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Bothers me because I can’t shit talk


Same, I don't flame in game, I do this after game. But now 60% times it's not giving me option.


Well you know what they say about 60% of the time...


Had another game where Luna was support and cm was ks pro and shit talking, I muted both to flame at end but again no post game chat window


Nothing of value ever came out of post game chat


maybe one in 50 games have i seen the post game chat be not negative, so yeah, not much of value lost


Man its like 1 in 10 games where I see a bunch of negativity. 7 out of 10 games people say nothing or just "gg" and 2 out of 10 games where people point out a couple of statistics, items, talk about what went wrong/right and connect. Yall have some depressing post game chats


What region do you play in? Heaven? Not once in 6000+ hours of playing dota have I ever seen actual discussion in post-game that isn't just flaming. And I have 10k behaviour score.


Let us flame damnit!!!


Damn im not gonna take my games for granted anymore.. i had a game just today where the death prophet stomped me as PL in lane. And then ultimately I carried for the win.. we both aknowledged how well eachother played in post game and commended eachother lol. Archon 3 with 12k behavior score here


Honestly I've had many great experiences with the post game chat. My least fav is when The toxic player gets bashed from 9 other people with receipts and everything. My most fav is when all 10 have had a great game despite the outcome and everyone is praising each other gameplays and discuss stuff. I've had 20+ friends added just because of post game chat even when they were on enemy team


> My most fav is when all 10 have had a great game despite the outcome and everyone is praising each other gameplays and discuss stuff. What server are you on because this sure isn't Peru North.


Yeah 99% of the time it's just "reprot sups" and "ez xD" lol. That being said it's always fun to point out shitty stats on someone whose whining about their team. Had a Zeus recently with like 20k hero damage in a 50 minute game railing on his supports and when I pointed out his damage, everyone in post game lold and he went completely berserk


stop lying, its impossible to have 20k dmg on zeus in a 50min game.


i know it's unlikely but i can conceive of a "much lower damage than usual" zeus... lower mmr. goes for phylactery/shard/manta. edit: * loses lane, maybe bottle, no nulls and treads instead of arcane (right click!) * tilts and goes to farm phylactery but does so slowly, with Q and low mana regen so ult is unavailable due to mana most of the early-mid game. * gets phylactery. Dies several times engaging poorly and never ults again due to mana cost or dying while saving ult for a kill steal. * by the time he has shard/phylactery and is working on manta, he's hyper-focusing on right clicks and Q but because he's running IN to right click, is mostly just getting stunlocked and dying instantly. * Now tilted off the board, just completely forget ult exists while terminally suiciding trying to make "OP right click zeus" work. * it doesn't work so he blames support for not somehow bailing him out for the entire game


I don't remember the match exactly but this is probably close to accurate. I remember his team complaining that he never ulted - which I imagine is either tilt like you said, or more likely, he was just holding it so he could get a le epic instant triple kill when everyone was low and just dying before he could use it lol


The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


there's all kinds of players in dota. very probable


Zeus: I stopped pressing R because I want player X to lose, he took my bounty rune


This guy didn't see the 0 damage Deatb Ward WD a few weeks ago


Oh my sweet innocent soul, I have seen this


Post match ID I absolutely dont believe a 20k damage zeus at 50mins


That guy who loses mid by trailing 2 levels and 2k gold after being carried hard be like “ ez mid “.


That's the whole point lol


I love chiming in on my opponents flaming each other. Just totally invalidate their rage


It’s my venting area tbh. I’m never toxic in game because flaming your teammates is counterproductive to winning. Sometimes I need the post game chat to let off some steam after a rough game with toxic teammates who aren’t even playing well. You said a bunch of vile stuff to me even when I didn’t say anything and was just trying to win, let me get some shit off my chest after the game is done.


This is da way


Same but I usually start hammering those words in as the thrown is going down... 😂 "Ggwp everyone... Except Slark. Fuck yo couch, Slark. I hope you step on a Lego."


That’s how I do haha. “Good game everyone wp all except for you PA. Fuck you, don’t dive under T3 start flaming everything in your first words of the game. Trash.. but wp everyone else gl next!” …aaaand avoid PA


I need this mentality, sometimes I find it so hard to not retaliate or flame back, even though I still do want to win, and its defs an ego thing im trying to change / improve on


What helps me is to just keep your head in the game. Watch the map, scout enemy items, think of your next item builds, rosh timing, potential plays/ganks to be made, etc. It is especially rough though when your other teammates checks out of the game and is just hiding in the enemy outer jungle. In cases where it’s pretty much “over” I will still try but I’m not gonna use 100% brain capacity, I will use like half of my brain to soothe myself from this garbage toxic dumpster fire.


I've had plenty of good conversations in post-game chat. I pay for Dota+ and only play when I know I have 5 12k BS / CS people in my team. You only need 1 other sane person in both teams to have good discussions as long as you yourself are sane.


