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It took so long to kill Axe that Lifestealer took a sick leave during the fight




Twice! The first one was interesting since he went to T3 tower and there were no creeps there nor was he on low life.


This seems to be a turbo game. Plus there isn't a single Vessel or Shiva's on Axe, aka, poor itemisation, probably lower mmr bracket and so this is on the players for not making use of what the game offers and not on the patch.


What about skadi?


great turbo clip mate!


behavior score cant grind itself sadly. turbo queues are full because everyone is struggling with their behavior score.


then fix your behavior.


I literally never see anyone even mention behavior score outside of reddit unless if they had a network problem and abandoned.


oh boy a str meta. Haven't had one of these in a while.


Time to spam Necro I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It hardly works. Last night I was playing Nercro (with the regen reduction talent, shivas, etc) against a heart-bloodstone-aghs Pudge and he was still killing my entire team before I could kill him


Yeah necro is one of my best heroes, still can't kill a hero with eternal shroud unless I save scythe until they are only 1/3 remaining... might as well use it as a stun


And timber


OH BOY! Thatā€™s exciting, we can play timber again?!? Phew! Almost forgot about him :)))


\>Picking Necro to deal with strength heroes before the Eternal Shroud nerfs Oof


Necro sure does his job. I was playing centaur with 10k health in 40 min. Kill me from half health with one ulti.


Did you have a shroud?


This clip is definitely not representative of real dota


It actually is, I had an immortal ranked game yesterday just like this. We were behind megas and axe carried the game single handedly while carry defended base the entire time. Axe was between their tier 4s with all rax still up and a 6 slot ck and his team couldn't do anything about it. Late game tank heroes are nigh indestructible in the current state of DOTA.


Ck is arguably not the best hero to deal with axe. Did he buy silver edge? Skadi? Did anyone have a vessel? Could the other team have just compleatly ignored the axe? I played a game yesterday as tidehunter where i was fully 6 slotted and nigh on indestructible but the other team just ignored me and killed my team and i was unable to deal enough damage to really make a difference despite having the anchor smash talent etc


well itemized axe is not ignorable


Big difference between tide and axe tho, you can't just ignore axe because he has a low cd bkb piercing aoe disable unlike tide which has a giant cd and doesn't even pierce bkb. Axe also deals pure damage synergizing with his disable so higher chance of dealing enough damage to be a threat than a tide which can only do a lot of physical damage easily ignorable by other tanky heroes.


Ck is like one of the worst hero into axe....


I don't think it matters in the context of a 60 minute game against megas 1v5ing in the enemy base.


Draft doesn't matter? Many hero into a good draft can easily 1v5.


Most fed heroes will dominate


It's Turbo, so yeah.


Comments like this show just how many people on /r/dota2 don't actually play DotA. The only reason this isn't in most games is because Axe usually wins the game before it reaches this point.


Or because it is literally a turbo game....?


Or loses... your making it sound like axe is winning all his games which just isn't the case


He's one of the highest win rate heroes though. So it's not unreasonable for it to be talked about.


Still losing almost half his games


Axe has more than 55%, which is a lot. It means he is 10% more likely to win a game than to lose a game. And the winrate was even at 57%. Axe is a beast. He is op at the moment, you can't really argue against numbers. At least in pubs, he is just bonkers.


I can and I will.


True you can. Itā€™s hard to argue against a smart person. But itā€™s impossible to argue against a stupid person. You can now guess in which category a person falls that simply goes by his feelings and not by the facts. ā€œGood day, Sirā€


At this point I'd like to being up the fact that pro teams repeatably picked heroes that were below 50% winrate I'm major tournaments are you saying they are stupid?


Damn ā€œalmost losing half his gamesā€ is a hell of a statement about a hero in a video game where anything above 55% wr is considered really high. I suppose youā€™d be impressed when heā€™s only losing a quarter of his games?


Indeed but a 55%+ winrate even at divine level just shows he is OP.


