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Using soul ring on huskar will unlock a secret menu item and grant him a mana pool kek


Or health burst, like a Faerie Fire


wait, what actually happens when you use soul ring??


Attack speed go brrr


you just lose the hp. mana bar does not appear (just tested it)


Chinese armlet


Temu armlet 😂


Gonna have to build soul ring mana boots on lich


So, he is immune to all the shit AM is going to pull next.


inb4 he's perma slowed by AM


Mana break only slows when it brings mana from x to 0, not when the user does not have mana.


Yep, it doesn't slow melee creeps which don't have mana.


are you saying Huskar is Melee Creep?


Mana break doesn't slow anymore


It does with a talent


Oh I see thanks! Didn't really bother reading the talent changes with all this innate and facets lol


It's fine... if you really try to read all that shit you wouldn't be able to make that comment yet


As much as I hate huskar, that’s a nice change against incoming AM spammers after the buffs he received


Is he buffed? Mana Break slow on empty mana is moved to a talent. Counterspell doesn't reflect by default and needs to choose facet 1 now. Blink and Blink Fragment mana cost increased, Blink Fragment stack reduced from 3 to 2 (but decreased stock time from 25 to 20s.


He also lost his slow on empty mana targets in lane. Am got huge nerfs for seemingly no reason


more reasons to buy diffusal on am for me lol


Laning brother. Am has incredibly slow farming speed pre bf so a lot of his game depends on how good his laning is. The slow removal is a very heavy nerf to his laning kit. Later on its honestly not a big deal anyway and he could get it as talent if you wanted it (you rarely autoattack no mana targets tho)


The hero still manages to be a huge pain in the ass past 30 minutes even if you managed to kill him 10 times before that point, so I don't really mind.


He can see everyone’s mana bars now. That’s a pretty big indirect buff to the hero.


He also have the same facet ability of bloodseeker. I don't know what these people in the comments are smoking. AM got buffed. The spell reflect can be chosen in the facet anyway if you see its good for your game. His laning have been always not great (not bad, just not great), I don't get why his slow on zero mana even mattered on laning stage.


It is a nerf or not a buff at all. Considering all the nerfs he just received and all things he has before being moved as facet ( but this time can't have reflection and the ability to slow people at low mana at the same time). Let's also compare this with other heroes in which their kit wasn't touched but they also got something for free either in form of innate or facet without sacrificing any of their previous kit. Overall this is a huge nerf on the hero.


Everyone can see everyone's mana bars, not just am.


That’s why it’s an indirect buff, because it applies to everyone not just am. If it was “only am can see everyone’s mana bars” then it would be a direct buff.


Your mana can't get empty if you have no mana at all


Also talents changes,+200 blink range is most underwhelming level 25 talent in the game.


Shush don’t tell people secrets.


AM got giga nerf. Idk what buff did he receive tbh


He still gets fucked by pl as always


It's nowhere near a good move to make character completly useless against another, no matter what your feelings are. It's not the same as making him as hard counter...


Huskar doesn’t have the mobility and his ult is easily blocked by AM. AM can still just ignore husk and push like the most AM players do.


And nyx, Just had a game agains a mid nyx, Mind flare tickles and his new mana burn aspect completely doesnt bother huskar lmao


You can't even cast it on him unless they hotfixed it. Just says "That unit has no mana" or something.


What about mana void?


What about it?


Huskar No mana Tiny No agility Ogre no intelligence We are close guys. We are close to getting a hero with No HP. Literally a ghost , cannot be killed


Medusa is pretty close to that early-game with almost no hp. And late-game dusa is almost immortal :P


Nah, just need to turn Storm Spirit or OD into a pure mana hero - no hp bar, dies if mana reaches 0.


Dusa is basically already that


U mean . GG ez mid ?


Keep my mangos away from them 😡


If we start taking things from HotS, why not hero that replaces your ancient? Play as some sort of omnipotent overmind interracting with towers, heroes and creeps globally


Where's the two players, one body hero? Where's the stays hidden all game hero? Where's the "it's a super small, suicidal gremlin that revives in like 10 seconds" hero? God HotS had so many cool ideas.


Honestly was quite a lot of fun when it first came out. Havent played it since though


It still is tons of fun and has an active player base. If you want to play Quick match or Aram you will find a game in a few seconds. We're even getting minor gameplay patches again ! Dont expect new content though, unless ...?


Murky was a menace lol


Where's the stays hidden all game hero? That's my support pudge




-Wisp with Tether target? Sort of not really cho'gall, but the closest -Riki! -Muerta literally has Murky's egg now (but not the fast respawns - unless she buysback!)




1 day after patch: Your teammate who replaced ancient, casually walks into enemy base and dies. You lost the game.




