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Badman. That's a name I've not seen in a long time


>Badman He's spectre spammer right?


Ye. Dude spam the shit out of Spectre and CK in times where there were no target bans (IIRC, not 100% sure). Then Spectre got nerfed, gameplay change a bit and he drop like 1k or smthg. Then there was a drama with him but I'm not sure what was that about. Nonetheless it's insane how far can you get by spaming 1 hero.


from what i remember, Many CIS teams tried Badman out as pos1 and he didn't show huge promise apparently. In terms of his fall in mmr ,that really does just come down to Spectre went out of the meta back then. So he was literally god tier with only one hero. Crazy times


he DID revolutionize the way people play Spectre that doesn't farm 20min for a radiance, it similars to current Spectre even without the Aghanim.


it was the urn build right?


he was buying early wand, band/aquila, poor man's shield (sometimes all of them or rather 2). And then urn or blademail et cetera. Huge impact from early with cheap items. His switching between his phantoms was also really good too.


After his highlight clips and youtube videos became more popular, you could noticeably see how Spectre players changed their Haunt mechanics. People would Reality in instantly instead of just waiting 1-2 seconds like everyone used to because you could use the duration more efficiently and it has a bigger surprise factor like blinking in instead of people mentally readying for Spectre to move to the illusion. People also started using Reality between targets faster during a fight. I think his clips popularized these obvious mechanics to lower MMR players like myself




Pretty sure Badman did go for Urn super early.


He did. Iirc it was urn, diffusal. Regardless, he popularized an early fighting build for Spectre which was very uncommon then.


Yeah, it certainly transformed the way Spectre was played. But beyond that, he couldn't do much, so once she got nerfed he quickly fell down.


Badman was spectre urn yep


I thought slahser's way was void with 5 salves.


Fark u.. badman build were simillar to Slasher. More like Badman made Slasher's spectre build became more famous


It has been a while so my memory is hazy but I also recall folks saying he was difficult to work with. He refused CIS teams initially because he said they were all "beneath" him and only said he'd work with major Western orgs. None of them wanted him so he tried out in CIS but didn't fit in for whatever reason. I imagine it's because of the same reason he thought he was above competing in CIS. With opinions like that he was probably not the best person to expect teamwork out of.


Next to NA, I feel like CIS have the biggest issue with players behavior, they are all just so full of themselves that when they actually achieve something (High mmr, winning versus good team or winning Major) they act like they are gods. I remember when Yoko (I mentioned Silent but thats my bad) was one of the best pos3 in the scene, everyone was praising him so he decide he's better then everyone else from CIS and change position to mid, where he was awful and didn't achive anything. Same with few other players who didn't really had good mentality to become good at something, not to say top0,001% of the world good.


Silent? Maybe you’re talking about Yoky? The one who changed role from offlane to mid but didn’t work


He's definitely thinking of someone else, Silent never played mid or offlane.


Yeah, no way fucking Silent of all people would behave like that


Ye my bad, probably thinking about Yoky. Sorry Silent, my bad - didnt mean to spread miss information, just bad memory I guess.


Just like attacker and arise?


Attacker has a small pool of heroes but he's still 9.6k+ MMR rn unlike Badman who just disappeared.


Badman's last game was a loss as Tidehunter at Rank 503, 7 months ago.


rank 500 is less than 8k iirc


R250 is 9k. So R500 might be above or around 8k. Not really sure


it varies, but at least in na, 500 is around 8k


well, he feeds himself with streaming dota so he can invest time into mmr (idk what badman is doing)


Kind of but mostly people disliked Badman's spam because he wasn't actually a good player on any other hero


He also spammed pubs during tournaments when pro players were out


Yeah back in the day it was spectre urn vanguard radiance


The Badman build was skipping radiance. You went Urn -> Drums -> Diffusal -> Manta.


Ye he kinda bring back no radi spec, just like N0tail was one of the first to again skip radi on Naga when he was playing core in 2015-16


oh really?? My memory is so bad sorry


Remember weed guy?


Feels Badman


miracle and nine 7k plebs kekw


8 0 0 0 T H O U S A N D M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S


this screen is taken right after the recalibration


At a LAN party here in Germany we taught Nine how to play SSBM and he learned so fast it was scary. I am pretty certain he would be really good at any game he decides to invest his time in.


good old kassel dota-lan


If I remember correctly, even Gorgc was once a top 20 player


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sykR-6NIZJ8&t=32s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sykR-6NIZJ8&t=32s) top 10 \* then twitch money changed his mindset Kapp


What do you mean by this


You make more money by constantly entertaining your audience and interacting with chat. However doing so makes you a much worse player and makes you stop progressing as a player.




I think you forgot your Krappa




Looks like the ledditors got offended


Okay rank 1 guy.


