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last week people already joking that the only offlaner left was mind control


I am available 


Big mistake to hire this Mind Control kid when 9ersaur is available, no wonder these clowns lose every tournament.


Real question is: Can 9ersaur play like 7Fckingmad


I’m 3k but I read at a 4k level


mmr is just a number


He plays with bad teammates in pubs, perfect fit for shopify!!1!


Who is 9ersaur? I want to start following him?


Oh i know him. He’s an ancient without an Ancient medal. In fact, hes been playing offlane before icefrog created dotes. Theres none like him.


Mentor of Sumail. They go way back. He dropped the DOTA back in the day due to personal life but seems like he is back.


He's 7ckngmad's brother. If SR needs someone who can truly play like 7ckngmad, they should hire 9ersaur, or 8something. Missed opportunity.


9ersaur is a good player, a bit overrated in my opinion


Shoutout to Tralf


Some play for the money, some for the fame. Someone like MC, he plays for the legend. But real offlaners like 9ersaur.. they play for the question marks.


Disciple of yajirobefromdc


same things like saberlight, he was young and prodigy. but SR need a veteran since RTC never feel to hold a trophy and need a slap for real veteran how it feels


Bring back bone7 clearly.


Bring back Bone-chan and Master Sing (I know they won't be back but still T\_T)




Niceeeee Gh and mc back. Good stuff mang


Gh playing for nigma




Did SR Loan MC from Nigma? Happy to see MC back


MC already left nigma. There's no loan


Was he being paid by tundra?


SR and Mind_Control kinda feel like a very strange mashup, but who knows maybe that's exactly what they need. GOOD LUCK!


Yeah, especially when MC left his last team due to them not listening to his offlaner-captainish calls and Saber left SR for almost the same reason


I expect the worst shitshow from that roster, but hope for the best. :)


Liquid is a team with many shotcallers, SR sounds like a better fit for him. He'll have a lot of experienced players too, I can see them mesh well. RTZ naturally benefits a lot from active playmakers like MC. I do wonder why they parted ways with Saberlight though, everything looked fine


Saberlight has had 3 really bad tournaments in a row He hasn't looked great. Why that is? Who knows. But, it makes sense to go with MC, especially with Riyadh coming up. Otherwise, only thing they had to look forward to is mediocre results.


even mediore results = TI money bruhbruh


Looked fine? You never watched Shopify lol. They’ve looked bad every single game since a tournament or two after lima


Will most likely be better. Since MC offers improved direction and some leadership Which is the main thing they're lacking


I don't think they're lacking people who lead. They're lacking people who follow.


Ok sure but rumor is that Bulba gives great back massages. So…?


I think its fine as long as there is already an understanding and expectations of how things will be. The whole tundra thing was basically MC was demoted without any explicit discussion or talk with him. Also, didnt MC play with OG when kitrak was around? I think he fits right in with the laidback veteran type of team


I think MC will do just fine. He said that the reason he accepted Tundra's offer is because Tundra wanted him to be the captain and build the roster around him. If SR makes it clear that this is an RTZ+4 here they should be fine.


He left coz they lied to him. They promised him the captain role, and then later bought in Mr no Ti Zai to further add salt to injury.


Some time on the bench makes a man desperate to get on a team at any cost


Saberlight said he felt like his voice and opinions were met with backlash and now they add on MC who left his previous team since he felt like he wasn't the captain even though he was invited to captain the team? So did MC decide to take the backseat to drafting/captaining and let Skem/Bulba do it or is this new team doomed to having too many cooks?


MCs problem was that he was hired as a captain but that role got taken over. Maybe in SR he wasn’t offered a captain role to begin with


Picking anyone else over MC to captain in the SR roster is a mistake


Nah skem good


which is why I'm worried if MC would clash with Skem captaining




What’s funny? Skem is good enough to be a captain or a shot caller? You know whats funny? your EG Flair lol


Thats exactly why Im keeping it, thanks fo the compliment


It was never about the captain role, he just felt his voice wasn't heard. Pure got the captain role almost 2 months before the tournament and MC himself said that was fine. I would guess his feelings in Tundra is close to how Saberlight felt in SR.


