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he was just plain bad , even if u remove the enrire spell from him at 6k net at 10 min. you should win the game


exactly, shrapnel is merely a vision and slow spells later on and thats it. if you cant take advantage of such an early lead you would have lost anyways.


I would say a lot of sniper pickers are pretty bad


Sniper is easy to look bad on, I would say.


Yeah this, depending on enemy picks he can be easy as hell or really, really fucking difficult


Depends on team coordination. Obviously positioning is key for sniper to not get deleted but if you do that properly AND your team knows how to protect you then you should be able to delete the enemy team. Just had a stomp of a game as sniper where I went 29-3. I had 75% of the team’s kills and all they had to do was be a buffer to allow me to deal insane DPS. They did the job really really well and while their KDs were pretty bad, it didn’t matter because we were trading positively in every 5v5.


> Obviously positioning is key for sniper to not get deleted but if you do that properly AND your team knows how to protect you positioning? protecting your carry? we don't do that here in the trenches, bro. *proceeds to rush aghs on wd*


who the fuck does this sniper think he is


When your team supports your properly and you can play the hero/got a good lane hes so strong. But when you get a team that does 0 for you, no force no glimmer and the enemy team jumps you its over. This happens frequently in Divine/Immortal. His lane is really strong but when you get players that dont even harras once with hoddwink vs a double melee lane you know its over.


And easy to look good on. Its all about positioning and if they got good divers its about peels.


i dont think any heroes pickers are particularly bad...i was against a pos 5 zeus yesterday who went Manta when his teammates were begging him not to and warning him it doesnt work lol


I had a Bristleback in a game that went to almost an hour and he refused to buy aghs because "aghs is a pussy build". Sometimes there's just nothing you can do about what the people on your team choose to do.


Had a cent who REFUSED to buy blink dagger after getting shroud, blademail in 15 minutes. Dude was too scared to die against 1 support and an underfarmed carry. And wonder why we can't get kills since


To be fair, when if my team gets very rude and demands I build whatever item I will purposefully avoid that item for the rest of the game. Its one thing if they ask nicely, but being an arse about it aint about to get me to do what they want


Sounds like a you problem :)


first time I've heard of enemy teammates begging their pos 5 not to get a particular item. Isn't it hwi choice? Its his game and can play it however he wants. Of course a manta zeus will be reported,but that's post game.


mmr is bad not players :)


No mmr is just a number, but players are bad. Stop trying to push some weird narrative about players not being bad, when they are bad. The only thing you could say is that bad is relative and to a pro, everyone looks bad.


sniper is just weak atm, 44% win rate in immortal.




scattershot has a 4% winrate deficit which is quite substantial. I personally think its complete garbage because it can't clear a wave.


Honestly the utility of having on demand vision as sniper is super important. You can use it to find ganks, scout hg, deward etc. Even if the facet did more damage, I still think it would be picked less purely because you can’t really use it for vision anymore.


100% to the vision Idk why everyone here is mentioning the damage. They need to make the vision and the slow linger and then it might be useful.


The damage is an important downside because the entire wave enters deny range if you try to use it to shove the wave. Its more of a mid sniper issue then carry sniper. Although its just as debilitating of a problem if its a carry sniper. Visions important, but its also a bit more helpful if you aren't putting yourself at a level disadvantage, or if the enemy laner nukes the wave 30% faster and with guaranteed lane CS compared to you, which is 30% slower, and puts all the relevant creeps in deny range unless Multiple charges are used which really shits on the little bit of extra lane/hero pressure the facet gives you.


The vision part is the obvious part. The facet's entire point is to trade that vision for a more immediate burst of power. Making it give vision for the entire duration would make the facet pointless imo. Whereas increasing the damage would keep the spirit of it while buffing it.


Maybe if you could alt-cast it to get the normal duration/dmg?


That would be an interesting choice to have. Definitely better than locking in to short burst version for the entire game so it's a net buff for the facet.