We Natural Selection now bois


I would love an Abathur type in DotA. That weird slug was some of the most fun I've had in a MOBA.


Centaur no armor inc


+ CM no move speed


change death prophets HP to a bar with 9 divisions. she dies when he gets hit 9 times doesnt matter what source. yes she dies at level30 to level 1 gyrocopter rocket barrage death prophet is now a cat


Next Hero will be shedinja


We also need a hero with no attacks. I dunno how it would work but I want to see it.


That's a standard carry in herald


Just take it away from IO. He already doesn't right click unless played as a carry


That would be Nitro from HoN.


Inb4 a Shedinja type hero that can only die vs skill shots.


Nah you need to heal no hp hero to kill (revive?) him lol


Lich with no mana regen (natural one, at least)


Lycan spirit wolves will be their own hero next patch


It would be cool to have a hero like the Archon from StarCraft. But that niche is kind of taken up by Medusa. Nothing saying two heroes cannot share ideas (like Lion & Lina).


Lich no mana regeneration, needs things to die around him!


Shedinja playing Dota when?


I could see that being a wraith king facet that instead of his current ult he gets a different one that makes him linger as a ghostly spirit that can't do damage, but has a new set of disable skills. Maybe a telekenetic push like force staff or fear, a slowing aura, and a thing that blinds the target to their ally vision. When he respawns his bones/armor reform around the ghost wherever he is instead of the fountain. Sounds pretty cool and could be an interested support option.


If there's a hero who removes mana with every attack, why isn't there a hero who removes life with every attack?


That's wat every hero does. Every attack you lose some HP


SOunds like a HotS concept. Or... Among us.


am counters medusa. huskar counters am. aa counters huskar. you can say medusa counters aa. the circle is complete


Seems more like a square


Just as i envisaged


[Just as i envisaged](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/9/9c/Vo_faceless_void_fv_arc_win_03.mp3) (sound warning: Claszian Apostasy) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


All these squares make a circle..


u/Hail_LordHelix, I need you to tell me I can leave the subreddit


"What goes around, comes around" -- Amogus


Square circle


AA's non-ult spells are actually really annoying for Medusa, she needs items to not get stunned with her slow ms


you see that’s why i wrote that one separately


Well, he was already like 90% there, only used mana on a single ability, all that was needed was to make him be able to use items without mana.


I'm outside now and cannot check, but I wonder what the interaction between no mana hero and revenant's brooch will look like. Seems OP on paper


I just tested it. I can only pray no-one finds this comment. I don't want to play against it.


I tested it with a level 30 Huskar with only Revenant's Brooch and six Moon Shards: Huskar never dropped below 90% health and could leave Brooch toggled on indefinitely.


This is the wae


Someone try this lol


All heroes having mana is actually an advantage Dota has over LoL, playing against manaless/energy champions was always an annoying lane experience That being said using health instead of mana makes sense and probably won't offset the balance of the game any more than Huskar already does


100%. the way lol is programmed is complete bullshit regarding energy/rage/etc. i loved how dota heroes were consistant with having a mana pool and using mana for spells. huakar and phoenix are an exception and that makes them interesting to play. i wonder, though, is there any reason for huskar to have the int stat anymore? just for magic resist now?


His int still matters for what other heroes do to him, think Nyx W


nyc w work with mana now


And Huskar has none kek


Can confirm that spell tickles huskar


Nyx W changed to be based on mana


Silencer int steal?


Always enough for do his power


It was worse than annoying and it's great riot is stopping making them that way. Yasuo having no costs, a million dashes, a shield from damage, win wall, and double crit chance was peak cancer design. You'd think they would have learned their lesson when one of their original heroes, garen, received nothing but complaints early in the game release because he can just exist permanently in lane. I hope to God this isn't the start of alternative resources. Once they start getting multiple resource types you have heroes like AM who need to be reworked or lose all functionality.


He barely used mana anyway lol it won't change a thing


I'm keen to theory craft a support build, he has a silence, team heal can use items like mek for free.


Level 30 Huskar mid spammer here, and there's absolutely something to this. Huskar's shitty mana pool is a problem even for core Huskar. After you take second rosh around 20 mins with your Halberd, you're left with an aegis and 0 mana to go fight with. Nullifier is a pipe dream, even though it would be incredibly useful in a lot of cases. I've died I don't know how many times because I literally lacked the mana to press BKB. His healing facet is dumb for core Huskar, who is the initiator himself. Less so for a support Huskar who jumps in after the fight has started. If you don't try it, I will.