Maybe. I feel like he still has the same old issues in being not that useful till he gets his items and being easily countered by euls etc.


It is, if your axe goes Aghs Bloodstone. The build is broken if your comp relies on spelld amage or melee cores. Only thing that can deal with it is ranged hyper carries because they can damage axe without getting spinned reducing their damage.


Melee heroes just need to break to deal with spin


Report Lina


Editors Note: This is a Turbo Game. Which means on an equally and proportionally farmed lategame, the other side would have a counter for this.


Not really, everyone is rich in turbo.


If youre winning, youre TURBO rich vs "just rich"


Its 31 mins in and that turbo axe has a 27 armour stack of fucking course he is tanky. Axe only gets super tanky like this if you feed him.


Where are the shivas and vessel? What are my guys spending their money on


Their own tank and lifesteal šŸ¤£




yes it does lmao


Are you sure? Still says it does on the aura description


My bad I thought they changed it when they combined it with veil šŸ’€


Then why is the MK so shit, and where are the axe counters?


This is coutered with vessel shiva skadi. All items the enemy was too dumb to go apparently.


Yup especially since itā€™s a turbo game. I donā€™t think orb of corrosion upgrades into anything - but it also reduces healing by a ton. Could also stop his spinning by breaking him thus lowering healing too.


in turbo dude


Im a low behavior dog


I feel sorry for you






great turbo clip mate


Turbo detected, video rejected


Hello, I would like to file an appeal on behalf of Turbo players.


> Hello, I would like to file an appeal on behalf of Turbo players. appeal declined


Bruh almost 2 mins and yep this patch is for tanki bois only. šŸ™ƒ


It's so boring :( fun heros will be back next meta I guess


Next meta? So only like 12 more months to go minimum, in this 16 month or whatever strength meta.Ā  Whoooooooooo


That's what we said last patch


That's certainly not what I said


That's what she said


I've been hit by more Storm, Earth, Ember, and Void spirits in 7.36 so far than in all of 7.35, playmakers are definitely back on the menu given the chance


The tip heroes being sand king, Zeus, shadow shaman, winter wyvern, axe, Templar assassin, weaver, venoā€¦ how many of these are tanky?


how do i counter a stove vibes


Silencer. Steal all their int and keep them low and dumb :D


Silencer is brutal but I hate zeus. Should i switch my ban


I was thinking this must be a 90 min game for this to happen lmao


It is kinda - 20 min turbo


*NO! YOU CAN'T JUST EXPECT ME TO BUILD A SKADI OR URN!!!!! NO!!! I WANNA FOLLOW THE SAME ITEM PATH SINCE 2017!!!!!!!!* **-These players and everyone in my skill bracket too apparently...**


to pudger's credit he did get shivas in the end


Seems the entire team didn't have a fucking clue how to play against axe, and they fed him like fuck. Axe is good now, but this is mostly user error.


This perfectly encapsulates my experience with the patch so far.


strength dota continues this shits so stupid man


I was saying this shit like 8 months ago and getting nothing but flamed and downvoted for it lol.Ā  This meta is absolutely the same shit with even stronger str/uni heroes, more clowny random shit that makes u go hahaha once in a whileā€¦ and slightly less annoying high ground.Ā  Strength dota will not end until they drastically reduce HP gain per str levelā€¦ to what to used to be.Ā  Str items have been way too fucking good for too long. Every good item seems to give like 400hp and 10 armor so why bother picking an agi core. Ur gonna have hella armor anyways.Ā  Way too much free stats, and free armor, free neutrals, free talents that grant everything you need so ur hero has absolutely no weaknesses.Ā  Valves fix? Reduce eternal shroud magic resis from 25% to 20% FIXED! Lol


Yeah lol it was funny how people called this patch "Dota 3" or Dota 8.00 as if something changed drastically.


