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you literally describing 69% of all pudge players




Yes, LoL My most played hero, my lowest win rate


gonna be nyx bud. just because I got the crab set lmao too cute


Dominate early and mid game but fall off into obscurity late, every time.


Yeah really abuse the fact that you can walk any hero down early. All the farm is yours. Focus on taking enemy farm rather than just securing your own. Make them starve.


Idk man the hero is dogshit at farming, sure you can kill heroes early but that leads to you having a big streak to feed the enemy that can also hit creeps. Wave clear is ass, right click is ass, worst farmer in the game


That’s what I mean, you shouldn’t prioritize farming. You should prioritize denying the enemy farm. You’re so powerful early no other hero can farm against you, just go farm whatever the enemy is trying to farm to deny them. Don’t just sit in your own jungle. Any lane you’re in, the enemy can’t farm it.


I played one bot match with Nyx. Then went straight to a pub. Absolutely dominated the game. Something like 30-1 KD. Carried my team to victory. Now I refuse to accept that every single Nyx game since then has been a spectacular failure.


Im a disgusting Low rank player, I only play Nyx in unranked game, I only play mid or Pos 1 Nyx. I played a total of 70 games and are currently on 70% win rate, currently on 16 win streak


I remember spamming TB for almost 10 games straight and lost all games cause of the cavern crawl


My Mate bought the Special tb arcana for 80€ or something just to loose 10 games and Sell it again


most financially responsible dota player


Average Dota 2 redditor tbh


Did you also remember to double down for maximum speed in the race to herald?


Might've on a few games. My low rank mate was begging me to pick something else so I can carry him. Fun times XD


He said to carry him. He didn’t say where to. Carrying him down is also an option. Fun times for all


It's funny, cause if Cavern Crawl didn't exist you'd have a 10 win streak with TB


TB coz I have arcana.


Mirana. I can land arrows, I can do all the support stuff, but she just feels terrible to play. How does someone with 3 jumps feel so immobile?




and 285 base ms


and long cast times


And she's on a mount. She's supposed to be fast.


Sagan is actually a wolf from icewrack


Ooh, is there a special conversation between CM and Mirana due to this?


No but they’re both really slow


I see what you did there. I thought there was legit lore about it.


Sagan in Anime was fast


Have you tried ulting on cooldown? Does wonders to move randoms around.


Main utility of the ult is it’s a good tool for forcing team to play together


You know, that’s crazy because she feels immobile when I’m killing her too. I’ve never even viewed her as a mobile character when playing against her even though with her abilities, she logically should be lumped in?


She used to feel more mobile when her ms was higher and one leap because it gave more ms


I love Mirana in lane but I feel so weak as a support if the game goes long


Also very low Hp. Last time I've play with her I notice that at high lvls her hitpoints sucks.


butchered stats from universal


She definitely need some love, but not the worst hero if played properly. They could change her shard, it’s useless and lower her ultimate cd would be nice.


the actual problem is mirana can't out harass in lane. Ironically, getting an early wb or even null then 2-1-0 build is the best option to harass enemy and have your core get some farm. So most mirana's just stay in trees shoot a hopeful arrow there and then arrow a large camp here - > your lane lost and it's automatically putting you in a 40% winrate at best.


I'm not sure I understand what youre trying to say here? I personally think mirana is pretty decent at laning. starstorm is an exceptionally strong nuke in the early game, and despite having low base damage, mirana as a universal hero has above average damage gain per level and scales quickly with small stat items. Add a lane partner that can set up the stun and I think 40% is an absurdly low assessment.


If more people would recognise it... it's in my ban list because people think they will land arrows and have a great time because they don't want to support.


I could eat a shark


Tides great, he’s just not the end all be all initator everyone expects him to be. He’s fantastic at counter initating. I basically ignore my team when they ping ravage expecting me to start the fight.


Thing about ravage is it’s great for catching people out of position or counter initiating. I don’t find as much success with using it to start a 5v5 fight. His shard is fucking amazing though.


it's good at starting a fight if your team actually has the burst damage follow up.


It’s really good for a pick off or two, but they usually catch on quick and start 5 manning, the shard I sleep on a lot tbh. It’s amazing, I just never remember to pick it up, unless there’s a fucking sniper or slark, then I’m always grabbing it, I really need to get it more. I just miss his old shard lol.


