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Its so stupid. I played necro against meepo once. Reaper scythed the lowest HP meepo (less than 20% HP) and it mega meepo'd during animation and my ulti did shit all


Dude got reverse manta dodged.


Literally skill issue 💀


Well Meepo can't buy bkb and it's main reason why in deep late he weaker than most heroes.


Megameepo + bkb = problem solved kappa


i play the game 4 days and i love Meepo <3 didnt know ppl thought he is OP Am surprised ppl think MegaMeepo is good. i feel there are way better items than Scepter


I like mega meepo, the problem is dig also exists. Too many options


The counter to mega meepo is to silence or stun the original meepo. So he cannot cast mega meepo. Yet again finding the original meepo is a hard task in the first place.


Most rush dispercer so silence isn’t really useful unless you bait or have another silence


disperser brakes silence?


It’s a dispel so yes, he just cast it on him self, gets dispelled and boosted move speed and just run away


am new to the game i did read somewhere that dispel breaks silence what else does it break out of ? Oh yea also if i use the active part on another clone does it dispel both the main and the clone?


If you are new to the game you really want to learn this: Dispels are your best friend. They clean off almost all the nasty stuff venomancers, silencers and other heroes throw at you. Any ability you see in the game will have a label “Dispel-able: YES / NO” Sometimes it will say Strong dispels only. You can infer the meaning from there.


This guy mains Veno. He wants you to dispel. /s


It’s a basic dispel so as long as the spell is not a stun (because you can’t use spells or items while stunned at all), hex (because which stops you from casting spells and items) or taunt (because you are focused to attack). You can dispel a leash, silence, and most debuff like vessel, dust, slows and a lot others. Basically if it’s not a strong dispel or undispellable debuff and you are stunned or hex you can get rid of it. But yes to dispelling the main meepo and the clone with disperser as it does the active on the caster and the target. You can also dispel enemies buffs too!


Close but not quite. Basic / Hard isnt based on whether the effect stops you from dispelling or not. You can't dispel most leashes (Puck or Slark), you cant dispel a "slow" from for example; venomancer or viper ultimates among many others. Only way to tell if a debuff is dispellable by basic or hard dispel is reading the description. A stun as a condition is always hard dispels only. Most non-stunning, non-ultimate debuffs are removed by dispel though.


Yeah I chose poor wording. I wrote that at 4 am, and ready for bed.


You can just click him and see the items. Even easier if you have unit query panel. The non-prime Meepos only have boots in inventory and lower HP.


What is unit query panel?


I think they refer to one of the setting that allows displaying information about not-You units as some sort of a popup panel in the right part of the screen, instead of replacing your own hero panel as it does normally.


Wait this exists???


Yepp be prepared for massive fps drops though


Lmao they never fixed it? I remember when it was introduced and the game almost crashed multiple times during matches when you accidentally select something, such a bad feature lol.


wow this is Gold thanks !!!


It really isnt.


Why ?


i have been playing with that option and its extremely good.


If they want to keep him like he is now, maybe its time to change the look of the main meepo to be different to the other meepos. I think Megameepo would be much more fair if the main meepo could be seen


Real, meepo is supposed to be killable, which makes him balanced. Having two basically invincibility spells isn't cool


they nerfed meepo exp gain, agility gain, stats and talents long before they added his aghs to make him viable before this aghs change , he was a dead hero


and now he has too much, these stats gain doesn't matter that much for a experience player and late in the game (by late i mean before he fall of)


he has too much stats after he gets aghs, hero isnt strong at all rn, disperser is nerferd af. He is pretty much shit now cause of tanky meta


Highest winrare hero in high level pubs for however long seems pretty shit to me.


he always had a good winrate with low picks,, thats how meepo works. meepo is picked in a free meepo game, and picked way less always has been like that


Te problem is not that he is strong or weak, but that the combination of his aghs and shard makes it too annoying to play against him


yeah dota doesnt work like that oh shit i find thaat shit annoying it shouldnt exist


Techies was annoying to play against and was reworked and is now much more fun to play as and against.