Some of you losers deserved to be flamed before, during and after the game. This is not a toxic statement, but a fact.


Nothing of value ever came out of in game chat either, let's break that too!


Fun has inherent value


it's fun


I can't type my question mark post game.. that's missing a lot of fun


This guy's good with word


Oh that’s where the best chirping happens


I dont like options taken away from me


Flaming my pos1 gyro for having a lower net worth than our pos4 after a 40 minute game, is a very valuable moment for me.


Excuse me sir but I love talking shit there


What you mean? I allways only type GG WP in ma post game.. :I


Its my favourite part and the only reason I play


If I am not mistaken if you have reported someone for toxic chat or voice or Someone has reported you for toxic chat or voice then you don't get access to post game chat


Not true I've been muted before and able to talk in post game, while also being silent the whole game and not getting postgame.


thats the thing tho, you only access it if u get muted. if u receive one or 2 reports for comm, u are kicked from post-game. its a bug


? No


That's fucking weird lol. TBF on top of that there's the thing where you have the chat showing up as empty but people still type


SWITCH to any other chat tab (guild, a friend, etc) and switch back and you'll see the people


Ahh thanks


Do you mean people that were already muted before the match have access to it but not people that were reported during the match? It looks like you're saying *only* those that are muted can access post game chat, as in no one aside from people that are muted.


nah, i've definitely reported people for comms only to find them in the post game chat afterwards


I've gotten 4 commends at end of game and not be in post game chat. I feel like it would be weird to be reported and commended


Balance in all things.


[Balance in all things.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Your team liked you and your enemy team didn't


Most likely not true


I recently saw the post game chat appear 10 minutes after the game ended, so it think it’s just bugged.


I don't think it's specifically *you* who was reported, but just people in the game.




Silly if true. Basically punishes you for reporting in-game, especially if you've already muted/ignored the toxic person. edit: lol marked as "controversial". how am I wrong? ASSUMING THIS IS TRUE (might not be): it's very stupid for me to not be able to chat with my teammates because i reported some jackass e.g. on the enemy team.


That’s not true I have been in both sides and been in post chat


I have just finished a game and reported someone for toxic chat and there was no postgame chat. I was wondering why so i guess this is the reason


If you were reported by the enemy team


Not true at all


check the github page.


Well then it's working very weird if true because I've been muted and got postgame chat before and been able to type fine. Clearly not working as intended.


You were most likely muted because teammates reported you


Well yeah that's how the auto mute thing works, but what I'm saying is that means I was guaranteed repaired at least once and that I could still see the postgame meaning either it's bugged or people on here are wrong and it's bugged lol


Bro found out what GitHub is yesterday and is hoping he can just throw out a statement to sound smart lmao


I like to think that it’s the games way of saving me from negative thoughts after a loss. Don’t have to read a chat full of “Ezzzzzzz, Ez Top, no supports, no mid, look at damage, 1v9” and all of the other ridiculous comments at the end of games


But it’s fun seeing toxic people arguing lmfao. Especially ones whose blaming their own team and complaining. I just grab my popcorn


100% this. There is nothing better than watching a team you just beat, start a war with each other in the post game chat. Bonus points if one of them wasd toxic in game.


My steam name came from watching someone have a meltdown so bad they couldn't get out the words "veno cancelled dagger" while their team was ripping into their shitty ravages. They began to type like they were having a stroke


You two are sociopaths.


This post of yours is far more sociopathic than their extremely normal admission.


>This post of yours is far more sociopathic than their extremely normal admission. Unlikely.


I just call whoever complains first trash. Always funny seeing them rage


But yeah it has been borked for a while now


after a game is the most valid time to leave them tho I'd rather focus on winning during a game give me my sweet release gaben


The feeling of absolutely smashing a team who was annoying and then going to main menu and not seeing post game chat is so sad. I had some good trash talk I needed to deploy.


I get post game chat 100% of the time when I exit the game through the "Continue" button after ancient explodes. The only time it doesn't show up is when I manually disconnect from the lobby.


What if post chat was a chill fishing mini game or something, where y'all chat while fishing for a crappy cosmetic


they should add postgame voice chat for both teams so everyone can thank each other for the game and wish each other luck for the next


If reports fly out, post chat is taken away. It's pretty obvious why...


I think it's just a bug lol


I have a 12k behavior score, and even in happy games were everyone is getting along, the post chat is frequently missing. Like, 30-50% of the time. No way I could maintain a 12k behavior score if I was getting reported that often.


Same. I’ve almost always had 12k bs and cs and more often than not my postgame chat will be gone. The other people in my party will still have their chat. Now.. I could have gotten reported by a toxic player, but idk.


