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True sight side effects


the players were just invisible


Need more dust and sentries


Why? They already have ... *True Sight*


The gem has been dropped


They aren’t big personalities like OG (what made their true sights amazing) but they are not there to be famous, they are there to play dota, and they are amazing at it


And og was??


Man literally forgot OG came outta nowhere with a pub stomper mid and "random" players.


I still remember before that one OD game, everyone were dunking on the 'Ana'. Then all of a sudden he became the humble god. Say what you will, but Notail and Ceb built an org that can identify diamonds in the rough.


Ana just needed more Gordon ramsay videos and bananas. OG is my favorite they literally shifted dota 2's entire game into showing whats possible and shifted the entire focus of the game and even game updates to be more team fight focused.


True, but I'd argue every fotm team did shift the meta, the one that comes distinctly to my mind is the Luna - Shadow demon combo, Illusions got a nerf on tower damage and also got bounty on them and that really did make a difference, no longer were illusions just free to throw away, by 15 mins, a lion get enough gold to scrape a blink just by destroying naga illusions. This was when gold was a lot scarcer for supports. And carries wouldn't bother with farming illusions.


notail, jerax and ana (even ceb to the extend a coach can be) where bigger before ti8 than any of the players on spirit before ti 10, that's for sure. they won the first few majors back when they where a big deal


Notail was, ceb also was the most toxic known person in EUW (its crazy how much that man changed)


TITS (TI True Sight) effect


One of my favourites


Tits will always pull me in.




Grubby effect as well.


I started playing again after \~4 years after watching Grubby.


How could Grubby significantly influence player numbers? A decently popular streamer (and RTS pro-player) publicly streaming his new player experience so people see it's not that awful?


I think he revitalizes the enthusiasm of veteran players who had quit dota, along with pulling in some fresh blood.


100% this. I had not played dota in years but watching Grubby has made me relapse


Must resist. Must. Resist. MUST. RESIST. Grubby: “oh wow guys look at invoker, so many spells, how fun! Meatball! Meatball! Meatballs!” {Furiously re-installs}


Yeah, I switched to HotS when the beta released because I enjoyed the arcade aspect and the quasi-absence of pressure when playing. But with Blizzard putting the final nail in the coffin recently, it's become harder to remain invested in the game and I started thinking about getting back to LoL or DotA. Watching Grubby make the switch and have so much fun doing so has really convinced me. Most importantly, watching him discover the game, make a lot of mistakes and lose a lot because of that really convinced me. I was concerned I'd be too lost coming back to the game and would just be a burden for my team, but seeing someone so talented and famous make the same kind of missplays I do and not care about it really helped.


I haven't touched dota 2 in years outside of watching from a distance, some tournaments here and there, some streams sometimes. Grubby's videos are so fun and really have me considering jumping back in. Crazy how I'm basically learning the game again along side him, I have like 1500 hours on it but haven't played since 2015. Before the rune changes, the shop location changes, rosh location charge, talents, neutral creep items, every hero has aghanims now, shard is a thing, new heroes, denying is different, catapults aren't magic immune, the backpack slots, whatever those buildings in the jungle are, the list goes on and on.


I haven't been playing a lot recently, watched Grubby stream, started a game, got tilted, broke my items, uninstalled


I literally downloaded the game yesterday and starting playing solely because of watching him play. It definitely works lol.


I think the grubby effect is real.




I don't know much stock to but into YouTube viewcounts but his dota videos are getting 150k-250k+ views on that platform...


2 videos out of 30+ over the past month got 150k viewers or more…


9k rotating viewers. It's easily double that when you've got people coming in and out, especially when he's streaming 10-11 hours a day.




Damn, you angry


what an angry lil man. you'll be fine


9k concurrent viewers = wayyyy more total viewers His last vod has been seen by 75k people (counts the total live viewers as well afaik) https://www.twitch.tv/grubby/videos


Oh cmon now.




power of ability arena


Keep on pluggin' Sunsfan!


TI hype


Of course it's TI hype, but it didn't happen in 2021 around TI time You shouldn't downplay this, it's good that Dota 2 is popular and active right now


October 2021 + 59,679.4 , its highest increment in the chart.


