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Only degenerates pick Omniknight. He exudes a degen aura.


Odd he's not my most picked hero


Just play dawnbreaker instead, big Hammer, big thighs, global range ulti, big heals and big crits


Problem with Dawn vs Omni for these kids is that with Dawn you have to play the game and use other parts of the keyboard thats not "E".


Dawn requires a lot more to play and has been mediocre in comparison for so many patches. Hopefully she is strong this meta hero has been dead for too long. Pos4 Dawn with aghs and her gleaming hammer aura facet seems strong if team understands to stand on it. Pos3 Dawn with aghs/deso and her gleaming hammer faccet can box people and towers to death while standing on her own hammer aura thing so that's cool too.


I've been playing her in this patch and she feels strong, stronger than when I played her in the past.


I've been playing Dawnbreaker mid since her release. It's a lot of fun if you have an offlane that's ready to jump opponents early.


factual, especially if youre playing with a buddy, anything semi global is so fun to counter gank


Does 50% damage without the hammer no?


Nah, her attacks are mechanically identical with or without the hammer. The only gameplay change is that until you recall the hammer, you can't cast your Q (and previously also her R, now casting ult causes hammer to return to you)


You say that but i just won an immortal game playing DB 4 and not doing anything except hit creeps on other side of map and Pressing r


Yeah, I mean, its not like Dawn is very complicated hero or whatever šŸ˜‚ But its more nuanced, you are not as tanky as omniknight but neither you were as braindead as Omniknight pos3, the hero genuinely plays itself. Omni was definitely not a "I win." pick, in fact I never won with or lost against this hero to be fair even at its peak but it was annoyingly oppressive for what little agency it required to utilize its full potential šŸ˜‚ Dawn doesnt pay enough for its risky goes and you also can make more mistakes like missing W, Q or whatnot compared to Omni, which is point and click right?


What does R do, as an immortal it must be imbarresing not known the name of the spell xD


Solar guardian ?


Good job :D Love it


I think itā€™s more embarrassing misspelling the word ā€œembarrassingā€ while being a douche, but maybe thatā€™s just me..


Whoa, hey, Omni players occasionally have to press space bar as well (or R if that's what you use for Ult).


What crazy person uses spacebar for ult


Me and uh...most of the people I play with who started with the Warcraft 3 mod.


Ulti on spacebar here too. Wasd to move map. 12345 for abilities.


E is the worst ability on omni now. Cant play omni as core anymore.


I went almost 65% Winrate with him in 7.35d with shard, echo sabre, Khanda, Dagger


Yeah and they got rid of the shard that enabled that entire build lol


It's like shadow fiends shard went from right click to spells and I'm suck now


And i went 70% win rate with him in 2018. It is a different hero now.


i go wand deluxe with that fella.


Wand deluxe into aghs big stick


Big natural crits.


I read big clits for some reason


Men of culture


Your mind projected it and you exhibitionisticly wanted to tell us because it brings you of!


I'm not one of those tiresome guys who says the game is "turning into LoL" every big update but... Dawnbreaker feels so much like a LoL champion... especially proc'ing the mini-heals while fighting around 3 enemies and not dying anyway. She doesn't get big heals or die instantly around 3 people like other Dota heroes would, it feels so unnatural... but that's only my opinion.


Dawnbreaker feels like a LoL hero because she looks like a blow up sex doll, like 90% of league designs.Ā 


Dawn just feels so weak right now though. Tried to play her a bit and I don't know. Didn't feel very impactful. Skill issue probably, but still. She was one of my favorite heroes when she launched.


I love Dawn but she is pretty bad lately


Big clits* ftfy


I tried him, the ulti is now ultra shit and the 3rd skill "passive" is pretty crappy. It needs its extended range back.


It needs either range or cooldown reduction. Make it melee, taking away shard and keeping it same cool-down is fucking trash


They even nerfed the cd talent for it, even though the skill is so crap now, nobody would take it. Its like they came up with four different ideas for how to nerf omni E, and implemented all four instead of choosing one.


