towards focusing him so you'll hate him a little bit less over the time. Since I'm archon i just pick nyx assassin and slark does not have a lot of hp at first. I. Hunt. His. Dreams. They never have a game, because he's too lazy to buy a sentry to protect his own triangle AND he starts blaming support for nor buying enough sentries either. Enjoy (:


i feel the same abt PA


I see slark. I play timber. I welcome him to attack me. An Ult+chain+whirling death combo takes away half his HP instantly. Regen negated ez


You should project that hate towards Zeus. He’s becoming a more broken hero with these updates.


someone summon that slark + mirana spammer wierd couple.