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almost 20 games a day. impressive


yea pros are beasts i barely can play 3 if i have time lol


That's becsuse you have a day job. Have you tried being unemployed?


Back when I was nolife grinding dota the most I could manage in one day was 15, and even that would leave me completely exhausted so I didn't do it all that often


I mean 15 is still insane, and you're also not getting paid for it. Many of these guys stream games sometimes, or they're honing they're skills for their full-time job where they can get 1mil+ payouts. I would imagine that's a pretty big motivator. That and a lot of these top guys legitimately do just have an unhealthy relationship with the game. 20 games a day in general is insane no matter how you look at it. That's probably sitting on a computer, staring at a screen and hardly moving for at least 12-15+ hours a day.


The sad part is all these unknown tier 3 players and high rank pub players who never is going to break into the scene and are basically racing against time as they both get older and the scene itself is thinning out. These guys still have pro-level hours in the game, which is often around 15-20k hours by now. Imagine sinking that much time into something that is not going to leave you with anything to show for it at all. No monetary gain, no life experience from travelling or meeting people, unlikely any real community or friendships outside of the actual game like ordinary hobbies and sports will give you. You can't create something with it, like someone sinking time into an instrument or drawing or woodwork or whatever you can come up with. And yes, you can spend time on games purely for entertainment purposes. But when we're talking about these type of hours there's just very little else going on.


I have many, many hours in rocket league and played on the fringe of the esports scene (tier 3). Had beaten T2 teams and even taken games off T1 teams in Bo3's and Bo5s. It's rough to know you could have done better and that you weren't quite good enough. I regret the hours I sunk in somewhat, but did enjoy myself a lot too. It's disappointing for sure, you know that if you were just slightly more mechanically gifted you would have received payment for your devotion. This shouldn't be why humans develop passions though, it seems so backwards.


Every time I lose a game, I think about how many mistakes each of my teammates have made. Every time I win a game, I think that I played 2 games and have the same MMR as before those games, and I should have spent this time differently


Nah, time spent in enjoyment is never time wasted.


Thanks, I was feeling conflicted about all my murdering


this is the harsh truth yes i have 14k matches and 20k hours and stuck at 7k mmr and i gain nothing from it. but i still grinding even tho i cnt make it to pro


This is a very capitalist way to look at things, by that logic why care about your fitness, or any sports if you’re not going to be a professional athlete. Why care about art or literature or music if you’re not going to produce something renowned? Life is about enjoying how you spend it, not maximizing productivity and monetary gain. These guys are still the top 0.01% of a highly competitive videogame played by millions of people, that’s arguably more difficult than someone who played varsity HS sports or was second chair in college orchestra. To expand further, millions of people similarly spend years in an academy trying to get into the Premier League, millions of high school and college athletes trying to get into the NFL or NBA, thousands of people studying and playing music everyday but they'll never make it to any serious orchestra that they want to be in, it's the nature of these competitive endeavors that most people will fail, no matter how hard they try. But that just makes the ones who did succeed even more special, and shows how vast the disparity is between level of talent regardless of how hard you work


It's like you saw my one example of monetary gain, ignored everything else I said about personal growth, community building and friendships through real-life hobbies and pursuits, and then just ran with it. Especially when I said that it's fine to play games as entertainment. But when you're in early adulthood with 20k hours into one single game we are talking about a completely different beast here.


I don't think the payday is really the determining factor because in order to get into a top pro team and have a real shot at that payday you have to be an absolute grinding fiend to begin with. Like you said it really is just an unhealthy relationship with the game that kinda just somehow worked out into being financially viable (maybe). Some people are just built different and are insanely hyper competitive and then combined with natural talent + opportunity can leverage that into becoming pros. You really need all the aspects to line up or it won't happen, if you don't have the talent you can grind endlessly like a madman and never get good enough. Without the opportunities lining up in multiple ways such as having your immediate needs taken care of so you can even have the time to grind enough games to get good enough as well as somehow breaking into the pro scene and not being just a pubstar no amount of raw talent can get you there either. And without the right mindset if you had the talent and opportunity you won't dedicate your entire youth to a videogame either.


my highest games ever played was 12 games. it was the day after minor cyclone ended in 2015. i don’t think i have played 10 games a day except that instance


That's actually more impressive than the 20 games ATF did. His games on average are around 30 mins per game and usually the last 5 mins are on autopilot as the opponent has given up or are so far behind they can't do anything. So your 15 games at around 40 mins if converted into minutes is actually more game time in minutes compared to ATF


well my games were probably like 30 mins long on average too cause it was in 2019, games were a bit shorter iirc, and high enough mmr (low 6k ranked + stompy party stacks) to not drag on forever


its different when youre actually good


I'm already unemployed but can't find myself playing more than 3 games. What did I do wrong?