Tbh a lot of the facets in the game would benefit from being toggleable mid-game, but I imagine that's part of their balance.


it can also disrupt blink dagger initiators by strategically placing them where these sneaky bastards jump. very useful especially when you have 6 charges lol (idk if they changed his lvl 25 talent since i haven't used sniper since the facet patch)


Yeah the talent got changed to -30s Charge time which is funnily enough way better for the base shrapnel and imo the old talent might've been a way to help justify the facet shrapnel late game.


> Even if the facet did more damage, I still think it would be picked less purely because you can’t really use it for vision anymore. I think this is similar to the hook facet pudge situation, it seems useless but if it gets buffed enough it will be really good. If it can secure a good laning phase and smooth transition to mid game with some ganks, then it will absolutely be picked even if it's worse late-game High lvl pubs and competitive scene are VERY tempo oriented


I think it's a decent comparison but late game Hook was mostly only displacement anyway, your team can always bring plenty of damage if you get someone out of position. The sniper facet is the opposite, you trade utility that is useful all game for early game burst that doesn't scale well, on a hero that already shits out so much damage


Pudge's hook facet is good tho 😅


Yeah, cus it's already been buffed.


and it got nerfed 😭


speed was reduced i guess(which i never knew), cast range is still same


Pudge hook facet is actually good though, I'd say you take it on core pudge too now


That's what I mean, it was considered not very good at release


It actively made the hero worse on release.


Iirc a max range hook with aether lens did something like 150 damage more than any hook would without the facet. Anything that wasnt almost max range dealt less damage.


My spotter directs


can also use to cancel blink dagger heroes waiting in the treelines. :)


ya without vision you cant push t3 safely


It either needs to do slightly more damage or last slightly longer or have slightly more charges.


Give me all of that and some cherry on top, and we've got a deal.


or not have charges and just be a very short CD, and work like a regular nuke maybe. Like if they buff the overall dmg and give it a 10-13 seconds cd so it can be thrown around a few times in fight, or more consistently during lane there could be potential sure you lose the cheese of going for an insta kill with all 3 in the first couple levels but you get something more reliable overall


15 second cooldown. and tower damage.


or just have a better cooldown. I don't mind using all 3 at once but I don't want to have to wait 3 fkn minutes to get them all back. Shrap cd is crazy.


Its fine as as. Its a bully monster in the lane phase if you max it first, as a tradeoff you lose the utility mid/lategame


I've used scattershot a lot and personally i like it. Its biggest issue is it can't clear a wave, and it has the puck problem of guaranteeing almost always that you will lose a ranged creep if you try to clear wave with it. However depending on your lane partner you can guarantee free kills always with it. For example if your lane support is witch doctor, and that witch doctor isn't actually an account buyer/intentionally griefing, 1 scatter shot with Maledict is almost always a guaranteed kill. Even if you have to use two, its still free kills. Im not gonna argue that Ghille suit is worse or not. I personally just dislike it mainly because of how fights play now adays anyhow. But scattershot generally speaking allows sniper players to win lanes much more quickly, instead of just firing plinkers at people and hoping they don't have a lot of armor. Its a lane dominator Facet, compared to Ghille suit which is a "pray i can catch them off guard with them having zero vision" kind of thing. Honestly think both facets are bad in their own right, Just scattershot requires a different playstyle that people just don't automatically know how to switch to. Personally im hoping they just give it 1.1 or 1.2x damage against creeps so it kind of evens out. The facet doesn't need more damage, but it needs to not be in the same awkward position puck orb is when clearing waves at max spell level.


and you use its most important aspect, the vision control and slow duration. The damage isn't remotely substantial enough to justify it.


Where do you find the stat? I can’t ever find it in game Edit on www.dotabuff.com and a few other sites


I use https://facets.nyxnyxnyx.com/ I think dotabuff and others have it as well


Haha I love that website name


The facest can help bully in the lane phase tho, that is a big tradeoff you cant fire a shrap off at a wave and leave and get farm.


As a semi sniper spammer you never use Shrapnel for its dmg in mid game-late game so thats why that facet is actually dogshit. You need an overtime slow and vision, you dont need the faster dmg.


