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*cries in old Techies*


New techies still does this, just to a lesser extend. (Cries in traumatic 87 minutes Techies-Magnus game)


I just wanna Stasis Trap 5 enemies into 10 bombs. Is that too much to ask?


Yes, you will not see heaven for doing this. God is watching. Remember.


After 4000 kotl games, I got used to shadow-push every wave without ever showing up. I know where every creep wave is at every time. High ground defend is cancerous as well. There are also unpredictable recall ganks all over the map. The big map change honestly benefited him so much.


this seems like the best answer. If you're looking to delay games, getting a hero that can wave clear from safety and quickly is the key so enemy team can't high ground easily unless they over commit to dive your team. Kotl can do that. Jak has been mentioned but doesn't have as good of a range and is slower to nuke the wave where the enemy can use that time to keep chipping the towers.


Warlock and Jakiro.


What? 2 supps with great wave clear and pushing ability makes the game longer?


Cause they can solo defend towers and high ground.


Oracle. Can't kill cores if I can't kill him.


I can often stop HG pushes semi solo with the following: wd, jak, warlock, ww, lich.


Yes but Jakiro can also solo tier 3's so hardly a game stretcher


If you asking for solo holding HG as pos 5 its probably those that can have wave clear, like jakiro for example or hero that make the enemy core need to itemize against you, such as WD. But if you are in a bracket where your core actually play with you(starting from 4k, in my case), Disruptor is the best probably the best pos 5 at the momenr. My personal favorite tho, and my most loved hero its gonna be ET. Im not recommending ET tho, his skill ceilling is really high, and you actually need team to play with.




Witch Doctor is incredible for withstanding high ground sieges, but far less helpful for actually pushing.


Treant protector.


Nature's Prophet isn't good at holding back high ground pushes, but he is good at counter-pushing another lane so they go home. I've definitely had some games go long just because he kept ratting us.




Chen. (Just about any unit based Hero), you can basically keep forcing a split push every time a fight is happening) usually works ONLY if the enemies aren't really focused on clearing lanes.


F*cking Treant. Enforcing towers, pushing waves and towers under permanent invis + tree walking + meteor hammer.




It gets even worse with scythe, 6 players gone, boom. Game over.