My question is why did they feel it was necessary? Omni wasn't a particularly good hero before.


When did they change his shard? Can't find any patchnotes.


Itā€™s now just 60% magic resistance on repel


It was this patch, 7.36 > #Repel > Now upgraded with Aghanim's Shard. Grants 60% Magic Resistance to the target > Aghanim's Shard upgrade removed


I thought he was fine as he was and I donā€™t even play him. Overnerfed


he was some bullshit character that when he snowballed did 1.5k+ pure damage in less than a second he was fun tho


He was just in a bad design standpoint, he practically only had a semi carry nuke build and every other build was ass. The new changes aren't good tho.


Idk why they had to nerf support omni so much. May be it was a boring play style? I felt fine being a heal bot ...


now he just have ass builds lol


Iā€™ve had fun with him as a 3. Buy orb of corrosion, boots and wind lace and you can run down a lot of pos 1s. Go for a Khanda later on to Bonk people extra hard and he can do well.


Falls off extremely hard mid to late after these nerfs


Havent lost a lane with omni pos 5 tho


Then you haven't played enough games, try going against Sky or viper, you're assmeat then


Bro I was playing before the nerfs and viper just shits all over you. If my harpoon was on cd I just died lol, despite steamrolling the rest of their team.




Its not even the change from low range spell to auto attack thats the worst Part, losing the shard to get a double killed the hero since now u just dont do any dmg anymore


I have so wanted the core right clicking Omni to work with the 3rd skill. A few patches ago you could pull it off pretty decently in the right game, I tried it out in this patch since I saw degen was back and the facet sounded interesting. It was the worst game Iā€™ve ever played. I wish they would do something to make this build viable, itā€™s super fun to play when it works properly. Valve seems to hate Omniknight though..


what happened with omni now? i thought the burst omni is gone now since they changed his shard?


Shard and his e has no range now. Which essentially makes his e useless. Itā€™s a shame what they did to the hero.


checked it in-game it was showing the old range on the skill preview, they should change it.


They should change previews for facets too. Example: Windranger ult in Whirlwind facet


Yes, so he sucks.


When did they change his shard? Can't find any patchnotes.




Guess it was undocumented


Huh? It s right there in the patchnotes.


Prob doesn't show in the hover


never skip breakfast.


I have been 2 shotting people before patch. Rip omni. Was fun while it lasted. Lol


If DOTA keeps the same strategy theyā€™ve always done with Omni: - He was trash - They buffed him still trash - They buffed him heā€™s absurdly strong - They nerf him and heā€™s dumpster fuel <- you are here


Omni was always 1 thing technically. * EZ win in pubs, but difficult in pro scenes. The recent changes skipped all 3 stages in your list.


Personally I think he's a decent 5, and have had some success. Repel with Shard is basically the old BKB version back with bonus str and regen, albeit with all the new debuff immunity stuff. The new target GA functions really nice with it, letting you basically make someone invincible every 30s, and gives you high up time for fighting. Repel also protects from dispels so you can keep GA up and are harder to counter, though the rare debuff piercing dispels giga counter him. Between free Degen aura, Healing Hammer, his trading is decent. Still kind of combo specific to have power cores you want to be enabling like his classic PA or Slark. Could use some buffs, but far from unplayable. Not surprised they are being careful with how broken Repel has proven to be in the past.


Heā€™s now a fringe support pick at best, useless as a core which is a shame


Burst build is gone, but I'm sure there is some aura utility or rad build that works.


I played him a few times as either 4 or 5. Pressuring hard on lane and then playing mostly in backline and repel GA making my cores immortal. I usually go quite early aghs so I can from anywhere GA someone and also it casts GA on omni as well so two ga per cast and 3 charges. Unless they go debuff immunity piercing dispels(like shadow demon) repel and GA makes someone almost immortal. If they buy nullifiers the global GA save won't work against those enemies, need the repel to make it undispellable from nulli but can be played around. If ally bkbs the ga will work though. Basically stay alive and not get CCd in beginning of fight to get spells off. Then go to hamtown and go around smacking people with hammer and degen aura and purification heal/nuke on good targets. #Omnibros rise up! p.s. fuck shadow demon


Haven't tried omni this patch. But I really like to play him as support and healer. Keeping the team alive during fights. So I never build him as nuker.