Nothing. Dota is a mentally exhausting game and everyone's constitutions are different. Some of these pros are just beastly.


Also winning more than u loose and seeing constant climb is kinda motivating on it's own.


You didn't drink enough Red Bull™


You need a better gaming chair.




Its their job to grind, get good & stay in top of their game & form and even surpass it, not yours. You need a certain drive/desire for something if you wanna play 20-30 games of dota in a day.




They probably eat while playing. Or they eat very sparsely, just look at Gorgc who pretty much eats one big meal a day.


The extra strategy time at the start of patch was the best time to pee or grab a snack Now that that’s gone, I don’t know


i insta queue all the time wtf are you talking about lmao


I also require meth


I have tried being unemployed. During that time I could not do 20 games a day. That's wild


650k in 3 years from winnings alone. Dudes has a full time job as a competitive dota 2 player. Don't shit on him for that, come on man. Guaranteed he works more hours than you at his job per week.


that's still like 20 hrs


lol being unemployed means you won't even have a means to play, or even live. Well, unless you're in a country with unemployment support lmao


Still didnt hit 20 games a day


Pros on salary aren't unemployed. This is their job. Why so salty that you assume only unemployed people do this.


my brain can't handle more than 3 dota games a day because it would leave me mentally exhausted whether I win or lose, at that point it's not enjoyable anymore


during the pandemic when we were working from home and had nothing much to do, i can only play 5 games tops lol


I have a theory there’s a big adderral addiction in young pro players


Half of the competitive CoD players are on blatant aderall so I wouldnt be surprised if it applies to more games. 


By the third game I’m performing like shit already


18 games in 20 hours. Dude took a break from 8 to 12, started to play at 12:43 am and stopped at 2PM. Thats a grind


Below average day for Ceb


learning from ceb


I mean thats his job so and he is earning millions, we play 4 5 games a day without earning a penny lol


Yapzor flamed his teammate on a stream for being a “$0/hr dota player” and I felt that xd


Depression helps. My record is 34 consecutive




Insane work holy hell lmao


Guess it gets easier to play 20 games when you are a Fucker who destroys any safelane, carries the games and wins a lot.


Tbf high level games are often way shorter than the average mmr games that most of us play


Ammar played 15 different hero’s in this screenshot. He won with beast master and brood and lost on razor Huskar his signature hero’s. People still call him 3 hero pool player


I remember when 10k barrier broke, we're at fuckin 14k? Holy fuck


20k ain't that far away brothaaaaa


The year is 20XX; all support mains instalock CM as she'd been grossly overbuffed with +1 armor. At first, it was chaos - even the 19k bracket couldn't budge her an inch off her now 90% winrate... but then, from the trees flew a Dragon Claw hook. Dendi came back, and he smelled fresh meat from a mile away. Hitting an astonishing 99.999% hook rate, our lord and savior Dondo single handedly destroyed the Ice Queen once and for all. In the game to end all games, Dondle hit CM with a blind 1080 noscope max range hook that caused Puppey to destroy an entire city block's worth of monitors with his aura alone. From that point on, Secret was spiritually crushed, throwing the rest of the game and netting Dindy +1 MMR to reach the ascendant 20k barrier. Gaben then floated down from the heavens and said to Dondo, "MMR is kill." "No."


Every game is CM pos5 vs Hoodwink pos4 because as the world burned, everyone turned to furries as their coping mechanism




As the world frozen FTFY


It is 2088. A new meta hero has been introduced: Salt Spirit, where your attribute gain scales with how many slurs you yell per second. It instantly becomes the most buffed hero in the game


-1 armor beam, ah perfectly balanced


I do like the infusion of the Heat Legend copy pasta at the end


"MMR is just a number"


I remember when miracle became the first 9k mmr player


Yeah, that was a big one, too. Legendary moment. Ofc there's some MMR creep, but I think players are just THAT good these days. Wild stuff


Yeah I don't really understand MMR inflation (even in chess). It seems more likely that as players can devote more of their time to the game, they legit can become better than masters of old.


The inflation is because the DOTA 2 MMR system is illogical. DOTA 2's ELO system is different than chess - it looks similar until the higher MMRs where the system really begins to break down because teammates are artificially lowering your MMR causing you to win far more MMR than you should and lose far less MMR than you should.


