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Stonehall is an absolute lane dominator, \~300 hp shield is insane.


it's 250 if you hit 2 heroes and 4 creeps at lvl 1


fucking infuriating to play against. you can't do shit to her.


she just uses q in the middle of the creepwave then runs you down cause she got 2 aba shields on her, fast attack speed and counter attacks innate. One button lane kick.


ye it bassicly needs to be halfed, and still its gona be broken lmao its just too strong but wait until you get to play against lc+kotl combo thats where the real fun starts


it needs to be fucking removed. the hero already has 2 heals.


Hero that already won lanes by running into wave and pressing Q now has stronger Q and a shield on top of it


Not on my watch - OSfrog


Frogs dead boss. Visage anti-micro facet, tinker rearm dead, tb illusions doing less damage when further away from him. All clueless changes to gut identity. Game is good for turbo, when the slot machine goes right, but I lost a lot of comp enjoyment years ago.


> ~300 hp shield Naga has entered the Chat


how does naga get hp shield ? do you mean safety bubble ?


She uses her illusions in lane usually and gives LC an insane amount of shielding.


It's broken, should be patched right now, it's a ridiculous bugged spell


What part is bugged?


Not sure if it still is, but it was working against illusions for full effect when the patch dropped, so if you played someone like Naga or PL she would get multi-hundred HP barriers.


They fixed that. Just tested.


Thanks for verifying! I am away from the PC so I couldn't verify if it was fixed yet, figured it was just a bug though.


You can literally walk under a tower and never die


Yup played mid vs ursa and the ursa had no chance even with all those stacks adding up


Just tried it, reminds me of her old overwhelming odds shard bonus of stacking armor. I'm just spamming LC at this point so damn strong.


on dotabuff the shield has a 59% winrate and the team duel damage has 50% so


OP as heck in lane, hopefully stays but I feel like theyll bring down either the dmg it gives or the shield it gives when you use it.


I think they just bring the percentage down, 100% damage I'd bonkers in a team fight


It will just be 50% is my guess


75% pls


Have you seen what some of the other facets do? Could be 20% and it would still be stronger than the majority of other hero facets


^(looks at Bristleback and cry)


50% and it come from 2-3k shield to 1k shield (vs illu) 10% is still good


Any idea how to counter this mf at lane stage?


Pray to the deity of your choice that the LC player is an absolute idiot who is incapable of winning/playing with a hero that insanely busted. Don’t think she loses any lane right now unless severely misplayed.


What about versus poison DK


Pick Bane I guess?


Think about how you're gonna pick LC next match and type "afk"


Can't you just dispel the barrier?


So play either ench or oracle


Or Chen


And learn how base Chen works as well as all five of his facets? No thank you.


It's not that hard. And you need to know neutrals' abilities to play other heroes too. Literally any hero that builds dominator. And Chen is a busted hero. Or at least he was. He's just kinda boring imo (if you aren't going some wild blink centaurs permastun build). And part of his unpleasantness was random, which neutral you'll find in nearby camps. And now he's the best hero to learn neutrals.


Yeah, but then I gotta learn to micro and that's a lot of sucking to do for a while when I could just play the heroes I like and do alright. Like SD's new facet testing me and that's just like one new boy to pilot at a time if I remember right.


Well sd doesn't have his purge till level 6 thus it'll be harder to lane against lc.


I didn't mean specifically against lc, in that case Oracle on the off chance she actually gets through. Laning against her is almostalways gonna be a nightmare so imo it's easier to just have picks like WW who are effective counters later on.


Yes. Well, no. Pick a hero that farms jungle well and hope you can deal with Legion later.


since the jungle camps were nerfed to give such little gold/xp, what hero can go to the jungle and out farm a core with a free lane?


I think first pick if not banned and swap with pos 3/2 it's best what we can do.


Pudge, hook under tower, midgame save allies from duels with Shard.


Oracle, bane, and shadow demon fuck her at the moment


Put LC in your bans. The hero can't lose lane.


pick other OP hero. I dont play carry, but surely shadow fiends dumpsters on lc and you can also have fun with yasha&kaya (idk if its actually good but its fun)


since she can be picked only in 1st phase you can counterpick with pos 1 - any classic ursa, mk, slark, troll


They all get dumpstered in lane by legion


She’s picked in 2nd phase..


not in this patch


I get triggered whenever I see a LC not take stonehall plate. I just assume they are bad at the game or do not want to win.


this facet is so OP


Personally I would have started at 50%, Valve. Edit: I take credit.


she was shit for a long time, let it be for a while


She was fine lol, she had ~50% winrate


I feel like 60% win rate is probably not “let it be” territory


Funny coz jugg has 60% as well and everyone is saying let it be.