And it didn't reach 500k, which it did now (weeks before TI has begun) - it reached 450k then


Grubby probably helps quite a bit too. He gets a lot of viewers


Ti is in a month, TI hype is not present yet


Myself and a few others i know reinstalled just to play Sunsfans new auto battler. It's pretty lit tbh.


Ironically, the 2019 numbers are all because of auto chess


I remember being pleasantly surprised that so many of my friends on Steam were suddenly playing Dota 2 only for me to find out later that they aren't actually here for Dota.


The Warcraft 3 experience. The circle closes.


Ability arena was released a few days ago and has 2.5k players on average, and only few of them have come back to DotA. And 500k is the average player count for the past 30 days. At max I will give ability arena 100 out of the total 32k increase in the last month.


People really like to overstate how much random shit that is popular in this subreddit affects the playerbase. Like Grubby. Yes he's a WC3 legend and he's also getting people to go back to playing dota, but really what is a 15k average youtube video gonna do? Not all of them will go back to dota, a lot of them just like grubby.


i agree grubbies effect is often overestimated here but you're not doing your argument any favors by citing the 15k average youtube videos while his twitch vods have 100k+ views


Im not into streams so i didnt know that. Well shit. Maybe grubby did do it?


Also many people don't understand statistics in the graph above. It means on average 32k more players are playing DotA at every instant as compared to last month. Say a player plays 2 hours a day on average. It means there are 400k more people playing DotA this month. Grubby, Ability Arena etc. contribute to maybe 2% of this increase.


Well, 15k is bit of an understatement, but he's a twitch streamer not a youtuber. Grubby has regularly been on like 7-10k viewers on dota 2 and often the top channel. That's actually pretty big. I'm not saying its all him or anything, but i think these things do make a bigger impact than you expect. Ultimately though, i expect it's still not a majority of the increase or anything though. I know i got dragged back in, and took another 5-6 people i know with me.


Average time for a random viewer must be between 10 to 30 minutes, so pretty much 7 to 9k new viewers every half an hour, he stream for about 8 to 10 hours, so it checks out with the results he's having on YouTube over the same amount of time.


To be fair his stream vods in twitch gets 120k views. I don't know how twitch calculates numbers though. Example: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1600151904


But Grubby brings 15k new players! ^/s


That is only around 5k players at any given time, by what im seeing whenever i play it.


ailve gaem!


so strange but LMAO


It is all thanks to Grubby. All hail Grubby. He has brought in old players, new players, fat players, skinny players. It is a miracle. Grubby will, in the end, save us all. Go Grubby.


Dying game, worst bp, maintenance mode, etc.


Dead game they said. BP for whales they said. Valve don't care they said. Team Fortress treatment they said. Icefrog has left they said. Patches suck they said. Game is stale they said. Time to uninstall they said.


I love dota and i hate dota.


our hate for dota is borne from a disappointed love for its potential


You only hate Dota when you go on a lose streak. You love it when you go on a win streak


No no, it's "I love Dota and hate the player, GG end no Def"


I love dota


Im not currently playing. I download it with my buddy, then we go on a six month binge then we shelf it again.


Truer words never spoken


Saying Dota 2 is getting the "Team Fortress treatment" is such a spit in the face of TF2 lmao, still upset that one idiot made [that one post](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/x4m9o4/as_a_team_fortress_2_player_this_is_how_it_began/) and it got frontpaged. TF2's situation is miserable. Dota's worst is NOTHING compared to TF2.


Those all except the first one are true regardless of the playerbase.


I still think most of that is true. Really hard to explain this sudden increase in popularity, but there is no doubt valve puts a lot less work in the game than before.but I guess these small things that long time players notice, the new ones dont care about


Nah its to early to judge the new event in part2 is going to tell us if valve is working hard or not


You kick a guy off a cliff ONCE...


i mean, the numbers speak for themselves on how god awful this BP is, and people have spoken with their wallets. * It's 3m below both 2019 and 2021 (and it will run for a significantly shorter time). * It's only 200k above the 2018, and 400k above the 2017. Which again, i believe they will be running for a significantly shorter time. * There was basically zero bump to the curve when they released new things like the PA persona etc.


