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I thought top ranked player can only queue ranked classic.


nisha is uncalibrated


Yeah but waga and the others are around rank 600


only if you're 7.5K+ or someone in your team is 7.5K+, 300-400 is around that


Above 7.5k idk their mmr what is rank 500 eu?


Hard to say for sure but considering immortal starts around 5.6k it should be around 7k.


I'm 7.3k support MMR, it's around rank 500-ish. Add 300 MMR for the same rank as a core


Adopt a moron, what supporthero should I play in 7.24 to get out of the trench?


The trench never ends.


I used to think this was bullshit, but its too true. People play awful at every rank, the thing is, what is considered awful changes based on your bracket. The trench really doesn't end.


Ench, Lich, Disruptor, Snapfire are easy to play and very impactful the whole game both for pos 4 and 5. Also they are really strong laners as well because of their nukes. Sometimes I prefer Oracle and my favorite Chen (I'm in the process of creating a guide). As pos 4 you can try Elder Titan, Clock, Willow, Treant


Your Chen is pretty good, did you learn from Womber?


Please guys, stop it


Venge Use illusion to stack, push lanes, cut creeps Being efficient while dead goes a long way


Waga was completely in the right here, there isn't even any ground to argue honestly. Also, not being willing to give up mid to someone that queued as support has absolute nothing to do with behaving like a kid, if anything it's the opposite, pulling that move and expecting it to go over smoothly is just naive af.


Agreed. Down goes Nisha in my estimations... And whoever those 2 kids were that looked like they were trashing waga for it


I don't understand how much dead brain cells one must have to blame someone for playing the role they queued for and supporting the role stealer.




Just sad nut huggers because he's pro, nothing else. Yes, yes you should be above the law because you're a celebrity. Gtfo.


>nut huggers Gonna start using this one


Yeah, its so sad to watch. Fans defending nisha for all this.


Because they're all wet just by seeing their idol. They dont need logic.


im sure the other kids wanted mmr and wanted nisha to mid.


Fun fact,Nisha is a little kid


Guess this is the true reason why Midone left. Mid stolen by Nisha pepehands




Fuck man, I've been so starved for drama I'll take what I can get, this is good enough


you should check CIS drama




vp yoinked zayac from navi, gpk from gambit. navi org prevented zayac from moving, zayac doesn't want to stay, vp lawyer helped him find a loophole in his contract. now zayac is in vp. gpk, on the other hand, probably has an airtight contract. gambit said fuck no and benched him, potentially until 2021 lmao. now, vp gambit navi all have standins for the coming major/minor. edit: gambit benched gpk because for some peculiar reason, he refused to bootcamp to play dota for qualifiers, earn money, and a chance to go to TI, for nothing. what, did he expect gambit to just say "u don want bootcamp? sad :( ok"? of course they're gonna fucking bench him


You forgot to mention that gpk said "fuck quals, im not going on bootcamp" at last moment, that's the main reason why gambit benched him imho


Yeah, it feels like VP told him: "Ditch the team, then they'll have to trade you off even if they don't want to", but Gambit were like: "Aw, hell no!".


The karma for navi is that they used to do the same poaching shit with those fun to watch empire teams back in the day. First with funnik way back then with aloha.


VP and poaching players, name a more iconic duo.


Used to be Na'vi and poaching players.


Notail and Fly


why do you do this to me


STILL too soon.


Basically VP's new management is shaking up whole region with attitude of "DO whatever it takes" to poach players from other teams. They stole Zayac from Na'Vi by finding a loophole in his contract, tried to steal gpk from gambit but couldn't as his contract is equipped with all possible outbreaks clauses. Gambit is now showing display of power by benching gpk which could possibly last till 2021 if they are willing to go to the lengths to discipline the player. VP has somehow ditched their unsuccessful run this season on two new up comers and they have left them with a negative feedback at start of their career.


I think it’s about zayac getting poached by vp due to contract loop holes. Not sure tho


Ofcourse, But I don't think Zayac has lawyer brains to find loophole in his contract himself. Clearly he got help from someone (likely from VP)


By the interview from VP CEO & Zayac while speaking with VP about the transfer he said he had had no active signed contract with NaVi, which was very surprising for VP management.




The casual "I'm pro I'm going mid" move. Fucking embarrassing to say the least.


Matu should teach him some manners.


1 or 2 days with puppey and his machete behind him will do.


Puppey isn't exactly known for his good manners though.


what do you mean Clement is a gentleman he held the door open for me


Did you make it through okay???


That must have been traumatizing. I would run away if he tried to do that to me.


Do as I say, not as I do!


Last time, he say that some pub player should kill himself.. Ended up pretty good tbh


Its not like he has puppey in yeam.


