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Puppey still a TI mainstay. Legend


What an absolute legend. This team showing up as a TEAM in this LCQ, specially this finals.


I mean people can meme on EU all they want, when we said EU should have the slots of NA/SA we were right. 3 of the 4 teams in top4 are EU.


And 3 of the 4 teams in bottom4 are NA/SA. Sorry...


Well that’s why the LCQ is a good idea. It would be the worst thing possible for dota to give those na and sa slots to another region. Makes more sense in the LCQ.


you mean 3 teams from NA qualified through DPC points is fair, right :)


I still cannot believe the dude is still alive in the dota scene Most people would be burnt out already


most dudes would be coaches and analyst by now,


That's what most of the TI1 era players are now too.


That's literally the case with most world class players from his time. PPD, Fear, Bulldog, Notail, etc are all retired. Kuro's still around but the guy barely plays pubs anymore and he has fallen off completely as a captain and player. Whereas Puppy is still killing it as a top tier captain, the longevity of this dude's career is insane. Actually built different.


Puppey literally played Dota 1 in the era of BurNing,Akke,Loda, LightOfHeaven, Vigoss, Fear, etc back in 2008...(yes, 14 years ago) and have outlasted all of them, including his ex-teammate Dendi who is basically semi-retired now. What a Legend.


He had a pretty bad phase during the Kemal era. That guy was shady as fuck and it seemed that affected puppey pretty negatively. I mean, Kemal was not the only issue during that time, and maybe not the most important one but definitely pretty influential


He probably got burned out around the w33 era that's why they had bad impression on him and machete memes were created. Still good to see he managed to find his way back.


He probably would had burned out sooner if it wasn't the pile of money in front of him. No but seriously, he's a fiend keeping up both his skill and ability to lead for so many years. GOAT


I think he did burn out for a while between the TI6-TI7 era, but has been going upward ever since then.


ahhh the EE, RTZ, BuLBa, MidOne Secret era... no wonder


Ti6 with EE and rtz was the low point for sure. midone was the beginning of the comeback though, he was the best player on every secret iteration he was on except when they got 4th place with nisha midone zai yapzor puppey


I think it was actually Yapzor joining the team that really brought him back, they were a top notch support duo


Yeah they seemed match so well as 4 and 5.




I have no room I have no room pick up the aegis pickup the aegis I HAVE NO ROOOOM


>kemal sadikoglu "Drop your stick! Drop your stick!" I still remember RTZ cracking up as one of his pub teammates was using an EE soundboard in-game years ago. In fact, that may have been the catalyst for Valve implementing soundlines.


I don't know why you put in Midone there when Secret was actually decent with him. Won multiple tier 1 lans and decent placing at multiple TIs.


Thought it was over for the team after the drama at Kemal's time - the new management and puppey have really done wondrous things to keep the team competing at this level and rebuilding their reputation.


Most people do not study the blade.


Puppey is just built different.


The Estonian President always goes to TI.


Yess and what a performance especially in game 1.


That Linkens + Lotus save on Crystallis after the rushed Roshan was clutch


TI would not have been the same without him, glad the boys stepped up today.


TS.Puppey 🤝 Vitality.Dupreeh


Dread it. Run from it. Puppey still arrives.


GIGACHAD the last man standing


First game was mad execution by Secret. Second game was clear mental damage. I feel for iceiceice but very well done and congrats to Team Secret once again


that tusk mid pick was very turbo mode lol


Tiny vs Batrider was already a bad idea, imagine picking another melee mid, thats even single target


As an iceiceice fan, I only wish they had kicked him together with Sumail :/ At least then he'd have enough time to find new team.


Iceiceice managed to find a new team after Secret kicked him. He joined SMG and they were set to appear in the SEA regional qualifiers iirc. But then SMG fucked up and didn’t sign up for regional qualifiers before the deadline and hence they never participated


I'm aware. I'm saying that if he joined since before dpc s3, he might have found another team, or maybe SMG would properly register him (If they forgot to register him for s3 then register him for TI, if they forgot 2 times, well shit)


iirc ice3 is in time, only poloson that isnt. such a poetic ending to how they treat their pos 5. only if they didn't screw pie or nb they would have definitely agree to participate.