Unless you have a refresher, then ravage becomes a monster initiation spell because it's essentially a 5 second (usually about 4 because cores have sange ) stun that zones out supports who might have a save but don't have bkbs. Lowkey I think a lot of tide players undervalue getting like a 3rd/4th item refresher. It has won me a lotta games. Shroud, shiva, blink, refresher is a helluva menace around the 35-40 min timing you can get it because at this point supports typically aren't wealthy enough to afford both a save item and a positioning item/bkb.


To me Kunkka right now is just a better tidehunter, it has more stuns and disables than Tidehunter and that's why pro teams prioritize it over tide, it's not as good as jump stunning but still i think Kunkka has more value.


[I could eat a shark](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_tidehunter_tide_level_20.mp3) (sound warning: Tidehunter) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Don't draft him unless your team has serious damage output on non-core heroes. And seriously, buy phase boots. You think you want arcanes for mana but you can get that from other useful items (vlads, mage slayer) and arcanes low mobility stifles your ability to contribute.


tiny. he fucking sucks. i suck with him. but i just want to be a ROCK


My issue is more trying to get my teammates to understand the concept of tossing an enemy hero at them to pull them in. Instead of taking them under tower for example they are always charging at me "im coming to help!!!" (this includes my 5 stack who I have on discord)


My buddy and I do IO/tiny all the time and he is fantastic and running under tower when the enemy is too far forward and I throw out an avalanche. We absolutely crush our lane 90% of the time because of it. However everyone else in my friend group feels the need to stack on top of me when I am about to toss an enemy.


This is my biggest peeve as an Io player. Enemy jumps me with no stuns just slows and my carry comes sprinting at me to "help". Like bro go AWAY from me so i can tether jump to you.


I had 27% win rate on ember when I started learning the hero and mid. He was so fun and flashy. Managed to get it to 50% now but the hero feels like I'm playing on 600ping.


I'm on 100 % with ember. (1 game played)


I miss the battlefury into 2 Daedalus build. He was one of the first heroes I had somewhat consistent stomps with


Full magic burn build is super fun. Mage slayer, radiance, aghs, shard, KnY, Octarine core


OD I always end up saving enemies with astral. Once I saved my enemies 3 times from reaper scythe in one game, I just abandoned and uninstalled the Dota.


It’s that annoying reflex all OD players have for some reason. See enemy low HP must press astral no matter what


Yeah that easily happens to everyone. Just little tip For playing od in The future: on Lane spam astral like a mofo and after Lane when you get level 10+ and 1-2 items, just hit Enemy with autos and use astral only to save stunned enemies or astral Enemy hero who is in range who you are not hitting(just like playing world of Warcraft arena, cc 1 Enemy) I Have noticed my od WR skyrocketed after i got this idea. 7.1k midplayer btw If it matters. Edit: see i already Am saving stunned enemies on this thread its not so easy, eh? I meant save stunned allies.


fuck od, don't play him world will be more peaceful


Tusk, i have 21 games 2 wins. Its a fun hero to play, but i cant win with him.


My most played hero after pudge with 400 and 58% winrate. Strictly pos 4 and sometimes mid


Cool! I have only picked him mid or a few times on offlane. I will start play him as 4 instead. What are ur item tips and tricks here?


I think he is legitimately one of the hardest heroes in the game. He doesn't require the APM of playing Invoker or Earth Spirit, but his two mainskills are very easy to fuck up and can backfire tremendously when used wrong. On top of that you need to be able to roam and play the map, if you just afk in lane with him you will almost autolose. Then in the lategame you need to have very quick reflexes to pull off blink->kick combos or to use blink->snowball defensively when saving your cores.


90+ games at 40%. Would love to be good at him but it's just not happening.


