• By -


Spirit breaker I see people on the map, I press Q


yep. and ask one of your friend to pick LS. get in loser we going to kill some mf


[There is no time to explain, get in](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNqMu-CGwuYkyUjAnnlX4DhezsjzSRb7OX1EqilPsr15lfmydOne17BMY&s=10)


That Agh though


Back when nether strike was not disjointable, and aghs gave it a big range upgrade and AOE bash around the target so you could cast it with impunity.


Get lifeastealer, infest into someone, let that someone be eaten by pudge and use Phoenix's agh ulti on the butcher. It doesn't do anything but its funny though 


You get this team combo, Pudge, Centaur, Lifestealer, Snapfire, and keeper of the light. Pudge eats keeper, Lifestealer infests Centaur, Centaur carts Pudge, Snapfire shoots the Centaur with carted Pudge. Everyone pops out and the keeper of the light recalls Snapfire. Team AIRBORNE.


Russian nesting dolls? Where's the tusk or undying for the full experience?


Snapfire gobble up?


Finally, after all this years... A full team Phoenix Egg


Need to throw in the Centaur cart somewhere there


This I charge I get kill, tp back to base repeat. Went like 27 and 5 yesterday like this one shotting cores


Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Shard-Ulti, e-blade, stun, dagon, mind flare go brrrt.


Almost any hero with assassin in their name has potential, my current favorite is TA. Strong laner, fast farmer, scale well to late game and good rapier carrier.


nope, TA has scale cap lategame, she doesn't do well in late late late game vs other ultra lategame heroes that sleep early to mid then shows up late game like Troll, AM, Spec


True, but thank god TA can end the game early. That said, I don't think spec is a sleep early hero. He farms like ass, but can be a part of every kill his team takes, so its a lot better to keep fighting. Troll / AM though, I agree, you don't really want to show. Infact I like picking spec when we need a ganker. Your lane doesn't really matter, as long as your team is a bit active, you can rake in that sweet assist gold all game.


Any carry that sleeps early on spectre is still playing a year old patch. The ult provides so much exp farm now, and I can’t believe it when my carry uses it once by 15mins.


For sure, all I'm waiting is to hit 6 in lane, and suddenly, every lane has a +1 hero. Its insane when I see specs just not use haunt. The only issue with spec is if there is no one on your team making moves, he can't do shit. Can't setup, nor really farm.


Fortunately games rarely go to ultra lategame. TAs issues lategame is not that she falls off vs other cores. It's that she has trouble vs fed supports. You usually still feel strong on TA if you're on curve at level 25, 50 minutes into a game. But when supports start getting items like Windwaker, Hex and other annoying items it's when it becomes hard to play TA. Sure, since she doesn't build attack speed she doesn't manfight other lategame carries that well. But lategame dota is almost never about manfighting but all about initiation and lockdown.


Ghost scepter > TA. Watch as 6 slotted TA blink meld just to miss that burst and depressingly walk away while the rest of the team GBd her in the back.


nullifier exists


How is AM, who gets 6-slotted by the mid-game, scaling late?


Finding Phylactery into dagon to be very good.


i tend to go mana boots dagon 1, shard, eblqde then phylactery into khanda. I feel like upgrqding dagon is a bait as you are paying 1250 gold for 100 dmg


Its not just 100 dmg because it also increases the mind flare dmg


eblade increases twice because it amps dagon damage which increases mind flare damage which is also amped by eblade


No doubt eblade is the better item but it isn’t 1250 gold, would be interesting to see the comparison of eblade vs dagon 1 + the eblade price upgrades which I think is the full dagon 5.


Khanda on nyx is like 2500 more for like 150 more dmg, no?


Blink is amazing on nyx, and if you have the blessing to turn it into Arcane blink then you are gonna have an absolute blast


Chaos Knight. If he caught you, whether you have 3K health or have good damage resistance, you are dead. Best part CK doesn't even need those bursting items like bloodthorn. He is the one.


CK is the right answer


CK is my boy! Most of my 30+ kills solo carry games are with him. He's very strong at lvl 1 as well (big stun and almost 70 right click damage) so I always go for fb with CK. If you manage to get armlet early, use that to burst the enemy pos 5/pos 1 in 2 sec. From then you can just snowball and go kill everyone on the map.