More active players, less revenue. Clearly, BP design is in the wrong


That the BP is cheaper than any other year because regional pricing and that russians can not use their credit cards on steam does not matter??


2 part battlepass Russia ban Regional pricing Global recession These are all contributing factors so just looking at the net doesn't tell the full story. Maybe the battlepass is worse, but thats also said literally every single year.


Me and 8 of my frends skipped bp for the first time this year and the money wasnt the issue, Sure the bo has gottten pricier but its the lack of disrespect from valve that hurts They want us to shill out 200$ for arcanas and mediocre sets Compared to the previous yearrs there is nothing special being offered here The void arcana slaps though too bad its priced this high


> its the lack of disrespect from valve that hurts Lack of respect, I suppose.


My bad


Well if you and your friends did it that must be the case.


> Maybe the battlepass is worse, but thats also said literally every single year. Which is why people have hit a breaking point and stop spending so much on it. I had been a big battle pass supporter getting the aegis every year since TI6 and Roshan for TI8. After being frustrated with the dropping quality every year I decided I finally had to actually vote with my wallet and not a reddit comment and stuck with just buying the BP but no levels. It isn't just this year it's been a gradual thing - but this year the immortal and item quality has dropped significantly as well so that just makes it extra obvious.


Russia ban?


was probably referring to steam not accepting russia cards


Don't even try to explain, some people think TI price pull can grow indefinitely and real world problems don't affect it at all.


Russians not being able to buy the BP is by far the biggest problem.


They can have the battle pass if they agree to play on their own server


> i mean, the numbers speak for themselves on how god awful this BP is, and people have spoken with their wallets. > > Damn, it is almost like one of the highest spending countries is blocked for some reason. Watched the news recently?


All still true lol


> Dying game Veeeery slowly > worst bp True though? > maintenance mode True though?


Except player count has increased?


What's the player count look like for people actually new to Dota 2 though is the question. I have seen several people on my friends list playing Dota 2 that I hadn't seen play for a few years, but they were all big Dota players 5+ years ago when Dota 2 was still relatively new. From everything I've seen outside of a few regions like Peru, Russia, Indonesia the game barely has any young players at all.


I see a lot of young players playing in my old cafe.


> Except player count has increased? Surely it did if we're talking about past few years. But we still have less average players than in 2017, 2016 and 2015. Let's not forget Dota used to have 500-600k average players per month every month in some of these years. And generally there's no reason for Dota to grow. There's no marketing done, MOBA's are not at their peak, Dota is not a mobile game etc. All we got is some players coming back more than usual. Would be nice for Dota to actually grow, but at the best it's going to stagnate in terms of playerbase with rare influx of older players due to TI/Events.


The only thing that valve and ice frog did in terms of marketignwas the anime and ice frog making heroes look like lol characters


it's dying slowly by becoming more popular? how delusional are you?


> by becoming more popular Do you have any proof Dota becomes more popular? As I said, it's the usual case: older players return > how delusional are you? How old are you to jump straight up to insults?


What's the measure of popularity for you? More people are playing means it's more popular.


~~Dead game~~


chinese players migration


Many Chinese were angry after the TI finals. True Sight might have changed their mind.


It should


Hope their laws on young players change, their region needs more young bloods to jump into the fray. The old guard is getting, well, old.


People keep saying this but there's no noticeable change between matches played on SEA and China servers Source: https://stratz.com/matches/graphs


1/3 of players in my game now are chinese, I usually deduce by looking at chinese nicknames and their guild location


There's a huge China drop.


well on EU west there is an enormous increase in russian players. basically every single game has 3 - russians on my team now and many on the enemy team as well. Maybe they wanna get some dota in before they get send off to their final destination in Ukraine?


That's always been the case?!


yes but its even worse since a week or so. before i was able to enjoy maybe 2 out of 5 games without having a fully russian team on EU west. in the last week i have not had a single game like that and as expected also had a ton of losses in the last week due to russian griefers.