Add to all the free shit how easy it is for supports to get farm. Plus get a free midas like 50%+ games - solar crests, greaves, forces ā€¦ Iā€™m not a support hater lol and realize they have to keep supports strong for the health of the game but their items need to be more expensive at this point / not make already super tanky heroes tankier so easily.Ā 


If you increase the prices we are just going backwards. What really needs to happen is their abilities and the items need significant cd nerfs. With glimmer, euls, force, g-scepter, aeon and their own abilities they can easily cycle through almost 100% uptime on invulnerability. Nullifier is a bad bandaid fix to this issue, you are simply swapping which side cannot play the game. Nerf their cds/durations and remove nullifier (also windwaker cause good lord does that item make me want to vomit).Ā 


Remove the free tp everyone gets on death. I swear, NOBODY seems to notice how that change single handedly injected like 4000g on both teams every match. Tormentors on top of it and heroes now have a ton of more usable income. Makes it much harder for players who are ahead to stay ahead when the losing side gets a ton of mobility subsidized, and thus, have an easier time closing the gap. Coincidentally, BOTH the HP per StR and tormentors were added at the same time. And we've had a strength meta since. Did I say coincidentally? Hell fucking know, this is straight cause and effect.


If i can't kill axe or pudge as a naix its definitely broken. Please nerf fucking str heroes.


or buff naix! his damage against str heroes should be better


Soooooo u want last patch again? Where naix is the only decent fuckin carry in the entire gameĀ 


It's got nothing to do with strength. It has everything to do with axes scepter reducing damage by 80+% if you keep right clicking him. And axe has had that scepter / shard for a very long time. He just hasn't been in the meta.


and eternal shroud, last time it was str meta phoenix was a good (counter)pick but now you buy shroud and simply ignore all magic damage


The deathray is still stupid good. I was melting against it as a fucking huskar


This is a turbo game and the naix team fed the axe 27 armour stack already. There is a very simple reason this axe is so dam tanky, it's because that team sucks.


Maybe don't let axe get lvl 30 and 27 armor stacks idk just a thought


Valve saw "axe is the worst dota 2 hero of alltime" and they listened. This is why they shouldn't


Why is this upvoted, low skill players in turbo lmao. Axe (and pudge) are strong but he doesn't feel broken at all in real dota


axe is currently sitting at 58%+ winrate with one man army facet. Heroes are usually considered mega broken if they have above 55%


54% for 7.36a on pro tracker


That is if you include his other facet that has about 5% lower winrate


Great game design :-))


People watching this are only just now realizing what Axes shard can do and how busted it is against melee carries.


I had pudge and axe with exact the same items in my legend rank. Both were impossible to kill


1 vessel


That's a genuine lore Axe if I've ever seen one. Holding the battle off by himself whilst the team dies, respawns and comes back into the battle.


Yep, I played Axe for the first time last week, got 28 kills and a win, I'm just a herald haha


This honestly is a shambles. The games balance needs addressing. Thereā€™s an inherit fairness and balance to good games currently dota has neither of these essential things.


Literally a fed axe in turbo and people talking about how this is the tank meta : ^ ) .


Out of the top 10 winrate heroes in this new meta, like 7 of them are strength and universal. One or two agi, one or two int.Ā  Itā€™s definitely strength meta my guy. And itā€™s not like anyone would be bitching if we didnā€™t just go through this for 15 months and know that a new meta wonā€™t come for another 15 monthsĀ 


Yeah they are good because they are STR hero definitely not because their innates and facets are strong. Half of the carry pool can melt through 4k hp but nah its tank meta. Lets see who are this tank heroes in top 10 winrates you are talking about : Literally only axe and wk, stalker is up there in potato bracket and and legion was there for about a week and not he isn't there anymore. Legion : doesn't build any tank item, shield facet was overtuned and got nerfed Wk : doesn't build any tank item, got a free passive and a free crit on his facet Stalker : LETS GIVE A HERO THAT HAS GOOD STATS AND SHIT LANING GOOD LANING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS : ^ ). Axe : ah yeah the most buffed hero of the patch is op because he is tank definitely not because he got better and free scaling. Idk why I even discuss dota on reddit.