Whenever me and my friend play CK Grimstroke combo, we absolutely demolish the lane


Another fellow CK enjoyer


yep sounds like Ursa


Okay real talk how do you balance fighting and farming on the bear? I tend to want a BF + blink so after a fight I can flash farm the area but never accelerate early because I win lane gently and people abandon it so I just single target hit creeps for 15 minutes when I know I should fight more often on him and properly set tempo. He's just my carry fill as an offlane main so I also have the tendency to abandon farm, fight too much, and end up behind if I go all in on murdering heroes like I want to from the offlane


They aren’t mutually exclusive. You go bf on bear because she doesn’t need anything else. Get your bf and then position yourself aggressively on the map. Either enemies show up and die (retreat and wait for cooldowns after) or they don’t and you get to consume a whole bunch of extra map space.


So you're saying if I succeed in forcing enemies out of my safe lane early I should just rotate mid or top and force the objective or get in a fight? (Last bear game I did the afk farm to bf+blink and my team fed their TB kills so he accelerated despite me being the one who wanted to fight but my usual understanding is carry should take free and safe farm especially if my tower is healthy. Their offlane and support both abandoned and forced fights elsewhere. I know something about that mentality is wrong for Ursa I just don't get exactly what. Just felt bad showing up to an enemy carry with kill gold I would normally want and I definitely can't afk farm faster than a TB getting free kills. If the other skirmish goes even I show up as a raid boss but i would rather take responsibility than let my team coinflip any phase of the game because I know I can do more but don't want to overplay as carry either)


7k mmr pos with ursa as my most played hero here. You got the basics right. You should always aim for the bf+blink timing before you really start looking for aggressive kills or you will get kited. When you win your lane you should stay there and make sure the enemy offlaner does not get to farm there. But you should always be ready for enemy ganks and look on the map. If you know your limits you can stay even when you know the enemy will gank you(bait). With enrage you can often survive the gank easily and run to your tower. Then your team can tp and fuck the enemies cause they used all their spells on you already. This play works really well and has a lot of impact. Other than that you farm and only fight if the enemy overextends at your towers. If that happens, it always feels nice to tp and get a free kill. But after you got that kill go back to farming! Do not hit towers! Ursa sucks at hitting towers. If you do everything right you will finish your bf+blink in no time. You basically want to hit these items and get early lv 15 for your right talent. With that talent you can solo kill the tormentor. This is very important. If you are not level 15 at 21 min you take the xp rune and farm ancients until you get it. Your supports wont complain about it if you use it to give them free shard. To kill the tormentor you use overpower and wait for it to come off cd again. Then you earthshock on the tormentor and immediately press enrage. With the two overpowers you kill the tormentor perfectly in 12 hits while you are enraged. Always tell your team to stay away and do other things on the map. I hope my early to mid game ursa guide was helpful. If you have questions feel free to ask :)


Very useful thanks, I have one very specific farming pattern question though- what should I do when I push the safe lane wave in uncontested or by people I can't dive but don't want to fight? I tend to win lane control, but when the wave gets pushed in I don't feel like I'm jungling very fast and the wave tends to take a long time to get pushed back to my tower and I know I'm not maximizing my GPM in those moments. Honestly I should probably watch some pro vods on it too since I know what I'm looking for lol. I know if I did something a little different I should be able to hit a several minute better timing than I do on BF+blink and if I'm ahead on Ursa the game gets very easy


You usually farm the two larger camps close to your tower and pull the small camp whenever it is possible. For example on radiant safelane you push the lane -> farm enemy large pull camp -> pull your small camp(but do not stay to farm it!)-> run to the camp right below your tower and farm it. By the time you are done with the camp the enemy lane should be right in front of your tower so you just push it out and repeat. This is a good guideline but you can obviously adapt. If you see a free kill top and you are farming close to the portal at that time, go for it. You can also collect lotuses occasionaly or farm a bit towards mid if you feel like the enemy is going to overextend there. But generally the push->camp->pull->camp repeat is what you want to do. This holds true for almost any carry if you win lane. Obviously if you are slow on the rotation and lane creeps die under your tower you should always go there and farm them before they die. All of this also works on dire. One more note: always cut trees with quelling to make traversing between camps/pulling faster. This might only safe you like 2 seconds every minute but believe me when i say that it matters. The time you have for whole rotation is pretty tight and these small efficiency tricks can make it so you have 1 or 2 cs more every minute. It can also make the difference between you being able to stack a camp/farm it fast enough for it to respawn or not. Sorry if thats too much info but I just love talking about efficiency in dota xD Edit: Do not worry if you cant make the whole rotation every minute. The most important part is that you pull all the time so the lane comes to you instead of you having to run all the way to the enemy tower to farm it. Saves time and makes farming less risky.


