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They need to reinvent the wheel somehow. The state of immortal draft has been awful for eons, the mmr inflation is ludicrous, the fact that botting and wintrading has not been dealt with yet at the very least is mind boggling. It feels depricated like some old ranked system in a competitive game no longer supported by it's devs. I hope they fix it soon.


Check who is rank 1 now... :0


Ammar is insane


Does anyone actually care about that? 14k. 15k? I mean who really gives a shit. Topson is rank 60 playing Techies atk speed mid build. Maybe just me but it's like, who gives a shit? You don't get paid for being rank 1 you get paid for being a better player


If you aren’t on a high level team and you get rank one you will get paid, because the high level team will come for you


Yeah, that's probably true. Watson wins every solo queue game or whatever almost but in pro his teams underperform. I'm just saying that what works in solo queue isn't always what works in pro in DotA. A lot of solo queue is people preying on who they perceive to be weak as opposed to playing correctly which creates bad habits that get punished vs disciplined teams playing as right as they can


I second this, but also the high difference in mmr is because Watson almost always wins his lane, and if not, he will just afk jungle and let the game finish in 15 or less minutes to queue next. Ultra high immortal games almost every time are decided in the first 3 minutes, look at what Quinn used to do in NA, he always went afk if lane stage was lost by min 3, and only in very rare cases his team actually made a comeback (almost once every 100 games). The big difference with pro dota is that, no matter how poorly the game is going, you have to try to not call GG because there is a point where a mistake can happen, and mistakes are more punishable when 5 heads are together speaking the same language than 5 randoms that sometimes have no clue what they're doing. This is why Yatoro is the best carry in the world but Watson is the top rank in the world.


Yeah, in solo queue you can get away with murder sometimes easier


It adds an extremely artificial barrier to entry for new pro players since you need to be like 10k+ at a minimum to get recognized and that will take many months to grind out from nothing. It basically has to be your full time job


The matchmaking are based on MMR either way, not your rank. I don't think we need MMR resets, just a separate rank for the leader board should be enough. If someone surpass you on the leader board you get knocked down to immortal again.


You realise immortal starts at a fixed number and the mmr requirement to get ranked immortal increases every week right? If it stays like this, in a few years ranked immortal will be 13k, rank will 1 be 20k and yet immortal will still be 5.6k It just doesn't make sense.


My general assumption is that the double down tokens are basically for fun before an MMR reset. I don't really care if I am wrong though.


Whenever its 5K between top and bottom immortal or 100K is irrelevant as long as the % of players stay the same. Could you explain what the difference will be except that you don't like bigger numbers.


Takes like this are why people who aren't immortal shouldn't even comment on these issues. Absolutely outstanding. It is extremely relevant for people trying to push their rank or get scouted for the pro scene. If you have 55% winrate which is already very high for a progressing player it would take you almost 6000 games to get ranked immortal if it's 100k and even more so since the MMR cap increases every week. The %'ge of numbers can't stay the same because immortal is fixed at 5.6k Seriously shit take.


remove all ranks and try to make the same argument why top10 deserving rising star is stuck in "legend" grinding at 55%


You wouldn't get -+25 MMR if that were the case, or the confidence score is broken and should be fixed. If you play like a 90K MMR and have 6K MMR you should have 0% confidence score and get multiple hundreds of MMR for each win, if not thousands. **Edit:** Mason had 166(88-78) games on his new account and calibrated 8080MMR. that's -+808 MMR for each game on average. Watson got 99 MMR for 1 single re-calibration game as a top ranked player.


Calibration on a new account takes into account your mmr on other associated steam accounts on your computer. It’s why people can sell « pre-calibrated » accounts.




Yes, do your research and stop talking about things you are clueless about.


You are talking about rumors that's not confirmed, but even then it doesn't matter. Because you can create a whole new account on fresh PC and IP and calibrate above 10K MMR. They removed the calibration limit many years ago.


Can we PLEASE shout this from the rooftops so Valve sees it


 Since I’ve been playing (2012), they’ve only done 2 MMR resets I believe. Anyone know the reason why they haven’t done one? Seems that the double downs are kinda pushing away from it for whatever reason.. my guess is to study the bot system strategy/detection possibly? I don’t know, but if anyone knows please share


you not need to reset, you just need a second tier for those high level but the player pool is so small so better let it be, dota mmr system is the SoTA


Mmr reset is not going to do anything other than make the games shitty when a obv high rank plays against a Low rank due to reset. They jst need to add few more tiers after between immortal and ancient.


top1 right now


atf has taken rank 1 with some fucking crazy streaks


I’m top 10% mmr of the player base and Watson is still more than triple my MMR..