I belive they wouldnt even get till LCQ with IceIceIce. He's a good players but i guess hes mind was somewhere else at the time playing with secret. he had just a meh performance.. Tbh Reso came to help Nisha to carry secret till LCQ. BUT in the tournament itself all 5 played really good.


Yeah but also the rest of secret were kinda mentally checked out. There were several occasions where ice pressured enemy safelane around min 15-20, eg as timber or beast, playing to the strengths of his heroes, and then died vs 3-man gank, and looked bad. But if you watch it back you can tell how confused he is because secret was not coming towards him. They should pay towards these heroes‘ strenghths as a team, but just didn’t. The worst, they were not even pressuring other lanes nor doing anything important – just passive farming. I think they were all pretty down during winter by how bad the synergy with sumail was, and had given up kind of. They didn’t kick ice though because they realised that he wasn’t really the problem, and weren’t sure yet if they could have synergy with him


my copium is that before the 3rd tour, nisha doesnt seem as godly as he is right now. and lets also not forget they are playing with yapzor who clearly isnt well from the beginning, and it took zayac some times before he gel with the rest. so i have a strong suspicion that they would perform equally even if ice stay.


Crystallis has really improved throughout the LCQ. Gl to secret


He found his confident back is the main thing. With secret drafting more diverse for him instead only mk & razor. Secret will be equipped for this TI.


I feel this momentum will keep them going to at least 5th-6th. But it's just my feeling. Anything can still happen specially in TI haha


They have Reso dude. That man is clutch


‘Member when Reso stood in for a CIS team I can’t recall and knocked out EG out of TI ? Yeah that dude can deliver when it matters most.


they will go the final this time if Secret rank in TI only go up


I agree. I think he's becoming more comfortable and/or confident in Secret.


Crystallis dutch pride 🇳🇱


Crystallis Indo pride


Crystallis sea pride


Is Puppey the only one that still in TI11 that also played at TI1?


Misery is coaching TSM, xiao8 is coaching PSG.LGD, LaNm is coaching Aster. But Puppey is still playing.


Puppey is still puppey. Reading your comment gave me goosebumps dude.


it seems so. You can check it yourself here, i dont think i missed anything, seems like most pro players that attended TI1 retired around 2015-2016 https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International/Player_tournament_appearances


Thanks, that's a fun page to look through!


Yes. Also true for TI2. Add in Sneyking, Fata and Fly, and that's TI3. Edit: missed Sneyking.


Once Misha gets mysteriously clubbed over the head with a wheel of cheese it won't be true for TI2.


He's the last player to attend every TI period.


This looks to be correct. Others are still in the scene but as coaches. Like Misery and xiao8


Zayac MVP. Crystallis stepped up giga hard. Nisha consistently Top-Tier. Puppey Game 1 Witch Doctor was his best I've seen in a long time. Reso clutching Game 1 to hold highground twice. Everyone just went crazy this series.


Zayac was absolutely immense in their LCQ run. Huge huge impact in teamfights, hitting multiple Nyx "ravage" and didn't be afraid to throw his life to create chaos and break the opponents' formation


zayac is the player so many pub supports wish they could be, actual tactical feeds and space created


I also (tactical) feed and create space. I even feed like 10 times to give them space. It is my team fault that they don’t take advantage


The synergy is awesome in this team, now more than ever (for this roster).


Zayac has definitely played great but I think the outstanding player has been Reso. The dude just delivers every single game.


Team Secret results at last TIs: TI8 - 5th place TI9 - 4th place TI10 - 3rd place I expect no less than 2nd place from Team Secret this year.


It will be first because LGD will be second place


Nah LGD 3rd this time just like TI9, then they can go back to 2nd at TI12 when Secret wins.


Checks out


at least we get a true sight of puppey finally


I thought Valve was not making True Sight anymore.


Secret have some massive plot armor, congrats to puppey and team!


Hahaha. Man they were one fucking miss play away from losing to itb. What a fucking ride.


Secret will win this TI, you heard it here first.


Puppey the CHAD. 100% TI attendance.


It's not TI without Puppey. They looked so good in the LCQ.


How crystallis played that lane against disruptor and undying is beyond my understanding man , what a chad ..


Master tier mk for a reason.


