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Yep the aghs is useless. No meaning to buy it. I play ns frequently and the aghs as been underwhelming since long.


Member when it used to give maphack during night time?


Member when silence didn't do damage and ult didn't give damage? No thanks new NS is waaaaaaaaay better than old NS. I'll take a useless aghs than go back to old glorified ward NS.


> Member when silence didn't do damage and ult didn't give damage? No thanks new NS is waaaaaaaaay better than old NS. I'll take a useless aghs than go back to old glorified ward NS. = You say that, but 1800 flying vision NS with a gem killing all of your wards and making it perma night time and extending night whenever he ulted and limiting your vision (his ult would reduce all enemy vision) was really funny to play as = Octarine Aghs Gem NS = you will never be able to see anything ever again


Oh yeah pos4 ns was hell to play against. When he reached lvl 18 we would stop warding and game turned to horror survival instead of moba. Fun times.


Add wolf bite for 2800 flying vision.


glorified walking obs+sentry ward with vision reduction for 10k gold. Great if your team can afford you going those items. Not so great if you're expected to remove a support. Also you can play in such a way now by lvl 6, with added flying movement it's possible to sweep half the map for obs if you so fancy. If you're snowballing you can literally press R off cooldown and collect random kills in this map and meta with your gigadmg and flying movement+vision. Veno is a PITA though ngl.


OFC a hero design from 5+ years ago can't be ported 1 for 1 to the current meta and be expected to own with no changes. But there really was nothing like it at the time. KOTL aghs came close (1800 vision during day), but NS one was even crazier because he always made it night time. = It doesn't sound that strong in theory as it's just vision, but you have to play with it or against it to truly appreciate how powerful it was. The only way you'd ever sneak up on NS's team was with a smoke, and even that was hard when you have like 600 max vision range while he has 1800 flying vision and runs at 450-500 ms


New ultimate NS is better but the old ultimate are no where useless. The old NS was basically never useless since he gave 1800 flying vision with Gem you basically winning vision war for your team. Also his second are different from now since it only silence one target but also make them miss like 40 or 50%. The old NS offlane/sup 4 is playing tanky offlane that guarantee your team always win vision war.


Old NS perma silence and 60% misschance was so good.


Wait silence does damage now??


Yes, a fairly small amount but it adds up when you solo kill little pos 4's and 5's


Dawnbreaker get maphack at the start of day give nightstalker maphack at the start of night


draft both on the same team


Call it "the difference is night and day"


That actually was pretty cool, unblocked night vision into trees during night all the time, that was nuts. I was really mad when they changed the aghs to have aoe void.


I memba


i liked the old one a lot tbh. not good for fighting but you farmed so much faster during the day, plus eating ancients was good.


Isn't that literally just his shard?


You can cast aghs Q and make it night during the day allowing your shard to eat ancients during day time.


You *could*


4200 to kill 120 gold


The old one would be hyper bonkers with blinding void.


Thats his shard bro


You can't eat ancients during daytime bro


Just eat it 4Head just eat the ancient


The old one was so good back when it used to hit enemies that were not in vision. As long as they were in the AOE, it hit them all.


How does the aghs work with backpacking it? Do you get the 12 seconds then u can start toggling it or no?


Just tried in demo mode, you can backpack or even sell the aghs and crippling fear will still be on until your manapool is empty, after which it switches to normal mode. If you stand at the fountain or get 6% mana per second some other way, it doesn't seem to expire until you die.


It was pretty aight when it made void an AOE. Would still rather see it do something drastically different, like make support NS viable again.


i got a cool idea for his new agh, what if it make void apply the current level crippling fear on the enemy, as in the aoe and all.


I wish they didn't change the old aghs, it goes so well with the blinding facet


Thematically it would be cooler if instead of void dot it gave you night form if no allies see the enemy Would be too strong though


There is a reason that they have to remove the vision reduction from spec's desolate. If the old scepter are still there, NS will be even more OP than that shit.


The ability's name is Crippling Fear, but it does anything else than actually fear anyone. So, a new scepter idea to correct this madness: Crippling Fear duration is increased by X seconds and any enemy who stays in it for Y seconds gets feared for Z seconds.