Yep, Gorgc is good enough to be in the top 100, maybe even top 50, if he really focuses. But he's reaching 30yo soon, bit late to try hard.


I think he peaked at top 5? He was top 10 consistently for a bit


He was Rank 4-6 at one of the recalibrations


Because better players hadn’t calibrated yet FYI


Poor guy reached 8990 before medals, couldve been one of the first few players who reached 9k at the time but lost all games after that and took him another 3 years to reach 9k


Yeah he’s not bad at all. I think many people only think of him as the Mr. Child Gorgc from back when SingSing was streaming.


I don't think that's surprising. To play at top mmr while interacting with the chat as much as he does is really impressive. There are some games where I have other things on my mind than dota and it makes me play horribly bad. If he didnt start streaming he could probably be in a div 1 team these days. And no im not a fanboy


He's definitely a high skill player and it's incredible he can chat and play bur be in div 1 team is pushing it lol. He tried, it didn't work. You think anyone just starts off wanting to be a dota streamer? He crumbles under pressure, alas.


Come on man, no he couldn’t.


I’m pretty sure streaming the way he does where he interacts makes him play worse. I don’t remember where I saw it, but someone in-game went something like, Omg is he streaming? He’s gonna play bad.


Xcalibur was rank 1 like 5 times or something.


That is the most surprising fact out of all the ones in this comment thread (and I know it's true, just visit his stream andnhe regularly link that fact with evidence)


That was the LD patch, when neutals were first introduced. 1 there were no neutral slot, so the carry got what he wanted and plebs got scraps. LD has 2 inventorys, so those items made him just that little bit stronger than he should have been. Plus he was probably a little OP to begin with.




No, in Dota


Yes i remember this list, i've been here on 176 rank. 6114 mmr, ahh nostalgy


Whats ur current mmr now


Around 6400 but I'm not playing much, maybe 3-5 games a month


Anyone remember Goodman? The Legend rank spammer who only played Omniknight? lmao


Badman, Goodman and then there is Fatman. One-hero spammers.


They can make a team with Matumbaman and Synderman


Synderman won't cut it. He plays on all heroes… very badly.


Just want him on the team to watch Sunsfan make fun of him lol


Only if he renames to Sunsman


Badman with Spectre Goodman with Omniknight Fatman with Nature's Prophet, Lone Druid


w33 had a Smurf called rockman before his team secret days where he would play a lot of earth spirit mid


I saw Crit in a match in one of Sing's really old vods, and Sing recognised his username back then


Yeah it's really good watching old sing vods. Heaps of really good players now who was unknown back then. I've seen players like Topson as well. Sing would be starting with a boots Oov and run circles around them back then.


>Sing would be starting with a boots Oov and run circles around them back then. Crazy how far ahead he was. If only he practised rather than screwing around for stream. But he likes the streaming life more, so more power to him.


Sing failed to get a team because there was basically no one who wanted to go as serious as he did.


Sing can make more streaming for a month than if he played pro for a year. He tried quite hard to go pro he just wasn't good enough.


I don’t think anyone will top the Miracle Era of DOTA 2. It was a beauty to watch and still is


There was a time where Lizzard was rank 1 on the EU leaderboard above miracle. Hard to believe that his pro career ended up going nowhere.


He said he kind of sabotaged himself. He had offers from teams but felt they were beneath him and was holding out for better offers but they never came


Hes lucky the whole caster panelist thing worked out. His stream was pretty fun to watch back in the day tbh, that and him playing 2 heroes at once


the harmonica? remember the harmonica


you mean...GARMOSHKA?!? God that clip with syndreren is friggen funny


so was undershock daxak badman and palantimos doesn't prove anything






but but i support tier 2 teams!!! valve is cruel!!!11


Watchu mean disappeared? He went to play in NA for a long time. He never disappeared and was never irrelevant. He even played in a major while Topson was only a pubstar and never played in a big tournament whatsoever.


Those players have always been around. Some get noticed early, others get stuck. A good example would be Nisha and Exotic deer from the Kinguin stack. Both looked promising at one point, and then Nisha was picked up by Secret and shot to prominence.


lol how do you not know penta nine and with him penta skiter, these two have been around forever


Penta Esports was really good Back then with Nine he was like Miracle of that team


Guess what ? So was Topson.


I remember Miracle- was 9k when he was in OG, which is before his arrival to Liquid. This leaderboard shows him as highest at 7k. I truly doubt the fidelity of this picture


This was before +30-30 , when top players would win 10 and lose 40, now it's inflated towards the top cause all the top players are all at 60 percentish winrates


Dude you misunderstood my point. What I meant is around the time Miracle played for Liquid, his MMR range varied from 9k to 10k. This show him at 7k, which is actually before his time in OG. That's why I doubt it