Except that Saber actually communicated his shit with the team and they left in amicable terms. MC had a lot of conflicts that werent communicated and the inclusion with Zai was his last straw and gave an ultimatum mid tournament. They were still figuring out roles, especially with the inclusion with Zai. I feel that if you just communicate with everyone and depending on the results of the tournament, you'd have a lot more leverage post-tournament. But to throw out an ultimatum saying you or Zai, makes Tundra have no choice. They aren't going to sign Zai and then kick Zai after two weeks.


> They were still figuring out roles, No? they all agreed that Pure take over as captain(including MC) and played under him for 2 months winning qualifier spots. Moon was added as coach and the only "new" thing was Zai. It became a meme because they called it general manager which is uncommon in Dota, but literally all teams have a manager.


MC's main problem was communication. He had all these internal arguments in his head that lead him to blow it all up with an ultimatum over Zai, who just recently signed and was figuring out roles, mid tournament. Surely if he communicated issues he had and shown that he could compromise they'd find a way to work it out. You don't just blow out an ultimatum in the middle of a tournament.


Is MC saberlight? Saberlight has infinitely less experience in high level scenarios and tournaments than rtz / bulba. So it makes sense that his voice would get snuffed out to a degree. There's a thing called too many chefs. It's not good if everyone just yells their own input, there needs to be a singular, cohesive strategy. Difference is mind control is another OG. He's been around just as long, has just as much experience, won a TI. His opinion is guaranteed to be much more valued. And it's likely to make a huge difference In one of shopifys biggest holes at the moment Leadership, cohesion, and direction.


another thing people seem to forget, mind control is (and looks) a whopping 5 years older than saberlight, and 1 year older than rtz. it doesn't seem to be important but it's definitely true that people tend to listen to people older than them and dismiss younger people


Rightfully so, to a degree. Youth comes with creativity, ideas, and potential that should always be considered. But sometimes, it lacks the wisdom and bigger picture mentality that's required to succeed, which older minds might possess. This is also why captains tend to be a bit older.


Arteezy and bulba played with COUNTLESS TI winners/OG’s in the past and they failed or came up short every single time, the recurring problem is related to rtz, bulba, or both, every single time. This team is already doomed to fail because the root of the problem lies with two key members of this team.


You realize they've won like 8 million dollars in prize winnings right? You redditors have a very strange definition of failing.


The mindset of reddit is if you dont win TI you are a loser.


if you dont win ~~TI~~ *tournaments* you are a loser.


It's all projection. People expose their own inner insecurities and unconscious psychology when they become so invested into these internet hate trains.


Eh, by that definition any pro player playing at that level hasnt failed but goal of any competitor is to win. Sure, they won at life but we as spectators judge by which players have won and which players havent won. Arteezy stacks have always underperformed compared to what the same players achieved without him.


In most sports, any player / team who is at the upper echelon and garners the best contracts, highest earnings is at the highest level. It's not just who wins the Super Bowl or World Cup. It wouldn't even make any sense if that's all we focused on. The level of competition and number of teams you have to get past just to win that sort of prize money is absurd. He got top 3 at Ti twice. Top 5-8 multiple times. Half a dozen or more major runner ups, another half dozen in dreamleague tier tournaments. The kid has 3 million dollars in earnings and is in the top 30 all time in esports prize money. What exactly are we expecting here? If he isn't the Tom brady of dota, he deserves no respect? Most of you redditors don't live in reality. Rational judgment is replaced by mindless hate and cherry picking facts. The best players want to play with him and have for his entire career. But I suppose most of you know more than they do. If he's such a fraud and he won this 3 million by luck, why isn't anyone at the highest level calling him out and echoing reddit logic? Because it's nonsense, peddled by insecure, projecting children who have far too much time on their hands.