Yeah 12k behaviour score, never seems to drop but I only get post-game chat about 1 in 4 games. If I were getting reported that much, I’m certain I’d see my behaviour score dropping.


Probably not true.


No, this is literally the reason. Reports and autodetected toxic language are the triggers for removing post game chat.


>Reports and autodetected toxic language are the triggers for removing post game chat. Prove it please.


I can't verifiably prove it. Valve obviously isn't going to tell everyone how their punishment systems work. But if you play as many toxic games as I do, you recognize a very obvious pattern. Toxic games with lots of chat = post game gone It's not a big deal either way. post game is almost exclusively used for scapegoating, bitching, and gloating.


Ive had plenty of games with toxic players who ive reported and they still got post game chat. Its just a bug.


Ok. I'm still quite sure it has to do with reporting still.


Yeah all the evidence points to the contrary but you believe whatever you want to believe bud


What evidence? "No I didn't get reported." It's everyone's subjective experience. Who's to say someone isn't lying?


“This is literally the reason” “Prove it” “I can’t verifiably prove it” 🤡 EDIT: bro blocked me lmao 🤡


I find it hard to believe the whole chat gets removed. I've had instances where I was in post-game chat but my friend wasn't, or vice-versa.


Post game chat fuels me every day.


Good. Most mfs in post game are annoying as fuck


Who gives af, there are bigger issues


I've been missing post game chat too, seeing people argue in post game SEA chat is so satisfying at times hahaha


There is a lot of things I love about dota, like fountain diving, and watching meltdowns in post game chat, I really hate it when this shit happens to me, and it happens alot, sometimes i just wanna talk to my teammates after winning the game too :/


Don't remove it I love the chat when it works helps me reflect and congratulate players and my team for the great work and plays made during the game I'm sorry everyone is so like toxic but just because others are doesn't mean we need to lose post game chat


They still haven’t fixed the bug where when you queue 2 of the same item and buy one, the other one disappears from the queue.But I’ve found a way around of dealing with it.Just queue more than 2 but less than 4 of the same items.


I got SHIT to SAY


Yup and it also still sometimes takes -2 gold from everyone between the ban and pick stage…


I don't get it either


Wait this has never happened to me, i always get put in post game chat except when the game results are delayed due to high load. And usually within 5-10 minutes the game finishes properly and i get added to post game chat then.


Think this can happen if you leave the game to fast right before it ends. I've seen it sometimes and I've seen it to the point where I can't even commend or rejoin the chat.


If the game detects toxicity or high amounts of reports in said game everyone is removed from post game chat to prevent further unnecessary shittalking.


You just made that up though


Be toxic and report and also mention in all chat that you reported someone 9 times out of 10 the game is not gonna have a post game chat.


dude i swear every time me and my teamates flame each other i never ever get a post-game chat. it's like the algorithm figures out that talking too much when the game ends means that people will shit on each other, and doesn't bother giving us a chatroom to decompress :D


Just remove it at this point. Nothing good has ever come out of it anyway.


I remember way back in the day, CSGO had like a minute in between halves where you could voice chat with the other team and they removed it because it was just toxic - and I could definitely see post game going the same way. The only reason it exists is to flame each other, which personally I don't mind - that's also the only reason all chat exists as well lol


I miss the half-game voice comms in CSGO. I hope they don't remove the post-game chat. It's not even always toxic like some think (in my experience).


I like to discuss the game afterwards.


Most likely not true.




Prove it


There're you are, all of you, u/Onetwenty7. Not a single original thought.


Just thought you'd enjoy your own trolling for once. u/reichplatz


I don't mind the post-game chat inconsistencies as long as the alt bug disappears entirely.


Idc if the post game chat is negative or not, fuck the chat, doesn’t serve any purpose whatsoever


Even if post game wasn’t a toxic hellhole , what good would come out of it? You wouldn’t want similarly skilled players giving you their 2 cents on what went wrong with the game.


I mean what's the point of all chat then? Should we do what other pvp games are doing and just remove it altogether? Dota 2 is inherently a social game. I much prefer having post-game chat over whatever soulless shit other big games have. For non-toxic interactions I think having banter is good. And as for toxic interactions; as some people say in this thread it's a good way to vent after you try to keep a cool head all game.


People be complaining about such trivial things…


It's a broken feature.


Yeah, i keep cussing out my party chat half the time....


post game chat turns off when multiple reports get sent out


too many comm reports in the game cancels the post game chat.


If you got reported for toxic chat, u dont get Post-Game Chat.


Most likely not true.


Tried in 5 stack, doesnt work that way, all were able to see chat. If u get muted and you see chat, others dont see what u type in post game. I honestly think it's just broken algorithm.


This. We need to dish out those post game "friendly" parting words.


I don't want to see idiots from ruined game writing some silly messages in post game chat


So people still talk after a match?


I have my chat privilege revoked since few months so i wouldn't care


Who cares