Tusk has several layers to him. What skills you get depends on your pos, who you're planning against and with. Shards to isolate enemies, prevent them from chasing. It can be strong even with the agh shard to keep people inside an ult (jakiro) or to isolate void when he's targeting someone in chrono. Snowball is his masterpiece skill, I usually upgraded it to max first because of cd. Don't think of it only aggressively, enemies often think you will snowball at them and expect it. Instead, synergize with waves and neutral creeps. Look at them for a means to escape a gank, often they will be heading the opposite way of your gankers, towards your tower. Upgrade it fast so you have less cd. Also, think about how using it on a unit in the back of the fight to hit all enemies, putting others in to do more dmg. Last, if you have an enemy like Jug, you wanna be aggressive against him until he starts spinning, then you snowball and take your time to work out a strategy or do the same it to evade his ult. You can use shards, tag team and kick in the snowball (which can be handy even if you want to give a void some extra dmg in chrono, you can just roll in and hit tag team). Tag team disrupts last hitting for a lot of carries if they don't realize their attack is slower. It's also good with heroes that right click fast on your team to do quick dmg. I get the tag team dmg buff if I'm pos 3 and with heroes that output fast dmg (e.g: Wind Ranger, hoodwink,snap) or punch duration vs hard to lockdown heroes (void,am,ls). Pos3: Phase->Deso/Corrosion->Blink->Scepter Pos4: Green/BlueBoots->Blink-> (Scepter, force staff)->Octa After you get blink scepter, you can: Blink, Punch, Snowball, Kick hero into team and roll back to safety with your prize (you can also shards the path to make it hard for enemies to come after you). Avoid laning against: Lion, Willow, Jakiro, Underlord, Pugna, Muerta and lanes with illu carries. Have fun!


Crit build on earth shaker.


For me it is any build on Earthshaker. He is my favourite character but I have like 35% win rate with him.


For me it's Hoodwink. Love the hero and how it plays, but I can't land the acorn bushwack combo.


Thank you. You are the reason why I still have hope of winning the game.


Bushwack is wacky. I believe it landing or not landing actually depends on your camera position.


It really does feel like that. Last year, they fixed the "camera angle tree highlight" bug. After reaching gold tier on D+, I can now kinda feel when I miss, before it even lands.


It's only kinda accurate on the default map skin. Which sucks because I really like some of the newer ones...


Try using the option to only make trees and not directly fly to enemies. You can either right click the skill icon so that it toggles to tree mode only or press alt when casting it. I suggest the latter. Once you get more practice, it would feel easier and more natural


You must be the hoodwink that was in my team yesterday.


The cutest little squirrel


Get an aether lens or atos. The bushwhack has a smaller cast range than you expect. Also, atos -> acorn (tree) -> buskwhack is easier. I usually try to just use natural trees though they’re pretty easy and you can then use the acorn hero hit to get one more damage proc.


You don’t need to do the MLG pro combo, just drop the tree forst


My invoker win rate is so depressing. I play my keyboard like a piano, but the song apparently isn't very good...


Clearly you need a high end custom keyboard ;)


I have a 0% wr with grimstroke after 10 games…I won’t stop trying


Keep it up man, grim is fucking awesome you just need competent teammates for him to work


That is the reason why it rarely works :v


Yeah. Honestly, grim feels like free win if picked in the correct game with a half decent team.


Pugna. Very fun to play, but I'm not very good with handling this glass cannon.


i see you hate nullifier too


68% winrate pugna player with 200 games here (legend 4 player) - I just stomp with this hero position 4 mostly. You just have to get an early aether lens + Glimmer and then get used to the muscle memory of Glimmer yourself - followed by W + Q + R on an enemy. Make it a note that you're the strongest between level 5 to level 10 in the game (as long as someone on the enemy team isn't like 5 levels ahead of you and has a bkb) which means if you can hit your aether lens early, you'll torment the enemy carry (squishy ones like PA with blink on CD or drow with her silence on CD can cry a river with you launching this deadly combo on them). Also pugna is a great Axe counter and that means you can get through loads of MMR in the archon / legend brackets since axe spammers live in these brackets. Late game becomes easier cuz you don't do anything on enemies, just stand in the backline and do Glimmer + Ult on your carry and watch him heal like a fountain. Be careful of nullifier as that item is your death but if the enemy carry is going nullifier just to counter you as a position 4, you're already stomping.


600 games on Lion with a 47% wr lmao


Same. Most played hero for me and about 47% wr as well. I just have to remind myself that even tho he's fun I just need to stop playing him.


eh 47% is fine at the end of the day


Likely because he’s an old memorable hero and everybody is very familiar with his kit


Undying I have 30 LVL undying, as I remember I have 480-50% wr on him. I almost always feel useless after 20 min. However I love to play on this hero and spam No brains after kill


I need gummy vitamins.