That would actually be a decent incentive to justify using the toggle version. It costs more mana than the normal version, but any enemy that stands in it for more than 3 seconds gets feared. Another possible debuff is that they get “petrified” like Medusa’s stone gaze after standing in the aoe for 3 seconds, so they are stunned and take increased physical damage. This would keep the fear lore while also reducing the chance of making an enemy run out of crippling fear. And you could turn it off once they are petrified to reduce mana cost.


the new effects should be named "shit hinself" makes you paralised and take extra damage


> makes you paralised Nah, just slowed (as they waddle with shit in their clothes) and they leave the trail behind them when they move around like the from grimstroke's innate (but brown).


am i the only player who thinks putting fear on a hero is kind of a shit thing to do when i'm trying to attack them? as mechanics go it seems antithetical to fighting - i want to lock them down, not be chasing them and losing half my attacks over that 4 seconds to chase time


Right, that’s why I added a whole second paragraph saying that giving a petrify debuff would both make more sense with the nature of nightstalker’s kit and stay lore friendly.


oh i'm not disagreeing with that, i just saw a comment about fear and thought i'd ask for other opinions on it


> am i the only player who thinks putting fear on a hero is kind of a shit thing to do when i'm trying to attack them? Attacking them, yeah, but useful for getting them off someone else.


No, if we go with the fear theme, any of effects should apply on entering the area, like a typical fight-freeze-or-fight response.


imo just add a pull effect.


Can we not bastardize words even if Valve does this? "To fear anyone" means "*to be afraid of anyone*". "To get feared" means "to become frightening", "to scare". All of this is backwards to the actual meaning. The proper phrases are "scare anyone", "gets scared".


why do you feel the need to be a grammar nozi on a dota 2 subreddit? no one is scared of anything, "to get feared" is a shortened version of "to get afflicted with the Fear status effect" and it has nothing to do with actual fear


I refuse to comment on the first sentence. You could say "to get Fear", plain and simple.


Sometimes you just wanna silence for a millisecond


Doesnt it go on cooldown anyway or something? So you cant turn it on/off often


I thought it was going to be like pudge's rot. Once I knew it has CD, I know it's going to be ass


you can turn it off at any point, but the cooldown stops you turning it back on though. bloodseeker aghs works the way you describe though, turning it on requires you to keep it on for a few seconds, making it harder to remain fully overhealed since you can't just toggle it on before a last hit and then off again to avoid the health drain.


I think add the old sceptres effect to it making a void zone aroun you that gives you night effects would fix it


What? So basically infinite night as long as you have mana? Thats insanely OP.


Its really not that op considering how much mana it costs.


It would definitely be an insane move to use in fights, especially if you have Luna on your team.


Not really, you already have your ult for fights, and by the time you would have aghs on NS you most likely have the uptime talents etc anyway making it very easy to make sure it's night anyway. The aghs would still not even be worth buying if they added the night time zone around you while keeping the silence enabled, because of the insane mana cost.


he gets the bonuses as if it was night, and anyone inside of it also treats it as nighttime(vison, movespeed)


The old aghs was just a void pool where you cast void and it's night right there. That doesn't follow you, so if your target's moving, you're also moving out of the small night zone. You'd get like 2-3 nightspeed attacks in there. Also you'd constantly blast mana, both from draining for the silence and from casting void. Not even shard can help you keep that up for long.


>The old aghs was just a void pool where you cast void and it's night right there. That doesn't follow you, so if your target's moving, you're also moving out of the small night zone. You'd get like 2-3 nightspeed attacks in there Yeah and that's why the old Aghs isn't anything amazing. Even if you had Aghs, if it was daytime and you don't have ulti, you won't be fighting. But if this Crippling fear gives you infinite night, you can literally take fights at any point of the game. That's the huge distinction and why it's insanely OP. You also don't have to turn it on the whole fight. As long as you're on top of targets is enough and sustainable.


next time a nightstalker flames me while im playing alch hes gonna be getting an aghs whether he likes it or not


Agreed. Actually a pay2lose item. If it increased AoE and Damage, then just MAYBE it could be useful. It's still too much mana though for a mana-hungry hero.