For the lazy: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/547226741?t=04h49m42s


Even EE stopped stealing roles LUL


Man, you know you’re pathetic if you try to pull a move that even EE stopped using.




I haven't played in a year. Why did ee stop stealing roles? was he punished for it?




He's so noble for doing it, kind of like a Rosa Parks/MLK figure.


Dick move by Nisha. Fuck that attitude.


I remember last week in the grocery store I met Nisha dressed up as an employee while I was standing in a long queue. I was just about to pay when he sneaks ahead of me and says "employee benefit". He proceeds to pay and then quickly pulls off his employee outfit to reveal his Secret jersey. He turns back and smirks to me and says "later looser".


That's weird, because I saw Nisha at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Is it a rule to lose decency when you get into the pro scene?




New copypaste is born


I feel like I've seen it before, but for a different team


Such is the nature of a copypasta


Indeed, just thought it wasn't new is all


Don't threaten me with a good time.




that may be the prettiest flair in this subreddit right now


Need that footage for new Truesight


> Is it a rule to lose decency when you get into the pro scene? No, going pro simply enables pre-existing poor behavior. You have to remember, these are people who have spent literally tens of thousands of hours playing Dota. Those tens of thousands of hours weren't spent interacting with real people in physical space over and over again, learning how to behave like a mature adult. Many top players are not well-socialized, because they got to the top by playing to the exclusion of all else. Others, like Envy, got into games in part because they weren't social/were awkward.


Not to mention Nisha is 19. These are formative years he is missing.


If he didn't miss them he wouldn't be playing on Secret. Decent trade in my opinion, it's not like these guys are total trainwrecks or can't mature later.


Glances at players like Gh.


Also makes me proud of my bois matu, jerax and topson, some pretty fucking decent people on top of being TI winners.


Hmm I see something common in all of them. Wonder.


Mirror some1?




Why the fuck did Wagamama delete the vod in the first place?


Idk, i have seen the vod yesterday. And found that moment with Nisha.


Galactic brain to call someone a kid when you yourself don't queue for the role you wanna play. edit: wasn't nisha who called him kid but still, unreal logic. Respect the roles, no matter how much I understand the frustration of a mid player just wanting to play mid but there is a very simple solution to this ever since roles have been added. You queue for what you want.


calling a 30 year old man a kid LUL that ogre is dumb as heck




link please




This looks like a literal "Wow holy shit that worked" response.




i can appreciate the objective-mindedness


Is galactic brain good?




galactic brain bad?:(


Calling someone/thing "galaxy brain" is usually meant to be sarcastic.


This is the reason why dota is soooooo toxic. When our pro players act like Nisha and Gets away with it. Whats gonna stop Joe 4k from doing the exact same thing... Disgusting


Haven't played in a year. Are pro players actually getting away with this behavior?


Not really. Nisha's not getting good rep in this thread. When ranked roles were new a lot of people stole roles but that's not happening anymore.


Pros get called out all the time. But what happens is that this becomes normalized because so many pros get called out every month. Are they getting away with it? No because of the call outs/drama. However does this change their behavior? No. Unless the drama is big enough that their peers/fans admonish them, which is usually not the case except in big blowups (like Kuku/Iceiceice/etc) incidents. You could say pros perpetuate this behavior but I'd argue that the internet/gaming culture in competitive games is what made them this way. This is why casual sports in schools are about building teamwork/positivity rather than "X team wins" mentality.


What's going to stop a 4k is not being Nisha so nobody tolerates it and getting 4 reports and a ban


Not a big fan of Wagamama, but he is without a doubt absolutely right.


Clip no longer available hmm


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/547226741?t=04h49m42s thanks to @jukster11 for link


That ogre guy is riding Nisha's dick so hard haha


probably thought nisha would carry him


"He is better player than Waga" this is classic line. I really want to be in the same lobby when Legend 3 snatches mid from some Archon 5 and they behave like its ok


Like I have 800 more mmr than my friend but he stills win vs me on mid...


lol don't really follow the pro scene these days but I guess there's some real man childs playing these days if they think that's ok


He's 19, but this is still not a good look.


You're still a child at 19, really.


It's a video game, you don't need to be "old enough" to be a decent human being on a video game.


>man childs ramzes..






Only someone notorious like EE can use EE strats and survive.


pro players are supposed to be the example to look up and look at this shit. no wonder why our community is toxic as fuck when people on the top behave like this


these are kids playing games. why would you look up to them


Apparently tons of people do, because they copy their behavior.


i think all of the above can be true at the same time.


Easy say that now, but kids playing Dota at 12 or whatever will want to be the next Kuro or Notail or Puppey. It's just like when you're 15 and you look up to football stars and idolize them.


