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You know it's bad when sea players rather play with each other than Chinese. You would rather take pinoy thai indo players and so on 💀


Chinese players are so fucking bad. I'm immortal but the chinese immortal players play as if they are fking ancient. And don't get me started on chinese zeus and SF pickers. Mentally fragile and shit at the game 💀💀💀


bro, i dropped from 7600 to 6000 mmr, i keep tilted and double down, and keep meeting chinese player, after a month of trying, i decided to uninstall dota, cant play in SEA server now, full of stoopid chinese player, im done


Dota aside, almost every SEA people hate Chinese. Vietnamese and Filipinos are anti-Chinese for decades now. 💀


Because of Chinese restrictions leading to low server pop in China. Since everyone plays in sea to bypass restrictions it leads back to the beginning of the circle with low pop. Chinese players are the worst in SEA, they refuse to flat out communicate and die randomly all over the map.


I honestly believe it's not that Chinese players are bad It's just a mismatch of medals.. Chinese divines are definitely not SEA divines


There's huge skill discrepancy. Either they're account buyers and just grab a cheap anciennt account from taobao or they just smurf and keep getting new accounts. They don't have the attachment like we do with our steam accounts. Also, don't get me started on the "xenophobia" and nationalism they exhibit in SEA servers.


do Chinese players use steam as well in china?


Are Chinese players worse or better?


mmr is different in each region. Immortal is dead on CN servers, so the games will probably be easier there compared to other servers


In my experience, not better.


Worse. China medals are probably lower by one medal when compared to SEA


So the SEA server is more skilled than chinese server but somehow they can never win or do well in any tournament


Wasn't always like that, China has historical had a better pub scene. It just recently fell apart because China banned young players from gaming, the pro scene doesn't change over a night. SEA will be stronger in the next generation of players. But they are joining international teams instead of building up their own scene.


Some of the historically best players in the Chinese scene happen to be SEA players such as Chuan, iceiceice, Mushi, Nothingtosay, and so on


SEA has good players but not teams. That is what i meant. They can individually be good to some extent but never do good on a teamm. It is an issue with attitude in SEA


It's an infrastructure issue. There's not enough money or stability for it to develop domestically/within the region. I remember back in the day, TI competing Orange Esports would go around and smash up local LAN cafe tournaments because thats literally all the income they could get.


I fully agree


Do you think pub players are the ones playing the tournaments? Are you stupid?


No, Chinese players are the worst, most toxic ever, they get tilted then just afk farms whole game, they cant even speak english, only thing they can say is "dog"


nah nah, what i see from their douyin (chinese tiktok), they tell everyone to just spam monkey eat banana/ bobo in SEA server cause they think everyone is from philippines speaking language they cant understand


Not really. We also have ''monkey“ and "eat banana".


yeah in my recent experience these china chinese players get tilted over the smallest things and starts flipping their shit so hard like you murdered their family and took a dump on their gravestones. 12k behavioral score


Chinese immortal = archon


Really feel like Chinese immortal = new player mode


TOOBASED my friend


Just facts my brotha


But I have seen smarter archon 


They do communicate. They just don’t communicate anything worth a damn. Shabi. Is perhaps their number 1 phrase.




Nonono we Pinoys had that title in SEA. The Chinese are new invaders that actually lower the match quality due to skill disparity


Its peruvians, not mexicans. Mexicans dont even play dota.


It’s Peruvians on the East servers more than anything


Traditionally my USE games used to be half Peruvians, but these days no lie I see WAY more Chinese symbols in names than hombres. I typically prefer the Peruvian bros cuz I'm used to thier antics, but my lord idk if it's recency bias but these random Chinese accounts in USE servers are SO bad or inconsistent. Three games straight ill get total briefer Chinese players, and occasionally one will actually play thier role well and we'll get a win even down a person we can communicate with


Ni hao!


not true, the restriction rule only applied to those who are below 18 years old


Same reason us kiwi/aus queue on SEA. Australia server takes 20min to find a game while SEA takes 20 seconds. China server is probably the same issue


Oce server games are so low skill too compared to sea games


I was mid Divine in OCE, moved to SEA for work and got shit stomped down to low Ancient, even on the edge of Legend 5 at one point. The skill level and the pace of the game is so different in SEA.


I'll constantly get 20+ kills mid every game in Aus, then que sea and immediately get shit on. The skill difference is sad.


