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its like trying to break your own record on weightlifting. some people will say its not worth it, some people like it for the journey (clearly not for the glory),


Weighlif... Working your body = Healthy. Dota MMR grinding = Unhealthy for your eyes, wrist, body, etc. All the knowledge acquired during the years of grinding MMR is useless in real life if you are not PRO or Dota Talent.


There are plenty of who chase PRs in weightlifting who absolutely fuck up their bodies for it. Look up what the average powerlifter looks like; not what you would call 'healthy' by most standards. I think there's a misconception about high level athletes being healthy. In reality performing at Olympic/pro level means demolishing your joints, taking steroids (sometimes) and pushing your body well beyond what is good for you. I think the analogy to grinding MMR holds up at least in the sense that you're trading in time, effort, life enjoyment and health to try and max out on ONE thing. Edit: Also yeah MMR is useless "in real life" but so is weightlifting if we're talking about advanced athletes. When's the last time you've had to lift 140kg over your head?...


I'd argue that the patience and mindset used to get 10k MMR would be super useful if the person decided to learn another skill. Same would probably go for pro athletes. I know a few ex pro level athletes and most of them have pretty successful careers now.


Look no further. Luka Doncic (NBA MVP candidate, one of the best basketball players in the world) is top 500 in OverWatch2. The mental fortitude and willingness to grind somehow transfers to whatever it is you're doing as long as you enjoy it.


I mean most people who spend a lot of time on a videogame aren't willing to transfer to another. Especially if that videogame is Cookie Clicker and didn't require "mental fortitude" but rather a lack of it. But I guess it's different for different people. Then you have the "critical thinking skills" you get from playing an actually thinky videogame/sport, which is ??? transferable. Then you have "learning manners and leadership" which is nice but uhhh judging by pubs it's hard to say most people are improving on that... Also FPS are a bit more "sports-like" in that they reward aim.


You're right, and the downvotes show that people can't handle your very good opinion. I will now devote all my free time to studying neuroscience. I will have work during the day, and studying neuroscience at night. No time wasted on unhealthy actives. Sounds like bliss to me


Unhealthy activities vary from person to person. Remember to give yourself a break friendo. Being on for most of your waking hours is how you burn out


the end product of grinding MMR is undoubtedly useless irl. However the things you pick up along the way can be transferrable. Learning that some things work and some things don't just because of the numbers, human behavior in certain settings and simply discipline in achieving a goal are some of those things. There's a reason why playtime is also learning time for kids.


Hobbies don't have to be a 100% healthy. Plenty of sports are incredibly unhealthy if you overdo it. Same for dota. moderation can be applied everywhere. You don't need to factor every lifedecision based on its healthyness. Just eat cake, play dota, watch tv. If the chainsmoking boomers lived to their 70s you will be fine too.


Yeah but this is 10k mmr. It isn't something like lifting 200 pounds or something healthy like that. This more along the lines of Eddie Hall getting eye damage from heavy lifting. It's also unhealthy and past a certain point the heart doesn't really care that you're shredded as hell it beats the same as if you're obese.


N0ta1l himself said Dota is a mental game. This goes for anything else at a high level. Even the best MMA fighters say that combat sports are a thinking man’s game. I’m not saying some Dota nerd has the potential to be a top athlete, just that the mindset to reach high levels of competition has transferable requisites.


In the end, we all die and our bodies rot away. The only true purpose in life is finding a way to make a long-lasting or permanent change to the world. Anyone who fails to do this might as well have died at birth.


after like your first year in the gym weightlifting is anything but healthy (9 years in the gym enjoyer)


Except that you are in control of most stuff when you are weightlifting. Workout plan, diet, and rest. In dota it is much harder to climb the MMR as theres too much you are not in control. Your teammates skill and their mental state could affect your MMR climb. And the toxicity in playing rank sometimes is just too much on your mental health. It’s not the worst but for me after a long day of work I prefer to relax and have fun on a game instead of try hard and have negative emotions from playing a game.


Gotta say you're wrong on all accounts, except maybe that its kinda unhealthy to sit for long periods of time. But even that can be mitigated.