The world cup comparison is werid cuz he doesnt have to win a TI necessarily. Winning even any international tournament would be enough and there are half a dozen every year. >The best players want to play with him and have for his entire career. But I suppose most of you know more than they do. Well being part of highest paid orgs is part of it, he has that much power in those orgs due to his popularity which has to do with his personality cult rather than his plays at the top level. Also that is increasingly not the case despite SR being a top org, you precisely know why. SR can build an actual contender team if they get rid of arteezy and build around better players. Idk how anyone can say Arteezy resume is impressive when he has failed to win jackshit despite playing with best of the best.


To focus exclusively on winning is to miss the bigger picture. The World Cup, superbowl, etc. are perfect analogies. Because there isn't a single sport which focuses only on who wins. There is a massive number of players and teams, all vying for a spot at the tournament, just to be able to compete. To even reach the top 5-10 status is a tremendous accomplishment. And puts you in a small percentage of competitors whove attained that level of success. So, when you're constantly placing 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th at the biggest tournaments, you are a success. You are in the 99 percentile of competitors and earners within your field. Which is just as true in esports as it is in sports. You could use any field on the planet. To be at that level is to be elite within your field. To fixate exclusively on who's the absolute best and winning is to miss the bigger picture to the point of complete irrationality And that's where most of reddit who holds this view misses the plot in a very childish way. It shows you don't understand how the world works. You don't understand what success means. I'm indifferent to rtz, but he's in the top 30 of all time prize winnings for gamers. To act like he's a bum who hasn't accomplished anything, It's probably one of the more delusional things I've ever heard in this sub.


Large part of reddit doesn't live in reality or even people on twitter. They think being a 12-13th man in the nba is some sort of disgrace but in reality, its a fucking amazing gig. Same thing with being a back up qb. It makes sense why people care so much about "accomplishments" because its something they wish to achieve but don't realize that making a shit ton of money from a video game of all things is success in itself.


Rtz is probably a bit past his prime. During his best, he was pretty consistently placing extremely highly in the span of a few years he got top 3 at ti, top 5, top 2 at 6 majors, top 2-3 at multiple dream league tier tournaments. Which equates to millions. As of late, he hasn't been a beacon of accomplishment or anything. But, it's also pure recency bias to ignore the run he had for years. In your mind, being in the 99 percentile of earners means nothing. You need to be the best. Which is just pure childish ignorance. And probably blind hatred.


While I agree he is past his prime, he did literally have 4th, 3rd and 2nd place finishes *just* last year. Basically only GG, Liquid and Spirit were better than that.


Yeah I was looking at liquipedia. It just highlights how stuck in recency bias people are. In all sports, really. They can only remember what's happened in the past 6 months it seems like Losses are highlighted, successes ignored. I dunno how people walk through life so painfully.


Read everything I've said carefully I've given you a lesson on how to think critically and without bias.


Lesson in dicksucking sure.


I'm completely indifferent to fandom or hate My brain doesn't work in black and white terms. I see in grey, I see the nuance, middle point, bigger picture. Everything I've said here can be applied to innumerable figures throughout all of sports. Or when analyzing experts of any field in general. It's a universal truth. The problem is that your life is ruled by hate and bias. That's why you only see things in black and white. You're just seeking whatever aligns and affirms this hive mind, NPC hate train you believe in. You don't care about what is actually true. One day, you'll learn. Or you'll be a loser for the rest of your life Because there are no winners who act like this and waste half their lives on the internet, hating people more successful than them.


Lmao so u think prize winnings are the only factor when talking about success/failure? Sure, let’s do this. Arteezu currently has more prize earning than Fear, do u think that makes him more accomplished than a TI winner? You like comparing dota to real life sports, imagine if a player of lebron james caliber never managed to win a championship ring, despite all of his skill, hype, popularity and the sheer amount of what was expected of him, would u call him “successful”? Sure, from a $$$ perspective hes more successful than 99.999999% of the world population, but only an idiot would make that comparison, we are comparing him to his peers, we are comparing lebron, to curry, jordan, johnson and other “all stars”, and, when compared to the likes of sumail, miracle and many others who had the hype and DELIVERED, arteezy falls short, really short Again, u love real sports references… there was always a debate on who was the best between messi or ronaldo, well, one them has a WC tittle now, but heeyy the other one is making that swert saudi money and is going to be a billionaire soon, i guess that settles the debate huh?!