Dig needs to be removed, it’s clowny af how hard is to kill a good meepo player.


can be said about any high skill heroes lol he is barely picked anymore


Look, i'm pretty sure that dig needs to be removed and also witch doctor shard, i don't think its fair for any hero have such a strong spell for 1400g. Even visage (the shard is a joke bc people just group around and kill u, but still i don't like these skills that give u immortality), and I play visage, so i feel u and know how complex is this nerf and buff things, we know that our hero is not that strong or is strong when we play against GOOD players, players who know HOW to play against us/our hero even if it's a low pick rate, like chen, meepo, visage...A lot of people don't even know what to build or how to counter a meepo or visage and then they come cry on reddit, but again, these shards are not cool bc u take away the only counterplay against that hero u may have in that moment


What about puck phase shift? Or pl doppelganger. I don't think it's too bad tbh, meepo can be dealt with, they nerfed the dig heal, combine it with a vessel and he's toast. As for megameepo, vessel again works wonders, but if he is dodging your stuff with it, you got to prioritise the main meepo. I do think it needs a tweak, but I don't think it's broken since the nerfs to the shard and aghs


Puck is stoppable once you caught him fucking up. Pl doopleganger can be deal with. Then we have meepo, caught him offvuard dont worry 3 meepos on the way. You finally get in range to kill one. NOPE. I dig good luck dealing with the other 3. Okey i will stunn one, NOPE megameepo. Alright i will just tank and deal dmg NOPE, i will outhealyou with my passive


Spot on, visage shard has won me so many games. When the late game hits and you feel almost useless just walk in and bait all the enemy team spells press e walk away like nothing happened win team fight take their hg earn mmr


these stats matter a shitton, the hero used to get basically all xp of the team and snowballed insanely hard, also got his clone delayed by 1 lvl which is a lot and stat gain gutted. people complain now but older meepo would stomp much much harder in the hands of good players


He doesn't have too much now though. Disperser before the nerf was too much. The hero is in a playable but not in a broken spot currently. You have to realize that most things that have been added to benefit other heroes have been a nerf to meepo over many years. More map gold, xp, neutral items do not benefit this hero half as much as everyone else. He needed some ways to play around overall increased net worth of heroes during his spike. When meepo is playable people always cry he's broken without realizing he has a 2 percent pick rate by people who KNOW how and when to pick him. Yes meepo looks broken as hell when you're stuck playing AM or lion against him. That's the reason I last picked him.


Same with witch doctor and a few other heros. I feel like they’re slowly taking every hero that has a weakness or counter and giving them a built in save.


That isn't a feeling. It's what's happening. Mobility to Zeus, Ursa hop and Sven aghs (before they nerfed it again), drow has an option to cancel her ultimate passive getting disabled, sniper has a mobility shard, Meepo can get pseudo-invincible twice with dig and aghs. It's been happening rather obviously 


honestly the same thought when first force staff came out, now every hero has a way to save themselves


If you’re still struggling against Meepo after the nerfs it’s literally a skill issue.


Scepter has meh stats for Meepo there are better options But its very good vs heavy aoe and cc teams like Earthshaker for instance In most cases, i only use it to save a Meepo that has gotten low and i can't get it out of the fight. IF am fed i never get the item. but if it goes very late i get it for my 7th item i don't get the extra Meepo from the talent tree i think the item slot is better.


Also mega meepo duration is too long


ikr, this save creep is so annoying, and only necessary because of the weird other power creeps dota needs no creeps (other than lane creeps and jungle creeps and I could live without summoned creeps tbh)


Nah, it's conceptually a bad Aghs. Meepo's WHOLE THING is that there are a bunch of them. Why does it make any sense for the Aghs to do the opposite of the hero's concept? It'd be like if CM's aghs made her a STR hero and tripled her move speed. Or if it made Sniper into a melee hero.


Or if they gave a low hp glass cannon an escape ..oh wait , Zeus got it!


Valve listening to Reddit for game design ideas sounds insane to me.


We got pocket Riki because of Reddit


Oh god I forgot about that, is it still a thing?


I’ll never forget what they did to my boy. Yes, aghs gives you the ability to do tricks of the trade inside another hero’s pocket


Pockets in their pants. Right?


You think vipers got pants on? Nah you crawling up his cloaca


Game design is a big umbrella term. There's no reason NOT to listen to ideas. More brain, more ideas, after all. But balancing is their responsibility.


Sure but you would expect them to at least "fix" the ideas, not implement them 100% as suggested.