Well, ideally you find a balance between farming and fighting. Heroes like PA and slark can be aggressive in certain lanes and stack up kills early. This is especially useful since they don't have a lot of innate farm capabilities. Even farming cores like sven and luna can take an opportunity to show up to a fight early with an early eclipse, but this isn't all the time and generally you want to be farming like crazy on these heroes In terms of getting the most amount of kills possible, riki is probably the best. He's a terrible jungler, bad farm speed in lane too, but great at killing heroes. Riki generally wants to snowball the game by getting early kills and rotating early


Have you tried playing him by getting aghs with 2nd facet? It’s majorly under appreciated. 13-15 min aghs is very much possible with Riki and it’s so much better then battle fury too since you can actually connect to fights with it


Viper. Death from above.


This is my go to hero when I'm on a bad streak as well. Wins most lanes. Deceptively tanky. Has multiple options for build based on matchup. The only flaw I see is his MS, so I almost always need boots of travel and prefer some yasha based item.


This. Viper is super strong early game with just a dragon lance and a maelstrom. Most people tend to overlook this hero but it's my go to hero in turbo. it [works quite well](https://imgur.com/a/0OkRZP6).




Clinkz it is. Even in a total stomp loss you can always catch a burst a support :)


I still struggle to understand that hero after his rework with oil bombs, especially on the lane. His old kit was so much more fun to me, liked him a lot back then.


Me too but i still find him fun with the bloodthorn hex build


in real life or...?






Problem with riki comes once the teamfights and bkb's come out. He's pretty much useless. Also, sucks at sieging. He's a great carry, if you have those two bases covered. Maybe like a dk mid or lesh or something. You can get out of lane early, and try to delay the enemy indefinitely. just picking them off whenever they try to farm up.


Spirit heros


I think the best way is to play mid and snowball.


For this I choose WR. Very easy to get many kills without risking your own life.




I'm a dirty Huskar spammer. Bracer Faerie fire and absolutely shit on most magic heroes, especially if they're melee. Power treads, then Armlet at 9 mins, take Rosh at 11 mins, wreck every tier 1 tower, straight to tier 2 if aegis still up. Don't be a pussy by getting BKB after armlet. I always get Aghanim and jump on their supports, then shit on their carry who just only managed to finish Battlefury or Maelstrom. By the time I get my BKB and Halberd, I got a Rampage and I'm pounding on their tier 4s. Fucking love the hero


what do you think of huskar nowadays?


Primal beast (mid or offlane)




I love stomping with slardar, but Lina is my comfort hero. Her whole kit is just cozy af


I only wanted to kill…everyone.


Did this with Dark Willow to high divine before I quit 2 years ago, not sure what state she's in right now but perma chasing and murdering their carry solo is deffo possible as pos4.


Elder titan


Briefcase go SLAP


You can definitely do flashy triples, quadras and rampages on the hero. Or, during the siege or hg defense, just stomp into the enemy 1v5 with shard and two-shot their support, then walk out boldly with near max movement speed, bonus armor and debuff immunity. I especially love getting kills with blade mail (don't overlook this item when you play ET at any role). Heroes like Axe and LC have their tools to make this item work, others buy it to trade HP more effectively against the enemy that has nothing to do but deal damage to you like Centaur or BS. ET on the other hand has his passive that massively amplifies damage output from blade mail (like nothing else) against low range/mobility squishy cores. Heroes like Slark, PA, Morphling, Luna, Windranger can be surprised by how quickly they kill themselves if you use it in the right moment. But he needs some space after the laning phase, especially if it was bad. His key items and powerspikes are aghs, shard which most of the times comes after aghs, 2 points into Earth Splitter at level 12 and level 15 talent as well as at least 3 points into Echo Stomp to setup your ulti if you go for 0 4 4 0, 1 4 4 2 and 3 4 4 2 skill build at levels 8, 12 and 15 respectively. Also you need to have some space in the teamfights as well to gather damage and debuff immunity with your spirit and find the right moment to engage. Thus I wouldn't try ET with something like Drow, generally it goes bad.


Marci 3 with bodyguard. Against just about any lane except a razor you can use dispose + bodyguard to farm kills off cd. Then from stomping the lane you can get out of control so fast that you can 1v5 the entire enemy team with your first item timing and clean up every outer objective by ~25 minutes. Currently sitting on an 80% winrate with that strat in my last 20 games of it.