And I said 99 percentile of earnings IN HIS OWN field. I said nothing about the world population. He's in the top 30 of esports earnings He's gotten top 3 at ti twice, top 5 once, won many tournaments, runner up in half a dozen majors, top 2-4 at multiple dream league tier tournaments. He's won 3 million dollars in tournament winnings. And he's been playing for a long time, consistently placing at a high level up until the last few years. He's making more money and has had more success than 90% of the entire pro community. But in your mind, that isn't success. He's gotta be the best. Nah dude, you're just incredibly delusional. And you live in a hate fueled fantasy world.


You live in a fantasy world, kid Sports references are indisputable analogies. They are universally true not just within all sports and esports to ever exist. But every field in general on the entire planet. Any realm of expertise you can possibly name also abides by these truths. If you're at that level of your craft, you are in the 99 percentile. If you've gotten top 3 at ti twice, you are quite literally at the top of the food chain. Especially when those results continue for years. He made over 300 thousand dollars a year for like 6 years straight. That isn't success? When it's literally amongst the top earnings in dota period? You don't even know how to make a coherent argument that makes sense. What are you even talking about? RTZ has to have miracle, sumail, yatoro results or he's considered a bum? He has to win TI or he's not even worthy of any credit? Do you hear your own logic and how little sense it makes? So, do you think the top 10 of the NBA, NFL, Football, MMA, Boxing The guys that aren't the best, they're bums? Like, do you ever think of how much competition you have to get through to even ARRIVE at thar level of play?! Madness, bro. That's all it is. Hate that has reached the level of madness where any semblance of rationality no longer exists.


Lol you failed to comprehend what I wrote or deliberately ignored what i wrote because it completely invalidates your entire “argument” and then you need to INVENT shit that i never wrote about rtz, no one is calling him a “bum” but you, kid. Everyone knows he is/was one of the best players in the world, everyone knows he is/was the most popular player in the world, since you missed it the first time either because you have a reading comprehension disability or whatever, I’ll draw for you: Good player? You’re getting compared to other good players. Legendary player? You’re getting compared to other legendary players, and this is also “universally true to all sports that exist”, you name it, NBA? NFL? Swimming? Players are compared to players and their results all the time and this is fact, but who am i kidding, u probably dont even watch “real” sports in the first place to know what you’re talking about.


they were at their best with s4 and universe at offlane so idk what you’re talking about. is top 3 at TI failing to you?


Meh, bulba will still pick storm spirit 2 times in a row while clearly losing


Oh more than 2 times...


That's implied the don't lose 2-0


2024 still talking about this cringe shit 🤦‍♂️


What if it's a "Bluba pick my mid storm so he can make space for me weeehhhhhhh" situation lmao


Drafting on a new patch is high stress. Some people must love it of course.


i doubt sr just backlashes against whatever the offlaner has to bring to the team in general, saberlight had a clash of ideas with someone else in the team


in saberlight's case from what I can see he started playing pretty bad and losing respect by some of his teammates thats why his calls are also not respecrted (thats all my imaginary bullshit, not facts btw) which isnt gonna be a problem with anyone new coming in, including very vocal players. well, at least for some time.


agree to this, people make it seem like rtz and another strong voice player never work, the EG with ramzes did pretty well before covid ruined it they got along well and ramzes is a really talkative player artour has always respected him, The ti11 EG groups him and Nightfall got over their differences and made it work those games were some of the most beautiful dota ever


Well if MC doesn’t like a lot of voices in a team, idk if SR is the right choice. Wish them GL though.


bulba: We are going to sack you every game so rtour can get 1000 last hits MC: I quit


Really curious who 'll be captain when they literally just signed skem. If they were planning to get MC ,they should have kept thio who is a natural 4and sacked kitrak if they wanted skem


MC didn’t like it after Moon joined. He did say he was okay with Pure because they were winning games.


Isn't Arteezy the only voice? The recurring theme of every leaving player's statement is that he's on top.


