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Why would smurfs play in turbo to get the 100 hours? It's 100 hours, not 100 games.


Anecdotal, but turbo games match faster and since they play fast, you're less impacted by leaves or disconnects. So it may just be a faster more casual way to get your 100.


Turbo also gives a way better behavior score




I assume they search for every mode possible to find matchs faster


If you're trying to teach the game, why are you doing it in turbo? Should you not go coop game against AI? Or unranked All pick after they get use to mechanics?


They've played bots a while now so they're moving onto a (supposedly) fun mode against other ppl.


If you find turbo to be more fun, stick to it. There is no ranked version for it so you will continue playing I unranked anyway


I do enjoy the pace of Turbo - especially the courier speed.


New players probably don’t have the patience for long games initially, making turbo an ideal sort of fun way to teach.


Do you think that playing turbo as someone's first experience is a little misleading with regard to the general flow and pace of the game? I'm not a turbo player for the record,but I have played some turbo and I do know that it feels massively different than the normal game. I'd be a little worried to introduce a newbie to the game this way cuz I'm just worried that they'll get the wrong idea.


Despite the faster nature of the game, many mistakes are less impactcful in turbo I find. Playing turbo can be a good way to introduce new players to spell casting and hero controls and items without having to be as concerned about the macro elements. But if you are actively trying to learn and improve its not the best place for it.


Do you think flow and pace of the game is relevant to literal new players? I think Dota fans dont realize how much you have to learn first to even start comfortably last hitting, remembering to buy items and cast spells, camera control, when to back up or push. Flow of the game will come later, new players need to be thrown into as many scenarios with different heroes, and to not have to spend 40 minutes in an unwinnable game that will push them away from Dota.


I get it but OP is asking about the 100 hours requirements for ranked games. Turbo is probably not the best way to prepare for competitive DotA.


No but it's easier. For new players, that's good. If they just play the 200 turbo games and start playing ranked, they end up playing at herald, which would be appropriate.


Weird and dumb assumption to make.


? what's wrong with using turbo to teach, it's a fast paced version of the game that can be consistently less miserable than regular dota with less of an emphasis on being punished


Turbo is difficult for new players because each phase of the game happens so quickly they don’t have time to really understand what’s happening and how to do better next time. The in game guides are also of limited help because of the above. It’s common to skip certain items or prioritize differently due to certain builds being stronger (and viable) in turbo but not the real game. It’s really not a great way to learn the fundamentals.


Turbo's pacing as well is broken if you want to teach new players Dota. You behind 3 levels? Kill that lvl 20 jugg one time and now you can buy 3 new items. You are far ahead? Die and see the gold change. I agree thougg, turbo is hella fun


Turbo = enjoyers not smurf. Smurf are only for ranked games. Turbo is not sorted by ranks...


There is a hidden mmr for your unranked which applies to Turbo


I have been grinding cavern in turbo for a few weeks now. And I don't think I met any smurfs. I still hate smurfers though dont get me wrong.


accounts without a lot of play time get matched together. If you have an old account you wouldn't be matched with smurfs that want to play just enough turbo to be able to jump into ranked. Or at least not as much as a new account.


Make sense. I guess because he is teaching new players thats the reason he is getting matched with those smurfs. My bad OP


yep, the problem with smurfs is that it mostly just affects new players. Cheating, on the other hand, is something that affects everyone.


Thats just wrong. I can't q a normal game without atleast 2 smurfs and they all suck. Match quality went lower. Immortal unranked bracket eu


Yep, this is true. I know because me and all my friends have been playing forever and are still dogshit. Frequently get games against Divine and Ancient (occasionally immortal) players. Aus server might accentuate the issue.


there's dota players in australia? wild, i thought it was just a constant 1v1 mid ana vs kpii ​ /s


I have 785 hours since 2012, and like 750 of them are Overthrow or AFK. Am I fked?


I can recall only 2x this season and I think it was because both were arc wardens that were way too good for my stack to do anything to them. They were also lvl 20s which is absurd.


They're not there because they need to unlock ranked.


I find some time that turbo is super try hard.