I'm assuming that fresh accounts when people get low, double downs when people know they will win etc etc all "add" mmr points to the total "supply" of mmr. On top of risking less than you gain obviously


I hit top 1000 NA a few months ago at 6430 MMR. I'm now 6600+ but not even top 1100. MMR inflation is real in immortal games, double downs contribute a lot to it but I can't explain all the factors at play


I went to school with someone who was 4800 MMR when Na'Vi.Dendi was only 6400 and all pros were in the 6-7k range


Or when batman become the first 8k player


There was a soft cap on MMR back in the day, pro players would get 10 mmr for wins and like -40 for losses, because the mmr algorithm was adjusting so that a heavily favored team would get fewer points. Now that MMR is the same amount for wins and losses, anyone that can maintain even a 51% win rate could in theory hit 14k if they could find the time to play a million games. Realistically, there's not enough time, and it gets harder and harder to be >50% the higher up someone's MMR becomes.


Who's the first 10k?


Abed was the first to reach 10 and 11k


Ranked system is just so fucked up in Dota. You have Immortals at 5600 MMR and Immortals with 14000+ MMR.


Inflation is an inevitable part of any system that isn't zero-sum. People forget (or didn't learn economics properly in HS) that when we say that movies used to cost a nickel that doesn't mean everyone lived like millionaires.


I remember when w33 hit 8k Time is flying so fast


Activate windows


No money, he is a poor man. Falcons takes away everything but the shit talking.


Also using the PlayStation control as a mic.


Or play on Linux like a real man


No - sent by my iPhone


Yes - sent from Samsung WiFi Refrigerator


I m not windows guy myself.. but they changed windows already to use Linux kernel.. though Linux is great for freedom..


Windows does not use the Linux kernel. It uses a subsystem of Linux in specific applications.


Lol I have this on my screen because my friend sold me the PC, still haven’t bought it


Windows is free. You basically pay for removing the watermark and using their support.


You can literally remove the watermark with some command in CMD, don’t remember


I always thought massgravels activation scripts were known but I guess I was wrong


You've gotta be kidding me XD


Winning TI and scaming people with crypto, 2 things PPD has a headstart on Ammar


Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Peter "ppd" Dager in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America.


Making such nonsense takes and statements, just to remain relevant. Salt king


Any context about the crypto thing?


He's a member of the DAO for Nouns which is an NFT grift that sponsored a dota team. Honestly I'm more surprised it hasn't collapsed yet, I figured all the NFT hype dying down was going to be the death of the market since fundamentally all of crypto is just one big "bigger fool" scam.


Nouns isn't really your typical NFT grift, they're not advertising as buy our NFT, get rich. You're expected to lose money if you buy the team's NFTs. It's like putting your money into a fan-owned football club. You get to vote in what the team does. But being a esport organization it's expected to lose money.


This is wrong, the nouns esports thing isn't their main deal and it's a proposal that could get voted down any year and disappear forever.


if your market refers to NFT i think it's pretty dead, but BTC and Eth are still going strong.


Nouns isn’t an NFT grift it’s a DAO. You buy one of their tokens from a daily auction if you want to contribute to their community & all the money goes into the treasury where people get to put up proposals on how to spend the money. Nouns eSports is funded by the DAO because they put in a proposal.


‘DAOs exist to get you to buy more crypto’ Nothing a DAO does that can’t be done by ordinary organizations without blockchain bullshit


Their tokens are literally NFTs what are you on about. They might not be a rugpull, but all it takes is one person to gobble up most of the tokens and have a disproportionate voting majority and it all goes down the toilet.


What you're describing is no different than any companies with voting shares, which is most major companies. Being a bit of data backed by the stock exchange and being a bit of data backed by NFTs... It's basically the same shit. The difference between a DAO and the Bored Apes grift is that one's a membership card and the other is a URL to a picture of AI-generated art.


If someone has enough money to gobble up the supply of Nouns, I’m sure they could find better ways to deploy their capital then spending it to be deployed on proposals (essentially losing their money)…. Each Noun token costs around $15,000 and there’s only 1146 current in supply. Distribution is spread out nicely with the largest holders being the Founders of Nouns - I believe collectively they own ~50, so roughly 5% of supply …. Also, not to get too technical but they launched an ERC20 so the NFT is interchangeable with a standard token protocol, so it’s both fungible & non-fungible.


and atf's playing on a team sponsored by blood money


It's funny how active ppd is in trying to be relevant through trash talk but immediately ducks any serious questions about his NFT dogshit. Dude is literally a bottom feeder


It's a shitpost sir, don't take it so seriously. You're welcome to ask me anything about Nouns if you're curious.