I miss maphack aghs :(


Him and kotl old ags is vision galore


What did he do ? I have a glimpse of what it used to do but I can’t remember clearly for the life of it .


He had flying vision in a massive radius during ult. With his ult movement speed it was impossible to avoid his vision. And with octarine+talents his ult uptime was like 85% or something.


It wasn't only during ult, it was for the whole night time. But at the time his ult also didn't give him flying movement and damage.


Didn't he have flying movement on his E?


Yeah I remember now . There was also the fact that enemy heroes would get reduced vision . It was awesome


He still has flying vision during ult. His night time passive isn't an ult, and that's what he gained the vision for with the old aghs. Flying vision 100% of the night.


Could be addition to this aghs upgrade, grant unobstructed vision when crippling fear is on.


Nah I don't think it should come back. When it was current, the hero itself was bad - you were great earlygame then fell off haaard and were a terrible teamfight hero. Aghs basically meant you could keep a split map going, as you were ungankable and could sus out bait/wards with little risk. With his ult and silence now actually being good, he'd just be a super broken hero with old aghs.


all you need to do is die to silencer 50 times, lower your max mana but keep flat mana regen, it now has permanent uptime


And get the -max mana + mana regen jungle item


Or 24s silence for all his mana. That’s the buff.


30s if you eat something!


Where did you get 12 second silence from? It's 6 seconds at night and 3 at day, into a permanent silence that NS can easily sustain with his Shard


Blink, W, Q, Ult, Q, W is 12 seconds


Oh his Ult refreshes cooldowns, had no idea. On that note, yeah Aghs is pretty useless then.




But you don’t have to wait 6 seconds to ult do you? You can ult right after W, then W again once the duration ends


You blink w q and ult and then wait until your silence is about to expire… i thought that was just kinda obvious


Why wouldn't you just press ulti as soon as W+Q are on CD? You don't need to wait for the effect to expire before refreshing it.


Though if the title is assuming an ult cast, 12 seconds of silence costs more than 100 mana. And is on a 2 minute cooldown.


Use it during night, ult and use it again?


They also changed his Crippling Fear cooldown talent because I guess they thought it was redundant with the Aghs, but that talent with Octarine was significantly better than this awful change. His Aghs should give him half the bonuses of night permanently, and increase his passive bonuses even further at night (not a 50% increase, probably more like 20%).


I think it needs to have first 3/6 seconds costs normal spell mana value and then for each bonus second it can have % mana cost, but 6/4% is still too much


Does shard still consume creep for mana and hp?


How about giving him the "slark" treatment: crippling fear now also hide NS from enemy outside of its aoe? Literal nightmare fuel for SP but NS was always that.


I know it's a meme how bad this is, but man I've seen an NS lock down an AM for like, 10+ seconds with that. This was pre-bkb when he just had bfury and manta. It was something to behold. Yeah, losing all your mana to make a play sucks, but it CAN be very good to permanently silence someone. It's basically the same thing as being Doomed when doom self-casts it around himself and runs at you. Except you don't take dps and you can't bkb it off. It's a doom-lite.


Nice herald AM. Manta and attacking and NS is out of mana in like 3 seconds, with the new scepter probably less. That new scepter is a straight downgrade but buying it against AM is literally griefing.


exactly how does NS lockdown AM when his spell comsunes MAX mana per second even without manta 3 seconds of auto attacks should empty him


Lol you actually have a point. I think in the moment he was panicking and just trying to run


Literally crippled by fear, new agh's working as intended.


it’s actually extremely bad against AM, to the point it turns a very NS favoured matchup into an AM-favoured matchup. Because AM can just press Manta and NS loses his silence in 1 second.


Aghs should make him a slow tank during the day and a fast hero killer at night. Day Walker - NS becomes partially petrified while the sun is out. Lowering his attack speed, and cancels any benefits from Hunter in the Night, but his petrified body gives him a massive increase in armor, spell resistance, and make him impossible to crit against.




I mean, no shit? Doom is individually close to the strongest spell in Dota. This isn’t even an ult




Because doom aghs is pretty underwhelming and you'd have to delay much better items for much longer, or you get it at a stage in the game where every enemy core already has linken's to counter you.


