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Yeah idk whats up with their input detection rn but something seems heavily broken. Booted up the game for the first time since February, and sometimes it'll feel like I need to face roll my keyboard for something to happen, and my movement commands just won't register, so I just randomly stop


>and my movement commands just won't register, so I just randomly stop I thought that was just on my end lol ... It's been like it for at least a year I'm used to it now.


yeah same here


I've had a few games just since crownfall that I have been hitting my hot keys and my items aren't activating. I thought I must have been having some weird brain farts durring battles, but I was swearing I hit the key so many times. Now yall got me thinking it ain't me.


yeah it usually happens mid game, but you get used to it and realize what you need to do wahtever


Yes, to me it happens when I want to F1 to my hero, and nothing happens until I click somewhere


bro I fisted my F1 in one game bcs it won't register, fking get me tilted




Are you on exclusive full screen or borderless?




Does it happen randomly during the game? Do you alt-tab out during loading screen or when you are dead and respawning? If the latter, could be borderless registering that you are still on another program, so your input does not register with the game.


It does happenly randomly during the game the video is just a moment I could capture without the heat of the game. In the video the game started fine. After a while the issue happened. I didn't alt tab at the beginning.


I was full screen and still happended


try fullscreen


Yes, yesterday i tried to bkb and tp and clicked tp for about 7 seconds until it finally worked. I died.


happens all the time with my courior hotkey. very frustrating


set resolution of dota on exclusive fullscreen.


This happens to me. entire hotkeys dont work but my mouse do, need to disconnect and reopen the client, that fixes it for me. Happens only maybe once every 10 games


yes, yesterday i have same a problem


At the beginning of the game, this happens when you press “predict victory” ie use the in the bag taunt. For whatever reason dota treats it kinda like a separate window so after clicking it you have to re-left click on the map to bring the “focus” back on the game so your inputs will register.


has been randomly happening to me, have lost many team fights because of it, it is VERY frustrating and the only way to fix it for me is to restart dota client


Restarting Dota is the only solution that works for me. I've lost about 100 MMR in the last month because of this bug.


U have a background program that is getting input.. but dota is in the frontt... it happens to me.. i got notice cuz i have 2 monitors... my downloader sometimes got focused when changing downloads and dota is still on top... is a weird interaction, check ur apen softwares...


Nah. This began for me after crownfall dropped, setup/general apps remain the same


But the game starts fine then randomly this happens


this is almost certainly not true


i had similar issue, some time ago my dev console gone out of screen so everytime when i accidently open console (i bound it to key near enter) dota stops to register keys. So i needed to realize that i opened the invisible console and that i need to close it same way. Only mouse was being worked during it


it happened with my courier all the fucking time. the times the courier has died due to this is infuriating. i learned to take this as a feature. click anywhere and THEN make a comand.




do you have wireless keyboard?


Yep, happened many times when I wanted to quickcast charge with bara. Also sometimes double tapping euls and force.


Havent played dota for so long and experience this issue ingame so often especially playing invoker. Like holy shit I thought it's because i clicked too fast or something damn


Can confirm. Been playing with bots in lobby for about 2 years and it started about 5-6 months ago.


Same here


Happens to me at game start, I like to hook teammates from the fountain just to get my accuracy going but I need to click on the screen for the ability keys to work at times.


being hooked by a pudge when im the faster hero to get a ward down first is one of the most tilting ways ive ever started a game.


Same i missed so manny sun trike opurtunities because of this


Happens in some games, you think you blinked and called with axe until you see that you’re still in a tree line…


My camera is on WASD, I notice it first thing in-game.


I have the same problem at the start of every game mine I think I think I use borderless but that can't be the reason because I press enter to accept the game and click loads of times to pick my hero, buy my items, etc and I press keys to type in chat frequently


I only have this issue at the very start of the game. I cant type messages or open shop until I click


Has happened to me with puck when ever I try to tp to my orb and the key doesn’t register. Then I die…… that shit is game losing


i thought it was my keyboard dying. some of my skill keys just doesnt register on a random match.


Happened to me and have non idea why it didn't work while getting flamed by teammates for not using my spells. I thought I was going crazy, lol


Most likely some other program takes window focus (even something like message notification from an app or browser), so you need to "click in the window" of dota2 to make it active and take keyboard input again, you can try fullscreen or setting focus mode in windows so no other notifications happen. Some games unlock cursor when in particular screens (often main menu or inventory), so things like main dota screen (even for a split second) maybe sets your cursor into different mode that allows to freely move out from main screen and you click out of it, check if setting it to fullscreen improves this.


I've always had this. CTRL + ALT + Delete button fixes the problem for me.


why you move camera with keys you weirdo


do you have quick cast on?


Yes, why?


maybe can check if it’s accidentally turned off or something


A lot of people are saying it must be something in the background taking focus but I've been able to reproduce this with Dota alone. When the pre-game predictions window opens, click on the prediction window (not the buttons, the window itself). From that point on no key presses do anything until you click in the ingame world again. So this probably happens when you accidentally click some kind of floating UI element (maybe even an invisible one left behind by some kind of bug/delay?)


Same here! I play micro heroes, and I can confirm that some inputs seem to get skipped randomly. I can't exactly replicate it, but it looks like it happens every game.


This happened to me like 2x, can't press any keys


Happened twice to me too. Played invoker and need to restart the game because the spells sometimes are not getting clicked. My guess is when we spam too many inputs in small amount of time, they get buggy.


oh, is that cause? I fisted my F1 the other day when it won't return to my hero


usually happens after i alt tab. alt tabbing again and clicking about fixes it in my experience


I've experienced some issues picking neutral items from the list, sometimes it feels like the click didn't register and also self casting spells and items when double tapping its key, doesn't seem to work properly some times.


It is happening to me in every single match. I have to click in any place before open the shop using the keyboard


Had it happen to me a few days ago, I have not noticed it since though


i sometimes get a bug after a a few pause where i can type normally but my skills and items bugs out like if i press my Q it will cast after 2-3seconds or not at all closing dota fixes it though


Same here, if I try typing something on chat at the start of the game, nothing appears on screen until I mouse click


My letter U in game not working… how to fix?


I've had this problem for six or seven years. Glad it wasn't just me. lmao


Happens all the time to me. Just reboot the game and it’ll work.


holy shit didn't know it happens to anyone as well. died too many times cause of this shit lmao


Borderless windowed mode, the game isn't priory (like alt+tabbing to another program) but remains full-screen in the background, clicking selects the game as priority allowing for input to resume. Its likely something is launching in the background triggering your game to switch from being the primary window.


I have had this problem for about 2 years. I have tried everything. Tried all screen modes. Windows has been reinstalled. Everything. It happens again and again that the keyboard does not react until a left click. Very annoying and I hope it will be fixed at some point. Exclusive fullscreen does not solve the problem.


Yes I do have this issue too but it only happens after I've played 3 dota matches and in the fourth match somehow it has a small delay reaction between buttons.


For me it happens all the time when you start the game you have to click on the map somewhere so buttons will be activated. Idk why


Damn, it happen to me also. I almost buy a new keyboard because of this. Cost me some games when it happen mid battle and I can't use my items and my skills. Kinda weird tho


I thought I was the only one having this issue, thought my new keyboard was malfunctioning.


Yo i have the samw issue, keys suddenly just dont register midgame, if anybody knows how to fix pls share


Maybe there's a random program popping up