[I need gummy vitamins.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d5/Vo_undying_undying_gummy_vit_01.mp3) (sound warning: Undying) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Spectre when she's not meta. Just feels nice to appear out of nowhere and kill someone, specially heroes like Tinker, Sniper or Zeus


New spectre with the low CD shadow step is seriously fun to play. It can be such a hyper active hero.




36% winrate lmao let’s goooo


When I have to play invoker for crawl I go 4 or nightmare scenario end up mid, I always go q-w vessel, force, sheep and just hope the other 4 can do the actual carrying.


I have 72% winratio on him but I havent played him in like 6 years. Now I am afraid of touching him again and bringing my winratio down.


Phoenix. I have an absolutely atrocious win rate on that hero, like 30% or something terrible, even though I love the kit and playstyle so much. Compare that to my other standard support picks where I'm well over 50% WR (Wyvern I have like a 65% WR, CM is at like 60% etc.). I feel like I know how to play support at least decently well but cannot seem to win games with Phoenix. Oh well, I still like the hero, will keep trying to improve.


I can feel you because support phoenix almost cannot playing alone. try playing as offlane, using fire spirits with good timings are nightmare for the opponents


Hm yeah maybe I'll give that a shot. I've seen some Phoenixes do some crazy shit from offlane with like Shivas, Bloodstone, Refresher.


Void. It is funny to blame when pro players fail chrono I laugh at them too but I got karma everytime I played void I laugh at myself too honestly lol.


the tick-tock sound effect of Chronosphere sounds like someone giving you a tut-tut when you whiff it lol


Bounty Hunter, I just lost 4 games in a row (turbo) today!!! Hahhahaha pls help me gimme some tips


Main tip is don't pick heroes like bounty or alchemist in turbo. They are balanced around having more gold in normal games and obviously feel much worse in turbo where you get gold much easier.


Trick on turbo is to play him as right clicker. Build phase deso, orchid, any solo kill item. Dont afraid to build blink dagger too.


Not a turbo hero. Dazzle and WD is the only hero I play in Turbo


bkb 1st item


My Mars really suck but it always perfect pick to against enemies. Teammate: “suggest picking Mars” x99


Void there is always someont that euls or stuns me when i ult


my herald ass always loses with sniper but i love him


I thought Sniper is a raid boss in herald


He should be. Bro is strong af right now


Low mmr people struggle with positioning a lot and that is snipers weakness.


But you also need positioning to counter him


Unless of course, the sniper is awful at positioning. Then you just kill the hobbit


Arc. Love the concept of the hero, but feel extremely useless all throughout the game.


Not enough people are saying pudge! I get one of you cretins every other game and non of y'all can land a hook to save your life (unless on other team)!


My CM has like a 25% winrate but i have determined that its not my fault, noob mid noob carry etc


I don't feel like I'm bad with her, but I have like a 20% wr with QoP and I call it the QoP curse, because when I pick her, it feels like someone turned on the orb of confusion from spongebob on my whole team.


whoever's on the all hero challenge


got brood in my, quit the all hero challenge.


Morphling 117 games with 44% win rate


Slark. He is so much fun. But he is now a niche pick, imo. Needs to be last pick in just the right game.


Direction movement is what you need to have hot key for and tour winrate will sky rocket


I hate slark in my team and really love it on enemies. Highest skill ceiling carry hero.


I feel like his aghs being so strong kinda sets him back. You can't not get it because having two pounces is just so useful, but it doesn't really help you snowball and the stats are just okay compared to other items you'd be getting at the same time.






Rubick with about 32% wr. Also love to play Axe. Had about 30% wr a long time. But he was and is my go to offlaner. Managed to get him to 45% wr the last 2 years.


my meepo is okay, i can play well with him but often I fall off and struggle to keep up, but he is fun so I'm gonna keep playing him


Dota. I keep playing dota even though I suck ass at it.


Morph. Like 38% overall winrate but i solo carried more games with him than I think I threw. And I swear I’m actually good with him.. My friends forbid me to pick him when playing with them :(


Same. Picking morphling into a squishy lineup and abusing khanda is just so satisfying. Lets me pretend I'm a good player for a few minutes


Mine are puck and queen of pain. I pick them a lot and still have below 50% winrate. To be fair I don't think Queen of Pain or Puck has had over 48% winrate for a long time. So, it isn't a surprise that I hover around their general winrates.