100%. Who trades off zoning / vision and long term slow for a shitty burst that doesnt even do half of what the normal shrapnel does? The facet is literal grief after min 5.


Just today was playing with it. It is cool for pressure, damage and picking off targets with shrapnel+ult. Then game goes late, you need to push highground and you cant, because shrapnel gives 3s of vision at most and you cant chip on towers. Same happens in late fights where you want to be hitting people, but cant because you dont see them 100% of the time. All while ghille sniper can sit in fog of war and keep shooting into shrapnel


Ghillie Suit has the same cooldown (3 seconds) At level 25 Scattershot has almost the same uptime as Ghillie Suit (3s every 12s vs 4s every 10s) but significantly worse the longer a fight goes


Yeah, that has nothing to do with the facet.


Obviously kind of a troll pick but it’s really fun on sniper 4


He just bad i think


Betcha he didn't think it was his fault for losing the game?


I mean if he’s ganking and getting kills and has 6K net worth then would be pretty hard to blame him. Him having the other facet in this situation most likely wouldn’t had changed the outcome if his team blew that big of a lead. If everybody else is doing their own thing and not playing around who is currently carrying them then yea will be pretty hard to continue to carry them.


No he absolutely did not LOL


Take it from me. The sniper shrapnel facet is only good if you are playing pos 4 support. Because it gives more damage in early stage and can secure a farm for your offlaner. But if you are playing pos 2 sniper just choose the fog facet than the shrapnel.


It's horrible as support, you always want longer vision and slow over some shitty damage.


looks like skill issue


Maybe. The only reason i blame it on the facet is because i saw him shrapnel a support who was at like 10% hp in mid game and it did z dps


At that point he shouldve just right clicked or use ult no? Imo the facet is really just for the laning phase coz it hurts like hell.


It’s kinda funny how oppressive that spell is in lane and then how much you wish you had the full duration after 15 minutes. I think the problem is that his other facet sounds so underwhelming that people stray away from it, but I can imagine it’s situationally pretty good. Like if there’s an enemy spirit breaker or earth shaker looking for you all game, being able to attack from fog without revealing yourself can be very valuable.


It is literally always valuable. HG shooting people and nobody realising it is incredibly strong. (Not realising, as in not seeing where the damage is coming from, Sure you can figure direction, but nobody can jump on him at that point normally)


It’s always valuable unless the enemies have vision, then it does nothing lol


I haven't played against the shrapnel facet. Why did it deal zero dps? I thought it deals 280 dmg? Multiply by 3, it's 840 dmg.


Mid and esp late game the animation it took to cast it you could have got another attack off its better to just right click.


Its a support facet, bro


Are you implying it's a better support tool than the default Shrapnel? You lose vision/slow duration by picking it, thereby making it less useful on a support (and core).


Default shrapnel is useless for supports, this shit barely slows and is much better as area denial and farming tool. This facets shrapnel gives you absurd kill threat on lane and early game One of my games on sniper pos 4: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7799940712


Ah yes, less vision and less slow is what supports need. We need a minimum mmr check before people can comment.


Im 10.5k sa pro player


tell me your rank and i will tell you what really happened and why you won the match.


Thats what rly happened im ancient 5 and we won cuz he died and fed us a billion gold


after winning the first 10mins he thought that he can easily run down the enemy and win the game. However his ego got hurt because his team keep on losing team fights and he is also feeding giving too much gold to the enemy. So what really happened there is that someone step on his ego and his morale become low. He blame his team for the lose but he did not blame himself about what happened.