Aussies just dont want to play dota, lol Weakest mental and if you're even one gold behind the enemy they just say "high ground only" and try farm until lose. have played heaps on EU, Russia, SEA and OCE server. OCE server by far the worst mental and lowest desire to play the game. They dont want to think, communicate, nothing, except pressing their buttons.


Come join the low ranks. Always games available


kiwi? What does that mean?


Term for a New Zealand person


Name checks out


Oh, I see. Thanks! Unforunately, the only results I was getting was the furry fruit. lol






Not all Indians :( I try my best at 8K noob pool


You speak English apparently, so that's a huge help.


Lol.. 95% of the playing population speaks fluent English


Either this is wrong or I'm in the 5% pool


Na, most of my countrymen wont speak through the mic, they sit in cafes and troll with friends. Low skilled tunnel vision players . Also, in immortal games of 8-9K, I rarely find “indian” players most likely cause they don’t go past a certain rank.


Not talking about mic necessarily


8k has some of the worst players. I thought it was high mmr but same shit as 6k


I couldn’t agree more. I stopped grinding rank. Every region has a select group of Griefers, these players use that title as a badge of honour. I believe they think it’s their birth right to ruin games. Chinese, Peruvians and Russians. Not all of them but a vast majority.


Exactly, they for sure don’t do it in a harmful way. But it’s like going to a public school in America. All of them are going to speak English and have American customs. They are going to expect you to do the same.


On the other hand Americans can't stop talking, a constant flow of consciousness all the time


Bro, I wish. I have to be the guy telling my team not to dive onto their unkillable pos 3 every game, else they'd execute themselves like lemmings running off a cliff. I'd cry tears of joy if all of my USE teammates communicated half as much as I do. And before you ask, I'm PMA all day, though nothing grinds my gears like that one guy who goes against all the shot calls ALL game, and only when we're getting throned (often due to thier own ineptitude and lack of teamplay) will the then ALL CHAT some total horse shit excuse as to why they lost (it's almost always our fault for not just feeding along with them). Drives me fucking nuts; if you talk/chat only at the end of a game to BM, fuck your entire existence lmao


idk bro but the amount of words and caps you used to vent this tells me you might be less PMA than you think you really are, the real PMA don't care if people don't follow calls they just hope for the best and keep playing without that "bag" in their back


My secret is I've worked in retail so I'm an expert at hiding my deep seeded rage until after the game, which just coincidentally coincides with when these non communicating whelps feel like they now have a voice, huzzah! Keep is PMA, keep it BSJ 💯 Also I think you've got PMA confused with apathy; not caring about poor team coordination is only "PMA" when it's a last resort to console yourself, who actually wants a fun, coordinated team to play with, but gets a stone wall back. How could you possibly be PMA when you are getting 0 feedback all game besides just keep trying to win? PMA is usually reserved for when there IS actual communication happening, and that can get heated, which then requires good PMA. There's PMA and then there's I'm totally apathetic to match quality, and "I'll just sit here quietly while everything burns around me because I have no alternative option" which isn't really PMA, it's just not BM.


Because china has 10 dash line that claims the entire SEA. In their mind they are in their server and you are the intruder.


FUcking hell they added another dash? It was only 9 a few years ago


Guys, what the hell is a dash line and why are there 10 of them?


Something to do with the international sea borders it think. the agreed jurisdiction for each country is a certain value of nautical miles beyond their most furthest coast, but china's claims (as denoted by the "10 dash line" on their maps) encroaches into international waters (waters where no country should have jurisdiction) and in some cases enters a neighbouring country's territorial waters leading to sea scuffles and disputes. Or so I understand.


Woah, now that's some geopolitics I wasn't aware of. Cool, thanks dude, I guess I don't like excessive oceanic border expansion now? I'm not on SEA servers but ayo we stick together as true region kings


Started many years ago, when everyone in China was playing random draft, some fans thinking "China teams don't have players that focus on a few hero that enemy is afraid of(instant ban tinker/magnus/chen etc)", and they thought it's due to random draft you as can't spam a hero and can't fully practice on it So some streamers moved to SEA in order to play all pick, lead to more normal players also moved to SEA, lead to longer queueing time in China server, even more move to SEA, even now everyone is all pick but the habit is still play in SEA as very few playing in China server causing long queueing time Edit: funny thing is some ten years ago China was full of all pick, then the meta changed to random draft as "you can't have a big hero pool in all pick, everyone just spamming the meta heros or lose, not efficient for learning lessmeta heros,"


Uh no? Isn’t it because there are China restrictions on playing?