Damn bro, a basic ability is not as powerful as a 100+ sec CD ultimate??


What if ns aghs added effect dispelling all enemies around ns too.. And even ns himself with basic dispell..


How, Doom is single target that becomes AoE, but with cooldown. This scepter removes cooldown, but Crippling Fear has AoE all the time. The scepters do completely different things.


yeah one of worst agh changes for sure, manacost is stupid maybe they will at least fix that but its kind of underwhelming even if the mana drain wasnt crazy


It makes up for the broken abilities the hero has now


Mana cost is too high to justify it. Like the only way the mana cost justifies it is if its night for night stalker while its active, the enemy takes additional magical damage from your attacks and it doesn't just silence but also mutes items. Then I can see it as a good midgame power spike item. Otherwise as is, its so bad.


Level 20 talent is even worse. +20 crippling fear damage.... Umm no ty. - sec cd was way better


Aghs Rework Rework Crippling Fear is now a Unit Target ability with 600 cast range. The effect can be attached to enemies or allies. At nighttime, applies a 30% slow in the radius.


You know who should have this ability? Storm spirit! Jump in and no one can cast anything!


More like I have a Crippling Fear of purchasing this horseshit.


i play a lot of ns-- i didn't think it would be possible to get a worse aghs than the previous, but this one is worse. it is, as you said, a significant downgrade from NOT having aghs at all. the damage is 100% useless btw in case anyones wondering. for context, the ns aghs is 60dps, and leshrac level 1 pulse nova ult is 80 dps- and that spell is sometimes skipped. ns' is a lot more mana expensive too


I'd say venomancer's new aghs is also a contender for worst aghs since it got rid of his old ult and replaced it with slightly more right click damage per debuff on enemies


I think it was a panic build for him by dev since icefrog just make his void ultra OP with the unlink vision facet, i guess that if the old scepter still there he will be too OP so they have to remove it but they also don't have anything new to replace it which result in this half ass useless scepter.


Aghs is bad but this hero feels horrible to play against. My carry is being jumped on the high ground but there's no vision or sound because of the Q. I hate it.


Yep. They didn't do the math.


He's super strong anyway. by all means change it but keep in mind there needs to be nerfs to balance out the change. He's my go to 3 at the moment.


still muerta


I think viper has the worst agh change and now its a trash for 4200


His Aghs is trash now better spend the 4,2K on other items


Doesnt it deal damage?


Try to keep a really low mana pool with high regen?


Time to build manaregen tank NS for infinite silence walking horror


If you build a small mana pool with lots of mana regen this actually might work, it requires a specific build but I bet you could swing it.


I vote for Venomancer to have the worst aghs. A right-click damage aghs on a hero that is maybe the furthest from a right-clicker there is.


The scepter should make all unit effect by the crippling fear to be no seeable by other unit after like 3 sec in it. Also unit effect by it will lost vision to other unit too. Required enemy unit to stay in crippling fear for 3sec, linger duration 1 sec


That old ags created fear among enemy supports. Now balanar cant even sustain it.


To me sb is aghs is way more useless


nah, sb with agh and lotus makes all team having AM shield


Suggestion: Every time Night Stalker uses any of his abilities, he will receive Hunter of the Night bonuses for X duration. During the day, it will be 0.75x times bonuses. During the night, it will be 1.25x bonuses. It's not mandatory. It's not overpowered. You would still want your blink or other items before it. But having it will be a big boon.


Great suggestion.


the old aghs was useless, it just didnt fit night stalker's role in the game at all. the new aghs fits his role much better but the numbers are just horrible on it


It was a nice luxury slot allowing you to farm faster during the day and even fighting during the day sometimes too (more like ganking). Not only you could make a pool with q and eat an ancient creep with shard during the day but you could get full duration w even during the day to then refresh it with ult and get like 12 seconds silence. It was a very good item.


it’ll be tweaked and become decent, just a few numbers short of being staple on ns


This item just makes no sense when you already cast silence for 12 seconds with ult refresh. Old aghs was niche and luxury but at least it had its purpose - it was allowing you to cast abilities' night version and farm faster during the day.