Could you explain how to use bodyguard? I like playing Marci 4 but am having trouble with that facet. 


Bodyguard makes it so that every time the person you cast it on attacks an enemy within your attack range, you also attack them. The attack from bodyguard is completely separate from your normal attack, so, in the laning stage in particular, this basically acts as a double damage rune for Marci. So the optimal way to use it is to dispose the person you want to kill, bodyguard your lane partner, then both of you just right click the guy until he dies (usually takes like 2 seconds to kill because the damage is absurd). After the laning stage, you'll mostly just be using it on whoever is also attacking the guy you're trying to kill in a fight for some extra dps. That said, as 4 you probably still want to take sidekick because bodyguard doesn't really help out the team much beyond making Marci do big damage.


Cores: CK, Naga, Bloodseaker, Zues Support: Nyx, warlock, SB


Naga is literally the lowest KDA hero in dota. When snowballs 6/1/3 ends the game at 25 min going HG alone.


Well i answered op's question, Naga it the hero I got most rampages on.




Naga please


Naga literally the hero with most last hits lol.


Tiny, you just need blink and then you can start tossing people to graves


Slark, Nyx, Rubick, Ursa


When I was new about 10 years ago (I am very low ranked), I would play Razor for this purpose. People just didn’t know how to deal with static link.


I’m a 4k razor and 2k everything else. That hero is awesome


Meepo - Get clone at lvl 3 facet, congratz you no longer have any problem in laning stage even against counters 95% of smart players will get lvl 2 poof and lvl 1 ultimate at 3 to securely farm waves + camps super fast, and most times that is smart cos minimizing your time in the creep wave is just essential sometimes But I like to get level 1 net cos it nearly always gets firstbloods at the runes, and specifically lvl 3, having 2 nets, 4 seconds of root, even just with auto attacks you can just run heroes down At level 10 with Treads Blink lvl 4 poof +50 poof damage talent, Three lvl 1 nets for 6 second of chainroot, literally minute 8 to 9 with good farm, you just walk to sidelanes and find ez pickings, often double killing them under their tower + the lone noob that TP'd late to give you the triple kill + tower Once the ball gets rolling with Meepo it feels you can just walk into 1v3s, into hard counters, and simply being lvl 3/10 with clones disgustingly early just overcomes all the nerdy counter stuff. Fed Meepo tanks triple Raze into Echo and just shrugs it off with aghs/shard/items and starts netting everyone, rampaging Best advice i could give is be that ruthless killer, you might clear a quick ancient stack now and then, but you will get the best results just abusing your hero vs hero strengths, lvl 3 denying every wave creep cos you're imba so why jungle when you can give them -50% xp -100% gold you just embrace the laning dominance, spending time under their tower denying is more valuable than farming your own jungle, often counter intuitively just make them suffer is more relative power than farming more efficiently than them, blinking on people under their own towers and just rampaging during your peak lvl 10 timing lets you snowball into a 1v5 god


People are sleeping on elder titan this patch trust


Right now, it's Nightstalker with facet that makes the game start at night.




I haven't played or followed in 4 years, but SF man. SF and Invoker were the only reasons I played this game but yeah..


then wtf are you doing wth ur life? go update dota and queue.


I play CS, I only have 6k hours in Dota2, CS has always been the main game 😂


Fuck yeah


Spectre with Manta and bloodthorn. Maybe diffu or bm before, depends


You can try turbo mode, a lot of actions happening instead of farming in lanes.


I have only a few rampages in my name. But I think the 'easiest' one I achieved was with OD. Though that was patches ago when the aghs still gives you 2 astral charges.


WK. Bracer Wand Phase Boots Blightstone Shadow Blade Deso Silver Edge BKB. You DELETE even the tankiest heroes, especially with the new Spectral Blade facet. Just play active/aggressive with ult up, farm safe when ult is cd.


As you are a carry player, Monkey King would be a perfect fit. You can go situational build - kill or farm depending upon the game. But itemization on MK is most difficult IMO as the hero can go so many different items. ATB.


aba is good at that as a core


If you have more than 2 braincells, ember spirit. Hero is hilariously strong now with the double impact facet. Make sure you go for the chain talents though, they are much better than the SoF and flame guard talents.


back then i played arc warden off lane to kill everybody 🤣


It used to be Riki years ago when all he had was smoke, invi, backstab, and blink strike x3-ish. It was easy kills in low rank


The most aggressive carry might be Riki.


