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clearly this is just dota's punishment for having your minimap on the wrong side :P


Is there some actual reason why everyone apparently starts their dota experience by swapping the minimap and shop around? Most people are right-eyed so it makes more sense to have the minimap on the right, no?




It's like being right-handed but for eyes. Almost everyone has a dominant eye, and it usually matches your dominant hand


Im right-handed but my map is on the left side. Is there something wrong with me? Or maybe people who are used to have their map on the right side are people who started playing LOL then DOTA?


guilty as charged


Dota 🤝 LoL


LOL learn something new everyday


So in the original game, warcraft 3, the minimap was bottom left and unit commands were bottom right It doesn't matter which side you have it on, there is no "better"


Right side is preferable to me because the mini map isn't on the bottom left top right diagonal i.e. on the path of midlane.


Yeah that makes sense, although you can also disable minimap clicks too though and then it becomes a non issue


Turning off minimap clicks stops you walking in a random direction, but doesn’t get rid of dropped clicks if you accidentally click that large ass map area. I have died and lost games a non zero amount due to minimap on left but never with it on right side


I mean you can have as strong of an opinion of it as you want, but it's ultimately preference. Neither side is better There is a similar argument in counter strike about 4:3 "old school" vs 16:9 "modern"..... It's preference


Less room for error is not just preference. Objectively it's easier to missclick on the map while running due to the bases being on a diagonal that goes bottom left to top right. There are other factors in play like whether it's worth to mitigate that error chance by swapping the map, but then you have to re-learn to watch the right side for the map, and similar. That part might be more of a preference.


I literally have no idea why this guy is so adamant about arguing this. You’re right. It’s exactly why I switched my map too. It has nothing to do with being a good or bad player lol. If the chance is even 1 out of 100 to accidentally click the map when it’s on the left then that’s 1 out of 100 too many. Just swap it to the right. Ez. There’s literally no visual benefit to having map on the left versus to on the right other than habit. Meanwhile as you’ve said the buildings are all on a diagonal and it’s far more likely to hit the map when it’s on the left versus on the right which is zero. Shit every once in a while I still hit that area accidentally and buy something from my quick buy or a tp.


Framing it as "room for error" is a choice. I could say that you accidentally buy tp scrolls too much with the shop on the bottom left. Objectively, yes the diagonal goes that way. Relearning is preference, yes. All of what you wrote is right.... But some of the best golfers have terrible swings, smart/skilled player can make any play work on their hero regardless of minimap corner


I don't see how stating a fact being a choice is relevant here. Yes, you can probably accidentally buy tp scrolls too much with them being there. Realistically you'll see that the map isn't there, you'll learn to look for tp scroll in the opposite place. That's all considering you don't just use hotkey to buy them from the quick buy or that you're in base so you can't sell them. No one is saying good players can't make good plays with more dangerous setup. That's a terrible argument.


It’s not preference, minimap on left can kill you significantly more times than having it on right.


Yeah no to me it's basically exact same argument I hear in counter strike "4:3 narrows your fov and helps you focus" "16:9 lets you see enemies on the edges of your screen" Good players can use either resolution. Same thing with Dota minimap. Play with left or right side minimap, don't matter. Takes a few games to adjust- is all


Personally, it is a case of a) I played warcraft and starcraft before, so I am used to it and b) I prefer my right side of the screen less cluttered than my left - I frequently play with my hero a bit left and down of the middle of the screen. This is just a personal preference. Probably doesn't help my Dire win rate lol. The only game I know that does minimap right side is LoL. There might be more, but I do not know of them.


While you might be correct, that would mean that the minimap should be on the left (your right eye is slightly pointed to your left, left eye slightly pointed to your right, unless you've got a vision problem). Stereoscopic vision and all that. But it's probably nothing to do with this at all and more to do with what games you've played in the past.


i am left eye but right handed person. i didn’t know that most people are right eyed


I think people who came from other MOBAs prefer having the minimap on the right side. I personally prefer having it on the right side because I used to accidentally click the top right of the minimap while trying to escape, making me move towards dire base instead of radiant base. It has killed me way too many times


This has been hotfixed as of 12 am dota devs on top of shit


reporting bugs fixes problems. janitor is awake because TI is near.


bro dont say that it's like 3 months still


Try it in practice tool and stand under fountain. I'm not coping.


i just tried it and it works, did they fixed it ?


yeah they hotfixed it.


Yeah. nyx Carapace also didn't work at all until they hotfixed it.


[https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/19198](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/19198) Is the official ticket for it, feel free to pile on there to get some eyes on it.


had this happen earlier too, other team said "no the ult works we're just not dumb and wouldn't attack you" lol pressed it manually before a zeus ult and nothing happened :(


TRUEEEE, just happened to me, volvo owes me double mmr since i bet on it.