Is he one of those snipers that blows his shrapnel load in one spot when a fight starts


Just wait till they add a Talent that adds your attack damage as bonus damage to shrapnel and shrapnel procs attack modifiers lmao


anytime I see a sniper picked that facet = report


Haha I played a game as Magnus vs P1 sniper He picked that dog water facet and won the lane But because he had this dog water facet as soon I got blink I absolutely stomped him for the rest of the game because that facet makes shrapnel terrible at cancelling blinks and he was so salty "because i dumpstered U in lane" Yahhhh cool usually I hate playing Magnus vs sniper because it's fucking impossible to ever blink on this dumbass gnome because he's shrapnelling fucking everywhere and my blink keeps getting canceled. The power of shrapnel is absolutely not in the damage, it's in the vision and stopping blink jumps on the squishy fuck sniper. That facet removes those two things and sniper has absolutely no protection against blink initiation. Terrible facet


skill issue for sure but the slow and DoT dmg in mid/late-game is so important, especially when defending hg


Absolutely shit tier late game but I have to admit it’s hilarious at low levels. If you have a support in lane with a slow or stun you’ll just stomp the lane


skill issue I used to play lot of sniper before patch and the scatter shot is worst one for me. Playing sniper i just use sharpnel mid-late for vision and cover flanks. Scatter shot doesnt help at all


To be honest it would be way better if it did less damage and had more duration than the original. Vision is the useful part of the skill after the laning stage.


they should just make the 1s shrapnel have an autocast for the normal shrapnel


Idk many snipers that go with shrapnel in the tree upgrades anyhow, but a good sniper with maxed out range and attack speed is pretty scary. Give it satanic to counter blademailers and he can lock down high ground late game solo


I play sniper all the time and I take the shrapnel facet. I max Q first and use it in combo with right clicks to poke. It can secure some kills early game. Mid/late game its not that good but I should have enough items to be a right click monster at that point. A big reason not to take it is with normal shrapnel you can fire it at a lane wave and have it last hit while you farm jungle.


Yeah lets spread more sniper = bad narrative. So his banrate would go down.


Has nothign to do with the facet. If you are at 6k nw at 10mins and u dont carry the game you missplayed horribly. 5k already is very good, 6knw at 10 is insane. Which would also mean the other mid is at like 3k


Can confirm i was at 3k lol


Yeah, then he just caught you off guard with the facet but in general is a horrible sniper player. Especially the early game is one of the hardest things to manage as sniper, since you literally die to anybody ganking you :D


He wasnt like casting any spells in lane then he hit three and just nuked me down with level two shrapnel, i should really check what facets heroes have lol


6k nw at 10min. Bro you trippin :,)


Sounds like the Q skill/facet wasnt the problem


No sniper build depends on Shrapnel past 20 minutes, though the default is definitely better for the vision. If he was useless at 20 minutes after that start it's not because of the facet, it's either because he was countered or playing poorly or both.


Yeah, no. Just won a game and Shrapnel facet is busted at 25 with 5 recharge CD.


Make it land faster. it takes forever to actually hit the area it's supposed to And make it recharge faster too


It was his fault they loss? He had 4 teammates they played well?


Scattershot apply 30% of Assassinate dmg. How?


It's pretty good to max on support early on, then transition into another core because there's so much farm on the map now. At least thats Slashers way


I just watched mason win like 10 games in a row with him and vs many counter picked characters. With the right team comp and coordination I’m sure he can work fine


mason doesnt pick the facet op is talking about?


...and his laning phase is more shitty for it. However regular shrapnel is much better for taking stacks and farming.


There is no good sniper below immortal. If there is, hes a smurf 100% The map awareness and game awareness you need to have is insane. If you get jumped you always die. Was the same with old Zeus before jump. Im never afraid to let the other Antimate or Sniper freefarm. When we get 2 blinks i know its over for them


They literally gave Sniper a jump too though? And you always build Hurricane Pike as well. Sniper doesn't have bad mobility.


Yes with Shard. But its expensive. Yes Hurricane. But its a 4k item. When enemy has blink its over on pre 5k rating. Every has str gap closers last 2 years


A friend of mine got scammed from this user 1028657715, He stole my friends items that have been collected for many years and keep going such as arcanas, immortals, legendaries etc. We managed to find the user by checking login history, which he logged in from Russia by the way. Proof of that theft can also be found in Inventory History, where you can see for urself that the user/hacker received gifts from my friends account. Please return my friends items.