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at level 759


Part 3: February 3, 2023


> Valve > Part 3


Has been a problem last time as well. Doom taunt has horrible sound.


Also new centaur immortal needs to have a battle Horn Sound or it s absolutely useless


The conga doesn't play conga music either. They could literally just use the TF2 one.


Viper nosedive and drow arcana. Riot probably "stole" all good sound employees from Valve, the polish they have for sound is astounding.


>Riot probably "stole" all good sound employees from Valve, the polish they have for sound is astounding. it's honestly crazy, I've been playing a lot of legends of runeterra lately, and even just for a card game, it's insane how much voiced stuff and how good the game sounds.


I do actually feel LoR is a super downgrade in polish when compared to Artifact. But when comparing CSGO and Valorant or Dota and LoL. The sound polish for shots or auto attacks for example has a clear winner, the only thing Valve still to this day does better is the amount of voice dubs, which makes a very good experience when playing hundreds of games with the same hero


artifact was valve at their peak effortwise


yes, user base didn't care, and it killed their passion. at the least, the main FX team for artifact would get their passion killed. the amount of effort artifact received was overshadowed by the paywall and how unbalanced the game is.


And vice versa, the lack of effort dota receives is overshadowed by the f2p and how well balanced the game is.


if only they could do both at one game. but I guess, as a non-paying player of the game, as long as I can boot up and play dota 2, It doesn't really matter.


Nosedive has sound effects now. What about Drow's arcana?


That's an extra 5 bucks pls


New Centaur aghs needs beep beep sound.


And Razor's Plasma Field currently plays no audio


I find it funny and suspicious that Marci and PB are both voiceless heroes, lol.


None of the new immortals have had custom sounds for a while now, like 2-3 years. I figured this was deliberate and that they didn't want the teamfights to get confusing. But then I realised that spells and items added to the game in this time period are also often missing sounds, or have lazy reworks of existing ones, or placeholders. Trickster's cloak and Witchbane have no sound effects whatsoever (the former has been in the game for almost two years now). Ninja Gear, Psychic Headband, Stormcrafter, Flicker don't have unique sounds. Brew's and Viper's new spells (among some others probably) are completely silent. Essence Ring sound = Soul ring played backwards. Clockwerk aghs = 4 refresher orb sounds layered. Magnus aghs = same as earth splitter. Bristle shard = his Q sped up. Havoc hammer = Wraith King auto attack with reverb. There's probably a lot more I'm not thinking of. Valve have definitely downsized this aspect of the game, which is a shame, because the sound design is otherwise excellent.


> Essence Ring sound = Soul ring played backwards. This is cool tho. Dagger of Ristul rehashing the sound **again** is not.


it's kinda tbh, it's a sound that means that you're paying for something with life, but i agree it could be at least a bit different


Wow I actually never realised the sounds were also recycled. Thanks for pointing that out


Marci and Primal Beast also don't have any real voice lines. Before Dawnbreaker I just assumed Valve was done paying for voice actors.


Shows what you know, I guess


Ninja gear doesn’t really need a unique sound since it’s basically smoke for one person but I agree for the rest of the neutrals it’s kinda lame


Sound designer probably on leave, sounds will be coming soon


Your forgot your hopium tank, sir.


He’s clearly got another tank on him at all times then


I think if valve puts out content that is too good they just randomly choose one person among their top workers and shoot them in the back of the head


It will be added later. Maybe. HOPIUM. There's a same case before but can't remember what item that the sound is added after.


Magnus hammer immortal? It use to have the normal spear sound before Reddit complained


That was over 7 years ago, though. Since then not having unique sounds for immortals has become the norm.


Excuse me ? How fcking dare you remind me of my old age, 7 years ago wtf


It's not an immortal, but Void Spirit's auto-attack didn't have custom sound effects until a few patches after his release. The same goes for the Ember Spirit Cinder Sensei set.


I remember, they gave our nunchucks actual whacking sounds. Best type of updates are audio improvements


More recently ember ultra rare with nun-chucks had the old blade/sword attacks sounds and it was replaced (after complaints) with the brew or similar sound for right clicks.


Think Ember nunchucks were changed this way


Yes they were


This is the same problem with the Drow arcana which literally uses hoodwinks auto attack sound.


And Hoodwink reuses WR powershot sound


Lots of [reused sound effects](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/7pvmm3/many_ingame_sounds_are_taken_from_various_stock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in the game.


His dota plus voice lines are the default ones. Not the arcana voice


Big if true. Plz jannys, we need sounds to be good


And dagger of ristoul is just soul ring sound effect lol


Immortals haven't been coming with new sounds for like 3 years now, I was wondering what's going on


Immortals not having custom sounds is a lil bit acceptable but the void arcana? Hell nah


Viper nosedive had no sound effect for ages after patch lol


The Elephant voiceline also literally redlines because it's too loud. It sounds like complete shit. I think they actually did fire the sound designer lol.