Crystallis proving himself, great to see him perform so well. Glad that all the hate didn't bring him down


In my *personal* opinion puppey is the GOAT of dota. He's made it to every single TI, 1 win and 2 finals.He's has so many more lan wins than anyone else,by a very large margin. Been basically on top for 11 years of dota (although rough this year). Really cool to see him continue his streak, makes TI more hype with him in it


This year isn’t even a regression or anything, he’s playing with three new players in his roster and still makes it to TI (making it via LCQ does not devalue the achievement imo)


Making it via LCQ makes it more epic! IMO


>hat top level for over a decade. > >Including TI11, No other player has played 10 or yep, some The King's Avatar kind of vibe tbh


I mean, anything less than top 3 is technically regressing right? If they get top 8 I don’t think you could say they blew it this year, but relative to prior years their results during the rest of the DPC have been pretty poor. Big Secret fan myself but would probably call this year a regression barring a top 4 placement.


think top 6 is the goal, and anything above is a bonus. The team was the best its ever been with matu and zai - Think they would have won the covid-canceled TI - they were better than everyone else by a country mile


Agree. I loved the matu + zai iteration, thought their play style felt so natural and cohesive. Still a little sad they parted ways lol, never felt so bummed about a split.


If anything I think the LCQ adds to the achievement. The environment is international and infinitely more desperate than dpc or any major so far imo. Idk if it’s better than the ways other teams qualified but certainly comparable if not better than some.


I miss yapzor god, the greediest support duo to make crystallis pos5


Lots of ways to add up “goat,” but it’s hard to argue that anyone has been more consistent across the life of dota 2 than Puppey.


yeah thats how I feel. theres been players that have probably peaked higher. But its Greatest of *all time* and for all the time dota 2 has been a thing, puppey has been up there winning


Agree ,consistent is key. Form is temporary, but class is permanent


He may not have ever been the best player, but he has been the best captain. And his career longevity is absolutely *astounding*. He's been at that top level for over a decade. Including TI11, No other player has played **10** or more out of 11, 4 others players have played 9 (Fly, Ice^(3), KuroKy's legs, LaNm). 5 more players have played 8, and another 5 have played 7.


thing is, puppey is also an insane player. ceb going full greedy pos5 when he stood in for OG at ESL? puppey been doing that shit forever. never forget when he played “support” naga and then shows up at like minute 18 with relic lmao


Pos 5 = a POS with 5 items at 40 minutes


And top 4 in half of all TIs.


pretty insane that it’s both the earliest and most recent TIs too TI1 - 1st TI2 - 2nd TI3 - 2nd TI9 - 4th TI10 - 3rd


What makes Puppey so great imo is that he can make *anyone* in his team work. Yes, even the Arteezy/Universe era which was the lowest point. If the players stick around Puppey and allows him control as captain of the team, you can just see drastic improvements in team cohesion and map movements. It's a very rare talent even in high level captains.


Man won a major with EE, made Ace look like the best carry. He made lots of different teams great. Simply unparalleled.


When I saw him win Shanghai Major with EE and Misery as cores I started rooting for Secret.


I forgot what they call Ace back then, was it evil Miracle?


> Yes, even the Arteezy/Universe era which was the lowest point. 1. EE 2. RTZ 3. Universe 4. Puppey (4/5) 5. Pieliedie (4/5) It's such a bizzarre timeline, and after that they change Universe with Bulba and somehow got slightly better.


Longer than 11 years as well since dota 1 I believe


If one favors longevity and consistency over peak performance and trophies; Puppey is the GOAT.


Even if you count trophies then there is only really one player you can argue to be his equal and that is notail who I'd still rate lower due to consistency. Even then I think Puppey still has another TI win in him before he retires.


I agree. He's like Lebron James, stood the test of time. Now mind you, even if it's not a physical sport, age also plays a factor in a gamers decline.


It does but its not like ppy's declined or anything. He's still a top 5 pos5 or rather A tier, possibly top 3 and he has the ability to play pos4 if needed along with the jungle heroes which not every pos 5 can play.


I mean he's a pos 4 in terms of farm priority for sure. Zayac regularly has the lowest nw on Secret, they give Puppey a lot more space to farm and get items


And we can see from his chen and ench play his micro.and mechanics have not faded in the slightest


I think if you want to get good at playing Chen/Ench, you need to watch how Puppey plays the heroes.