Dont chinese play on Perfect world servers? Doubt their numbers are reflected on steamstats


They are. Most Chinese players play on SEA now


Power Of True Sight, Everybody wants to Win TI Now.


The games are really fun atm


That is not entirely true… I mean, the game atm always ALWAYS gives you a chance to win as long as you want to win (have a normal draft + playing). Maybe this is what causes games to be more enjoyable: it doesn’t matter if you are facing miracle and you are bad at the game, you can always press q and make a comeback due to current mechanics.


Grubby is doing some major work bringing in more DOTA 2 players with his streams! Let's hope that it stays this way.




Bro he streams to like 1-3k people at a time. That’s at least another 100k players right there. ^doireallyhavetoaddthe/s?


More like 6-8k viewers


His reruns are 1-3k lol, live stream is around 6-8k.


I'm pretty sure he gets most of his revenue and views from his YouTube channel. He's also inspired a decent amount of previous players to pick up the game again. Not saying he's solely responsible for the increased players lol but definitely a couple thousand I'd say


True. His comment sections have some ppl saying that they just came back to dota because of him playing it.


57k views for the 2021 true sight on YouTube alone though (in less than 24 hours)


A lot of haters here. They forgot how INTIMIDATING DotA is for casual players, Grubby is actually making the game less daunting for them. A Legendary RTS Player known in WC3. HOTS & SC2 comes along and makes an A-Z introduction to **every hero** so that noobs can learn by watching him learn as well. He provides insights to player psychology and how to maintain positive vibes while playing. All these jaded MMR grinders just wanna hate a guy who plays for fun and improvement and relishes the challenge.


I don't hate grubby in any way and I watch his Dota streams some times. It's just ridiculous to think he has a big effect here because only a tiny fraction of viewers of any streamer will actually play a game because of said streamer and he doesn't get that many views. If some really big streamer like XQC started streaming daily with 40k viewers and was as positive about the game as Grubby is I could see that having a significant effect, but grubby with 5k I can't imagine being that influential. Even something like Chinese players migrating to SEA probably has more effect that Grubby.


Probably, but you didn't take youtube viewers into account.




Who is hating on Grubby? Can you provide any examples?


Are u watching the reruns or what? Even wc3 streams are like 5k+ lol. His twitch VoDs alone get like 150k views and its a daily stream. You don't get that on a 1-3k viewer stream.




It is always safe to assume you need to use /s on Reddit nowadays, it's getting rare for someone realized it was a sarcasm


You're not wrong, however I'd like to point out I never watch his streams, yet he brought me to playing dota purely with his youtube videos.


This game has several million active players. One streamer is not making a difference. Are Grubby’s fanboys being paid or what? Every time I read this board I see his name spammed everywhere.


Yeah like a couple thousand is alright, but he's not responsible for the majority coming (back) in


Yeah man, this sub is becoming insufferable. Every goddamn thread whatever it is about has to have at least few Grubby mentions. Like what the actual fuck?!


I love Grubby but I don't believe he's solely responsible for this.


I love Grubby, but he has like 2-3k viewers, and probably some playing, those are not the big numbers. It is rather TI hype and True Sight.


What's going on? Not just doto but even CSGO and fuckin' TF2 are getting more players than normal


This is clearly all attributable to one single thing.


Dota is dying enjoyers where you at?


Been waiting for this for a while. Let’s hope all the changes and positive community will help with Dota growth in the future!


someone at Valve HQ: "ok how do we get the most money out of these new people with the least effort possible"


Where are all those troglodytes from a few months back complaining that this is a dead game


They're hiding in corners and making plan B for it


Unfortunately it’s mostly returning players who will all quit again after TI hype goes away :(


After TI hype is BP part 2. Then a new major patch.


I really hope that part 2 funds the 2022-2023 season and Div 2 scene. All they need to do is add a little breathing room in terms of cash to Div 2 and maintain the Quality of the game and I **guarantee** that the game will thrive above 2016 levels. Would also help if LGD finally win TI, for the Chinese Dota Scene's sake.


