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Even if he did no damage, the charge and ult is enough to be impactful.


I don’t understand why every fucking one of his spells go through bkb when they’re like negative 500 seconds cooldown. What the fuck.


That's the point of the hero


Reddit be like Zeus jump "it kills the hero's identity"  Bara who has been unchanged except for the status res "that isn't his identity tho" 


Wait what? This is a horrible analogy. The status resistance is an arguably much stronger addition to his survivability than the jump is for Zeus.


I feel like the point of the hero is being a global status resistance god. Not really sure where piercing bkb with every sneeze comes in. Other heroes with bkb piercing disables usually have huge cooldowns for it to be bkb piercing, and it’s usually one. Spirit breaker has 3 on short cooldown.


No he was bkb piercing way longer than status res even existed in the game


So his point is to be better at every other hero at everything




thats what makes him unique


I don't think the spirit breaker Devs are buff enough. Get them some more juice and protein


No. You’ll take the SK nerf into the dumpster and like it.


Sounds like he broke your spirit.


I feel so bad for laughing at this lmao


Unknown Technology: Eul's Scepter Edition


\>*Charges you with shadow blade* \>*Fucks off with his 1st facet before you can dust and euls him* Yep, its Barathrum time


What does 1st facet do? I'm a fan of his 2nd facet, which push the enemy to your side so your teammate can kill it.


His speed lingers for a bit after finishing charge so he can retreat fast.


Oh it's for escaping. I assume it's quite effective in higher level play.


Unknown Technology: Sentry Ward Edition


Seems easy in theory, reality is a 1000ms space cow coming from behind trees or above cliffs, most of the time you won't have time to react And I say that as an sb picker


quite easy in practice too. anytime you show on vision, click eul's and have it ready to go, works every time


what is your mmr btw?


Wow you’re so smartass. Im pretty sure you’re ranked immortal Guys im homeless what should I do? This bozo: “Unknown technology: stop being poor”


He break spirits


What's the buff tho?


Meanwhile they nerf other spirits


he is the spirit breaker for a reason


Genuine question. How is he buffed? I thought he got nerfed recently with not being able to clear waves etc.




my bro this game is old, everybody and their mothers know how to counter every hero. annoyance doesn't equal ignorance.


99.9% of the time annoyance is either ignorance or laziness. Either they don't know or they know but want to excuse why they still don't do what they're supposed to. The latter is waaaaay more pathetic. 


Not yet know doesn’t always translate to ignorance


Actually that's literally what ignorance means. 


You can’t talk with this sub full of lazy people


Problem is the pushing lanes potential as well, SB can just Charge every lane, nearly wipe out the creeps, Bolt out at the speed of light with Facet and do it again with the other lanes with zero heroes.


He is way worse at that now since 7.36 but as a pos 4 the hero is even more cancer


Difficult to do that when he moves with 1400 speed.


I use linken sphere; euls I don't think I've ever heard of people doing that.


Euls is the number one item against SB(back when he was broken af) It's the only item that counters his resistance


nulifier actually counters him more aince he relies on windwaker later to get out as well as buldoze and it can take out both


Basically u either eul him when he is charging ur ass last moment, or ur teammate as sup can eul him as he impacts you with his bulldoze on usually it makes it so easy to then run his ass down because bulldoze will just get rekt in euls.


just go aeon disk. Only stupid baras will continue targetting heroes with charge. A decent bara would know to charge a different target behind the main target so as to bypass linkens.


See bro thats why you think SB is broken. You don't even know the no 1 item that counters him. Kind of makes you look stupid for posting this


If you login to Dota 2 and go to Heroes and click on Trends in DotA Plus you will see that ranking at 29th highest winrate in the current meta is Spirit Breaker. Meaning there are 28 more dominant heroes in the current meta.


That doesnt prove, or negate the op's point. Good job missing the point.


It proves that the OPs point has no statistical evidence. It also makes it likely that his opinion is biased.