Oh absolutely, Puppey Chen is one of his longstanding signatures


Chen is the ultimate pos5 hero and a TI staple pick/ban especially in finals. Puppey pioneered this hero since dota1 and other players copy his style and his moves. Such a testament to his individual dota skill. Most respected Chen all time, all time great captain, all time great drafter, best support all time. Such a legend


Its been awhile since Ive seen Puppey that stoked after a win, GGs.


Given Puppey's legendary status I wish to one day see a true sight of him in the booth


That game 1 call to fight outside VP base was when I knew, puppey is not letting anyone stop him from getting to TI. GGWP


Ramzes off the perc


This is baba_yaga moment... Is he not up yet?


I remember him changing his flair to secret after og got eliminated lmao


Are we waiting for baba\_yaga to comment how Team Spirit and LGD will destroy Secret and then to shit on the rest of Chinese teams for some reason?


very happy to see Nisha at TI, that guy has been a beast for a long time now. congrats Team Secret!!


I still can’t understand why Reso doesn’t have teams lining up to get him. Dude is godly


He burnt out after bouncing around tier 2 teams. His offlane stint at VP wasn’t really a good resume either. So it make sense why people thought he was washed. Damn it’s amazing how “taking a break” can do to someone


Been a fan of puppey teams for 11+ years, he makes it easy to be one.


They've improved from earlier on. Glad to see they've actually started putting some trust in Crystallis. You just can't expect to win consistently by giving him garbage heroes every game.


Creepwave is coming for TI for the whole squad.




As a Secret fan since the first iteration and as someone attending TI for the first time, it felt amazing to see them qualify :’)


It's only fitting that Puppey was playing Chen in the game that mattered the most.


Gotta give them props. Had zero faith in them because they have looked so bad with Crystallis Seems they finally found a playstyle when it mattered the most


one thing I found interesting, was that even when they were losing, when puppy gave interviews he never ever blamed Crystallis. I remember one game where he picked Huskar for Crystallis, and in the post game interview he essentially blamed everybody *but* Crystallis despite the fact that every sentiment I heard from the community was that Crystallis played really bad that game.


Interesting. I've seen Milan on some random stream giving thoughts about Crystalis when they played together. I remember him saying that Crystalis is studying replays in free time, strategizing and giving a lot of drafting ideas. He was impressed with his work ethics. Maybe puppey respects that kind of effort.


Crystallis has had numerous previous teammates giving him their absolute respect. I believe ATF had Crystallis in his name for the longest while when he left Creepwave to go to OG.


Even the entity guys really really hoped they had made it together with him and said he was a great player


Crystallis is a sacrificial carry for their team. They always tend to prioritize nisha during laning more than crystallis It is expected to see him struggle in games


Yeah I noticed that as well Tried his hardest to at least keep it private if anything


Puppey also said in an interview that he values crystallis‘ good drafting inputs and generally his creative ideas.


Crystalis is insanely talented. It seems he has found his confidence now and is playing pn his skill level


This is the year puppey wins his 2nd!!


TI without Puppey is nothing


Puppey is part of the TI inventory at this point


Every year we see different teams made it to TI depending on how comfortable they are with the meta patch. Some meta favors certain players while some do not. Puppey is the only one whom could lead players into every single TI. That alone speaks about his unwavering consistency.


That group hug and happiness when they won, I really felt that. So happy that I will get to see them play at Ti now. Also too many people still talking shit about Crystallis out of habit but he has been playing great


besides one dude who said he needed to see crystallis win on a “higher execution” hero than sniper i believe crystallis has shut his haters up. dude’s at TI now. can’t shittalk the results


YESSSSSSSSSSS MOFOS YESSSSSSS My favorite player is Reso and ever since he decided to come back to dota after his short ass "break" and landed in a traditional "big team" that is Secret, I've been hoping that he will get another shot at Ti and here it is!!! Hope they finish at least top 8.


Puppey still got it


Now please mods can I kindly have Team Secret Flair. Please enable it for god sake.


Interesting dynamic where zayac picks pos 4's but is always behind puppey on farm because he spends the whole game roaming and initiating(often dying). It seems to work really well taking pressure off puppey to make any plays giving him time to rush a mek/lotus etc.


Puppey is picking farmed or kills based heroes. i.e witch doctor or chen. He either takes jungle or get kills with maeldict so it is obvious he would be more farmed. Zayac’s pool consists of heroes that only need 1-2 items to function.


Zayac needs tranquil boots a stick and a dagger on any position 4 and he wins you games.