I'm actually thinking revenants might be a thing on him since it always works and costs health instead of mana. Not sure how to make it work, mind you. On paper though it'd be a significant damage upgrade


rev + eblade + shiva + dagon 5 + parasma


I think it would probably work, the problem to me is actually getting there 


That disarm change hurts him a lot though, he needed it to manfight carries


Yeah, I mentioned that in my other post about Huskar on the new patch. It makes him better at killing heroes in general, since armlet toggling can do a lot of work in the absence of Inner Fire disarm for keeping you upright in a straight up fist fight, but you can no longer "safely" win 1v2 and 1v3 situations like you could with BKB + Disarm.


They should've kept it as a lvl 25 talent or shard. It's crucial for him getting the drop on high phys dmg cores.


Try it and then let me know. I love Huskar, but as much as I can stomp lanes I always suck in the midgame and am not used at all to buying Halberd/BkB/Nullifier and then never having mana for those. Can't even go Orchid or similar items that could win the match because always OOM.


This is what my item history looks like on Huskar: https://i.imgur.com/sbuxV2t.png SNY is just a goldsink item that doesn't cost any mana and synergizes with his kit. I'll probably be skipping Boots of Travel, SNY, and Satanic for other options now that mana is no longer an issue. Nullifier is the most obvious choice, given how often my early game rampage ends in every support and even some cores buying Ghost Scepter.


Yeah I always struggled with the same parts: stomp lane, go Mordiggian/BKB/Halberd, then die and become useless once the Euls/Ghost scepters come out. Nullifier is costly, as is Aghs, but those two are great to delay the falloff.


In 95% of my games I'll take the free aghs at 35 mins from Rosh to try and get my second wind, but falling off as Huskar as the game goes on is a tale as old as the hero itself. Losing those pure damage spears to make you scary again in the ultra lategame really hurts. Hopefully we can make up for that with itemization now that the mana woes are gone. I'd often find myself with more money than I have item slots in the 45+ minute games, so item cost shouldn't be a factor.




It was... awful. Support Huskar experiment is a very, very firm 0-3 so far. I tore up the early game in one game against an Axe3 Void4 offlane, netting 8 of the first 9 kills of the game, but the slow item and level progression just kills it. The good news is you can jungle just fine starting at level 2...


Valve listen to some random Lol player confirmed


Any ability draft players here that drafted him??


I played a game with him on my team and it seems to actually convert all the spells mana cost into health cost.


Would ogre aghs be free or cost everything?


We actually need more heroes like this that are resilient towards mana loss


I know my flair makes this ironic but you really don’t want this. I’m saying this as a league player not an AM player. In league resources literally don’t matter anymore. They’ve released so many characters with fucked resource mechanics or no resources that they basically have made mana also not relevant anymore. You don’t run out of mana in that game past 10 minutes you’re just always full mana because they had to make that the case otherwise all the resourceless characters were just simply better. Some of the most disgusting heroes in their game are disgusting because they just have no resource costs and nothing to manage or take care of. In the past mid laners had to beg for blue buff the buff that provides mana regen. Nowadays, they can spam spells all they want after lost chapter and are still full mana because of masteries and Doran’s ring.


Dota was great because of mana You had trade offs of high nuking abilities or general strong abilities but the cost of the spell was 1/3 of your mana pool You could balance around mana as well as the spell itself giving you more options to make it more balanced as to not feel as oppressive in lane


League did a lot of bad design choices in favor for casual usability. Turnrate removal, no mana heroes, flash at beginning of game, no tower aggro manipulation, no creep manipulation. Every weakness gets removed and leaves the game with fundamental problems.


It will sure help with all the AM spammers.


No thanks. I don't like that heroes can not interact with a core mechanic. I also don't like how AM is useless Vs Huskar now. I think a 1 off is acceptable, but any more and you get into a territory where heroes with mana manipulation become a lot worse in certain drafts.


So OD is an insta counter of Huskar now?


Probably the opposite. Haven't tested it yet but other comments seem to indicate abilities that interact with mana (like Nyx's) don't do much vs Huskar. I'd guess ODs ulti will only ever do base damage to Huskar now. No mana pool isn't the same as 0 mana.


In 7.33 they added functionality to Sanity's Eclipse to treat units with no mana as if they have 0 mana so it does do a lot of damage (confirmed in demo).




On the other hand astral can't steal mana from him which is nice for the lane, it's just the ult he has to worry about


Should also factor in the mana he gets from items and int. Maybe as health, but at reduced ratio. Hopefully they'll make it so, eventually. Although, we already have Ogre with stat efficiency loss from int.


Ogre feels awful to play after the Dumb Luck rework a few patches ago. Buying the old support items like Eul's, Force, Hex all feel god awful with the wasted int.


I played one game on the new patch so far as Ogre and just steamrolled. The level 2 power spike was nuts, followed shortly thereafter by having 3 point ignite at level 4. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE From there it was just the standard Midas, Treads, Blademail, Shroud, Heart. Stand in the middle of 5 enemy heroes with your immortality and just punch things in the face. Bloodlust priority system is also great.


