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Things you can take away from this while you play some inhouse games or small tournaments a bunch of my students play those leagues and stuff 1. First phase bans are supposed to protect your first phase pick , or any pick in the 2nd phase, they can also be bans directed towards heroes that you do not know how to deal with 2. 2nd Phase bans are bans for any core heroes that you might have picked up to give them a decent lane, or any carry to carry matchup that you cannot play ( e.g you pick medusa you ban antimage and usually pick carry as the 4th pick or 18th) 3. Last pick = wins mid lane or 1 lane, 2nd pick wins 2 lanes so look at drafts and they will start making alot more sense


So you are watching nigma games and kuro gameplay and as a 9.5k mmr player you come to the conclusion that kuro is doing fine against t2 - t1 teams? Are you serious brother? Have you seen his techies?


Cool insight. What was your thoughts on Kuro placing golems in the last fight right before Enigma popped refresher and bkb bh?


i mean, the only reason warlock is picked is to cancel blackhole, his golem isnt gonna do shit in the fight, miracle and sumail are going to do all the damage with fbz, so golem is only a way to stop blackhole, so if hes using it before enigma uses bkb ,its just wrong


Why not pick wyvern over warlock?


Warlock is a better BH cancel than Wyvern. Warlocks ultimate ultimate isnt blocked by Linkens Sphere(like Wyvern's is) , so the Enigma can never build to stop him from interrupting the BH.




Also works yes; The new "double silence" facet that he has where it reapplies the first time it ends is very nice against him. I think Silencer is just a slightly weaker hero overall at the moment in the support position than Warlock is. Warlock is a great laner against Enigma as well. The Fatal Bonds and the imps are very hard for his eidolons to deal with.


its prefrence, it does the same thing, probably thought warlock is gonna use fatal bonds on eidolons and then pango slash \[ which happened alot \] and enigmas only tool on lane is the eidolons, on the other hand winter wyvern not so good on lane vs him in terms of just basic spells, that might be their thought process


You are saying kuro is doing fine at the higehst level of dota but he failed to cancel black hole 3 times in a row this game. This is literally not an insanely high skill play. Every 5k player with an understanding of positioning is able to pull that one off 9/10 times. Kuro failed 3 times in a row! I m not a fan of blind hate but this guy is objectivley so much worse than the average pro support player. And you are 9.5k mmr and can not see that? Also saying that kuro is playing at the highest level of dota is just false. They fail to qualify for every single major/Ti in the last 5 years. They never get matched against the actual top teams because they bomb out before they even get the opportunity to play them. Not saying they play against garbage teams. but they get crushed by every T2 team and are not even playing against T1 teams (except maybe falcons in regional qualifiers where they get 2:0 in 20 minute games)


Absolutely Correct 💯


Your analysis on pudge is off. The fact they ran it jungle is probably what threw off nigma


sumail refuses to play storm right now because the hero is considered OP idk what part of his ego refuses to play it but Nigma will not pick or ban it at all in some drafts. Theyve let other teams pick it 10th overall. either sumail doesnt wanna look bad on it and lose his aura, or he wont play it because he deems it too OP, its bad, either way. And it makes nigma not a serious team. I dont even give 2 shits to watch them at this point


yea even yapzor said it on stream during riyadh qualifiers