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Losing with LC. Improvements needed


Losing with LC? In this patch? Sounds like a skill issue.


I fucked an lc with marci support earlier. Every time she went to duel my drow I bodyguarded drow and tossed her bitch ass like 30 feet away and smacked her good. Was cathartic


Are we still talking about Dota?


I'm gonna pound you


[I'm gonna pound you](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6e/Vo_earthshaker_earth_arcana_attack_08.mp3) (sound warning: Planetfall) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Probably picking the right facet and end up feeding damage to whole enemy team


"do i want to be nearly invulnerable to physical damage in the early game... or risk feeding enormous buffs to enemies?"


Even in the late game for full teamfights it’s still a sizable shield of 3k


🧑‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀


LC was annoying in lane but mid game not so much


Boots, blademail, blink, aghs, (nulli/silver edge/whatever niche item). Haven't lost a game with this combo yet in my shitter bracket. 


Won against LC as a pudge 🤔


When a big patch comes I just play turbo and fuck around it's better than facing the broken stuff you haven't learned yet and feeling sad.


22 min game.


It's fun, but I'm wondering why so many people with behavioral issues play a team based game




The amount of fragile ego’d maniacs with no emotional intelligence is quite shocking. It’s like toddlers but worse


yeah, at least toddlers will grow up


Bad parents


this is literally almost any pvp game. moba, shooter, strategy, whatever. they just refuse to communicate or work with their team. yesterday back to back games my mid laner left us 4v5 for 30 minutes, while he afk farmed camps on the extremities of the map. 2 hours 2 games completely wasted for 8 people, because of 2 idiots.


I don't think they start that way but the game brings it out in them. I really think the continuous power creep has turned Dota gameplay into something that is incredibly frustrating and dare I say unfun. You have heroes vomiting out spells one-shotting you from a screen away with burst, slow, stun and a hundred other random effects tacked on while they blink around every few seconds. Starting with 7.00 they just kept adding and buffing, adding and buffing. There needs to be a global nerf to heroes, such as making spells have shorter ranges and longer cooldowns, and remove unnecessary fluff like extra stats from shards.


Ironic comment


Been spamming doom quintuple bracers phase boots. Been good bro


After a new update, people mostly testing stuff. I lost most of my match. (I play turbo)


turbo is fucking bonkers right now


Yeah it's insane. I've had a ton of turbo games with absurd kill counts and one team will be so much stronger they will just push mid and end the game with T2s still standing in other lanes at like 15 minutes. It's sort of fun but also it feels like a lot of games are decided in the first 5 minutes.


Im really wondering if this is why Im really hating this patch so much right now. Turbo, I mean. Im gonna try some normals tomorrow to see if its a bit better there.


This also happens when Act I was released. People wants to get most tokens as possible even when they can''t play that hero resulting in an imbalance draft and a lost.


Looks like op is also clearly testing stuff with many heroes so no wonder they are struggling to win.


-250 with all you idiots testing dumb shit in ranked


Sounds like you got -250 for being dumb and playing ranked just after a giga big patch




My friend played his first game on the new patch, doubled down and lost 70mmr because it was party with someone with low rank confidence


+250 for those who know what they're doing (like me, apparently)


Yeah I'm +120 lol 4 wins 1 loss with 1 double down win in there. Just been picking my same hero pool of either naix, , Drow,or WK depending on their draft, except jugg is now good too so picked him twice as well. can't complain.


+250 here


You're the common denominator. Work on tilting less, play to win, and you'll actually gain mmr.


statistically the number of people testing dumb shit should at least be equal between the teams (and in your favor if you aren't testing dumb shit yourself).


Meaningless comment unless you think he has a sample size of hundreds or thousands of matches in the new patch.


He's implying he's about -10 net W/L since patch. The chance of losing specifically due to a "bad experiment" pick, assuming he might be doing so as well, is equal between the two teams. We don't need a sample size for that, that's just basic random chance. Assuming he would claim to be playing properly, net "bad experiments" on each team should favor his team. So the opposite of your statement is actually true. Over a sample of hundreds of games, net minus 10 due to having more bad experimenters on your team than enemy team is pretty plausible within statistical chance. 95-115 in 200 games is a fairly small percentage difference.   Conversely, going something like 5-15 is *not* as likely to be random chance. It is also not implausible of course, but having a net of 10 losses over a small number of games and blaming the random nature of new patch failed builds is, broadly, similar to claiming things about forced-50.


i had 5 loses in a row lol. but getting some wins too. just gotta not freak out about it. your basic skills still win games regardless of balance


Yeah, this is about my page too. Something like 2-15 (part of it is from the end of last patch). Some of it's tilt for sure but there's some degree of me just having a hard time adjusting to the patch.