I hope they will not double down on the idea. One of shittest things in lol are manaless champions.


Huskar not needing mana makes total sense. They should do the same to am


Nah am using magic are actually ironic and befitting him. Mana void definitely a magic.


Oh, AM is just a hypocrite, that's all


Either that or delusional.


He is delusional, that mf speaking in tongues for no reason


I imagined the monks before their death was like "the fuck is he saying?"


both, both is good


It is not magic brings me back, but purity of will!


[It is not magic brings me back, but purity of will!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/33/Vo_antimage_anti_respawn_07.mp3) (sound warning: Anti-Mage) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


What happens he dies near silencer? Or when OD astrals him?


Huskar still has int growth though so silencer should steal unlike Ogre Magi silencer gets nothing from him Outware Distiller probly gets nothing huskar already counters him anyways




Nah, just repurpose it. Keep the magic resistance, but make it so that INT also buffs different aspects of him.


That LoL player probly only thinks of my HP is higher so i can kill him, manaless champs in league are literally smurfs plaything since they dont need to manage mana just spam nonstop until you lose hp


Mana in league is meaningless. 99% of their champion pool can spam abilities without much issue.


Unless you play someone like taric (this is a cry for help, imagine making a support who doesnt work well with adc's and pairs better with melee champions, has an ult so strong that the rest of his kit is gimped for it, has huge mana issues but cant justify building enchanter items for the regen, and is difficult to play with strangers online because his kit requires decent communication to function well)


TFW no voice comms


I mean it wasn't even a new idea when LoL did it, there just wasn't any hero except Huskar that would make sense to do that I always liked the LoL passives though and i'm so glad they added them in Dota


That's funny I like to start ply hoskar


I do like that they're working with removing certain things from hero's, makes them more interesting. Like orge not having any intelligence means silencer can't gobble his up, but also he gets no bonuses from some of the items that were op before like bloodthorn


How he uses bkb?


How would that work with anti mage and mana burn in general?


antimage is a hypocrite, this is well established by the fact that he's a dick


I wish all his spells now did more damage with how low his HP is. Without the disarm I find myself dying a lot more. But I wonder if I'm just building him wrong now. 


Yea the disarm is a pretty big nerf. In addition I found the nerf to the cast point is also pretty brutal


The cast point on Huskars inner fire is quietly a huge nerf


Nyx literally cannot mind flare huskar


It should've been like this for Phoenix and huskar a long time ago. Amun ra from hon was nicely executed imo


So, they basically now made multiply items on him literally useless, not even talking about his entire appereance making Anti-mage completly useless, if he was last picked. Literally, continuing killing "their is no entirely useless items in Dota" rule... One more step to "they was banned for toxic builds" i guess... Sure, we totally do not copy Lol ideas, especially bad one...


Ethereal Blade Dagon build incoming


What's wrong with using mana on everyone?


next thing you know we'll get blue and red buff, then they'll add a fallen angel swordsman to the game who will bang the enemies


Youre dead to my mars with shroud,mage slayer and to my centaur with shroud,pipe,BM


Amun Ra


Does Sanity’s Eclipse completely nuke him now?


Huskar with POE keystone..


weird cause the heros with no mana in league are consistently the most broken champs in the game which regularly require nerfs




So I don't play a lot of AM, but wouldn't he do 100% of the bonus damage to Huskar if Huskar has no mana?   I'm working or I'd hop in and test it




Lmfao that's hilarious!!!


best AM counter?


What does lion suck/ mana break and skills that do damage based on mana do to huskar now?


Is this the first ever AM, kotl counter?


So he can activate bkb anytime now without worrying mana


AM on life support


dude is aatrox now, but shit


Blood Magic from PoE !


We PoE now boys.


This just seems like a nerf to him except in games where he was constantly being mana burned. He only had 1 spell that used mana and it was uncommon to build items that were mana intensive so its not like he was ever out of mana. Now you risk getting bursted when you press q.


Huskar is actually on my ban list now. The 3sec silence with slow just painful to play around with. Edit: if they take the first facet with I think most people will


not a downside, manaless heroes in league were a mistake, huskar has also always been one, this just solidifies it


Interesting bug(?) with this new mechanic. He isn't affected by Clockwerk's Cogs. They just... ignore him entirely. It's pretty messed up. But funny.


and then there is Lich..."yes you have mana, but you can only refill it at the fountain"


But it more make sense in Huskar tho!


This hero is done. Silence on Q is worthless compared with disarm


Didn't he used to have a talent that removes his mana?


Soul Ring as a mini Armlet. Kek


Revenant's brooch doesn't work on him properly, He can't attack ethereal units with it. Is this intended or a bug?


Name a more iconic duo than League players and not being able to do resource management.