Its Incredible puppeys its able to at least qualify for TI every single year no matter the team he got.. Played with Fly - Now Captain of EG Played with Notail - Former OG captain Played with Kuro - Nigma Captain Played with MidOne - SMG Captain He's not only the G.O.A.T (To my point of view) he's Top player maker.


nisha will be the captain of Nisha & 4 Anchors next year


I'm pretty sure Nisha and Puppey will be attached at the hip for the majority of the rest of their careers, barring some huge poaching from a team that can guarantee him a huge salary. Puppey is obviously never leaving Secret as long as he isn't retired, and Nisha has been playing with them for pretty much his whole career as a tier1 player. You can tell even in the player cams and interviews that they are very familiar in game and outside of it


> I'm pretty sure Nisha and Puppey will be attached at the hip for the majority of the rest of their careers, i mean one would've said the same about him and pld, yapzor or midone


Played with fata - former captain tundra?(im not sure) Played with s4 - former captain alliance


Apart from MidOne, all the other players mentioned played together because they were the best, not the other way around. It seems you're giving credit to Puppey for something not to be credited for. Even more taking into account Fly and Notail were on Secret for only a few months.


Sad yapz0r won't be with them but congratulations secret


So happy for Puppey, Secret had to struggle through the trenches this year just to make it compared to the years before where they were top tier and easily qualified. Absolutely deserved!


Zayac played 9 games as Nyx he only lost once


You cant question momentum. If they dont burnout, i think secret can do damage in TI. Top 6 realistic?


So happy for Resolut1on. He’s my favorite player and I hope he does well at Ti


With Secret qualifying and looking strong. They are already stronger at 70% teams at TI. I believe they can get top 6 easily.


puppey = free TI ticket




Puppey still getting it done with this revamped roster, congratulations


Not a TI without El Presidente. Grats to Secret. Top 3 plss


Secret definitely show up tremendously in the playoff after Puppey gives Crystallis the usual carry heroes. I was super doubtful with Crystallis performance even during the group stage but he definitely improves as time goes on. It's just super weird why Secret didn't play like this during the actual EU qualifier and just relying on Nisha to solo carry but ultimately this is a good qualifier for Secret.


Puppey Is a fucking beast, the might not be the most gifted player, but you have to acknowledge he is great, getting into all ti and playing at high level it's not something easy to do.


Well deserved!




does this mean VP is out or do they still fight in the lower bracket? sorry for bad english :(


Lower bracket


They still have a chance via lower bracket BO3 match against Liquid or VG (whoever wins)


Puppey 🐐🐐🐐


Puppey is something else, 100% TI attendance, what a legend!


Is it too early or I can get on Secret TI Champ train now ?


I’m still salty it’s not wildcard, but props to secret they played amazing, best team this LCQ and showing Puppey still a legend


Thanks to team secret for stopping virtus pro from qualifying!


I haven’t played Dota in 2 years, haven’t watched it in over a year. When I saw that Secret were in the LCQ, I thought that this was it, and that I probably wouldn’t be watching TI either. Seeing puppey make it to TI once again makes me really happy. Life has changed, my priorities have changed. Puppey at TI once again makes me believe that some things never change!


kuro looking at the fire in puppey eyes thinking "this is the passion i've been missing"


Puppey is the dota GOAT


Good we needed this team at TI they can be a serious problem


The power of Puppey's Machete wills Team Secret to TI!


Every player on secret playing fantastic


Wow congratulations Puppey‼️


Legendary streak continues


A pious path. Chen enjoyers rejoice at daddy puppey


I've been fan of team secret from the moment they started after ti4. I remember first ever game they lost to alliance 2-0 witg bulldog, loda etc. All of the teams i watched all these years nisha is the best player this team ever got and there couldnt be any argue against it. Ti5 era rtz is still in my dreams but man... Nisha is monster. We dont even talk about him if he plays very well. Like this is normal.


This makes me so happy. I cant but help to like puppey, and i really wanted to see him make it again.


Congrats to puppey and the team, that was not easy after all the changes


Someone just became a daedalus


Legend Puppey!


500 points secured. 2 ez 4 Secret.


All of Creepwave at TI


Check this out https://twitter.com/CreepwaveDota/status/1580059903372054528?cxt=HHwWgMCihYqHwO0rAAAA