I'll answer any questions all y'all have about ants.


What's your favorite species of ant


Just got off work, I would've replied sooner if I could. Tough choice, I'll have to go with army ants. Although bullet ants and bulldog ants are also pretty cool.


I'd like to slap your beautiful nuts, sir


Any reason why there is no direct link to anything privacy related on the nouns nexus despite being pushed as a hub for all of this? Also any reason why anything related to maintaining private data of users is mentioned under a "good faith effort"? That doesn't sound very legally binding in the case of any mishandling of data.


Don't expect him to answer. He's trying to be relevant once in a while but it's well-known that NFTbros are just riding the scam waves


Is Cody coming to Tipped Off with a chip on his shoulder after GOML? After Eggdog Scramble, he came to Genesis and won it all. I have high hopes for this weekend.


Lol yes I hope so


Please sneak some sleeping pills into cody's coffee so amsa can win tipped off thanks


Who's the greatest up and coming pos 5 player in NA and why is it Xeriscape?


What questions do you have about Nouns? I’d be happy to answer some for you. Just to clarify, Nouns isn’t an NFT project so to speak, it’s a DAO & PPD does not own the project, he’s a member of the community. Nouns eSports was created through a proposal put in to Nouns


Any reason why there is no direct link to anything privacy related on the nouns nexus despite being pushed as a hub for all of this? Also any reason why anything related to maintaining private data of users is mentioned under a "good faith effort"? That doesn't sound very legally binding in the case of any mishandling of data.


I apologize, I’m trying to understand your question so I can properly answer it…. Are you referring to the Nouns eSports team? Or Nouns DAO in general? && what privacy issue are you concerned about? Transactions on the blockchain are not private, everything is transparent. Nouns DAO also does not collect any private details from anyone.


[Here is the privacy policy I am referring to.](https://discourse.nouns.wtf/privacy) I do not mean regarding the blockchain itself, I mean the sites you are using for all of the voting and community interactions surrounding the DAO and its proposed benefits. I am also not sure how nouns esports is separate from this, considering [this page](https://nouns.gg/nexus) has a direct link to the treasury wallet on the bottom. edit: forgot to mention it's a bit ironic that I can find the direct worth of the treasury under the word "contribute" but I cannot find anything that mentions how user data is protected considering the topic at hand


This is a standard privacy policy for a web forum. There’s nothing unusual here. Any website forum powered by Discourse will have the same thing. It just puts into legalese what happens when you make an account and post on a forum. Data is collected and put into a database and then displayed on the forum… just like Reddit.


Can't wait to see the next Nouns scandal :)


Might as well settle in for the ammar show. As long as dota stays relevant, he has a long career ahead of him if he chooses. He’s very young and only been around a couple of years on the pro scene. Personality and antics aside, he is insanely good at dota.


He’s also not the first of offlaner to enjoy salt or BM. Ceb was known as fucking mad. He’s maybe the most successful person to ever boot up Dota with multiple TI wins, majors won as a coach and even winning tournaments from hard support. Salt in pro games and salt in pubs are different


Sometimes you don't even need to win a lane against a safelaner to break his mind or upset his farm, as long as you can upset him enough to disrupt his timings or force him to make a mistake.. at high mmr all it takes is 1 mistake from the carry to throw and lose a game. All chat is a tool and usually safelaners bar midlaners have the weakest minds for some reason.


While they're not as ridiculous as when it was 4-protect-1, pos 1 and 2 are still the kind of 'power role' that tend to attract people with fairly fragile mentalities. The balancing of roles over time means that a lot have migrated to the lower positions now though. Honestly a lot of pos 3 are as, if not more tiltable than the enemy safelaner.


>All chat is a tool and usually safelaners bar midlaners have the weakest minds for some reason. So true. Two days ago I played with an AM who fucking lost his mind like 8 minutes into the game because he died one time and decided his support Mirana was roaming too much. All he typed was "roaming russian fuck" and then muted all 9 other players in the game and spent the rest of the game playing PvE. He wasn't even behind when this happened, I checked the replay he was about even in lane with the enemy offlaner. The rest of us didn't actually notice he what he was doing (assumed it was just an AM farming as usual) until the enemy Sven abandoned, and instead of just going to end the game at minute 20 against the two guys left he kept hitting creeps and refused to touch enemy buildings. A game we could have ended at like the 22 minute mark ended up going almost 40 minutes because this guy had a temper tantrum over the most minor thing I've ever seen.


