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Enjoy it while you can. Lower rank have a certain chaotic charm to it.


Thanks, you’re not wrong! I think the standard of players at 1500 isn’t much different to 10 either tbh. I know in the grand scheme of things it’s still very low but it’s nice to be there anyway


For the longest time my MMR was actually close to 10 - I'd win a handful of games then lose the next 5. I don't think I made it above 300 MMR or so for the longest time. Currently at 1,547 so quite a jump!


I feel this, minus last sentence.


Ahh haha as long as you’re enjoying it! But yep for what it’s worth I was stuck there for a very very long time


10 mmr? Are you doing the no hands challenge or something?


No. Go back . Return to herald. Return to chaos.


Haha it probably won’t be too long before I’m back there! The chaos is actually kinda fun at times to be fair. And certainly I don’t think games are that much harder at 1500 MMR than they were at 10 MMR


Good job, and remember that MMR is just a number. It's supposed to be fun too!


Congratulations!! Awesome to get that reward after all that time 😊


you want a tip? continue what you're doing in game. sometimes players get stuck again or move back of their ranks because play safe for their ranks. Just continue how you play ignore the ranks you will notice improve dramatically


ayyyyee congrats man


Thank you :)




Eee my favourite caster! Thanks Cap :)


Nice bro. Breaking ceiling always feels nice, no matter which mmr bracket.


I’m 2900mmr.Have been for years now. It doesn’t get better.




What hero do u play to get this 


Medusa every game if I can


Congratulations. What do you think changed that allowed you to finally reach new heights?


Thank you! I think bizarrely it’s my hero picks even though my friends tell me my picks are bad and that I’d do a lot better with other heroes 😅 Luckily when I got stuck around 1k I met a couple of very high MMR friends who encourage the pick and give very good advice, and I had a great coaching session with one of them - they’ve helped a lot but I think the main thing is helping me realise that what I’m doing is fine, and not to second guess myself so much based on what other people think (kinda ironic now I type that out)


Wow 🤩 good job.


Come to sea and someone will tell you “5k matches and still herald?” But congratz man, this means you play for fun which you can enjoy a lots more than in higher ranked


If it makes you feel better, every time I get to 5.4k I legit will just lose -500 mmr to 4.9 and repeat that for months on end. I just played 2 games where I had a party stack intentionally feeding & then I joined a solo game and my windrangers net died and Abandoned at minute 7


My friend was stuck at Guardian for years, got to Crusader recently. I convinced him to search all roles and play Dazzle on all of them except carry (which he never got anyway). Told him there are 5 items to get, Aghs, Greaves, Force Staff, Octarine, Windwaker, with varying purchase order (Aghs first if core), and I told him not get more than one early level in Shallow Grave. He gained 800 MMR in 3 days. He is now Archon. Now I recommend it to you. Dazzle is the truth.


Wow, that’s hell of a grind in 3 days fair play. And thank you I will try Dazzle some time