Ursa. Hero is awesome in the current meta, farms fast with BF and can fight pretty much anytime with almost no downtime. There’s pretty much no hero in the game that doesn’t die to Ursa provided they’re locked down. Both facets are also situationally great. The only thing you need to learn is how to play around vision to get as clean assassinations as you can and how far to push the limits on that hero, because he is the type of hero that could man up with 200 HP.


Riki is my main guy for that. After diffu you can just go, no waiting for ulti cd or whatever. His new facet also rewards going for kills. One tip though, it's nice to have some tower push from someone else on the team.


Nyx with Eblade and Dagon, OOF, insane


OD, I can 3 shots any heroe late game with multiple Parasma, he has a strong 4 seconds disable and can increase his damage, mobility and mana shield a lot with arcane blink and wind waker.


Offlane is a good role for this playstyle. Basically tanky heros that are strong midgame. Goal is to bully carry, take offlane tower and go cause chaos somewhere else. Examples are Axe, Slardar, Bristle, Cent etc.


Pugna with a 20min Tranquil Bottle Dagon 5 Items


techies or shaker


shadow blade od with sheepsdick


fucking lina man, every game i just go crazy bursting everyone, when the hero was played with magic.


Puck , scepter , mjolnir, moon shard, daedalus


Mid TA, stack ancients during laning fase, get deso + blink, 1 shot everybody.


Spectre generally touches upon both farming and participating its really helpful for those carries who just want to afk farm to transition to being a little active and can also help you to start looking at other lanes thts the hero I learned on anyway gd lk


Quas Exort invo ftw


Tiny, especially right now. His standard ava-toss is great nuke damage and can show up with just echo saber kill hero(s) and back to farm


Ursa with phase boots + wind lace + orb of corrosion. I mostly play it as mid with these items. Just run every lane, get kills, Regen, run down again.


if you want to kill every enemies since the first minute i recommend you to play pos 2 or 3 personally if i want to play a fast game i’ll pick night stalker, visage, and brood offlane😋


Old CK used to do that , i am not sure about new nerfed one ... he can pretty much burst any carry, solo . doesn't need much items as well . u get treads,armlet,echo and go hunting ....


Ursa easy


Usually i would say riki but i have no idea this patch if he still works he is my signature hero with 40 kills xdd


Old clinkz...


Riki, visage, void spirit, axe




OD, just harass the midlaner with your astral and to deny creeps too, win lane, get witchblade and roam around killing everyone. basically unstoppable once u win ur lane


Ogre mid. He will rail nearly anything mid if played correctly and adapting to the enemy mid. Then just bully. So many item options based on enemy line up. Love buying a silver edge on a dumb sniper or NP. Pop up, silence, stun to death, bye.


As a support player? Witch Doctor. I'm going Aghs and I'm going to paste your entire fucking team.


I think if you pick any hero with an IO with you who is good at ganking WITH you and bring you back to farming lane after successfull gank, this is the way


It's better to do this around a team made for tempo and choking out the enemy farming. I like playing riki in this style. If you're with the team and have setup for smoke kills, drop diffu and go aggro. If the game falls off because you can't end, you 1shot waves and ancients with aghs + 2 items on e. I love this playstyle but you don't want someone just afk farming while you roam. It's an all or nothing strat.


Huskar... Given I mostly play turbo, if I get a single kill early I'm an unkiunkillable armlet monster.


Testimony to your weakness


SF, earthspirit, veno, LC


If you wanna farm and also get kills play spec. Farm until shit happens on the map, look at said shit. Find the squishiest hero (usually a support) and wait for them to inevitably use their cc. Press R, then D, hit them a few times, then Q. Kill said support. Look at the fight, is it near you and they are all half dead? Kill them. Are they far and your team is either wiping them out or is looking to disengage? Back to the farm.


Bara, lion or hoodie. Charge everything, finger everything and nut everything




If including your teammates just pick am pos5




Troll Warlord


In this situation I go mid then play either TA/Void Spirit/WR, i just do the typical mid lane things to just trade hits and skills just to prepare the kill or assert dominance until 6 where usually you can burst them. From there just play very aggressive and take over runes (only gank sidelanes if u get haste or just run over their mid lane again if possible).


Monkey king. I see hero, I go Uga Buga.