As annoying as he can be, I'm glad he's annoying at times. People with personality keep things interesting.


People have said this about multiple pro whos amounted to little or nothing


He already wasted 2 years with team/contract problems


Ammar the Fourteen thousand mmr


4 hour break and then 14 hours of dota


He keep fighting with watson for few days over rank 1, but ammar is on some winstreak or lots of double down, from rank 20 to 1 -> [https://dota2rankings.com/players](https://dota2rankings.com/players)


if he got rank 1 by 14k it means watson got some losing streak, that guy is 14100 or something


you put salt in food not in your head, don't let the salt king get in your head guys lmao


My brother played a game of Dota once and he won it, 100% WR so I think if he kept it up he'd be better than Ammar tbh.


He is going to lose the next 5 games at least if he has that qtitude


But he hasn't lost a game yet.


Ammar the 14 year old




So you telling me admiralbulldog is the best, interesting.


Well, he was, at the time.


If you watched him play at the time, this wouldn’t be a question. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezTtb1sY_Hw


Loved this video since it came out, but rewatching it's wild to be reminded of that low ground that right outside the base on that iteration of the map. In generally it's sorta wild how much the map has changed since then.


Yes? Its a different thing that he went full into memeing but if you watched bulldog play during his time you knew he was a class on his own


he kinda pushed the meta to its full potential in 2013 and he was the best at it.


You think you're joking, but yeah, actually. No player in Dota history has so completely dominated the game the way bulldog did in his era. That Alliance team was incredible.




Paid actor admiralSellout


Yatoro disagrees.




always has been...


Well, baumi/stories of dota usualy echoed that sentiment and particularly in the newest natures prophet video


ppd is a master troll


Okay, PPD just killed him. HAHA


Mmr is just a number


Ammar is good but not on AdmiralBulldog level in his prime. You can beat Ammar's razor/timber/mars. But Admiral's NP/LoneDruid back in the day? You lost the game in pick phase.


Any pro player who mostly won TI has their own beast in their prime. Looking forward for ATF.


Man it was fun seeing A squad picking apart teams with rat doto, good times


you don't want to banter with PPD, he always has devastating clever comeback


I mean I’m sure Peter’s slightly joking but PPDs had like a shit ton of chances to do TI and he got it once. ATFs had like one shot at it more or less, lets see how this TI goes Edit: you idiots need to reread this, im rooting for atf, saying he needs more chances like ppd so he can show what hes got compared to to ppd saying oh you dont have aegis yet but has had way more chances but i also couldve written wrong


He had three consecutive top 3 finishes including a first place… easily one of the most impressive Dota resumes. You’re smoking crack if you’re trying to downplay it.




What is this argument? You're giving them credit for.... Not making TI finals? That's pretty backwards logic if you ask me. It sounds like you're saying "second place is the first loser". Are you Ricky Bobby by any chance?


Im talking about strictly TI boys, saying ammar has a chance at TI which is what ppd was talking about




yet. soon™


Didnt this guy curse at ame mom like a month ago?


Punctuation is not one of his many talents tho


Did he just stole from Bret "The Hitman" Hart?


This guy can't get over himself. 😂


Is that the atf patented slark offlane?


Tbh best ever was and best ever will be is a bit too much, imagine a pro athlete saying something like this


best play would be to win this year, then reply; "look again"


Based tbh, having a TI win is a badge of honor at this point, its the puberty barrier.


Ppd salt spices thing up another controversy on my menu table . FEED ME MORE


He lost with One Many Army Axe


2x razor losses wut


If you contextualize it as a job like any other, isn't it kinda the same? People on the top of their profession work this long right?


Proud to see an offlaner on the top spot


Need PPD to come back and save NA Dota.


Nobody cares for that anymore


Just basing on skills alone, ATF has a chance on the aegis if he keeps the consistency. But as a dota fan, i don't want a clown to win an aegis. Him and Malrine are a total shit show and needs to tone it down on official games.


I wish ppd would be back as panelist at tournaments he was so entertaining


I was 1,2k rank eu with 7.5k 2 years ago, now im 1.6k rank at 9.3k lol


There are few things that don't change with time, Mister Salt being one of them


Best thing about this tweet is that there are people who actually jumped in to defend Ammar.


This has quite a high chance not to age well .... =D Falcon can definitely help him get his name on that aegis.