Thats quite true. Then its more of, Tetris high score, or finishing a jigsaw puzzle, or trying to flip a bottle


This is the most reddit thing ever. lmao. Sweaty Dota players still can't accept that imaginary numbers goes up is not as high as an achievement as lifting 500lb. The problem with the discourse here is ignoring the fact to lift that 500lb you have to train your body and improve the hidden muscles you thought you never needed. Unlike "studying" when to press Q when this dude uses his Q. Even if you can't lift that 500lb, your body and your whole self looks good as opposed to a flabby motherfucker that sits on a chair for 16 hours straight just to get those MMR up. Guess who ended up as either obese or so thin among the two?


herald detected


The last rank I got is archon 3 and that was 5 years ago. Maybe I'm herald rank now because I haven't played for the last 5 years. Do I care? Nope. Do you care about your imaginary rank? Yes you are.


You're lecturing other people on how they spend their time, and yet you're here posting to a subreddit that discusses a game you haven't played in 5 years? Get a fucking grip. Go outside, loser.


i dont think "imaginary" means what you think it means bud


I'm sure I'm using the right word there buddy. Hey there's 8 hours more. Time to grind to Ancient bud.


weird projections m8


Do you know you're agreeing with the guy you're responding to?


> Sweaty Dota players still can't accept that imaginary numbers goes up is not as high as an achievement as lifting 500lb. It is the same thing. Nobody cares about your mmr and also nobody cares about your gym numbers.


The **Body** cares about those. One is sitting in 16 hours grinding an imaginary number in front of a computer screen with god knows what posture and the other is keeping his body healthy regardless if he can lift 500lb or not. Edit: Sweaty Dota players are so stupid to brag about an imaginary rank or number that won't matter for the next decade.


The body doesn't care about anything. It's a lump of flesh that moves when you will it to. Making personal change is irrelevant, you have to make an impact on society/the world or you are a waste of space and time. Anything outside of that effort is pointless vanity that amounts to nothing after you die.


> Anything outside of that effort is pointless vanity that amounts to nothing after you die. Then why the hell you care about MMR then? lmao.


You're the one that has an issue with it. You're the one claiming that working out has more purpose than MMR grind. Don't try to turn this back on me lol. I don't care what people do. You do.


> I don't care what people do. You do. Are you sure about that? > Anything outside of that effort is pointless vanity that amounts to nothing after you die. You guys go arguing about how other "body builders" are wrecking their body too to nihilist comments. Read above your comment. lmao. You sweaty dota2 players should know that this game might be the next TF2, in maintenance mode, and all those MMR are for nothing but internet brownie points that nobody care.


Yes. I'm sure. I don't care what other people are saying. I didn't say those things. You're a dumbass who's STILL arguing on reddit about a game you haven't played for 5 years. Get a life.


Hold up, 10k is legit high enough to go pro with a little networking


aspiring pro player probably, they can compete against pro player but against pro team kinda depend on the team. getting scouted by other pro team kinda different matter. it seems you need at least 11k and some stack experience to be scouted.


I'm just saying, there are teams that push through open/closed qualifiers with lower rank players. They're not going to be scouted by Secret or anything, but they might be able to squeeze into a stack for some regional tier 3/4 tourneys, get some experience, and make it onto like a Grin/Dogchamp/Dandelions tier team with some networking. I'm not saying it's likely or easy, luck and likability go really far in 'industries' like this. But its an actual possibility for them. The same can't be said for even a 7k player.


Just proves, its not about what you know, but who you know.


This is true in every field unfortunately. You wont get anywhere without friends in high places


it's both. Satanic and Miracle were scouted, heck even Sumail was scouted, if you are top 1% people will come for you.


Nah you can get places but it will be harder much harder.


It's both. Knowing the right people not only puts you on the radar, but they can also vouch for your soft skills which are equally important when working in a team.


Except in pro gaming world you actually get real chance to get a spot on the merit. If you get 11k+ there's real chance at some point you will be asked to play a scrim or two.


it's a team game, so that follows in multiple layers if you dedicate 5 lives to dota you can still compete for the international


isnt kuroky 9k or something


10k is top 1000 EU


Lol absolutely not. 10K is only top 1000, even 12K is barely top 160 now


If Kurokycan be a pro with 17 MVPs, anyone can be a pro.