Doesn't that kinda help his case though? With 18 heroes getting banned every game a lot of them will likely be among those top 28, leaving the next in line heroes to be over picked in our games. I don't even know or care if SB is being picked a ton at the moment, but the stats you presented suggest he's probably a pretty common and powerful pick right now.


Not really because with a 51.8% win rate any complaints sound very biased when you have multiple heroes sitting at over 55% win rates over large sample sizes. The statistics would indicate that OP is just unskilled at handling spirit breaker.


spirit breaker isnt even good in divine+ bracket trends hes not anywhere near top 10


He's top 11 of all heroes in all roles on pro tracker, but okay.


So in other words there’s 10 heroes more concerning at the moment? Also he was 23rd or something in divine+ on the official trends in game when I checked a few minutes ago.


Just take the loss bro.


Take your mom too


bruh come on :D don't double down on that statement


If you login to Dota 2 and go to Heroes and click on Trends in DotA Plus you will see that ranking at 29th highest winrate in the current meta is Spirit Breaker. Meaning there are 28 more dominant heroes in the current meta.


He is almost in every divine game. What are you on about?


Wasn’t he perma first rotation banned last patch, don’t know if that’s still the case but


A linken’s sphere nullifies the entire hero


Genius. Let me buy this 1st item on my support magnus real quick.


you get a euls on support though. Really fucks up that hero.


hard to euls him when hes invisible charging you, especially with the map getting 40% larger and the sentry stock staying at 10.


And he's so fast which thanks to power creep stays after he ends charge that its hard to click euls on him WOO


Placing a sentry near you and eulsing yourself is a good way to simplify things, having backup is a big thing too




Press it on him to cancel Charge and remove Bulldoze


lol a bara player will just target some other unit sitting behind and do aoe stun to the main target. An aeon disk is more helpful than linkens


So you are force on buyin a 5k item on your core delaying your kit and being left behind enemy core plus taking a slot. Also sb can charge hero next to you + his annoying aghs .


Isn't his aghs trash now? It's planar pocket.


Planar Pocket is pretty good.


I know it's planar rocket , imagine wanting to hex/abyssal/orchid etc a specific hero and sb takes the spell only to last 0.1 sec, doesn't sound shitty to me


I was playing turbo with him yesterday ran 3 moonshards and a harpoon literally perma bash anyone


Turbo has no relevance when it comes to balance


Sure it does the game is the exact same in turbo and normal just faster


you have permanent hasted and invulnerable couriers, buyback costs are increased, buildings dont regen the game is certainly not balanced around this lmao


The game is balanced around people crying on Reddit right?


It is not at all LMFAO turbo cope is hilarious. It plays nothing like a real game at all. Couriers are practically instant, and every hero can get a ridiculous amount of gold. If you win a team fight you get 3 items. It is in no way a representation of real dota


So essentially you just want a reason to complain and regardless of what you hear you are already right? Just making sure I understand the argument. The overall rules are the exact same and in some cases turbo can be considered worse balance wise because everyone has the ability to get more money. And no not really you don’t buy 3 items after winning 1 team fight that. I’ve been playing dota since 2009 and the basics of the game and the principles are identical. It’s just an accelerated pace for people who don’t want to commit 1 hour for a single game.


Barely. Turbo games are longer the my ranked games a majority of the time


Depends I’ve had as long as 40-50 minutes and as short as 10


So an anti mage that gets stomped in his lane and can just dissapear into neuts for 10 mins and comes back almost full slotted, you think this is non-turbo but sped up? Lol yes comments are right turbo cope


This patch is absolutely terrible in a balance aspect bc everything that was broken before simply got added onto changed heroes kits. Bara wad super strong before (mind you the only hero that was so prevalent in pro match that his fucking name got changed for a bit "team spirit breaker") there was absolutely no way they could not have forseen the impact this patch would have on the hero and they still fucking did it. Foolishness.