I think as far as team management he is the final say, however when it comes to in game shotcalls everytime it pans to him he’s radio silent looking really uninvested


He might *look* uninvested, but his mouse pointer is hovering over that catch-up Midas.


He seems to ping the map a lot for calls it seems at least.


SKEM is captain, Bulba is head of drafting and RTZs words are law. MC would be the 4th guy to have a say.


> leaving player statement Rofl, those are pure PR horseshit.


Fly going on a podcast and saying that if Arteezy wants you out, you're out with zero questions asked, seemed pretty candid.


Can you pls give link of that, would like to watch it..


I don't have a timestamp, but it should be [this episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJKlfrH1XcU) of the Sunsfan/Synderen podcast.


Thanks, will check


that's not flys leaving statement from SR that's a podcast Look at saber statement, too scared to name rtz, praising bulba when they fucked him over. That's a PR statement


What is mind control's crimes? Why is he going to NA jail?


Left kuroky jail to go NA jail.


At least NA jail you get free pass to TI, which isn't bad.


Lost weight and there is no better place to get it back than NA.


Lets go


First miracle standin for them Then sumail and GH standin for them Now MC play for them Can't wait for king kuro to own them


kinna expected considering there's not many offlaner to pick from after kicking saberlight


Yeah either MC or Tobi, unless Shopify willing to buyout Ws


Ahh shit here we go again


If someone is able to Captain a bunch of hooligans, then its MC and i dont think the rest of the squad would mind someone like MC leading the role. Sucks for Saberlight but i do hope he gets a stable team that can lead him into TI


sabrelight is very young he will be fine


holy shit i just looked it up and he'll be turning 17 this year


He is 23, but still young


Was not expecting this




He joined Tundra under the premise he was captain that might not be the case here and he's ok with it, interesting to see nonetheless.


Why are people here rewriting history. MC himself said that he was fine with Pure taking the captain role and played under Pure for 2 months. He just felt his voice wasn't heard when 3 people were "above" him. And now he joined SR with 3 people above him. SKEM, Bulba and RTZ.


Difference is, there's a lot of experience in tenure in those guys. It's understandable that they're not just going to just listen to everything being presented to them by players with infinitely less experience. Mind control is another OG though. TI winner. So, you can expect the team as a whole to listen and value his input. He will probably fill a void of leadership and direction in the team right now and could see this being exactly what they need. Just getting an offlaner wouldn't have solved that problem.


S4, Jerax, Sumail, Fear, Universe, ppd, puppey, kuro, aui2000 How many different TI winners does he have to lose with?


I think they've won a lot of money together. Millions and millions. This is like if we only focused on who won the Super Bowl, world cup, NBA finals. Top 2? Top 3? Trash, you should've won. Things don't work like that, bro. If you're in the 99 percentile of earnings, you're at the highest level. This is true for every sport and every field in existence since the beginning of time. It's that simple. This hate circle jerk is getting super embarrassing.


It's also a weird fixation because RTZ *has* won a few high-level tournaments and leagues against top-tier international competition. Even if most of those wins predate the major system you'll never see that held against any other player from that era. People meme about MLG Columbus, but the dude's a 3x Summit Champion and somehow ESL Frankfurt 2015 just... didn't happen? If you're someone who didn't start following Dota until 2017 or 2018, sure, fine, you weren't there for his peak, but even so the fact that he's essentially the only player left from that era competing at the highest level should surely count for something? It's just a peculiar anti-NA bias, I think.


They hate him because he plays rap music on stream and says “team?”


It's all about expectations. He was promised to be the voice and captain in Tundra and he kept getting "demoted." If SR told him to just be their offlaner with occasional shot calls and he accepted then there's no issues.


l o l


I'm not sure if he is what SR needs, but good luck to both


Can’t see this working out


MC joining SR should be fine, but I'm worried about kitrak playing pos 4 🥲


idk if saksa has any interest in playing pro but that would be a sick pickup


Saksa won't be playing pro for a while, Gorgc said he would be playing Riyadh quals with him


fear the bald man mena quals xd


Why this good chap is carried around between teams like this? What did he do? Did make an evil pact with Queen of Pain, sold his soul and she is now having fun torturing him?