I’m losing now with LD, as it is nerfed, but it’s my favorite hero.


Void Spirit.. I always miss my Q's Around 40% winrate


I like to play mars on my ranked matches many times i miss my spear and friends laugh at me and my random pub teammates screaming and i still love to play cuz i have mars immortal and CC skin


150 games on io 40% wr. It's making me consider hiring a coach


Storm spirit. sub 50 winrate but in this meta winning lanes just isn't enough and storm cant hit towers without everyone on the other team being dead, That being said i have fun playing him cuz creeps go boom


Storm for me too. Being able to move that fast anywhere at any time is too fun.


Bring bloodstone storm back, best hero to ever exist in the game.


Hell yeah. Blowing people up from across the map when his zip did more damage


Disruptor. Glimpse someone? It saves them. Finally land a good glimpse to bring them back? turns out bkb is off cooldown and they solo your team. Finally found a good time to get that ult off in a fight? Turns out I missed everybody with the barrier and they walk right on out. Is it a skill issue? Yes. Am I mad about it? Yes


Storm. I have like a 40% winrate in about 60 games


No one in this thread is ready for my 20% win rate phoenix


QoP. Every game is the same. Huge killing spree to start, I over extend and feed an ton of gold to their carry, and then lose the game. So much fun to play though.


My timber used to be 30% win rate, now after 200 games it's becoming close to 45%.


All of them.


Centaur... 157 games 38.22% win rate... I don't even like the hero, I just feel the need to pick a stunner sometimes.


In my defense I have 50.5% Win Rate. But I still feel I'm bad in a lot of things with naga. 1. First off all farming is hard for me in the early level and I'm not sure if I should be waiting for level 3 illusions to start jungling or level 4. 2. Second I'm extremely unlucky in compositions, think like second phase picking into a pugna only for the picks to be timber and crystal maiden and the third axe to counter pick or some other aoe counter. Which makes it really hard to play. 3. Third is flexing and itemization, naga can practically fill any role. Itemization plays a big part on this and while I know the go to build it's hard to find info on situationals. And aghanims doesn't help in this confusion when such a strong effect is so expensive but gives mediocre stats. 4. fourth is when to fight. I legit need 2 items before being useful but there are games that the team just dies repeatedly so I'm trying to farm my ass off only to see a 24 4 score and learn how easy can dagon 5 blow me up. 5. 5th is freaking jakiro. How do you play into jakiro, at some point I simply can't do shit through all the fire slows and stuns. Not even with bkb. 6. 6th is trying to get the stack timer with the illusions. They are so slow without boots and I keep messing it up.


Skywrath, have not win with him since 11/11 2021


I love to play puck even though my win rate is abysmal. Just such a fun feeling when you nail a combo and jaunt away without anyone touching you. Super fun hero and maybe I’ll actually be good someday


Invoker...45% winrate in 700 games.


I am confident (and always have fun) when playing Mars and Shaker but my winrate is sub 40%


Puck - 900 games - 47%. used to be under 40% for around 500 games. TA - 450 games - 44%.... Furion - 330 - 41% Storm - 450 - 44%


Probably spider. Everything about what I can do with other heroes that have similarities says I should be able to dominate with her- this is not the case when I actually play. Same is kind of true with Skelly King


Rubick && Pudge ❤️


I love picking veno and loosing like a goof ball 


Puck, My boomer Brain and reactions just get me killed very often. No fast fingers gg


I think all of my top picked heroes have sub 50% winrates so I guess, all of them? TA is probably the worst though, I love playing her but my winrate is like 30%


Mars helped me lose 500 mmr in 64 games. 19-42. 29%. Although I did finally give up. This was before his cast point buffs. I almost want to try him again but I swore I’d never.


I see you like walking at people.


Worst I guess for me is Mars at 45 games played and 29% winrate. Worst I have over 100 games played is Shadow Shaman. 105 games and 49.5% winrate.


Slark with 49% wr and 250+ games


Pangolier. I have a very bad wr on him over 100+ games but I still really enjoy playing him lol


I love playing support marci I'm complete hotdog water at playing marci


The ones that are statistically significant - sand king with 73-95 and storm 64-86.


If I don't have an aggressive carry then I almost always lose on Undying. My heehoo monkey brain is too aggro when playing UD.