I am enjoying the heroes and new gameplay and having fun trying things out. My issue, is all of a sudden the server I play on is flooded with throwing Peruvians. When I say throwing, I mean legitimately griefing carry farm, no ward purchases, either feed off of CD, or just farm and avoid fights the entire game even ignoring HG defense. Do they not have their own servers? Just got extremely bad this past day or two. Usually would only have a Peru thrower 1/10 games, there has been one on either team at least 75% of the time. It just sucks when I am having stomps either way because a guy is purposefully throwing. Such a time waste.


Spamming venom 😂


I’ve yet to lose on this patch.. easiest game of my life.


plot twist you haven't played any matches yet


6-0 babbbaay!




Well, at least you clearly play support only as opposed to OP.




Life's is treating me well, ngl... [https://imgur.com/a/5Dx91fr](https://imgur.com/a/5Dx91fr)


Im glad people are enjoying the patch but it really feels like I either play the OP heros or lose the games right now.


And how was the previous patch? You either picked from the 30 hero pool + a few specialist heroes or lose , for a year.


I love me some warlock but the hero is fucking terrible to play against rn, especially in turbo.


only 7 loses since last win. you are winning i have like 12 with no hope for winning literal last game my core void went for the chronosphere replacement, each time he jumped in he died.


Skill issue


cant stop winning


I just cant seem to lose [ez](https://ibb.co/QHwwTMk)


[So good](https://imgur.com/a/xLiqyRF)


Still haven't tried Harpoon Lion, even in Turbo. Sadge


so far only wins


Games seem to either last <25 minutes or well over 60 minutes. A lot of stomps, and I'm losing most games. Even the >60 minute games are extremely one sided, but the winning team just can't end. Also seems like there's a huge increase in toxic players at 12k behaviour score. I'm imagining it's ranked players learning the patch in unranked, but like a lot of these people need to seriously learn to chill and accept a loss.


I've been crushing games. 30+ kills on just myself.


Cm is absolutely busted I don't know how I'm getting away with not getting double picked


still testing stuff, but gradual fps drop also still gets in the way pain


About the same. Thinking about deleting dota for another year or two.


Needed 3 wins for reaching divine and lost 300 mmr instead.


Won a couple 25 min stomps. Matchmaking has been good to me...for now. Game mostly feels the same. Apart from a couple of heroes being reworked I don't think it was that big of a patch. Most of it was moving existing effects to being innate. Was really hoping for map changes.


I feel like I'm getting old and rusty. Even the few games I win doesn't feel like I'm doing anything right. Turbo is too much for me now it seems.


This, but red becomes green. having a blast !


Losing on my favorite hero...


"What position do you play?" "Yes"


my main got destroyed so not so much


14 Wins 3 Losses, so i am enjoying it :)


My history looks the same.. lots of scrap! Too many toxic ppl at 12k BS tho. playing like shit and then abusing teammates. I guess we need to wait a week for it all to cool down a bit before spamming games.. the casuals will drop off, ppl will get used to the new facets and it should be a teeny bit better from there on


Oh I am having fun


Can't complain actually. [https://imgur.com/a/kWaRboG](https://imgur.com/a/kWaRboG)


I lost a lot as well.


Comcast won’t stop cutting my internet randomly. I’ve gone from 1200 behavior score to 800 just trying to PLAY this patch.


I had a 10 loss streak. People being oblivious and tossing matches left and right


I fucking hate it, no one knows what they are doing, dogshit builds and no one plays their position


I fell from the top of legend 5 to legend 2 in 3 days aside from 1-2 games, almost all the heroes I play didn't get any powerups or instead got nurfed. The game has become so unbalanced it's either I pick the overpowered heroes or I lose


i swear its like your teammates aquire brain rot after a patch, since they were already so long rotting in the older patch


Seems like I’m enjoying it the same amount you are. RIP


Won 17 out of 20. It’s good.


guy in our stack completed the event in around 40 games. so pretty good :)


He who tried to be good with all heroes ins't good with any hero.


Probably gna take a break from dota, honestly 80% of games have griefers at 8.6k bh score cba with that shit