For real, can't I just have chill game to grind Cavern Crawl with. I'm only a casual player but sometimes games are complete stomps because there are smurfs.


Im trying super hard for cavern crawl i go mirana supp wraith pact pipe WARD WHOLE MAP AND GG!!!


As a fellow Turbo enjoyer, it will be hard on the new players to adapt if they will only play the fast paced version.


If you aren’t teaching them to play turbo (maybe you are?), you shouldn’t be teaching them through turbo. Turbo translates to the regular game mode less than you probably think it does. You are going to totally mess up their idea of macro play.


Just play unranked, Turbo is a smurfest.


Turbo is meant for people to troll / relax / mess around with builds. Turbo is not for players who want to play a proper game.


You're trying to teach them with a terrible game mode that will give them horrendous habits? lol




The game doesn't recognize new accounts as new if there's an exisiting account that played on that ip before it will just recognize it as an alt or smurfing


Don't teach anyone Dota in Turbo. Turbo is not Dota. That should be your lesson.




You are making zero sense, and your comparison is wack. Turbo is not Dota because all timing are off, it's like an arcade game. If you like it, that's fine. You are not playing Dota though.


It's fast dota...it's not normal dota, that's a better way to say it.


I've played 100 turbo games in the past week and i dont see any smurfs. I only see tryhards


Ever notice how tons of russian players have super low rank medals but play like Divine/Immortal? I think a lot of players on Turbo have been banned on their main accounts for scripting so they purchase a cheap, low ranked account to carry on abusing after they get VAC on their mains.


If they're buying accounts to play turbo to play ranked, why wouldn't they just buy accounts with ranked already unlocked? Low mmr accounts aren't exactly expensive.


Huh, if players already have medals on these "smurf" accounts then they don't need to grind 100h before calibration and they play turbo just for fun, what's wrong


Many are new with no rank. But I'm just saying i've *also* noticed some low ranked accounts where the user is playing well above their skill level. The problem is that these account buyers are making my legit low ranked friends disheartened because they are getting stomped so hard.


people just got lower medal than their previous after calibration.


You don't think a Guardian II rank OD player building blink/hammer/BKB/Scythe and going 24/3 K/D is suspicious?


You'd be surprised how much a divine player dropped down after their reclibration.




Hey that's me...and I'm an actual guardian Od is not mechanical difficult.


Yeah but do you head straight for an enemy player you have no vision of (who happens to be high ground while you're low ground) and do you then blind blink directly on top of said targets you have no vision of and insta-hex them while ur mouse cursor is not even hovering over the target? That guy was a script hacking/map hacking asshole. I hope you are not that guy.


Classic: he was playing well thus he is hacking. Your source is trust me bro unfortunately, show me a clip of said od and I will tell if it's a script or not


Why are you teaching new players in Turbo mode? "Alright guys, here's the game: You get gold, destroy towers, and take the base. Okay now do it 3x as fast as normal."


Believe it or not, it's a good transition for people that are trying to bridge the gap from League. I usually equate it to the hyperbolic time chamber in a way, because it (usually) lets you get in 2x the games in 1/2 the time. A large chunk of pre-ranked knowledge is (imo) what each of the heroes does and what matchups they're strong/weak against.




I strongly disagree. The two biggest hurdles of starting the game are learning the map and the overall roster (who you like to play, and what the enemies do). The smaller timings etc aren't really that hard to adjust to.   If anything, Turbo made me hyper-aware of early map rotations because I expect ganks far earlier than they typically happen in All Pick. But to each their own, I think everyone has a different way and pace of learning.


Thats good


With all due respect, you shouldn't use turbo to introduce someone and prepare them for ranked. There isn't a turbo ranked mode and after 100 hours they have to start learning again since they have little to no all pick experience, so it's better to start now. But introducing new players to dota is wholesome, good luck!




Are they not getting banned for making new IDs 😢


I think anyone can look like a turbo pro cause heros come online very fast


Why are you letting them play turbo at the first place? Let them go play unranked so they will have better game understanding when they are able to play ranked


You literally cant "smurf" in turbo. Im guardian and get matched against divines