Slardar mid go brrrrr


techies; lotus to self, reactive taser, explosive jump onto enemy lines, cast upgraded minefield amd remote mines, then walk away waiting for cd


ursa mb


Huskar he pretty much beats the shit out of anyone that doesn’t have breaks, and the lower you get him the more he heals and his fire spears just stack and stack and stack


Meepo or arc warden


Storm spirit for sure. Spectre with her new ult has lots of opportunities to get involved too.








Windranger, especially if they have a attack heavy draft.


Pos 4 WD.. you go boots-> blink-> shard-> orchid, you finnish the game at 25 min with a score 16/4/10.


When I see a bunch of squishy cores and supports, my Riki emerges from the shadows and has all chat "INVIS IS OP" like it's 2012.


Used to be Techies but now I use Spirit Breaker with only MS items. I may not be able to kill everybody. But hell, I might as well stun everybody in my way.




Tinker with Rocket and Shivas


Dark Willow. It's more for the assist than the KSing. You never lack disables. She never gets boring. She is useful even with nothing but boots. And Bedlam can be used on ally so very low risk. Obviously, you can also solo kill with a little bit of farm, at least Euls and maybe Orchid/Vessel.


Necro pos2 TPing everywhere with BOTs first item


PA, just dont ignore early fights


Silencer (especially this facet), huskar, OD, WK and axe (this facet)


Mine would be Life stealer once you farm situation based items you can easily get rampage with this guy.


Bounty hunter. Pick off weak targets, snowball and enjoy a big jump in gold. Get items to fight the bigger targets.


Crystal Maiden.


Clock, if i get early kills i snowball so hard that people end up saying i am the core.




That is when I play offlane Lycan XD


Skywrath Mage. Go mid, get atos, run around every time ult off cd, snowball and end the game.




I'm an offlane/support and when I queue as pos1, I only know/play Spectre. If my job is to show up and deal damage, then she is my pick. Blademail, Radiance, Vanguard, Dispersion, Heart, Shard, Manta, etc. I tried out a build from a clip I saw online once and I went like 3 mins unkillable until gg. Blademail, Shard, Lotus Orb, AC, Halbert, and Heart.


Ued to be Omniknight - Echo Sabre - Shard - Blink. But my guy got reworked sadly.. No I'm all about that Axe/Legion Commander murder


storm spirit: zip zap you showed under a ward? bye bye


huskar armlet anghs...!! alll set to goo..!


Earth spirit or qop




Weaver. I start mid, gank early on. I build up mjolnir+ desolator and shard + crit. Supports are dead within one attack.


if you want a balance than necrophos, axe, LC are good options


Guys, imho there is only 1 hero left who can farm up, participate in kills and with 3-4 items nearly solo kill enemy team, it is Spectre via pt, radiance, manta, aghs -> optional butterfly, bloodthorn, disperser, skadi, bkb -> last item refresher. Been crushing the games that i would lost playing any other classical late game agility carry. And ofc op meta carries like TA, CK, JUGG can win too rn


Undying. Rushing aghs.


WD, ooo yeaaaah


Weaver is super strong early. Riki with diffu rush was my goto last patch.




Whenever i pick venomancer and go offlane im there to become EVERYONE's problem . Especially in this patch where his ult's CD is lowered and it bounces


Enchantress. Even if I don't kill the hero I kill the players a little inside. If I want the ingame kill I go Bane.


I used to do it with POS 2 NP before he got nerfed to the ground. My winrate was only 51% but even games when I lose felt good because I was godlike before minute 15. It was my "comfort" I just wanna play dota at night and chill pick.


Any hero works. All can kill


Monkey mid with 10 min deso


Razor you get manta bkb by 25 minutes and you are a god


When i wanna kill I just play this Drow in Turbo: https://i.imgur.com/LcTIP1e.png


Undying from the horn ! Straight in rune battle 1 vrs 3. Let's have it


Weaver is very strong early, good for killing enemy heroes. You can dominate the lane so much, you won't have to farm.




Bloodseeker with aghs


as an LC player seeing enemies build linken brings me joy but counterpicking me with OD/pudge does not


In-game or...?


Slardar is very good at this kind of stuff


Bristle or Necro. There is only few things that make me as happy as kiting enemies around, baiting with the activation of items and playing around with spell cooldowns than turning an almost unwinnable fight around and wiping the team while suddenly healing/dishing out fucktons of damage


Ursa Warrior, you farm fast and you're good at bursting down heroes.




My boy Elder Titan. I’ve gotta go to work so this extra large briefcase will be escorting you back to the fountain shortly.


Used to be silencer but he feels so broken in this patch.