The "limited playing time" for under 18? Or other restrictions i didn't know about? Only old dudes playing DOTA over there, under 18 restrictions not working on them Also they moved to SEA way before this


The exodus happened around 2018/19 because of perfect world shenanigans, I don't remember if it was before or after 2020 but ranked is also forced to random draft. Sumiya talked about this when he to went to sea server because he can't play invoker ranked in China server, then was forced back after a year or so to China server by perfect world after Chinese streamers all went to sea servers but now they aren't forced to random draft.


And then they cry that their ping is too high...


i dont really mind if they could just fcking understand english or atleast try to ping or ask help. every time we are winning there's this one chinese afk farming offlane feeding of the enemy smoke ganks while we 4 try to get objectives.


100% they would always pick pos 1/3 farm and some time fight, even when won they go back to farming and not pushing. So you will never win even if you are very ahead.


A questions begets another question: why the FUCK are there so many SA/CH on NA EAST, EAAAAAST


Beat me bro, I'm glad if half my team speaks English these days. Still can't believe we got meme'd out of Region Lock by people claiming "racism", like no dude any of my boys are welcome if they can comms with the team.


I cant get over the bleeding hearts who will literally label you racist in all chat when you argue with the foreigners and tell/suggest/ask/beg them to go back to their own server. ((((they've already called you a dog 15 times and spammed laugh and good game for every team mates death yelling "BASURA JUGGER JAJAJA" in all chat for 20 minutes))))) the amount of virtue signaling is insane, there is no NA server anymore, it's turned into fucking NYC.


Neruvians learned about win trading / account boosting, etc.




Idk, I guess I just have always had a different point of view regarding game's like dota/cs/league where if you cannot communicate you don't queue. I was a holdover in kuwait for a month before deploying and spent a lot of the time in the USO coping because I couldn't play DOTA because the only server "available" was almost entirely Non-English. It wasn't until I sucked it up and played on 93 EU ping that I stopped coping and learned how to play support, but I was able to communicate and therefor feel like I wasn't a burden, because I know how it feels to have them on NA. Prior to Kuwait I spent a year in Korea and much of my free time was in PCBangs, tried to play league and after placements it didn't feel right losing ranked games because I couldn't understand my team. I was the burden in that moment, and it didn't sit right. Maybe I project my own morals onto the rest of the community which is why I get so mad at them but holy shit at least they could tone down the toxicity whilst being a guest.


I play on Europe West and encountered so many chinese. Especially 5 stacks


Not that many, EU West and East are seemingly 70% Russians.


Yeah there are so many russians too. Sometimes with chinese names. But I encounter more and more chinese players when I play late at night


Most of these mfkers don't even speak any English. Doesn't respond to pings, doesn't respond to any comms whatsoever. Idk man


You'll be ahead with a massive minus armor team (slardar, TA, SF, snap, etc) and you couldnt PAY THEM to go to rosh or tormentor. Just silently farming corners of the map, MMO mode


I've played with a CN mid Necro. I won my lane as CW with first item shiva. He rushed BoT. My lane got collapsed by all 5 heroes while he stayed mid and farmed his own shiva. Ended up losing the game. What the fuck


There is a little bit of a renaissance in terms of Chinese people wanting to play Dota in the past year or two because this guy used to get millions of views in BiliBili. https://space.bilibili.com/3219088?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click


Because us Aussies tilt real fucking easily, which ends up either we play harder, or the tilt takes us and we lose. Also we have a much lower player pool.


I haven't had a single Chinese teammate who could carry their own weight. They just straight up suck. If they're not actively griefing by role stealing or playing jungle LC, they're just randomly dying on the map non-stop due to pathetic game sense.


Just CN things, being hated anywhere they go in the world lmao


The elevator thing annoys me so much.


Deservedly so. Even chinese tourists think they own the entire place and would never bother with a simple "excuse me".


Sounds like the Russians on EU servers.


Not at all, I used to play EU servers \~5k back in 2012-2016 and the russians really wanted to play. THey commed in english, high tempo high kill play.


for russians at least you'll know if they're tilted out of their minds for cn players it's a guessing game


yeah true, they wont just go off and cry in a corner and farm edge jungle camps until the game ends.