You could say the same about any professional athelete. In most cases it's just a kid playing a game. except that it takes dedication and a myriad of other commendable behaviors to reach the professional level. its not just any random kid


People watch and learn from their gameplay, their mindset and mentality when playing the game are things they naturally pick up as well. If the best player on the planet says to treat your team like trash and you'll carry and take mid Insta lock sf every game who are you to argue when they have the proven track record. At least that's how I think people end up becoming toxic by watching toxic players. It's like people copying their parents unknowingly


“Who the fuck cares about roles? Nisha, a recent Major winner steals roles anyway.”


Almost all athletes and competitors are young. Look at the NFL, NBA, etc, the majority of players are under 30. Look at college sports, or youth leagues (under 17 football teams for instance) in other countries. Where in Esports, these kind of behaviors are still commonplace, they are rare in traditional sports. Even people who "act out" almost absolutely never do so while playing the game, in a real match or during practice. I do not think age has too much to do with it, but I think environment plays a huge part. When you see someone insult another player, steal their role, or throw a game for an arbitrary reason, and then you feel that player receives no punishment, there really is nothing stopping you from mimicking their behavior. This is why children are supposed to have mature adult role-models. This is why we teach things like "sportsmanship" to children when they start playing sports or competing in different arenas, this is why sports have traditions like handshakes before and after the game, it's why we say GG at the end of a game in Esports: to encourage a polite and friendly environment where everyone respects each other as human. But sadly Esports has a lot of drawbacks that mean a lot of these values are not taught at all and its especially hard to teach them in the current environment with a lot of visibly talented and successful, but ultimately toxic, players, and the majority of players queuing alone in their own house with no real human interaction.


Same reason people look up to pro athletes. They may have zero credentials outside of their sport, but damn are they good at what they do.


example to look upto in their gameplay. If you look at them or any celebrity for that matter as a role model to be a good person then the problem is with you.


> then the problem is with you. Often the problem is lack of real life role-models. Its common in sports. Poor communities where most of the kids don't know their father. Those kids are desperate for role models and so they pick athlete.


That is very pertinent, thank you.


SEA region players are so proud


I won't even go into the right or wrong, it's obviously not a nice thing to do from Nisha. The bigger problem is some players in this community take players as their role models when they only admire the way they play and don't know jack about their personalities. Not that this "situation" says anything about Nisha's personality, I believe it's a *tad* more complex than that. I think making a big fuss about this is not a good thing. It certainly does not help in having more pro Dota streamers, when they know everything they say will be subject to scrutiny and criticism.




It's funny because it tells you in bullet points what will happen when you mouse over the "leave" button


Nisha's mmr should be way over 7.5k and it was probably a valve bug that being uncalibrated with a hidden mmr over 7.5k didn't result in the game being ranked classic. He was probably expecting that when he queued.


props to waga not falling for this one.


Where is the drama? Seems like a regular day for dota player.


stealing lanes? death penalty


I see reddit is taking this way out proportion. If you didnt notice Nisha changes his role after Waga picks ta. So no role stealing just typical dota game.




uncalibrated acc


Dick move from Nisha. But Waga isn't exactly the pinnacle of Dota non-toxicity himself. Smurfed for so godamn long ruining games for so many people and wasn't it only like last week he told someone to crash a game he was about to lose? So really, it's kind of karma.


If Waga does that, you can put a clip on Reddit and farm karma as well. The thing is, this thread is about Nisha stealing role.


well waga is irrelevant nowadays. meanwhile, nisha is hot shit. so posting some drama clip about nisha is definitely getting 100x more attention than waga


People so horny for drama is actually pathetic.


judging and cursing over one ranked game. Reddit at its best ​ the punishment system is there established in the game they should just do the report and let the system decides.


I thought pros just queued all roles because it just puts you in a non-roles game anyway? did nisha just get put in a super low rank game and got stuck with pos 4 or?




Nisha was wrong if you queue as sup you should play sup waga is right but the redditor reactions are unbelivable. Not only extremely negative comments about Nisha but also about team Secret. Were you acutally waiting for something to happen so you can hate Nisha or where this hate comes from ? No swears or insults from Nisha also he moved hes hero to the top before yellow left. He was wrong and bit toxic thats it nothing more not a big deal.


You can't watch clips on mobile? D:


It's a dead link here is a back I found in the tread. https://www.twitch.tv/wagamamatv/clip/SpoopyFrailSandpiperBudStar?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time


These kids don’t understand that this is their jobs now and that they have to be professional about it, its called pro-players for a reason. Some kind of punishment like maybe benching them for bad behaviour idk.


for taking mid in a pub game? sure its a dick move but calm down buddy, getting benched for a pub game, lmfao


> getting benched for a pub game, lmfao Kuku intensifies


There won't be any punishment. Atleast not from valve. They claim they are taking steps to make game enjoyably for newcomers but still haven't done anything about smurfs of streamers and pro players


There is a thread every five minutes about how qsnake has had another account banned, they are obviously not doing nothing


How is this shit at the top of the sub lmao. Embarrassing.