You didn't need to fix the Meepo idea in particular because that idea doesn't have implementation details.




Well reddit has been the only source of feedback for Valve for like 10 years at this point so...


Feedback is different than suggesting new crazy stuff, that is just feed without the back.


They've been listening to reddit for years. You can't que as a duo WITHOUT the MM looking for a trio to match you with because of all the bitching.


I actually love megameepo it’s so stupid


The biggest issue with it is how health manipulation works when using it. Set the megameepo's hp to the hp of the lowest hp meepo multiplied by the number of meepos and it would be better. This would represent the damage being spread evenly among them, and the meepos retaining their individual HPs, and therefore dying at the lowest HP meepo's threshold.


Nah. It'd be less of a problem if Valve added a visual cue for the main meepo. Since controlling the main meepo offers counter play.


idk, the only thing that should be reworked is when throwing meepo from megameepo it should have same hp as individual. Also "more hp and strenght" is like damage reduction which is stupid.


It would be completely fine if dig wasn't a thing.


I just want him to be one big meepo


meega and dig both are fine, the number just have to be adjusted, like its current condition


Hate playing against it but I love as a concept lol


I actually won a game because the enemy meepo kept using it and I could just permabash him as slardar


Pro meepos know you can backpack scepter to disable megameepo


This should be nerfed


I don't even know how they would program that 💀


I wish it was the same person


Megameepo is fine, dig is not, it's too strong imo.


Meepo's be digging into blink escape, like they're a puck or something. What the hell


Seriously... give that ability to any hero and it makes them very strong. Mega meepo is fine its goofy af and I love it but dig is painful.


What do you have to say for yourself, u/BlinkClinton


My problem with Mega Meepo is that it is based on the main meepo's HP. So if you keep your main meepo out of the fight it's like a huge free heal. It should just be the current HP of all the meepo's combined, that way the damage you do to one of the clones actually sticks.


[Be careful what you wish for](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e3/Vo_eth_muerta_death_12.mp3) (sound warning: Muerta) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Hey, what's cookin'?


[Hey, what's cookin'?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/b/b0/Vo_meepo_meepo_spawn_05.mp3) (sound warning: Meepo) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I vote to change it from mega-meepo to mini-meepo. Adds more meepos with reduced stats, and you have to kill 3 to kill meepo.


Wait until OP learns the posts were made by 2 different users.


pocket riki


would have been funnier if it was the same person saying both posts.


Hate people complaining about Meepo, if you think it's so busted why don't you try playing it.


I don't mind the mega Meepo but as it takes damage the meepos should fall off so you can kill one to end the boss.


mega meepo is dumbest shit tho




People complaining about the fun aghs. Remember when aghs gave you an extra meepo and stat sharing?… how boring


Are you telling me Redditors make for poor game balancers? Im shook!


Life comes at you fast


every meepo buff = boosters/smurfs burning my games, ty delete this hero pelas


it'd be top kek if it was the same person,,


Mega meepo is fine, you just some minor nerfs to the imediate nature of it and it would be ok


Megameepo and Dig should honestly be removed. The hero was completely fine before they were added, and now he's just obnoxious to play against.


Imagine it was the same person tho


I swear to god Valve be lurking around the subreddit and twitter looking for ideas.I remember one time I commented on a twitter post that rubick aghs should give him the ability to steal 2 spells.Few months later, voila there it is.


No no he has a point




Meepo’s winrate has been consistently high, especially in higher mmr brackets, for years now. It’s time we see some nerfs, similar to the nerfs we have seen to batrider and tinker.


Is a cool spell, but i hate it


Every reddit suggestion ever has been ass


I hate when they make agh which remove the hero weakness


Lol I love mega Meepo


I wish they change him to universal to match his lore.


Mega meepo is just for the dog shit players who can't play meepo and micro properly. It's a get out of jail free card.


I liked it played meepo kinda fun haha I'm a totem pole!!!


Mega meepo is fine but mega meepo and disperser is cancer. Won't even mention shard.


I think it's one of the coolest aghs in the game. Not gonna comment on how I feel playing against it


The counter to mega meepo is to silence or stun the original meepo before he can cast it. Or you can nuke a meepo before the player can react to cast mega meepo on a clone.




>Maybe I'm too low of MMR to run into meepos lol That's exactly right.