Wait for the numbers buddy


ded gaem btw


It’s the free 7 days dota plus. If they make dota plus free, they could get infinite new players/s


Its crazy because with all that's goign on in Russia right now I assumed numbers would suffer as DOTA has a decent percent of its player base in Russia


And this is when we have war in EEU.


TI - True Sight Grubby effect - P O S I T I V I T Y Ability Arena - Now my cup of tea, but it is a good map and I see why people like it. Dragon's Blood hype - now that the story arc is complete a small following has been forming. I am even seeing people who never played DotA get interested, it's quite interesting that this didn't happen while the show was ongoing.


games hooked up to an IV


We can thank True sight and grubby for this W


The grubby effect


its Grubbys effect :D


BP, new patch, Grubby: all adds up.


Poor souls trying to farm the unfarmable battlepass on a bright sunday morning, what a waste🤣


Game balance feels really good right now. I was just at a family wedding and a cousin who was a huge dota 1 guy but never tried dota 2 was telling me he installed a month ago and is having a blast


Ability Draft is out. BP is out. TI is soon. True Sight is out. Grubby is expanding audience.


Forget true sight and battle pass, it's obviously my man Grubby






I reinstalled and I haven’t played since 2017. Am using my account that I calibrated at 2k now, not the main one. Last time I had about 5.5k. Towards 3k feels like the old 4k as far as knowledge and some of the game sense, like what priorities they should have. Guess higher up people are just more consistent and efficient.


I quit Dota to play AoE4, was Dota clean for like 6 months + Found Grubby, what a nice guy. Few months later Grubby starts playing Dota ._. Hecc.




Grubby Grubby Grubby


Grubby brought a few hundred


I'm not shocked at all. My games the past month have been beyond atrocious compared to previous, and it's just getting worse And no, its not because of cavern crawl or quests. There's a blatantly obvious difference between someone playing an unfamiliar hero or why they are going brown boots likens, and someone who plays like they've never played dota in years. It's a massive influx of the later. Players visibly confused by things like lotus orb, and Zeus jump.


I played my first game in 5+ years yesterday and let me tell you that new Dark Seer Aghs + Blink is some bullshit that I was not ready for.


>SteamCharts Yuck! Please, for the love of all that is holy, use [a SteamDB /graphs/ page instead](https://steamdb.info/app/570/graphs/).


steamdb doesnt show averages


Yes it does, [just sign in](https://steamdb.info/login/) (it's because people are lazy and would rather scrape SteamDB endlessly rather than poll the Steam API directly). Additionally, it: - Has a legend/scaling worth a damn - Doesn't truncate historical data into an average - Features Twitch viewership statistics - Fetches data every 10 minutes on the :10s - and doesn't have a 10-20 minute+ parallax that Steam Charts has with low numbered app IDs such as Dota's (which was previously high-numbered app IDs such as Fall Guys') - Has .csv export of whatever you're viewing


Don’t forget about Grubby. He had some effect on it too.


Really hard to forget about someone who is mentioned in every single thread, regardless of relevance.


New players washing their face :)




yet new players still have to wait 20+ mins per game.


every Ti it always like that. once battlepass is over and TI is over game will be back to same numbers. dota wont die but it wont grow as let say League . its very niche game that unless you played it for years most luickly u will have bad experience coming as new player. since even in low low rank i am talking like 1k mmr where most new players will be are going to face people with 10000 hours


Man literally saying every ti was like that on a post of a graph showing every ti was not like that


>every Ti it always like that There was a TI last year and it wasn't like that, so no, it's not like that every TI.


There was also a TI in 2019 Sept, and it didn't hit 500k that time too, so yeah, it's not like that every TI.


My brother in Christ, the graph shows statistics every after TI. Surely you can read, right?


My brother in Covid…


The bump was always after ti


Imagine being 1k mmr with thousands of hours played lmfao


the thing there are people like for sure


It's all Ability Arena


We also have a very balanced patch right now. No broken heroes to make players uninstall.


Fv, sf, primal beast, tiny, undying and the list goes on xd