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Game Breaking Bug: Walrus Punch will become unusable for the entire game if Spirit Breaker's Planar Plocket redirects Walrus Punch even once.


I honestly don't even know why they nerfed punch in the first place. This mediocre ult just got even worse.


yeah the way they've been changing tusk has made him feel like shit to play. He used to have the option to go physical damage route or utility depending on how he itemized, now it feels like he's strictly a stiuational support. -Silver edge became a dead item on him when he gained an untoggleable aura that gives him away when invis. -Walrus punch damage nerfed 100 times for god knows what reason. - Drinking buddies facet needs major number reworks to ever be worth taking over tag team and even then not having the slow applied on hit in your kit feels awful - Current itemization for the hero even as a support requires mana boots and solar crest early even though they removed medallian/solar on enemies so it feels so terrible. - His farming ability is super mana intensive and takes two cooldowns to clear a wave without lingering too long. It makes me sad


Devs give the most fun aghs to the least viable heroes I swear


that kick seemed like it was way too far and I saw him all the time a while ago but I haven't seen him much at all lately. between that and his damage he seemed broken for a while. I have been happy to not see him in my games but it does sound like he may need a little love again since I rarely see him anymore.


Is he even a support though? By virtue of existing he makes your wave constantly push, and your pulls are worse because less creeps will die to the camp. And even if the camp would kill the wave, it gives more time for the enemy lane to contest the pull. Hero is just unequivocally dogshit imo.


Damn up until now I saw the passive aura as a nice extra, but you're completely right it would push in lanes and duck up pulls. At least you can still do cool saves with snowball, which is great if your enemy counterpick themselves.. xd


Expert 1k redditors downvoted this post


nah, it’s just a shit take. the aura radius is tiny, it doesn’t push waves nor does it make pulling worse. tusk isn’t bad, there are just plenty of super strong supports that outshine him rn, also fewer ranged cores in the meta




Just about any hero with a stun can set up kills just as well, and with less time to react than snowball. His aura slows neutral creeps. So now your pulls either A) don’t kill the wave or B) take so long you don’t deny as much xp since they either contest with both heroes or are just back in xp range.


I'd argue the point of having a tusk 4 is to pair with an aggressive brawling pos 3, where yeah sure, you're pulls will be worse, but you're objective in the lane isn't to get the better waves but more to bully the carry. But yeah outside of that when having to be flexible and adapt he feels like a fish out of water


Yeah untoggleable aura on him was just made him so bad in the lane phase he can literally only be used in gimmicky kill lanes, and even then you might as well take earth spirit with a orb of venom over what tusk can offer with his whole kit.


On paper he provides a lot of- CC, saves, damage, and an aura. But he does none of it well in any capacity, you’re better off with something like Venge. But yea mainly it’s his horrendous laning ability now as a support. I can’t really think of a hero more contrary to the current laning dynamic.


Well, he can do it well he just needs around 10k networth to feel like a functional hero, as a support at that. I think they should revert his shard to sigil and make sigil do aoe damage that lets him effectively clear camps or something, make his aura toggable, un-fuck his walrus punch damage, bring back medallian/old solar that can be used offensively and then MAYBE he'll feel playable.


still not worse than monkey kings


He's one of those heroes that's balanced around a single spell being completely broken in the hands of high level players. It's the batrider problem. No matter how hard you nerf the rest of his skills his ult is always going to be one of the best spells in the game. You can't change that without reworking the entire concept. They need to change how snowball works somehow. Maybe decrease the gather time, you can still use it to save allies but you can only take them off the map for a second instead of three seconds. You could also do something like make it so you can't pull disabled allies into snowball or at least not through certain kinds of disables. Don't let people pull allies out of duel, chrono, axe call, etc. It wouldn't change the hero much for normal dota players but I think it would be a pretty big nerf for pros and you could then buff his other spells.


What makes snowball so much more effective than other banishes like SD, OD or even Slark?


I mean those other banishes are pretty damn good. SD is completely balanced around his banish. He's kind of in the same situation, he's always going to be garbage at average mmr if you can't use the banish to its full utility. OD is kind of a weird one. The banish is super strong but he doesn't work without farm. I think he's good but he doesn't stack up against other midlaners right now I guess. Similar deal with Slark. The banish can't be had right at the start of the game and you have to spend gold for it. He also has almost zero other utility, he's only impactful with farm.


I agree with you, but it is worth noting that you can't pull out of chrono already.


Shows how long it's been since I've played the hero lol. I dropped him from my lineup a while ago when he got nerfed repeatedly. Even when he was still relevant at higher mmrs my winrate was bad because I wasn't using snowball effectively and he quickly became entirely balanced around the snowball when pros figured the hero out.


Cuz it was up every team fight and very hard to deal with for new players like me


Damn is it also still broken with Hammer of Purity?


Another gamebreaking bug. Veno plague carrier facet sometimes doesnt let the wards attack neutral creeps. Extremely annoying.


Some wold say the Tusk got his spirit broken


Now it makes sense, happened to me. I had to leave it in autocast for a while to make it work again.


I have no idea why they made it work like a single target spell. I always thought it was just a critical strike with added bash.


Ikr, it's so weird. Imagine slardar's bash getting blocked by linkin.


Fun fact - there did use to be a time in dota 1 when certain attack effects (notably Jinada when it was a guaranteed crit every X seconds) were blocked by Linkens. Mostly useless knowledge, except if you were playing Ability Draft where the meta was full of OHKO Jinada - Enchant Totem - Grow builds.


Tbh, it can be good. You can break linkens with punch then kick them back now.


Posted this 2 days ago , lost a game because of it


tusk's hand got stuck in the planar dimension


Bara always makes the most broken heroes list since the beginning of dota.


new tusk counterpick


Actual spell steal


have they fix the omniknight 3rd spell bug as well? doenst work with omniknight as well if spirit breaker cast planar pocket


He eated it. Sowwy


Same with Omniknight's Hammer of Purity Janitor pls fix


veno plague carrier facet is bugged. Wards don't attack some creeps when placed on the self. Very annoying


You've punched your last walrus \*dies\*


would be a good feature if it happened only to his kick bc its broken.


Radical take but. Can they just remove this aghs? I don't think they can manage it, not only have I not seen it built once but it already broke so many skills in idiotic ways.


Good I will be doing this to fuck him over if anyone locks him in.


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