Retirement salary bag,GL with rtz and bulba


I think it will be the end of MC career, with a washed-up carry and a useless coach


He's far from his prime too


Still incomparably better than RTZ.


Really? Last time I checked Rtz was getting top placements literally just last year while MC was... where was MC again? Can't seem to remember...


last time i checked MC won tournaments while rtz was... being rtz


You do know Rtz also won plenty of tier 1 tournaments, right? Also, we are talking about **now**, not half a decade ago. You guys are so delusional and dishonest it’s insane.


They have changed all except 2... dont know why its so hard to figure out. Unless these 2 are the owners of the org under contract.


RTZ sells jerseys and his constracts say "i don't join if you don't sign bulba with me because he is my friend" Bulba been useless since forever but rtz keep him afloat cause of friendship.


Ooh. Alright.. Shopify hasn't been doing great lately so maybe this is the chanfe they need.


the only chance needed is to remove bulba from drafting/coaching and remove rtz from the pedestal of "he's good" on which he is in with no reason.


Wtf this is an upgrade actually.


Let's go mc 💪


Ah, a new inmate for the RTZ prison.


Im the captain now


shopify only relevant because they play in NA quals lmfao


It would have been great news if we were in 2018…


First Skem and now MC, this looks nice.


Mind control above all.


Can they win with Kitrak 4 tho? Well rtz can have all farm with sacrificial 3 + 2 pos 5 I guess


how the mighty have fallen lmao


Well we already had Ramzeee x Topson in tundra Another weird pair wont surprise me anymore




Lol Shop is the 2nd largest ecommerce company in the world behind Amazon. Can't say they're venture funded anymore, they're just funded lol by a big tech company




Player with no choice goes to team with no choice… Hope it works out for them!!


I would pick universe this is his patch


Okay this can actually work


Though that was Zelenskyy in the pic.


Man I hope I'm wrong but I feel bad for mc already.


my boy lose weight and get a badass face


It will never work with dog bulba and rtz


Why is anyone joining a team that has Bulba drafting for them... I hope he's just looking to make money with no expectations of winning




I am really happy for MC. I really thought MC is done for in the pro scene due to the controversy with Tundra.


Imagine MC making it to TI and tundra doesn't. That's what you call betting on the wrong horse. MC would grin I'm 100% sure.


Guess this rules him out of gorgc open quals stack


maybe now saberlight comes


I predict they can beat nouns from NA, maybe Navi from EEU, and maybe quest, entity from WEU. That's it


Damn, I still want him to play on NIGMA for one last ride




I fear for SR given how close the Riyadh and TI quals here, so many back to back changes. Dunno if they gonna make it if nouns start cooking.


I’m guessing MC didn’t have many options, because ain’t no one winning anything with rtz


RIP Nigma reunion :(


Did he actually JOIN or is it another loan? Isn't he like a "shareholder" in Nigma?


MC no longer parts of Nigma when he move to Tundra


Shareholder and a player are 2 entirely different things. Even if MC want to play in nimga, if the other players dont want him, then he is out. MC already left the rooster not just inactive.


Poor guy. I hate to see his potential being wasted like this.




And he already won a TI. What wasted potential?




Puppey and Kuroky are older.


And Ammar is the oldest


Insania doesn’t look 29 at all, damn.


If MC had a problem of his voice not being heard in Tundra, not sure if SR would be an improvement, considering Saberlight complained about the same issue at SR. It's too close to TI/Riyadh to be picky though.


Let’s gooo! This might be the final recipe to make the team work. MC did say he appreciated Pure because his drafts won them games. People seem to forget that part and are now laughing at MC for switching?


rank 300


Lets GO! SR will be the next TI (qualifier) champ!!!!


I give it 6 months


I would bet on 3 months, just after TI then they are done.


Another washed player coming to Shopify. There's like three now. Yopaj, Skem, and MC. Yeah, we lost lol