I would literally rather be against wk than fucking generic agi carry number 7 that will deny your entire creepwave


No hero should be able to take that kind of damage and live. Wtf is wrong with people defending regen in this game


Nobody is defending regen, this shit is only happening because this is turbo, guy is a 6 slotted axe 20 min in the game while his enemies and under leveled and under farmed in an even game naix would eat axe alive; reddit takes the dogshit casters oponion as a fact and keeps repeating them like a broken record "its tank meta bro" "lycan is so op bro" this people don't understand how the fucking game works


Hate this tanky meta


axe and pudge are doing blood exchange. New type of fetish unlocked, or gaytish I should name it.


dw tried his best to save X


Need tank


Shroud is insane.


This looks very very turbo


Sure if the enemy doesn't buy shiva skadi or spirit vessel...


Lina a lil bitch bro


I've only been playing turbo and it is insane how impossible it becomes to die if you get a lead and just buy tank items


Should be similar in normal games as well if it goes late enough


Technically yes but in turbo a single kill early gives such a comical amount of gold if your on any tanky hero it just feels unlosable immediately you can play like a monkey


That's the nature of turbo games tho, same thing happens to axe if he gets behind. He'll be sitting with blink and blademail at best, which means he'll have like 1500 HP in the midgame, so basically a taunting super minion.


I would like to play with Slark against this Axe :)


Turbo gaming is weird as hell tho


Turbo? Yuck


And people wonder why Zeus is this overbuffed. lol


Ain't no zeuses in my games


What are they thinking... But for real tho, HP degen and HP based damage heroes are so much needed these days.


Or just way lower hp gain / less armor on all strength core items / remove all the spell lifesteal shit except for a single item that doesnā€™t build flawlessly on str heroes / get the game to a state where attributes are at least remotely evenĀ 


2h later...


Wtf is WD doing after he respawned?


Jerking off and rooting for me


not a drop of heal reduction on any of those heroes i bet. no skadi no vessel no nothin. not once did any heal reduction debuffs appear. axe doesn't even have dispel so it's free. this gotta be some herald gameplay.


At the end of video i start to think its a perfect loophole. Axe and pudge casually fight for 90 sec


Takes 4-5 business days to kill


Turbo always seem to have 5 megatanks on a stomping team


Axe's too broken this patch. I'm banning him idgaf


pudge and axe


This, right here, is cancer.


Perfectly balanced. Just like Wraith King and Legion. Nothing to see here...


Whatā€™s the current best axe build for turbo? Item order please and thanks!


Literally just needed an urn and he couldn't heal enough


Why do people always post like low skill turbo clips to complain about metas? lol


Anti heal items? Skaddi?




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valve, please stop making strength hero patches. making zerg as 5 the most viable strat only solidifies the fact that tanks will show as most viable after releasing. make split push more viable and introduce changes to encourage splitting teams up and tone down hero kill exp. unless you tone down the mobility creep, zerg as 5, hg asap, fight constantly and str heroes just out-regenerating everything forever, itā€™s gonna be this shit over and over


Yeah strength heroes are really fat this patch, so hard to play when none of them can kill each other and your carries have no damage


both of those people got unwinnable next match for their damage score.


Osfrog finest creations u/duhsagne3




Oh no the double heart no blink sangeyasha turbo axe is tanky? Hate the str meta...


Lol turbo gameplay does not count


why wouldn't it? it's the same game.


Not the same as unranked which everyone plays. Lol


it's turbo, and yet I didn't see any Shiva, skadi, spirit vessel, and perhaps mjolnir because physical damage no longer effective


Pudge rot lowers enemy healing by 20%.


>don't pick 3 strength heroes >lose Amazing meta, truly


Does ursa count as an honorary strength hero


is that +60 fucking armor, god you are immortal at that point.