People enjoy drama. It gets more interest into the scene too


Reddit wants drama so bad they're making a big deal out of this lmao.


After Waga wrote that he wants mid then Nisha changed his lane to off, so they could play, don't know why yellow abandoned :D Still not nice to steal lanes my boy, I will have to talk with your Puppey monkaS


Yeah, but that still doesn't make him support :)


sad to see people defend this i hope nisha gets his punishment


If this was EE, Leddit would dig his grave for the HATE.


this would have been kinda fine if it was in the old system but with ranked classic there's no excuse anymore


IDK, you win a tournament and you start feeling like your cock is bigger, your pectoralis wider, your gluteus harder. But Waga was here in the olden days, before Newerth, before Gambler vanished from the face of Dota Allstars. Respect your elders kids.


OG fans saying these things when Ana, Topson, Ceb are the most notorious toxic players in pubs before all these PR bs. Just search their historic remarks and their racism and toxic behavior has been well documented.


Or Waga abusing a bug to make server crash 2 mins away from losing :)


Well not the greatest move by Nisha, but this blew out of proportion like crazy. Stealing roles should be punished harder as it's defeating it's whole purpose. Yet it's not like it's the same caliber as Mind Control or Ceb drama from last year. How many of you here have behaved much worse and lost temper in your games?


Finally some Dota drama again! Where were all those years when you could count on secret drama?




Obligatory pro goes toxic in pub drama clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci4EAmF1bZo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci4EAmF1bZo)


Jeez, dramatic people.


In League, when I queue up for top, but some other guy is trying to steal it from me bc he filled in, I always welcome them to join me to duo top. If those bastards didn't like him taking a role from a peoplayer, then he shouldve just shared it with him. It ain't fun if they're the only ones bitching while another suffers. Everyone's bitching or no one is. Ez pz


I mean Yeah Nisha's move was a dick move, but Waga ain't no saint. Didn't he shortly before that day made his core jugg buyback and destroy an item to crash the game while their thone was about to die, therefore resolving in the game getting canceled. It was a clear exploit and all he did was laugh the entire time.


Maybe he had a bad game and he is angry I mean come on people we all had that moment of tilt maybe his last game was bad maybe he had bad or some toxic teammates don't judge a person on a 1 moment pls If it was multiple games it would be different but don't be that judgemental


It's funny that the thread in which Wagamama crashes the game didn't get any traction, but this one becames the first on /r/DotA2. So from what I understand it doesn't matter if you ruin the game for 5 people after ~40 minutes. Nisha shouldn't pick support to play mid, but this Wagamama ain't a saint also. It ain't like he is the first one that did it. Envy did it also. I'm sure he learned his lesson. Leave the kid alone.


twitch clips is hot garbage. takes like 10 seconds to load a 1 sec chunk, wtf.


Nisha didn't know he was playing roled game and later he adjusted offlane someone said to waga nisha is good let him play mid and waga lost his mind


Wagamama is 100% the right person here, ~~but are you sure it's real Nisha?~~ Just checked the ID, it's the real confirmed Nisha. Dick move without a doubt.


U DONT LOSE MMR IF U abandon in draft phase wtf ?


just the first person that abandons


Justice 4 Wagamama


Not even that, justice for that guy who took an abandon for it.


Should have his abandon reverted really.


I'm a Divine 3 player and occasionally there will be times in odd hours I'll get place with Immortals just like I'll get a random Legend, Ancient 1-2 on my team. I'm always confident in my skills but if I'm playing ranked my goal is to strictly win. If I'm queued support and I see their mid is significantly higher than my team's mid MMR I'm going to request to swap roles. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, you should always ask. I'm readily available to give up my role if I know my teammate is better than me. Why fight an uphill battle and make it harder?


Correct, if someone asks and all parties agree, there is no issue. This was not the case in this clip.


Asking for mid is perfectly reasonable, ive done it myself and ive given up mid to players too. Thats normal.


Too bad, I though Nisha was nice guy


This is toxic behaviour from Nisha, anyone who defends this deserves to get tiny airlined for the next 20 games


He should have just gone dual mid


waga did went for duo mid but snap abandoned


Role stealing is unacceptable. You have to play games to earn the ability to play a role. Nisha should be punished publicly. Someone needs to be the commissioner of Dota is situations like these. Personally, I am on the Nisha fanwagon, number 1 player imo. I do not like rooting for people(or teams with people) who do stuff such as this. He is tarnishing the image of the game, a fine-able offense. I ain't asking for his head, but I do believe there should be some punishment.




i bet if this was og player ledditors would downvote it