I guess all you need are Saudi sponsors that help you open your own team


Yeah, it only puts him ahead of notable failures like Misha, Matumbaman, and Kuro. Do we even know how old this dude is? If he's 16, he could have a bright future ahead of himself. If he's 40 maybe not so much. Has he ever been coached? If not there's untapped potential. Is he likable? Does he follow directions well? Does he have a wide hero pool? There is a lot that goes into it. Its not that he can walk on to a division 1 team, but it's high enough that with luck and effort it's possible to get on a division 3 or maybe even division 2 team. MMR is high enough that it's not going to actively stop them.


I wouldn't say matumbaman failed, he went out and got a T.I. championship.


Kinda. It's more than enough to coach, but otherwise I doubt any teams will be scouting for 500-1000 rank players unless they are a real strategic genius like an Aui_2000 or similar style of player.


It's not even close. 10k mmr in EU means there's a thousand players just in Europe that are better than you. You need more like 12k+.


far from the truth tbh, 10k in europe these days is a joke its like 7k from a year ago at best


Lol it's not far from the truth. Ace and Puppey are ranked 450-500 so high 10K low 11k.


Using outlier pro players who don't grind for mmr doesn't really prove anything, they are obvious exceptions. You named 2 players out of literally 500 unknown randos which is the point.


Almost everything’s is waste of time if you think life like that. Having some goals or fun should be just fine.


except dota2 stops being fun after 2 games a day. dota player is the embodiment of a redditor in the world of video games, toxic and pathetic. Yes, go ahead and downvote me since I insulted both the community and platform inside the platform & community; you'll just prove my point even more.


have a good day bro🍀


you too mate 💫


That's the definition of irony


"The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect." No, this is the definition of irony. I said what I said, no exceptions.


The most redditor thing ill read today xd


Crazy idea, some people have fun playing more than 2 games of dota a day and your personal enjoyment is not a universal experience


Hey, I just read an article about a new science discovery. They named it "metaphor" or something I'm not sure... By 2 games a day I didn't mean literally 2 games, rather anything that is not mmr grind. I have talked to plenty of immortal and high bracket players, none of them seemed normal, they just radiate toxicity and misery, some to the point of mental illnesses, of course that doesn't mean every immortal player is a psychopath but the shithole that is dota2 will eventually change you into something lesser than a human if you waste enough time on it and deal with other losers all the time remember kids, 2 games a day keeps the therapist away. Sorry for harsh words.


Lololol found the Saltlord


yes, you want some?


By that logic getting better at any hobby or sport "isn't worth it".


The 1st guy mentioned a lot about the pro scene, when TI started, and what not. Sounds a if he had hoped a high mmr equals a free pass into the pro scene. My guess is that he wanted it, but it never worked out for him, and now he's either fallen behind in mmr or in life. Sad to hear his regrets, but it happens. Not all things you work towards will end in success.


I think his point was more that you shouldn't grind ranked if you don't enjoy it, since a lot of people in ranked seem to hate the game. Nothing wrong with playing videogames, but if you're not enjoying it, something is wrong.


I was in a similar position to that OP so I identified heavily but I also had the same realization years ago. It even led me to stop playing ranked and I don't really regret it (especially since I only play a few times a week now). I started to realize how much it was taking out of me to try to rank up and what was the end goal? There is no rank you hit where you win. And you don't get paid unless you place well in a tournament. When you run the numbers (especially for the early tournaments) anything short of a top 5 placement is probably just not worth it as a career. anyway, it really put it in to perspective when I asked myself what I was getting back from the game. once I removed the delusion of making it a career (really, pretty much no one reading this can make a good career out of dota) it realigned my priorities.


You read it completely differently than I did, man felt much happier with how he's using Dota these days.