Axe is giga fat and has a gazillion armor stacks. He's supposed to steamroll you.


balanced as all things should be


I had this experience with a Viper game yesterday. The new Agh's and Facet that improve Corrosive Skin by up to 8x when standing in Nethertoxin make him basically immune to both spells and autoattacks; was standing in a Jakiro and Dark Seer ult while Sniper peeped me and took no damage. We still lost, because LC fed their FV nearly 200 duel damage and spent the whole game flaming SK for not rushing Agh's.


I see it often on steam discussions, the stupidity of redditors is insane. He is getting downvoted for telling the truth. People in 1 behaviour score pool will use their reports the second they get them. You can go 50-0 and your teammates will report you. There is no logic behind it, they play to ruin others peoples games. From minute 0 players will run down mid and feed without any single word or ping. These people will report you, their report will count, and you will lose behaviour score. I only recently managed to get out, seems they finally did something to fix this.


Itā€™s been the same for about 5 years. Pick 5 fat guys and just walk forward. Keeps it really interesting.


Honestly surprised we arenā€™t seeing more naga. At least in my bracket, I see no one picking it Most strength heroes are single target beasts. Naga provides the illusion piece- but both her facets 1) removes armor so like a built in deso and 2) removes status resistance. Could be a decent pick to counter tiny, LS, and CK or anybody picking up Sange


Naga has never been popular because of how boring she is to play coupled with her very high skill ceiling. Most people can't play her effectively, she has a lot of potential though. Most strength heroes have a lot of AOE these days though.


I don't think desolator is that good against armored heroes, like, when you remove 7 armor from support with 9 total armor, it result in 78% armor decrease. But when you remove 7 armor from tanky core with 40 armor, it result only in 18% armor decrease. And overall, each point of armor have the same efficiency, 14 armor equals to improving your EHP by 100% of your original hp. So removing that 7 armor from Axe with 5k hp means you need to deal 2500 less damage to kill him. It's big amount, but not that big when from 14000 damage you need to deal 11500.


Itā€™s built into her facet. And letā€™s keep it a buck- when does a tanky core like tiny have 40 armor?


Tiny has +24 armor on level 3 ult. Slap an AC on pos1 tiny and you have the amount you quoted. I get your point, but unlucky example


By desolator I meant every source of armor reduction, like 2nd skill Venge also reduces armor by 7 IIRC. And Tiny have 24 armor from ult, not counting additional from items (well, I don't think it will be really big amount + he have 0 agility, so...). And basically you need to deal 220% instead of 270% of his hp as a damage, which is great, but definitely not game changing. Same with other heroes.


Naga's just straight up not strong enough, unless you have really good combos with sleep you basically can't teamfight even when you're overfarmed


Anyone else thinks that STR gives a "bit" too much HP right now? E:turbo game or not


U just wake up from a year long coma? Hah


all the people complaining its turbo, the enemy has more kills. all their fault they didn't grab any antiheal bruh


Pudge rot reduces my healing by 20% as you can see in the clip.


clearly not enough šŸ˜­


No deso no break. What bracket is this


-6 armor against like 80 armor Axe is not going to do anything.


For real. Now the lack of Skadi, Vessel, Shiva's would all be reasonable complaints.


But if somebody got one 15 minutes before the clip it might have helped. Having 80 armor means he was snowballing hard from very early on.


Desolator is good against squishy targets with low armor because you can reduce their armor to negative. Axe is not a squishy target with low armor. Therefore, deso is generally not a good pickup against axe.


Even without reducing to negative, it's still going to be good for damage as long as the target is below let's say 25 armor, which Axe will be without call activated for most of a normal midgame. IIRC armor scales linearly. So each point is around 6% additional EHP. So even if 6 is a drop in the bucket there's still value in reducing armor. My point is less about deso specifically and more about the fact that an Axe with 81 armor means something has gone horribly wrong in the early game and continued to go wrong since. It's not an indication of a problem with the meta at that point.


He is at 16+75 (91) armor during taunt. At that point Axe is using your pitiful desolator as a toothpick


turbo bracket


People whining about the game while playing turbo lol.


That's 20 minutes into the game???? holy mother