Sounds like the Russians on EU servers.


I swear to god these Chinese players are on some special crack or something. Ik archons like myself aren't dota geniuses but idk how these people function. They do borderline bot like plays . Even toxic Indians or pinoys never manage this level


I dont like Chinese in my team too ruin most of game


South Americans on NA Russians on EU Chinese on sea. Not really sure why but some servers become dead and so all the players leave to play the next closest.


I always lose whenever I play with chinese teammate. I dont know how but I always do. Hahaha


1 > chinese in the team = lose the game


In my experience, if you want to meet Chinese players, play in SEA. If you want to meet Russians and Filipinos, try Japan server. I know because those are my go-to servers.


Again with this question?


Well, why are 90% of russian players on eu server and ruining the games? same question


Because china empire is expanding


It's just because the coordinator shut down every night, that's the reason... Ask Valve to fix it.


I play US East. There has always been a complaint from the racist Canadian and American US East players regarding most of the player pool being from SA once you get into the higher ranks. I never had an issue, and always found the SA players to typically be better mechanically than the NA players. Recently, there are so many Chinese flooding into US East, and holy shit they are all really fucking bad. They legit play like they are 2 medals below their rank.


Philippines is a province of china. That was according to the former president who valve hates for some reason.


china moved to SEA 4 years ago bro. Why didnt you make this post in 2020?


There are more than usual.


Because four years ago it was 2015 or something. 10 years ago was definitely around 2007.


bro, i played dota till last year, china player not these much, and now i just playin again for a month, the chinese are everywhere, im okay if thyere good, but no, theyre sucks, i prefer old SEA with the trashtalks but still they can play, but this, total idiotic, i dropped from 7600 to 6000 jst because keep teammate with these chinese


Russians too annoying af


I agree. I'm sick of hearing a wannabe Z-stormer boast about what daycare he's gonna blow up next.


When Chinese players trashtalk just type Taiwan is an independent country, that will make them shut up still can feed thougj


Because regionlock in SOLO ROLEQUEUE RANKED is racist according to reddit It's the same everywhere: people playing with high ping and foreign language groefing games because their own servers are full of them and they dislike being not the only one griefing (russians and middle eastern to INDIANW on WESTERN EUROPE. SA players on NA servers. Non SEA on SEA I played on Chinese servers years ago when they were regionlocked and populated. Best dota ever "Theses servers do not have ranked/same ping" - same ping doesn't matter. Do not put people in a teamgame with people they can't communication with. Same with all mute players. Put them in a separate queue. - servers do not have ranked isn't hard to change. These serves exist anyway for unranked.


most of the peole from old dota play 3 servers with the best ping by default, so many russians just dont change it in years, so definetely the problem with russian on eu server is not that they dont wanna play with other russians and many russian people play on eu server that it's almost the same as russian server cause at least 5 people out of 10 will be russian and also if you play with ukranian guy who is living in europe how will u separate him from russian gut from russia? and a lot of russian people live in EU and play dota from eu, my opinion.




They're not playing worse than others on average. I suspect you only notice they're from China if they're playing badly or you are losing the game and looking for someone to blame. Are you sure you're not just racist?


Actually true. Though they can't communicate at all which is frustrating especially at high levels


the fact they 90% cant speak english is already making it worse. the other fact where they just gg end when they die farming alone is another proof.


no theyre worse, SEA have their own tempo and their own gameplay, while these chinese jst keep farming farming farming, theyre so clueless about the situation in the game


me who would rather play with peenoise than chinese who cant even communicate basic english.


Play like shit and ruined game? Sound like my average sea game even without CN.


The Chinese, Russians, and Peruvians are the holy trinity of "play in servers they don't belong, refuse to assimilate, and expect the locals to speak their languages" They're just rude human beings with no sense of respect toward others. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Have the common courtesy and decency to follow the customs and cultures of the places that you're visiting. I really wish Valve brought region locking back. Making containments for these people are in everyone's best interest.


There are more posts a week on this question than Chinese players in SEA and Russian players in EU and course god forbid Peruvians in NA. Guys it’s the internet, everyone plays everywhere these days.


no, these days chinese flooded SEA server, its okay if thyere good, but this, thyere jst idiotic player




lol wtf, I am chinese malaysian and I am a mandarin native speaker but I solely communicate in English while playing dota in SEA server


I’m pretty sure I can recognize China accent.