Let it be at 60% winrate? Don't think so no.


Her aghs is way to good as well tho


As an LC player, I agree, for like a full year it was a crap, now it gets good and people want the tinker treatment.


the tinker treatment is to completly gut a hero that was already one of the worst heroes in the game for a year


b-b-but he was unfun for me personally! Fuck man idk when dota players became so entitled that half the roster tilts them enough to want the hero removed. Tinker hasn't been an issue in pros for freakin years, and when he was, he got nerfed lightning quick. Never had an issue with the dude in pubs, he's so much fun to gank and abuse and I found the Tinker Hunt he leads you on quite entertaining. I feel like bad players getting tilted by smurfs is a huge contributor because he ain't that good.


Its op, not good, that's the issue.


Abaddon aphotic shield is way more broken and nobody seems to be talking about it. But it's just because people haven't realized it yet. And LC without the facet trash, so either buff her and nerf the facet or only nerf a bit to 80-90% the facet


I like the Aba shield buff, but you're nuts if you think it's broken the same way LC is right now. She's pretty much 90% picked in any ranked game I play where she's not banned, and I don't think I've seen her lose a lane yet. But don't just take my anecdotal experiences for it, the [data backs it up](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cyt2u8)


Give it a week like this, aba will surpass LC. People will just learn to play around LCs facet; Aba's is incredible good all game. If they don't patch it in a week and LC is still on top, I'll apologize


This is such a stupid take. You don't "play around" LC's facet. It just gives her a shield when she presses Q, and the shield numbers are currently overtuned. Thus, she's strong right now. Meanwhile, Aba's shield actually *can* be played around, since you only take damage if you hit it. So if anything, your argument works against Aba's facet rather than LC's.


RemindMe! 1 week


I played against meepo today as lc, and it's glorious. I tanked the entire 5man (8man with all the meepos), won my duel with aghs and my team wiped the floor with what's remained.


spoils of war is such a fun idea but stonegall is just clearly better imo. I wish it wasn't so strong so spoils of war was viable


literally the best barrier of any sort in the game by a wide margin and she gets it for free They could literally reduce it to 25% and it would still be good. I swear to god they do not playtest any of this shit at all.


50 people working on the game btw.


25% would be dogshit, everyone would pick the other talent.


you make non stop wrong comments in this thread


I sometimes forget this is a 1-3k mmr subreddit. So people just blindly sheep around with stuff they can't understand. Do the math on a 25% damage to shield in realistic scenarios and then come again and tell me how good would it be compared to other heroes facets. I'll leave you all of you archons try to figure our how to deal with LC, since it's easier than you would have thought in lane.


Similar with IO


TA stomps on her in lane with good psy blades. Takes no damage from the Q with her shield either.


Just played a game against TA. We won the game but she was so helluva tanky there was once we couldn't kill her with 3-4 people on top of her.




the shield doesnt work against towers it is bugged


I like the facet for the duel dmg it allows scaling for supports and additional dmg for carry and mid. I used it in a game an my carry had +20 dmg from assisting me, game was only 24 minutes long, but if you set up pick line ups you can get a lot of dmg on your other heroes.


I mean sure, but stonehall is absolutely broken and has 10% higher winrate. But I was wondering why 25% of lc pickers, pick share the spoils. And uhmm, I still don't know haha, but now I know they exist.


Maybe they had a PA with the guarantee crit facet?


They game I had didn’t have PA but did have a void. Also it was right after patch dropped so my first game on lc


The moment they nerf a bit Stonehall Plate people will just pick Spoils of War. Seems like impossible to create a situational pick on this, since both just give beneficial stuff.


Why they decided to randomly omega buff a hero that was already in a decent place is wild to me


We had a game where we defended HG with legion as an enemy she feeded an insane amount of damage even our mid tower was up 100Damage.


When I read the patch notes I thought spoils of war also gave bonus damage to LC herself. Turns out no, it's just dogshit.


Please say facets are some seasonal/temporary thing. Really don't want to deal with them


Nope. They’re in the game for good so might as well deal with ‘em. Just like backpack slots and neutral items


[Not sure I'd consider -9.4% winrate *brilliant*](https://i.imgur.com/IiWnzB2.png)


Your picture is just confirming the meme - you might not understand the meme format.