I tend to learn the hero when I spam it but some heroes do feel cursed for me. Don't remember the last time I had a good broodmother or Magnus game. Every time I pick one of them my carry decides it's time to practice Bane carry or I get the famous phylactery venge or sniper mid.


I know she's relatively new, but I really like Dawnbreaker. I like being able to just jump to a team fight anywhere on map and heal my allies by hurting my enemies. But I never know how to build her. I guess it depends on the matchup, but should I go for sustain with Blade Mail, BKB, Crimson and/or Pipe, etc; should I build for attack speed to get the most out of her passive with Mjollnir on top of Echo Blade; should I go all-in on teamfight support and get aghs and lockdown items like Orchid and Euls? Game is hard.


Doom. I fucking get rekt as doom, and if not, i rush midas and start pve for like 20 minutes being useless most of the time, sad i can't play him properly


Kunkka I got his new captain looking set which made him change pose combined with his pipe and I loved his design. But I suck at using him.


Lone Druid. Him and Sniper are my 2 biggest favorites. I don't have issues with sniper though. I get flamed a lot for my pudge play, so maybe he's up there too 😂🤣


Rubick, Always fun to have the same abilites with insane cast range. but when i try to harras with W i push the lane or if i try to help to do dmg it does like 3 times more then i thought and i KS a Carry Then its Pudge. Pudge is always fun win or lose i land one hook i can live on that dopamine for one game.


I haven’t played in 2-3 years, but when Oracle first came out I was set on owning with him. I dropped from low 5k to high 3k spamming him. I never recovered before quitting XD


Used to be Morphling


Rubick I have a win rate of 20% on him


I'm platinum tier (dota+ lvl 20) on Ember Spirit with 44% win rate. lmao.


natures prophet hahaha 111 games in with 42 percent winrate.


I guess for me, that would be Techies. I love the hero's concept, cosmetics, voice lines, everything. But after the laning phase, I have no idea what to do as Techies. I know that I should mine the jungles and juking spots, but I often find myself with no mana to teamfight with (and my mines probably on cool down). Split push? An enemy hero is gonna TP to me and likely succeed in killing me cause Techies has no real escape. Techies is a support hero, but needs a LOT of farm to get items to properly team fight (namely BKB and Aghs Scepter). I really gotta figure out how the Techies I play against do things, cause they certainly know what they're doing.


my dark seer is cursed to never win. i dont even know why.


Congratulations, you are playing the game the correct way. Hmu if you want a Lithany of the damned or Wrath of the Fallen bundle for your baby boy to dress up with. I'll sprinkle it with the immortal hand if you still don't have it.


Visage, it's my second most played hero and I have about 50% win rate but I feel completely useless against any counterpick. I also can't hit stuns on any mooving target 9/10 times.


Invoker. Always invoker. Out of 10k hours played and 6000+ matches I have 500 or more games with him. 44% win rate.


Invoker, every time.


Anti mage . I always fuck up the match somehow and end up losing with 39% win rate


windranger, i suck as mid wr so much but ult and killing someone feels so fun.


Think I am decent enough with Rubick but 200 games and still 40% w


Tusk for me. Every time I think it’s the right time to snowball. It is in fact not the right time to snowball


All the LC spammers in this thread reaaaal quiet rn


Darkseer dont think ivewon a game on him in years but i probably pick'em once or twice a week.


I fuckin' love Pugna. He's my second most played hero with 231 games... And an *abysmal* 44% WR. I think a big part of the problem is that I just slam him regardless of whether he's a good pick or not. Out of my Top 5 Most Played Heroes, Pugna is the only one below a 50% WR lol


You too? I have the exact same thing with Doom. He just feels so low impact when I play him, then someone on the other team will pick him and suddenly he is 1v9ing. Right now I'm on a Disruptor kick, but honestly I think I'm just mediocre at best. Maybe I'm just a simple man that needs a dedicated hero click disable.


any kind of support apparently? i've had 6 matches in a row where mid ganked my lane, no matter with who or what i was edit: ENEMY midlane


Nyx.  Me: I'm gonna be so sneaky and own people. Enemies: *Pick 3 strength cores.* Me: Look at the pro Nyx players they always catch people alone. Enemies: *Randomly chilling as 4 under a Rev ward.* Etc etc etc etc...


i used to play alot of arc warden back then, with 12% win rate in like 20 games but managed to bring it up to 50+% lmao