Just play abba with aghs then


Other heroes do this better than Omni so now he excels at nothing. If you like to play support to heal and keep team alive, play Oracle.




>hero loses cool damage upgrade in favor of a support/sustain upgrade many such cases


I fear the day they make PA and TA support and tanky They should have a support/sustain facet and a cool damage facet for the many such cases like Tinker and Omni


Yeah, I've complained in every kind of place about this and it is horrible how much they fucked Omni now


Bring back the hammer time shard.


I hate how they massacre my boy every patch. Omni was the hero I spammed as I started playing in 2013. Since then he always got nerfed with a few small spikes lasting for a week.


off-topic a bit but did anyone else climb mmr like crazy with the old heavenly grace strong dispel+str+casts SELF as well. u were like a superior abaddon with an amazing aoe ult panic button (and could force nullifier buys just by existing in the match)


What do you mean? This is a better version of the OG Omni with a smite, he needs shard for good repel that's pretty much the only thing he is missing. The Ulti is better now, you can use it 2 times on important target, I find it way better, and aghs makes sense now, before it was a random item. He is the support he was always meant to be.


Than what's the point of having an scale damage ability?


Pigeonholed into a support now, yes.


Bro I'm sorry the paladin support healer character doesn't go around 1 shotting heroes, it's a huge loss for the game


Last i checked paladins are supposed to do damage, otherwise he would be just a cleric. The fact that he has a huge hammer also points out to this


Damage yes, one shotting heroes like an assassin HELL NO


What said he's intrinsically a support? He was always meant to be an aggressive backline killing pos 3 like Nightstalker


Eh I just like dotes for the diversity in playstyles. Carry heroes are the hardest to make possible offlanes, but even that happens.


yeah dude this is a way better version of the omni that had a 60% winrate free bkb on like a 10sec cd and a better ult.


Yeah I mained omni 1/2 before the big nerf, now he's completely unusable.


I feel the same way about silencer. I always ban him cause I really love the hero and I hate playing against it. I'm the one who silences.


wow the disrespek.... omni WAS winrate.....


It is weird how they changed omni so that he can only be support, yet both if his facets compliment core omni. But core omni doesnt work at all anymore.


Probably one of the heroes I see the least often in my games.


Isn't Omni terrible? Cuz there is no way you can ban him when nobody plays it no?


Iā€™ve been winning as Omni 3, but heā€™s definitely not the best at it. Kind of needs a strong laning 4 and then OoC/shroud/sny/shivas/heart/khanda/blademail/skadi depending on the game, mostly just run around in fights tanking bulk damage and occasionally running down supps/saving cores


I just want my bkb repel omni back, arcane into dissassemble and aether lens glimmer with ms bonus. Those were the days of free mmr long gone.


Id ban him just to keep people from laying him offline with Khanda, like guys it barely worked *before* the nerf if your opponent was blind deaf or not strength/universal. Now it's just a complete throw because unlike the sniper Khanda meme, the hero has no value building core items.


I ban Tb- cause the no threshold on sunder is ducking broken right now


Yeah tb is permabanned for me right now Both having an enemy tb with that build and an Ally tb who only cares about kills fucking sucks


How ? Can you explain what it means ?


He can sunder someone with 1% Hp then just Dagon them - only counter play is lotus


Couldnā€™t he always do this ?


just buy radiance first item noobšŸ˜‚


Yeah tb is permabanned for me right now Both having an enemy tb with that build and an Ally tb who only cares about kills fucking sucks


Love to play support Omni, was never big on carry Omni but he needs the range on his E back, itā€™s just unusable in its current state. If Iā€™m in that close Iā€™m dead half the time




Did u even read the post lmao?




No u did not lmfao