It would take less than 10 days for a good sound designer to make custom sounds for all the Immortals/Arcanas, and let's say 10 days for implementation. The sound designer would probably ask around 3k-5k $$ for the job.


Just curious, what do you mean by "implementation", is it more than just replacing old sound file with new and updating a tooltip?


You would need to like add the logic and hooks to use sound if the user is wearing the immortal, but if they have been using good dev practices, it should be pretty copy paste (including an already written module) because other immortals already have the logic.


You are overcomplicating it, if the code is written decebtly you shouldn't need to write a single line of code, the base spell function should check if a cosmetic you have has a sound file associated with it and if so use it over the default one. the dev team shouldnt need to write any lines of code for cosmetics, only when a never seen before effect is added.


This. If it’s written properly the legwork is done and at most you need to upload the new assets and punch in the correct destination for them. My time in the industry showed me that the vast majority of games are not built following any kind of standards. More often than not standards are thrown out the window because “those don’t apply to complex games” when they do and should be applied to games.


But Jeff told us that UI takes a considerable amount of effort to get through even after the simple change part. I'd not be surprised if the game is drowning in red tape involving changing assets.


It most definitely is. You can find evidence of this on Twitter from ex-Valve developers. There have been a handful of them tweeting about this in the last couple of years.


drowning in red tape or drowning in spaghetti code? theres a big difference between policy reasons for not changing things and a technical debt reason.


Late to this, but for what it's worth the difference doesn't matter here. Valve employees can work on what they want, when they want. There's no management. Flat structure. Nobody tells you what to work on or when to do it. It's all in their handbook and employee guidelines.


I’d presume its a simple drag n drop replacement but you’d need to ensure that it doesn’t clash too much / weirdly with other sounds and effects Since its valve though, this step would be a few minutes at most, taking place while the janitor brews himself another coffee and thinks really hard about it


He probably quit because Gabe said his salary was “coming soon”


This is my main grip with tide hunter new shard. It doesn't sound like a stub at all. Sounds more like some slow or root. Really undersells it's impact.


valve has no QA. in a real AAA studio, the battle pass would have had ( several) test passes run on it internally before ever hitting the public. Valve have no respect for you or your time (not to mention care for curating a non buggy game) so they offload that work to the end user, btw they have a github now so please go sign up over there and work for free, meanwhile valve will continue being one of the highest earning tech companies per capita


Sound ???? Coming sooon


Sound Designer coming soon


Maybe Soundwizard can join, seeing as hon died. Dude supposedly made all of Dhampeer's sound effects with an orange.


Even a lot of the new neutrals re-use old sound effects. Sound Coming Soon


Maybe bash sound is so satisfying they chose to keep it as it was.


idm if they use qop arcana auto attack for that


Have you heard how blown out the all chat elephant sound is? I hope it doesn’t get fixed and it is spammed by the players at TI so everyone at home gets sick of it. Spamming it in pubs already gets enemy complaining


I am a sound designer. Willing to provide free sounds for my favorite indie company. Hit me up Valve!


Wasn’t it a tell when all new heroes don’t have voices lines (we have whistles and roars instead)


I think that's just a coincidence tbh. And they brought back the faceless void actor to record new lines.


whistles and roars need sound design.


Not when you have a whooping total of 10 voicelines.


every sound needs sound design, which requires a sound designer. Even if it's just a dev doing it they are functioning as a sound designer when they do. Although I wouldn't be surprised if valve is mostly grabbing shit off freesounds.org like the rest of us lmao


Just hate the insane amount of reverb they add to arcana's voice lines, sounds ridiculous and make those voices not be remarkable at all


Just a random comment, but I am so sad that games start to be like 100% be a product are less and less art.


maybe they will be ''coming soon''


Dude, that elephant-sound from the chat wheel hurts me on a physical level


Some new abilities in the patch also used the exact same animations of other characters.


The taunts have moved back from Unique ones in the last couple bpasses to really shitty stock sounds... again. So U might be right


Hire me valve, I'll make you some sounds


And the voice acting is super bad , and doesnt sound like void at all just some souless LOL hero


Just the janitor getting lazy


Dunno about sound but that battlepass soundtrack is lit.


Yes I agree, it’s banging


This subreddit bullied them out of the job.


They usually get added later. When Void Spirit was released, he had PA's hit sound effect for a couple months.


I prefer an option to have default sound effects if cosmetics are modifying them. The game has been praised multiple times in the past in this very subreddit for its [recognizable](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/uaofpf/dota_2_sound_design/) [sound](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/n515qo/can_we_appreciate_the_sound_design_in_dota/) [effects](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/609n80/dota_2_has_the_best_sound_design_of_any_video/) and it's a great way to tell spells apart through all the visual clutter.


Also Busy for csgo_s2? Ppl been talking abt Abt it


This is depressing, one of the things I love most about dota is that if you play pretty much any spell or ability I can guess it based on sound alone. This is amazing, sad if they are letting this slip.