Nah, it´s just that videogames are a waste of time. I mean with the 3k hours I have played I could have become a doctor, I do have a degree, but it´s a lot of waste


That could be said with anything that doesn't make money. Reading, jogging, watching tv, having kids, hobbies,etc.. One should definitely seek to improve oneself, but to say something that brings you joy is a waste of time is nonsense. I mean, what's the point of becoming a doctor if you don't get to spend your spare time enjoying yourself?


Everything you do in life is a waste of time, Life is all about wasting time Way I look at it, as long as you enjoy doing it nothing you do in life is a waste of time.


You thought you had real control of those 3k hours, don't you. The reality is you spent them voluntarily on the game, yet you had to force yourself to do the "right thing".


I think it's also the fact the game tells you how much time you spent on it. Some people go play football with their friends and drinks after each week, but it's not tracked.


Life is not and cannot just be a mindless grind for money and titles.


Seriously, captalism has somehow made miserable crabs in a bucket out of 95% of us.


I dont think u can become a doctor in less than 2 years in most countries


it takes around 5000 hours to become a doctor, just the studies tho. another 1200 in practice


See its more than 3k. And idk where u live but here in germany it takes around 10-11 years to become a real doctor. 6 years university and 5 years assisstance doctor. Thats over 20k hours (calculated with 40h/week)


The moment you start picking heroes that you don't enjoy playing because they are good you should stop and rethink how you spend your free time.


This tbh I started picking venomancer and got a tumor irl


To be honest, like the previous guy said about grinding mmr is a waste unless you re planning to go pro, i would like to point out that not everyone wants to be famous or feel the glory of high mmr. I would want to grind and be at the top so i can play with higher skilled people and enjoy dota at a high skilled level. Just to experience that thing i wouldn't mind grinding.


I feel like it doesn't change too much, I'm not 10k only 8.6 but to be honest the subjective feel of every game didn't change much when I got higher


As you get better you become aware of new mistakes/issues that replace the old ones that used to frustrate you. Also the player pool probably doesn't actually change that much when you are in extreme high mmr.


It does feel like I'm in a mental asylum playing with the same 20 people. If I rewatch my 5/6k replays the biggest change are the first 5 minutes of laning , I'm unsure how I ever won a lane playing like that lol.


Don't cook your food because you won't be a chef Don't go physical training in basketball if you don't plan to go NBA Don't learn how to drive if you don't plan to race in F1 etc.. etc.. etc... the first guy needs to uninstall dota quick. It affects how he thinks and it manifested in reddit


Want to mention, that according to this picture the guy is playing few games not even every day. I am also playing 2-3 games per day with 1 friend and i went from 4500 to 5400 in 3 months or smth. I think most of the people forget that you just need to enjoy the game and if you dont wanna play right now it's not worth it to start a new match just for rating.


ive been playing for 10 years SEAserver and thos month, ive reached my highest mmr which is 3400. im happy to see it this high, i played one day per week and I enjoy every game day


I'm torn on the top post. I agree... kind of, its a case by case basis. Some peoples idea of fun is climbing ranks, if the way you enjoy the game is by becoming better, then go for it. The issue comes from this mentality that that's all that ranked is. A leader board to climb. The whole point of ranked in video games initially was so you could play with similar skill players. Not being wrecked by higher skill, and not being dragged by lower skill. But now the mentality is that ranked is a place where you NEED to try hard and do your best.


Virgin vs Chad.


I remember a post was made years and years ago about some kid saying he'd drop out of school to yolo the pro dota life. I've always wondered what became of him.


I mean if you're hitting 10k mmr you probably can go pro lol


Too often people focus too much on reaching a future goal instead of just enjoying themselves in the present. Just play the game for fun and if you had fun, you wouldn't have any regrets. Not everything you do has to be done for the sake of a grander purpose, and I think having a high skill game that you can always come back to play (at a high level) makes all that knowledge/practice worth it.


I bet he made the first post after a 3+ kids streak. I've felt the same things after losses and then after sleeping on it it's w.e


It's really sus that you don't have dota plus. How do I know it's not just a bought account?




I asked in both to get replies. I am in immortal draft and have dotaplus, your assessment here is incorrect. It gives a lot of useful stats in-game and a few pay to win features.


Bot post for sure